July 2013 Archives

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Beware! LucroBankLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Typical for a summer Saturday there’s not a great deal of news to report on tonight, so I guess the admins are trying to enjoy their weekends. As I hope you are too by the way! But before I move on to what’s going to be a short enough news section tonight I’m going to start off with a more detailed look at a brand new program by the name of LucroBankLimited. One for the fans of shorter term HYIPs here I would think, many of you will notice the similarities in style – of the investment plans certainly – the program shares with any number of other popular schemes that ran in recent years. In other words it might turn out that LucroBankLimited becomes a nice earner for those players who know how best to use programs like this one, what to take, and what to avoid. So let’s start off then with the plans and see if there’s anything you might wish to have a shot at yourself.

You have five plans to choose from in LucroBankLimited, all except one of which pays you just once on expiry. The exception is a plan that makes daily payments, though it only runs for two days in the first place and has to compete against another plan which only runs for one. And that’s where we begin.

LucroBankLimited‘s first investment plan pays on expiry of a term running for 1 single calendar day, and can be joined for $10. The final return you are paid will depend on the amount you spend, but for the majority of you I assume that’s going to be 104% which is paid to deposits from the aforementioned $10 minimum up to a maximum of $500. That includes your principal of course, so it’s your own money back plus 4% net profit from the program on top for yourself. Other rates include the following:
105% for deposits between $501 and $2,000, and 106% for anything above that to a maximum value of $5,000. Higher amounts are accepted, though I suggest you check your LucroBankLimited account area for those figures.

This is followed by a plan running for 2 calendar days, from which members can withdraw on a daily basis. LucroBankLimited keep the $10 minimum deposit in place, and for anything up to $500 are offering 54.5% interest per day, principal included. That adds up to a total of 109% in total, or your own money back plus an extra 9% profit. LucroBankLimited‘s other rates include:
55.5% daily on $501 to $2,000 (11% profit), and 56.5% on $2,001 to $5,000 (13% profit). See inside your private members account area for rates applicable to larger deposits.

Returning to on expiry plans next, and LucroBankLimited‘s third plan runs for a 5 calendar day term. For anything between a $10 minimum deposit up to a value of $500 members are being offered a final return of 125%, principal included, meaning 25% profit for yourself. Other rates include:
130% on expiry for deposits of $501 to $2,000, and 135% for $2,001 to $5,000. You can see your LucroBankLimited members account area for information on larger deposits.

As we can see things get progressively more and more risky as the terms get longer, but no doubt the experienced readers will have seen this and will know what’s coming next. But for the next plan LucroBankLimited still only ask for the same $10 minimum so in financial terms there’s no real need to risk that much unless you really want to. The term runs for 14 calendar days, and deposits up to a maximum value of $500 are offered 177% in return, principal included, or 77% net profit on expiry. Other figures include:
191% on amounts between $501 and $2,000, and 205% on anything from $2,001 to $5,000. Check out the inside of your LucroBankLimited members area if you are for some reason still interested in the figures offered for amounts even larger than that.

And so for the final and highest risk plan of all, the term runs for 30 calendar days with LucroBankLimited paying once again on expiry of the term. They are taking the same $10 minimum deposit, though cheap or not you still have to wonder first and foremost about the likelihood of ever getting even that back let alone a profit. But if you do decide to take the chance then deposits up to a maximum value of $500 are offered 300% interest, principal included, or 200% profit. Other rates include:
500% on amounts from $501 to $2,000, and 1,000% on figures between $2,001 and $5,000. Once again if you want to look at even more unrealistic and unfeasible figures you can check out what’s available in your own LucroBankLimited private member’s account area.

OK then, no need to beat around the bush as it were, experienced readers will already be fully aware of this anyway so let’s be totally blunt. The plans you have just seen described above represent a mix of some very modest but in the short term perfectly obtainable profit making opportunities that will, up to a certain point, make some easy money for regular HYIP players savvy enough to tell the clear difference between what else is in the mix. And that’s a section of what will appear to the first time investor as some utterly amazing money making ventures too good to be true. Too good because the only likely profiteer would most likely be the LucroBankLimited admin. Still, I do believe most MNO readers are by now able to separate the wheat from the chaff as the saying goes, and know where the best strategy lies here.

If so then I guess you’ll need to know about LucroBankLimited‘s range of payment handlers. Currently you can use any of the three remaining major processors still accommodating the online HYIP industry, namely SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. Withdrawals are not processed instantly like we might normally have expected from programs of a similar style to LucroBankLimited in the past, but are rather processed manually by the program’s admin. This requires you to log into your account with LucroBankLimited and make a formal request for it. Processing times shouldn’t be too bad however as all of my own were handled within the space of a couple of hours. Just take note that the FAQ page does inform users that the admin reserves the right to take anything up to as long as 24 hours to ensure that all transactions are completed properly. There’s no minimum withdrawal to PerfectMoney, but smaller investors please note that to SolidTrustPay it’s $0.50¢ and to EgoPay it’s $1.

