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08/09/2013. PokerByProxy Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! PokerByProxy has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Hope you’re all having a nice weekend so far. As you might have noticed earlier if you’re a regular reader of the MNO blog is the expected launch of some high quality HYI programs that many have been anticipating for some time now, and which finally seems to be getting under way now that the autumn is upon us. One of these programs which seems to be winning an extraordinary number of admirers and fans, not to mention active participants, over the last few days has been a brand new program called PokerByProxy which (and I know this isn’t entirely accurate) I’m going to describe as long term. As you can probably guess by the name, PokerByProxy claims to be involved in poker playing, though exactly which online or offline tournaments they are playing in is unclear. Not that it matters to online HYIP investors of course, seeing as you won’t have any direct participation in the activities of PokerByProxy anyway.

So to start today’s update I want to take a look at PokerByProxy and try and discuss their main features and why I think they are in some ways trying to separate themselves from what you might be used to seeing in the industry. From my own point of view as a long term player myself I will admit that I was pleased to see them try something different, even if whether it works out for them or not is still far from guaranteed. But what I like from the beginning here is that PokerByProxy starts by placing the individual member in total and complete control of their own finances in the program, as you’re responsible for choosing the term of your investment, when and how much  of your principal you wish to withdraw, and tweaking your strategy along the way to get better results as I will try to explain.

An investment in PokerByProxy works a little differently that a regular online HYIP, and I’ll get to that in a moment. But just to keep things in HYIP terms for now, you can join PokerByProxy for a $25 minimum (if using regular payment processors). Once you join, there’s no expiry date as such and you will remain a member until such a time as you decide to leave. That can be a day, a month, a year, anything in between, or not at all. You can request your principal back in full, or in part, anytime you like. PokerByProxy will make a daily interest payment to you for every calendar day you remain a member. The actual rate itself will be variable, and depends entirely on the program’s fortunes from one day to another. While the admin claims this could possibly go as high as 25%, without trying to deliberately dispute this I have to say this sounds a bit more like an advertising ploy to attract new members as the actual payment is likely to be a lot lower. For example, previous results are available to view on the PokerByProxy website so you can give yourself a general idea of how things are going before you join, and while the program has been online less than a week the average return so far works out at around 3%-5% per calendar day.

Some days you can be pretty sure it’s going to be better than that, sometimes it’s going to be a bit less, but either way it’s really impossible to work out exactly how your investment is going to work out for you. There’s simply too many possible variants and strategies to give one plain simple example, however this is where PokerByProxy really breaks away from the regular HYIP industry. For one thing, you can build up a pretty sizable deposit in PokerByProxy without much of the expense being covered by yourself. The thing is that they have a temporary compounding option which you can use at will without ever making any commitment to keep doing so regularly.

Confused? Don’t be. It’s quite simple, and here’s how it works. Let’s say you join PokerByProxy with $100. OK, as explained above you will now earn a variable interest rate on that $100 every day. So let’s say on day one you earn 5% interest, which comes of course to $5. Now, what do you want to do next? You can either withdraw the $5 as with a regular HYIP, or else leave it in your account. Withdraw it and you will earn another payment on your $100 tomorrow, however if you choose to leave it in your account then it doesn’t just sit there, it gets compounded. That means your entire principal goes from $100 to $105 overnight, and all subsequent interest payments will now be measured against the $105 sum. But remember you only compound on a one off basis from one day to the next. Doing it once doesn’t mean you necessarily have to do it again, though you are of course free to do it as often as you like. Just skip your daily withdrawal and the payment of the day is compounded automatically. Then again you don’t have to withdraw (the theoretical) $5 I just mentioned there. You can withdraw any part of your existing, or growing, principal, and continue to earn interest on what you decide to leave in place.

The other thing to keep in mind, and please pay attention here as this is very important, is that while the interest payment is variable as I explained, it can in fact be negative and the program can lose money on some days. Losses can be as high as 5% on any one calendar day. The admin says this can be kept under control, in other words limited to a maximum of 5%, by implementing what he calls a “stop-loss” policy. I would guess this means that if the figures start approaching a critical level, i.e. in this case 5%, then PokerByProxy will cut their losses and stop their activities for the remainder of the day.

