Aug 24th, 2013 Archives

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Hi guys! Despite being Saturday and so normally a slow enough day for HYI programs I found plenty to update you on compared to yesterday, with all the latest events from the industry. And as one program went to Problem status I have one more brand new short term program to replace it.


I have to start with an urgent warning about ArgoMoney which has been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight. And this time I believe this will change to Scam over the next 24 hours if the payments do not resume. Last weekend we had exactly the same issue with the payouts not being processed instantly, but then the admin was quite responsive and promised to pay very shortly which he did, therefore narrowly avoiding being put to Problem status on MNO. This time however things look quite different as the admin is paying monitors only, and we can clearly see that by the latest payouts stats on the main page. So the chance of ArgoMoney to recover again like last week are close to zero in my opinion. So please do not invest in this pending scam anymore!

All in all, ArgoMoney was nothing but a total failure with the admin only managing about a month online which was not enough for even the first investors to profit from the 2.8%-3.5% for 95 business days plan. The program looked very promising at the beginning, but it looks that the admin wasn’t serious and didn’t make much of an effort to maintain it.


I’m not quite sure what the purpose of the latest “thank you” message appearing in the News section of SeedFunding‘s website today was, but it goes as following:

Thank you!
Folks, we had a great day yesterday. Just a few more of those and we’ll know why we turned to this industry to accomplish what we’re planning to do. Keep it up, it’s working and you’re all a part of it. Thank you so much.

So far the achievements of SeedFunding in the industry were less than modest with only a handful of active accounts due to the very restrictive minimums to invest starting from $100 and the more than conservative returns of 1% for 120 business days, 6% for 22 weeks, 30% for 5 months plans via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. The applied admin’s fees on deposits and withdrawals as analysed in my detailed review of SeedFunding published here didn’t help the program’s popularity among investors either. In any case, SeedFunding has been running for two and a half months now, and although this term is too short to judge the future of the program, at least the admin shares an optimistic approach with the few investors his program has.


I would like now to introduce a new program on MNO tonight called RoyaltyFunds. Although being for some time in pre-launch mode officially RoyaltyFunds launched two days ago, so the first payments on the 1-day plan have been processed. I have been paid some referral commissions by the program as well, and so moved it to Paying status on MNO’s Premium listing with a more detailed review to be published tomorrow. The investment plans offered by RoyaltyFunds include 105%-125% after 1 day, 130%-280% after 4 days, 220%-450% after 8 days, 480%-700% after 15 days, 550%-1400% after 30 days. There are also two other plans paying daily – 55%-80% for 2 days and 12% for 10 days. In all plans the minimum deposit is $10 (though in the 12% for 10 days plan you can join with $1). The final rate paid by RoyaltyFunds fully depends on the size of your principal which can be invested via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. Please note that the deposits via SolidTrustPay are processed manually and in order to deposit in each plan one should follow the instructions given on the website closely:

All members wanting to deposit using SOLID TRUST PAY from today will have to do it manually, do to so please follow these 2 STEPS:
login to your STP account the send whatever amount you wish to send to: STP ACCOUNT NAME: Rustage
After doing this please email me the following:
1) Your ROYALTY FUNDS username
2) The plan you wish to deposit in
3) The REF/BATCH number that you get after sending an amount with STP
(Your email with those details must be sent to only this email address:

The program runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and so withdrawals have to be requested from the member’s area. Usually they’re processed within 24 hours. I like the fact that the admin of RoyaltyFunds didn’t cut corners on security and went with the leading DDoS protection provider BlockDos which keeps the site on a dedicated server, plus an SSL certificate by Comodo. It looks like the admin really worked on the preparation because the pre-launch ran for 10 days during which sign-ups were accepted, but no deposits could be made. That’s clearly seen from the first message which was posted just after the RoyaltyFunds website came online in pre-launch mode. The welcome message also contains some important links you might be interested in if you’re considering joining RoyaltyFunds:

We are now officially in PRE LAUNCH mode.
As you can see we have a rather large CLOCK/TIMER in the middle of the HOME PAGE.
This clock is counting down from 10 days, when the clock hits 0 the site will open for DEPOSITS.
You may if you wish join and create an account NOW and you may also get sign ups under you. However, you may NOT deposit until the CLOCK has counted down from 10 days.
If you would like to keep updated, here is our FACEBOOK LIKE PAGE:
The ADMINS Skype ID: gavin.harris964
We also have a range of VIDEO updates for you from the CEO/ADMIN of RoyaltyFunds here:
A big thank you to everyone who is helping this site become the site that we all deserve in this Industry.

As you can see, the admin (his name is Gavin) is very active when it comes to promoting his site via various social networking methods which, I believe, can bring some good results with time. This is another update regarding this and video presentation links posted a few days before the official launch:

One of the things we intend to do regularly is videos, updating you with anything and everything we can, as ADMIN of the site many of you will know that i have time for all of you and having time for all of you means listening and taking advice as well as telling you exactly what are plans for the future are.
We have a LIKE PAGE here that will have weekly videos from myself Gavin Harris:
I would like to note that as we get closer to the launch you will see the site change, one of the things now added is PLANS in the back office, giving you the plans for you to see in full

Finally, in two other updates posted also days before the program’s official launch Gavin announced a new Facebook group for RoyaltyFunds and added a profit calculator on the site as well, so investors can calculate how much they could potentially earn with the program:

Just to let you know we have a NEW facebook group here:
Not sure why but the old group has been deleted.
(Anyone having problems with posting their REF LINKS, you can go to:
Then get your REF LINK shortened and away you go)

The profit calculator has now been added, when you login to your back office, on the right side near the bottom, you can just type in the amount and the main plan, it will then work out exactly what sub plan it will be for and it will calculate the % for you.
We will also be adding the ability to see WHO is under you not just how many people are under you. That will be done before the launch.

Everything about RoyaltyFunds‘ gradual development so far points to the admin hoping to run his program for a long time, and hope that he will achieve all his goals and make RoyaltyFunds a successful short-term project. The full review of the program you will be able to read on MNO blog tomorrow, so stay tuned for that, guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, RFIGroup, AlliexFinancial, After90DaysCatenaFinance, BlackGold, ImproFunds, NobleMoney, LocomotiveTrade, SolomonHit, FidelisFinance, BillionairesGroup, MutualWealth, RoyaltyFunds (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapitalSecureInv, TheInvestmentBank, StrongInvestment, GulfInvestmentClub.

That’s all for tonight, everyone. Hope you enjoyed it and see you all on MNO tomorrow with a full review of RoyaltyFunds and the usual daily news from the HYIP industry. Bye for now!

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