Moving onto the more technical design and security side of LucroBankLimited, this is perhaps what most indicates how serious the admin is in at least trying to run a decent program. At a time when you might expect most new admins to be attempting to make savings and cut corners on as much as possible – and of course in the process compromise their program’s quality and integrity – the LucroBankLimited admin would seem to have the experience to know better. Or at least when it comes to security he does anyway, as this is something that will basically lose you more money in the long run if you’re afraid to spend a couple of extra bucks at the beginning and get these things right the first time. In this case LucroBankLimited have gone straight to BlockDos whose reputation as the number one provider handling HYIP related websites remains very much unblemished. They have the program on a dedicated and protected server so downtime will be both unlikely to last very long, or indeed unlikely to be all that much of an issue at all. Please note that this has absolutely no bearing whatsoever over the security of your actual deposit or the high financial risk the investor takes when joining online HYIPs, but when a program offers plans of the nature you find in LucroBankLimited, stability is essential to cash flow and therefore the overall success of the HYIP. Other than that you the LucroBankLimited website is fully SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders so is going to have an instantly recognizable and user friendly appearance to most regular players.

If you still have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues then LucroBankLimited can be reached by a couple of different channels, the main one being I suppose the online support form where you fill in your details and submit through the contacts page. LucroBankLimited also include a Live Chat feature and a telephone number if you’s care to try your luck with that. I’m unable to say however when, if ever, there might be someone on the other end of these services actually waiting to answer you though I have at least seen the chat feature online. Fans of social networking sites can also find LucroBankLimited keeping a profile on Facebook.

As for the texts and website content, as you may expect from an online HYIP it’s all a bit vague and certainly nothing you can verify for yourself. The actual business plan is more or less skipped, with the admin just barely referencing some personal activities while not explicitly stating that as a website LucroBankLimited itself is anything other than another online HYIP, and of course by now the longer term readers of MNO will have seen countless similar schemes to this come and go quite regularly over the last couple of years. The amount of success they enjoyed (or rather the members enjoyed) was varied to say the least, some being total failures while others were massive hits that returned huge profits for a good number of investors. Whatever way you look at it though the type of thing that LucroBankLimited are offering does tend to be popular among shorter term HYIP players, and that much can’t be denied. If you want to know how much of a success LucroBankLimited is going to be however, well, unfortunately you’ll all have to wait until after the program closes before anyone can honestly answer that question! Meanwhile you should all know the usual rules of basic financial safety when playing with high risk HYIPs, most importantly to never ever exceed a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose, plus if you’re joining LucroBankLimited at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. That doesn’t mean you join every program that comes along obviously, it’s just to protect you from heavy losses if any one single program were to close and provide a way of recouping that money.



Despite still being brand new after a launch just a few days ago Stable6 already managed to attract a lot of attention from MNO readers and other HYIP investors. According to the latest newsletter the admin sent today, during its first 48 hours online Stable6 got around 500 members which is a very decent result considering the total removal of LR from the industry and the slow-down that followed. I believe this was partially my contribution as the admin admitted himself by linking to Stable6‘s latest review published on MNO last night (click here to read). In it you can read about the main features of the program plus a detailed analysis of its two investment plans paying 6% for 25 days and 125% after 15 days. Currently Stable6 already accepts a wide variety of payment processors including PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and BitCoin. Another great feature is the fast payouts which, as I noted, are processed within just a couple of hours of request. Such attention to quick payouts and regular updates about the program’s development like the one received today shows great promise to the upcoming steady growth of the program and its future performance in bringing profits to investors. By the way, anyone interested in learning more about Stable6 will be able to do so in the interview which I’m hoping to have with the admin next week and which will be a good companion piece to my review. So stay tuned for that and meanwhile, read the latest newsletter from Stable6‘s administration in full below:

Stable6 NewsLetter!
A very good day to all Stable6 members!
We take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of Stable6. It has been a fairly busy first few days online and offline as well.
We have been planning to start an online investing program since late 2012. Yet, the preparation and and developing took a while and it was only recently that we were set to launch. It was only then that we were told by some people that the online investing industry has suffered a setback due to the sudden issue with Liberty Reserve. This caused some hesitation and the decision to launch was finally made.
We were taken by surprise when around 500 members joined our program in less than 48 hours. We must thank the monitoring partners and other members for their support and for referring others to our program. We hope that Stable6 will develop into a highly successful online investing program in the next few months and act as a catalyst as the road bends for the online investing industry. Also, we guarantee that we will provide an even better service as we grow.
Today, we want to bring you the Stable6 Review posted in the Money News Online blog. The article is reasonable detailed and you will find the content useful in gaining more information about our program.
Here is the link to the article: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2013/07/12/12072013-stable6-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/
That is all we have for you today. We will be back soon with more news updates from Stable6.
Have a great weekend.
Regards, Stable6 Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CatenaFinance.
From MNO Premium list: MalaysianINC, WunevAssetsPureIncome, Stable6, LucroBankLimited.
From MNO Standard list:
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, TheInvestmentBank, GlobalTokenReward.

That is all the news I have for you tonight. If nothing out of the ordinary happens by tomorrow I’ll probably will take Sunday off and return Monday with a full review of FreshWindInvestmentTrust and any further news updates from the industry. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, guys, and see you all on MNO very soon!

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