So if you like the investment plan and like your chances with it, then the next thing you’ll want to know about what your payment options are. One of the more obviously attractive features to PokerByProxy comes into play here which is their extensive list of payment processors. Not content with just the traditional HYIP industry handlers such as SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney (which are all listed of course), PokerByProxy also have lesser used options such as HD-Money, and some of the more unconventional options such as PayPal, bank wires, Interac transfers, and Western Union. Just be aware that the terms and conditions are slightly different for some of these options, most noticeably the minimum investment requirement which is $500 for bank wires and $250 for Western Union. Contact the PokerByProxy admin for account details and further instructions if these are the methods you prefer.

What’s much more interesting than that however is that they are also one of the latest online HYIPs to start using BitCoin. While increasingly popular internationally, they are still very much a novelty in the HYIP industry, but one whose presence has undeniably become more noticeable in recent months. Anyone using them on a regular basis for other activities will be aware that rather than a standard payment handler in the traditional sense, BitCoin is rather a separate tradable currency that rises and falls in value against the dollar. If using BitCoin to join PokerByProxy therefore you need to keep in mind that while the numbers themselves may be a little different, the actual value of your investment will be more or less the same as everyone else’s, just expressed in an alternative currency. In what might be seen as an added incentive to use BitCoin, you can join PokerByProxy with a significantly smaller deposit and start with only 0.01 BitCoins which is the current equivalent of approximately $1 as opposed to the $25 needed to join via the regular processors. The script in fact has a special interface for those using BitCoin, allowing balances held in BitCoins to be separated from balances counted in US Dollars.

As for the payment schedule, withdrawals are handled manually by the admin and so need to be requested from within your private members account area. With such a large array of payout options however it’s only logical to expect that the waiting time can also vary widely according to how you choose to join. Mostly however you can expect a 24 to 48 hour wait, with those using the regular processors to join PokerByProxy likely to be paid faster.

On the subject of design and security features, PokerByProxy seems to measure up though if I’m honest I must admit a few of the service providers are names I’m hearing about for the first time in relation to the HYIP industry. For example, the script the program is running off is licensed from a provider called Ventura, though after checking it out I’d have to say the first impression is that it easily measures up to any of the better known names in the industry and it seems to work well enough. Certainly it’s user friendly and easy to navigate anyway which is fine, plus the PokerByProxy website is entirely SSL encrypted on both public and private areas by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. PokerByProxy is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of a Panamanian based (or rather off-shore based) company called CCI Hosting. For any further questions for the admin you think haven’t been explained in this review, or any account related issues that need dealing with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. Fans of social networking sites will find PokerByProxy keeping a Facebook profile, and for any Live Chat queries where you might (assuming you find an operator there) get your questions answered in real time you can also try and contact them through Skype. No working schedule is available for when this service is online however, so you may wish to try mailing them first.

If the admin is to be believed (so far I don’t see why not) then PokerByProxy is one of the very few online HYIPs to try and advertise in the offline world. The effectiveness of these methods is kinda questionable (stamping the program’s name on paper money and then spending it so that the bill gets passed around between shoppers and consumers for example), though I guess if it’s genuine then it costs nothing and at least can’t hurt. But that being said you should still at all times keep in mind that you are participating in a high risk activity with no guaranteed results. Indeed PokerByProxy is run by one of the very few admins in this industry who will at least admit that losing money is a very strong possibility, and that’s without me even questioning whether or not these poker games are really genuine. So as is always the case please remember to stay comfortably within a sensible spending limit that you can both afford to spend and afford to lose. And of course if you’re joining PokerByProxy at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Staying on the topic of the above reviewed PokerByProxy, if you’re a member since the start you might have noticed that not only can you see the rate paid on any given day, you can also read the detailed daily reports where the admin gives more information on the activities that allegedly fund the payments. Since the HYIP season is heating up again and I decided to publish news updates every single day again from now on, I thought that publishing the daily reports from PokerByProxy on MNO might be a good idea. Those reports may give you a better idea what PokerByProxy is doing and how the profits are calculated according to what the admin says. Tonight for instance the profit was credited to members’ accounts at a rate of 3.45% as explained by the admin on his website:

Sunday 8th September 2013
Result 3.45%
Another great day at the poker tables, with a total return of 3.45%. It seems that every Sunday, the poker tables are filled with amateurs, which is great news for us. We managed to join a few $1/2NL tables simultaneously, and make a nice profit in a little under 45 minutes. We could have kept playing, however we decided that it was best to stop while we were ahead, seeing as 3.45% is a nice enough profit.
Tomorrow we will be playing in a larger tournament, which if done correctly, could result in a major win. In addition to that, we’ll probably be playing some more of Poker Stars Zoom Poker, as it seems to be particularly profitable, with relatively little risk. Of course, it is a little different than regular online poker, due to the fact that the players at the tables are constantly changing, and the fact that you can fold bad hands and move onto the next one immediately. Anyway, that’s all the news for today. All accounts have been updated and profits have been posted.

