Sep 12th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! InvGlobal has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Before tonight’s news section I want to start with a closer look at another of the new programs, some of which have been extremely promising I’m pleased to say, that have been added to the MNO monitor since the latest upturn in the industry began in the last two weeks. It’s a brand new long term HYI program called InvGlobal which I’m sure in time some of you will probably like, especially if this is the type of program you favor in general. So let’s see what it’s all about and what they have to offer online investors to convince them that adding InvGlobal to their portfolios is worth taking a risk on, and of course whether you agree with them or not.

So getting started with the investment plans then, there’s really only one of them though this is in turn broken down into three sub-sections where InvGlobal pay you an interest rate according to the size of your principal. As is usually the case it’s the biggest investors taking the biggest gamble that get rewarded with the biggest interest payments. For the most part however I would say the overwhelming majority of you will only ever be interested in The Basic Purchasing Plan, InvGlobal‘s first and only really affordable offer. You will need a $10 minimum deposit here to join, and are free to spend anything up to a maximum limit of $7,999. The plan runs for 120 business days, which is 24 weeks and a lengthy stretch to commit your money to without any option to make an early principal withdrawal, so make sure you understand and are comfortable with that before joining. Once you are in, InvGlobal will then offer you a daily interest payment of 1.2% per business day, paid Monday to Friday. This ads up to 144% in total, at which point it becomes your total net profit as InvGlobal will then return your principal. You reach the break even point, meaning you earn back an amount equal to that of your initial investment and so can’t possibly lose any of your own money, after 84 payments, and everything after that is passive income.

The remaining two plans are really for the big time spenders, continuing with The Advanced Purchasing Plan which requires a minimum deposit of $8,000 to join. And if that’s no big deal for you then the maximum deposit allowed is $23,999. The term stays at 120 business days during which InvGlobal are offering members a daily interest payment of 1.6%, made Monday to Friday. Payments here come to a grand total of 192%, which becomes net profit once InvGlobal return your principal as promised. The Break even point is 63 days.

And lastly, more for information purposes than anything else, InvGlobal have The Professional Purchasing Plan requiring a minimum spend of $24,000 and no maximum. The term is 120 business days and the interest rate is 2.5% daily from Monday to Friday with your principal back on expiry. Total payments come to 300%.

As we all know by now the list of shall we say “mainstream” payment processors servicing the online HYIP industry was somewhat curtailed at the beginning of the summer just passed, which you would think if anything might encourage the admins of such programs to make sure and use as many of the remaining options open to them as possible. With InvGlobal however the program hasn’t yet taken full advantage of the options open to them, limiting their payment options to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and the lesser used OKPay. To call it a missed opportunity would be a bit harsh right now, given that InvGlobal is still brand new and has plenty of time and room to grow, but the thing is the list would still have to be expanded at some point if the administration is serious about still being online in a year from now. Withdrawals need to be requested by investors from inside their private members account area. Payments to members are then promised to be instant, i.e. completed in under a minute as far as is reasonably possible. There’s all sorts of valid reasons for this service to be temporarily suspended from time to time, such as security concerns, replenishment of accounts, et cetera, so under such circumstances InvGlobal say any pending transactions not done instantly can be expected to be completed within 6 hours. Not as good as instant, but still a worthy and impressive achievement if it can be maintained. My own payments from InvGlobal have so far been instant, but I can’t really say for now whether this will continue to be the case in the future.

Please also keep in mind that the program works from Monday to Friday only, so you will not be earning any interest over the weekend. There’s nothing to stop you withdrawing earlier interest payments you might have missed during the week, but you just won’t be earning anything new until the following Monday. Just one other thing you may wish to be aware of about the investment plans is that InvGlobal make the option of compounding available.

Moving on now to the design and technical side of things, InvGlobal is up to a decent enough industry standard that you should always see as a minimum expectation from any program you’re even considering joining. Giving the website a very familiar feel is the script which is under license from GoldCoders. They’ve been the single biggest provider in the industry for several years now so most of you will find your way around the program easily enough, though in this case the script has been nicely modified to better suit the individual needs of InvGlobal. Hosting is on a dedicated server by SingleHop who I’ve seen handling a couple of HYIP related programs in the recent past. DDoS protection is then provided by a third party in Vistnet, who are in fact a much more established name (concerning the HYIP industry anyway). The InvGlobal website has an extra layer of protection for safer browsing and more secure transactions with SSL encryption provided by GeoTrust. And if you have any further questions for the admin that you think weren’t really explained in this review or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch with them through a variety of methods. You can fill out your details on the online ticketing form, which opens on a new page, and submit it. There are a couple of different e-mail addresses you can write to directly if you prefer, with each address given over to different areas of support (payments, tech, monitors, and so on). And then if you find an operator online at the time InvGlobal have a built in Live Chat feature, though no specific information about what what kind of a working schedule is being kept. If you would like to try and speak to someone directly then you can try their two phone numbers, though again there’s nothing to indicate when if ever anyone will actually pick up if you call.

Some of the other additions to the InvGlobal website include a PDF presentation for new members which is quite handy as it gives you a sort of step-by-step guide to joining the program. Also, and I say this for the benefit of HYIP industry newbies because it might be very misleading, is a PDF copy of a certificate of incorporation. I mention this because InvGlobal have unfortunately decided to describe this document as a “license”. Please note that it is nothing of the sort. A license to offer financial services and a certificate of incorporation have absolutely nothing to do with one another. Indeed a certificate of incorporation can be purchased perfectly legally online by anyone with no questions asked.

