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30/07/2013. Stanford&Goldstein Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! Stanford&Goldstein has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! It’s been a pretty sluggish day in the industry as regards news stories, but as you know that doesn’t really mean it’s a bad thing. Especially when there’s no scams or closures to report. What I do have for you this evening, apart from a short news section that is, is a closer more detailed look at a highly promising new medium term HYI program called Stanford&Goldstein. I must admit to giggling to myself more than I should over the name (I can’t get this image of two tough 1970’s TV homicide detectives now running an online HYIP out of my mind for some bizarre reason, or maybe a comedy sketch duo, lol!), but honesty the program does look better and more professionally organized than average. Even more so than a lot of what we have seen in the recent past. So without further ado, let’s take a look at what Stanford&Goldstein are bringing to the HYIP industry and whether you think it’s good enough or not for you to want to join.

I’ll start things off as usual with the investment plans, that being the primary reason for reading this review after all, and Stanford&Goldstein have four of them. Mostly these are more medium term plans though the first one, Plan A, runs for the shorter term of 10 calendar days. This is really intended for smaller investors who either join for the fun of it or are maybe looking to see exactly how things work first before spending bigger later on. The minimum deposit is $10, but the maximum is limited to just $99 you see. For the term’s duration then Stanford&Goldstein offer a daily interest payment of 1.1% on your principal, which is then returned on expiry in a separate payment. Therefore your final return of 111% is your own money back plus 11% net profit. All told that’s actually not a bad return at all for something that’s basically aimed at allowing players to take a sort of test drive before joining one of the more expensive options.

Plan B then starts taking deposits from a $100 minimum up to a maximum value of $399. The term stretches to 20 calendar days this time, during which Stanford&Goldstein are offering members another daily interest payment of the improved rate of 1.3% per calendar day. These payments eventually add up to 26% by the time you receive the final installment, and can then be considered net profit once your principal is returned as promised.

For the slightly more ambitious players prepared to gamble with at least $400 then Stanford&Goldstein have Plan C. Running for a term of 30 calendar days, investors here are paid interest on their deposits at a rate of 1.5% per calendar day. By the end of the term that should come to a total of 45%, at which point Stanford&Goldstein promise to return your principal. Maximum spend is $999.

And finally for a minimum deposit of at least $1,000 you are invited to join Plan D. For this option the term will run for 40 calendar days, paying members an interest rate of 1.8% per calendar day throughout. Payments come to a final total of 72% at the end of the term (still not enough to put anyone into profit before the end of the term I notice) at which point Stanford&Goldstein should return your principal. The maximum investment allowed here is $5,000. OK, that might sound kinda conservative by HYIP standards, but in fact it’s only limited to $5,000 per investment. Not that I know that many people still spending that kind of money these days or anything, but if you do happen to be one of them you are free to make as many investments as you like. Only one account mind you, but no limit to the number of investments.

Overall the plans are pretty good I suppose, especially in terms of what can realistically delivered. I mean sure, there are lots of programs on the net that say they are going to pay you more than what you can find with Stanford&Goldstein, but as we all know disappointingly few of them ever actually deliver. So the key consideration here is sustainability. The thing that really catches the eye however is the list of payment options. Not only do Stanford&Goldstein include all the more regular industry payment handlers such as SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay, they are also among the few but growing number of HYIP related websites to start using BitCoin. Although I must admit I’m not really a user of BitCoin myself (not yet anyway) I always take note when I see them being used in the HYIP industry and am really curious to see how its usage develops over the next year or so now that LR is well and truly a fading memory. Anyway, payments to members are made manually by the admin and require you to log in to your Stanford&Goldstein account and make a withdrawal request. Once done you will then need to allow anything up to 24 hours for the transaction to be fully processed. Although my own have been completed a lot faster than that, I would suspect that’s probably always the case when a program is new and the workload isn’t too demanding on the admin’s time. Once Stanford&Goldstein get popular, and there is nothing to indicate that they don’t have what it takes to become extremely popular, I imagine that will level out. By the way, before I forget I should also point out that the practice of compounding is also allowed in the program. I’m no great fan myself but I know that lots of you guys are, so you will be asked to set your own rate when making your investment.