By the way, I’m going to send some questions for an upcoming interview on MNO to the admin of PokerByProxy tomorrow, so if you wish to ask anything about this unique program please do not hesitate to contact me directly at or via the MNO Contact page by submitting the special form. I’ll be glad to receive your feedback or any ideas on the interview or just on my work in general. So I’ll be looking forward to your emails, guys.


MutualWealth (reviewed here) remains a strong and stable performer in the HYIP world and the admin has been running his program successfully since January this year. MutualWealth offers a very conservative rate of return which varies from week to week depending on the trading performance, but along with a fixed investment term and instant payouts it may still attract the cautious investors who prefer to deal with low-ROI and high-quality HYIPs as part of a well diversified portfolio. The investment plans include such conservative plans as 2%-5% weekly for 30 days, 2.5%-6% weekly for 90 days, and 3%-8% weekly for 180 days, all of which then return the original investment on expiry. The only bad point that possibly limits the growth of MutualWealth is its high investment minimum that starts with $100, although the wide variety of payment methods which includes such popular options as PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and direct Bank wires makes up for that. The only payment option that was disabled yesterday as a payment option in MutualWealth is Payoneer Cards which will no longer be accepted in a few days. The reasons for this were explained by the admin in the following newsletter, which also offers an alternative:

Provision and servicing of Payoneer Cards is to be discontinued as of 13/09.
We regret to announce that as of 13/09 we will be discontinuing provision and servicing of Payoneer Debit Cards. MutualWealth aims to maintain excellence in its services to investor clientele. This proved to be impossible due to technical and communication difficulties with Payoneer Global Payments. MutualWealth will introduce it’s own branded debit card in the near future. All clients who have requested and paid for their Payoneer debit card within the last 30 days will receive a refund to their accounts. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Please note that AlliexFinancial has been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight due to confirmed selective payouts. Payments continue to monitors while many regular investors have their withdrawals on pending status and await processing. I must say I wasn’t surprised as AlliexFinancial had been running successfully for over two months now which was more than enough to put many members in profit (either in the program’s 7 day or 90 day plan). So I guess it’s time for AlliexFinancial to go, and of course this process is never easy. First off, some of the payouts to STP are still getting processed instantly (along with PerfectMoney and EgoPay payouts to monitors), but there are many people reporting pending withdrawals on forums so it’s just a matter of time when AlliexFinancial collapses. Second, the online chat support has been switched off and the admin stopped replying to my emails which is a very definite sign of coming collapse. I contacted him this morning and warned that his program would be moved to Problem status on MNO if I don’t get a response within the next 12 hours or the pending withdrawals don’t resume. Regrettably there was no response so I was forced to move AlliexFinancial to Problem status on MNO immediately, thus becoming the first large monitor to do so. That was not the first such incident by the way, so my readers can be sure that I’m always on guard and keeping a close eye on all the programs I monitor. The admin already started misleading investors by submitting large fake payouts allegedly being paid instantly amounting to hundreds and thousands each. Not a single word is true, of that you can be sure. The fake payouts are mostly aimed at newbies, so please do not trust them and do not allow the admin to cloud your judgement with big numbers. It’s always better to check out the investment forums and quality monitors like MNO for the real status of scams like AlliexFinancial and receive accurate information instead of what the cheats and the chancers tell you. Unfortunately there’s little consolation in that for investors who already joined AlliexFinancial but haven’t reached the break-even point yet. However all we can do now is spread the word and make hope any bribed low-rent monitors won’t be able to drag too many innocent investors into the scam. Please stay away from any monitors collaborating with AlliexFinancial by still displaying a Paying status and keep watching MNO for the most up-to-date and accurate status. Needless to say you need also to stay away from AlliexFinancial from now on too, and not to invest there under any circumstances! You have been warned!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After90Days.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncomeFidelisFinance, SolomonHitRoyalTradeUnion, PokerByProxy.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvestmentClub, TheInvestmentBank.

That is all for tonight, guys. I hope to see you on MNO next week for more news from the HYIP industry and more additions to my monitoring page. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!/a

That is all for tonight, guys. I hope to see you on MNO next week for more news from the HYIP industry and more additions to my

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