July 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all been having a nice weekend so far. It’s the final day of my own vacation here in Madeira so I’ll be heading off home in the morning. Therefore to save myself some time I’ve decided to publish tonight instead of Monday, though depending on what happens I might be back again then anyway. But to finish up the week I have a couple of news stories to catch up on, and not all of them good either I’m afraid.


The first item of business on tonight’s agenda is the recently launched NewAgeInvestments, and let’s get straight to the point here and say this program has been a dismal failure. It got off to a promising start I will admit and did indeed put its first investors into a reasonable profit, but that was about all it did as subsequent members have all been scammed. The program (which is still online of course so do be careful) has plans offering 23% for 5 days, 120% after 5 days, and 145% after 10 days. Unfortunately it only ran for a week before it got into trouble, either running out of money, not enough new members to pay the old ones, or else just a plain old fashioned fast scam where the admin deliberately organised things to steal as much as possible while paying out as little as he can get away with. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t really matter and is purely academic now as the outcome is still the same for the investors – NewAgeInvestments has stopped paying, so please do not invest there. You have been warned! I’d only like to add that although the program was only recently reviewed on MNO, it was always going to be an exceptionally high risk and underlines the point (especially to MNO email subscribers) that you must always check the current status of every program on the MNO monitor before joining. Despite being relatively new you see, MNO was still the first monitor to flag NewAgeInvestments as Problem so you need to stay vigilant no matter what.


As you might remember from my previous updates WunevAssets suffered some disruption from the latest change in the SolidTrustPay SCI interface when deposits made in the program were not credited to members’ accounts properly. During the search for a solution with the WunevAssets‘ programmers the automated deposits via STP were changed to manual and withdrawals postponed. Finally last night the WunevAssets admin Nicolasina announced that the situation seemed to be under control so a newsletter was issued with the following statement:

WunevAssets SolidTrustPay Deposits
Our programmers have currently implemented a new STP module. SolidTrustPay deposits should now be automated again and work directly from your account panel. The new module will be tested over the next few hours for any kinks as real world testing is done by the receiving of automated deposits. We will keep you updated.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg

A few hours later WunevAssets issued a more detailed newsletter confirming that deposits via SolidTrustPay were working again and would all be processed instantly. The admin also asked for patience from those affected by the STP issues and promised to pay any outstanding STP withdrawals very soon. At the same time it was emphasized that no transactions to the other payment processors accepted by WunevAssets – PerfectMoney and EgoPay – were affected. I hope that the admin catches up on the requests soon and commend him for keeping investors informed and taking such decisive measures to stay in control of the situation. WunevAssets was first reviewed on MNO here and has been running for over seven weeks now paying on the single investment plan of 3.5% for 75 calendar days on deposits starting from a $10 minimum. The full newsletter from WunevAssets is below:

WunevAssets SolidTrustPay Automatic Again
Thank you for your patience during our re-programming of our SolidTrustPay portion of our website. It has been a very busy Friday and Saturday for us. SolidTrustPay is once again automatic. You can deposit automatically from your WunevAssets accounts with no issue.
The SolidTrustPay backlog of withdrawals will begin processing in the next few hours. Please allow up to 36 hours from the time of this message for your request.
Additionally, EgoPay and PerfectMoney has been unaffected for depositing or withdrawals during this re-programming.
If you have submitted a support ticket over the last 24 hours, please accept our apology if we have not gotten to it yet as we have made the site functionality a priority. Thank you to our programmers who have taken SolidTrustPay’s curve ball towards merchants and solved the extensive coding issue quickly.
There is no issue with any SolidTrustPay functionality anymore and it automated again because of the quick work of our programming team.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


Just as I was about to post the latest news on WunevAssets, there was yet another newsletter from the admin stating that the issues with STP have continued and unfortunately not everyone was paid yet due to yet another glitch found in STP’s new payout interface which the programmers are currently working on. If it’s not solved within the next few hours, the admin will consider allowing those who invested in WunevAssets via SolidTrustPay to withdraw their earnings to EgoPay or PerfectMoney by enabling an internal exchanger. However this is very much a last resort, as the admin is still hopeful the problem can be resolved soon. In the latest newsletter from WunevAssets posted just an hour ago there was some positive information about the upcoming webinar that will commence in 8 days from now and a recorded version of which will be available for members, even if they can’t participate. The invitation to attend the webinar which will focus mainly on the trading reports which the program allegedly finances the high payments of 3.5% for 75 calendar days. If the event actually goes ahead then it will be the first time since BensonUnion this happened and will definitely increase the program’s exposure. Stay tuned for more info on the webinar on MNO blog and in the future newsletters from WunevAssets. For now please read the breaking news update below:

SolidTrustPay Withdrawal Requests
We found an error in the new SolidTrustPay module of our website after about 100 withdrawal requests were paid. We noticed the withdrawal requests were not being paid in order from oldest to newest like they should be. We were going to continue, but some were not being credited properly as paid to WunevAssets accounts once we paid them. The programming team has been working on it for the past 5 or 6 hours now. Everything else is working properly fortunately even after receiving now real world testing from members. EgoPay, PerfectMoney, withdrawals and deposits are working properly as well as SolidTrustPay deposit crediting. A newsletter will be sent out once this bug is fixed today and once again STP payouts are paid in order of request correctly. We are also thinking of opening up currency exchange on STP withdrawals to PerfectMoney or EgoPay at one point today depending on the progress to speed up things. You can send your thoughts on that to me on Skype or via email.
I am excited on the other hand to finish preparing for our first live WunevAssets Webinar, which will be taking place in now just about one week. The WunevAssets Webinar will include myself and two of our Zulutrade traders over audio and video to discuss WunevAssets Revenue streams and go over the past few weeks on revenue earned in trading. We will be revealing our Zulutrade commission history as well which is in essence free revenue for our company. The Webinar is scheduled for Monday July 29th, 2013 at 1PM Eastern Time / 6PM British Time. Stay tuned for the Webinar registration link which will be sent out Sunday July 28th, 2013 so you can reserve your spot. The Webinar will be recorded as well in its entirety and posted online for everyone to view so you may send it to your downlines as well.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


As Stable6 is also running off the same ProBiz script, the issue with crediting STP deposits and processing withdrawals to that payment processor affected the program to some extent as well. However the admin managed to fix everything pretty quickly and at the time of writing everything was running smoothly and all STP transactions were processed as usual. Online for 11 days now, Stable6 has been paying fine so far but still not enough to put investors in either of the plans – 6% for 25 days or 125% after 15 days – in profit. Yet the admin said last night that Stable6 had reached 1,000 members and therefore decided to offer a promotional deposit bonus of 6% that will be available for any new deposits made till the end of Sunday GMT. Depending on when you read this, the offer may have expired. As any sudden bonus suddenly appearing in an online HYIP over the weekend, I would treat this with suspicion. However that it’s only 6% in my opinion will probably not pose a threat or indicate the intention to scam. I remind you that more about Stable6 which accepts deposits via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay from a $10 minimum can be found in the detailed review published here. The latest news from Stable6 is below:

Stable6 NewsLetter-3!
Hello Stable6 Members,
We noticed that some of the other programs online are facing issues with SolidTrustPay.
We were aware of that particular issue with SolidTrustPay that they were updating their SCI and API coding just a few hours before the timer was up and we managed to fix it with our programmers just in time to make sure everything runs smoothly. So you will notice that no one faced any problems with depositing or withdrawing funds through SolidTrustPay in Stable6.
Today, we have upgraded a new Firewall in our server so the site was a little slow loading during this process but returned to normalcy soon after and most of you would noticed that it has become easier to load.
We are proud to first announce that we are celebrating our 1000 Stable6 Member achievement within 10 days of being online.
Now, you will see that we are therefore we are giving a promotional 6% Deposit Bonus for your new investment this weekend. Please note that this bonus will only be available for 30 hours starting from 5.00 PM Saturday, July 20, 2013 GMT.
This bonus offer will end on 11.59 PM Sunday, July 21, 2013 GMT. Please note that this offer is only valid for those who invest within this stipulated period mentioned above.
In the deposit page, you will see the ‘Promotional Deposit Bonus – Yes 6%’ text, which indicates that this particular bonus is available.
Well that is all the updating we have for you this weekend. Have a great weekend.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. Business is as usual at Stable6 during the weekend so we will be available 24/7.
Thank you. Stable6 Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list:  –
From MNO Premium list: MalaysianINC, WunevAssets, PureIncome, RFIGroup, Stable6, CatenaFinance.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GrandCapital, TheInvestmentBank, InvestAge (the first payment received).

That’s about it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and see you all again next week. Bye for now, everyone!

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