On the topic of design and security I can see a really impressive effort was put into what is a very professional looking website. I know these things are subjective are no more than a matter of one personal opinion versus another, but honestly I don’t think anyone is going to disagree with this, one look and you’ll know exactly what I mean. Stanford&Goldstein even include a series of tailor made instructional videos which guide you through the each stage in the process, such as how to join, how to invest, and most importantly how to get paid. It’s not something you expect to see in the industry every day, so kudos to the admin for that. It should really make things a lot easier, especially for anyone new to the industry but as Stanford&Goldstein are running off a totally unique and custom designed script I think a lot of the older more experienced players might enjoy the videos too. Hosting is on a dedicated server provided by RivalHost, and the website is then using the protection of CloudFlare to ward off any potential attacks. For safer browsing and more secure transactions Stanford&Goldstein are using SSL encryption from GlobalSign, and if you have any further questions for the admin or account related issues that need dealing with they can be contacted via a number of different channels. Most common would be the online support ticketing form I suppose, where you can fill in your details, submit, and wait for a response. Alternatively you can just e-mail them directly if you prefer at the address listed on their contacts page. There is a Live Chat feature installed though at the time of writing I can’t comment on its effectiveness as I have never actually seen it operating. And lastly you will find Stanford&Goldstein using the popular social network sites such as Twitter and Facebook as well as their own YouTube channel.

Texts, what there are of them, seem original just like the rest of the Stanford&Goldstein website but are still about as vague as one would expect for any online HYIP website. Plenty of talk without much information if you know what I mean, where they claim to be involved with “private investments” but go no further in explaining what that involves. Not that it matters to me or to most experienced investors who would all be in general agreement to ignore that side of the program (indeed that side of the entire industry for that matter) anyway. So at the end of the day Stanford&Goldstein might look to be a better HYIP than average but is still an online HYIP just the same. That means you need to establish a spending limit that you can both comfortably afford to lose should things not work out for you, and at least try to diversify your portfolio by keeping Stanford&Goldstein as a smaller part of something much wider and more varied.



The admin of InstaBank Brandon has improved his website by adding some convenient features to make the process of joining much easier. With this aim in mind a new improved FAQ page was added today to explain how the program works in greater detail. Some of the points in the new Frequently Asked Questions page you can dismiss as irrelevant, like the claim that InstaBank is officially registered in the UK. As I already investigated earlier (read my article on it here), this “incorporation” in the UK has close to no benefits for investors and in no way protects you from a losses. In fact the process of registering a company is very simple and totally anonymous in the UK, which is why HYIPs like it so much. That is why it’s always very important to be aware of what InstaBank and all other HYIPs really are and only invest amounts you can afford to lose. Although to the admin’s credit, many other questions pertinent to joining InstaBank were properly addressed in the refurbished FAQ page, now grouped into five chapters devoted to individual subjects. One such question concerned the instant payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. Usually instant that is, but when the amount is higher than $500 it’s made manually within 24 hours for security reasons. So far all my own withdrawals from InstaBank have been processed instantly and I hope that it will continue for a few more weeks at least. Plans include 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 136.5%-600% after 7 days, 176%-950% after 14 days, 360%-2100% after 30 days, and all include your principal as part of the payment. More on InstaBank is in my detailed review published last night (click here to read it) and below is the latest news from Brandon:

New FAQ Page at InstaBank
We have just published a new version of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. It is now more informative and better structured. We think that it is important for every client of InstaBank to get familiar with it. An educated and informed investor is a smart investor!
You can find our new FAQ page here:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question that is not answered there.
Best Regards, Brandon Hayden


I myself was unaware of the fact that SeedFunding have been running an emergency contact blog until today, when the admin mentioned it in the most recent update posted in the News section of his website. Please use the link provided for the blog in any emergency cases or in case the main SeedFunding is offline. I believe that it will be a very useful feature for members who always exaggerate when a HYIP faces any issues or like to create panic on forums and monitors. Such a blog is a definite antidote from such people and when (if!) maintained properly will be able to alleviate all the fears and concerns one might have regarding problems that turn out to be trivial. The full update from SeedFunding is below and contains the link to the blog which you should bookmark if you’re an investor there:

Did you bookmark our emergency blog?
Let me remind you to bookmark and pull it up if and when our website does not display.
That blog is ugly and one of us needs to take some time to make it look a little better, but, in our opinion, right now the only thing that counts is, this is where you will find out what’s going on when there is a technical problem.
We cannot update our blog if we have an electricity outage ourselves, or our internet provider decides to do maintenance in the middle of the day, but if there are server downtimes or ShadowScripts is doing something in the background, then is where you will read about it.

For those of you who didn’t read my original review of SeedFunding published here, I’ll just remind you the program pays on three investment plans – 1% for 120 business days, 6% for 22 weeks, 30% for 5 months – via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay starting from a $100 minimum.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: MalaysianINC, EmpireFinanceGroup, PureIncome, CatenaFinance, BlackGold, InstaBank, ArgoMoney, Stanford&Goldstein.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GrandCapital, TheInvestmentBank, GetInstantWithdraw, InvestAge, StrongInvestment.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with a full review of SolomonHit and the usual daily news from the industry!

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