And that takes me on to the final point about InvGlobal I wanted to make before we move on to the evening’s news section. A lot of the texts and website content is a straight copy/paste job than can be read word-for-word on countless other sites. The only thing vaguely original seems to be the bizarre claim that InvGlobal makes money by purchasing, and I quote, “abandoned buildings and shops in Africa”. If they were abandoned then I can’t imagine who they’d be purchasing them from, not to mention the fact that surely you’d only make money by selling and renting property, not by buying it. But never mind, I doubt very many of the experienced readers here will treat that any more seriously that I do and will know well to treat InvGlobal like any other online HYIP. That means accepting it’s a gamble and setting your spending limit to a sensible level you can afford to lose if things don’t go the way you were hoping (as I know I certainly can’t guarantee it for you). And of course if you do decide to join InvGlobal then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The admin of LocomotiveTrade recently reported about the first investors in the 6% for 30 business days completing the cycle. Those who joined LocomotiveTrade during its first days online, before even it was listed on MNO must have enjoyed their experience given that it’s been so profitable and possibly even re-invested their earnings. As LocomotiveTrade has been online for more than six weeks now, even those who chose the longer-lasting plans paying 5% for 45 business days and 4% for 75 business days should be in a decent profit by now, as long as they joined at the right time. The stable and timely payouts from LocomotiveTrade are processed to PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, OkPay, and BitCoin. The minimum to invest in all plans is $25, so there is no restrictions for members to try any plans they like. The performance already brought LocomotiveTrade a lot of attention with hundreds of investors already participating and reflected in the Top 5 position the program deservedly occupies on the MNO Premium Listing now. I wish the program and its members every success and the latest newsletter from LocomotiveTrade (reviewed here) is re-posted below:

Hawaii plan – First Cycle Completed
Our first cycle was a huge success and we now continually expand with old investors returning and new investors coming. And all who invested in LocomotiveTrade on the first 3 days have got already 180% from their investment. It is truly a pleasure being able to serve so many investors and our team is standing by with professional expertise to help out any questions there may be.
It’s a joy to receive that trust to LocomotiveTrade and none of you will ever be disappointed.


I hope that the twenty lucky MNO readers were able to claim their $10 bonus in PokerByProxy as announced by the admin on his YouTube channel last night and are now enjoying their profits from the program. If missed that announcement on MNO last night and would like to try your luck and sign up in PokerByProxy for you chance to get a $10 bonus into your account (provided it’s still available?) then please create your account in the program using this link, watch the YouTube video and follow the instructions given there. Try out PokerByProxy and if you like what you see then why only limit yourselves to just $10, if for the regular investments starting from $25 you can as well try out their unique investment plan? Based on the performance by the admin you can get a variable return up to 25% daily and is only limited to a 5% loss that might occur during the process. So far, PokerByProxy has formed a widely profitable pattern with good results for eight days out of nine while the program has been online. The total profit for the last nine days equals 22.42%, and if you consider the option of compounding that happens automatically if you don’t withdraw your profits you could have earned even more. Of course the main selling point of PokerByProxy is the chance to stay in total control of your finances, as the daily profits become part of the principal on a daily basis. That principal is available for withdrawal, either in full or in part, at any time you wish and gets paid manually by the admin within a 24 to 48 hour maximum. That processing time depends on the investment method you used when investing in PokerByProxy as there are a huge variety of them including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, HD-Money, BitCoin, Western Union, direct Bank wires, or even PayPal. If you wish to find out more about PokerByProxy and its unique investment plan you can read my review here. And be sure not to miss a very interesting and comprehensive interview with the program’s admin Patrick which I’m planning to publish tomorrow.

As for the profits, you can see them plus the daily detailed reports on the ongoing performance in the special Past Results page on PokerByProxy‘s website. So, anyone interested can see the fortunes of the program and the money being made for the investors. Of course it’s entirely up to you to believe these reports or not, but at least unlike the vast majority of other programs, the admin actually makes the effort. He’ll talk more on that in the upcoming interview on MNO tomorrow, but even today you can see the reports with your own eyes and judge its reliability. I’m no specialist in these things so I can’t really judge as a monitor, but all the reports are pretty straightforward and the admin explains the whole process in pretty comprehensive terms. In today’s report the profits credited to members’ accounts in PokerByProxy reached 3.28% and so topped yesterday’s 3.1% result. That was explained by applying a mixed strategy of trying different games and experimenting with new strategies as well as the tried and tested ones. Today’s profit was already credited to members accounts which you can read about in more detail below:

Thursday 12th September 2013
Result 3.28%
Report: Today we decided to mix it up a little and explore some areas of poker that our team hasn’t yet focused on. First and foremost, our team started off by playing some 5-card draw poker at Poker Stars. The number of players that play 5-card draw is substantially lower than those playing hold’em, and we’ve found that it can be a little more challenging than Texas Hold’em due to the fact that those who play 5-card draw seem to be poker aficionados rather than your typical online player. Nevertheless, after an hour long run at it, we managed to make a slight profit.
Next we decided to try Omaha, however that was an outright disaster, which nearly wiped out all of our 5-card draw earnings. After about 15 minutes we realized that Omaha isn’t our forte, despite the fact that everyone on our team has played it in the past.
Afterwards, we moved back to the trusty PokerStars “Zoom” Poker, where hands are dealt quickly, and you’re immediately transferred to a new hand as soon as you fold. For some reason, we find that this is the most profitable form of online poker, and also one of the least time consuming. When it comes to poker, patience is one of the key elements that you need, but with Zoom, you’re able to be a little more aggressive without so much waiting. Anyway, in the end we managed to secure a 3.28% return, which has been added to all PokerByProxy accounts.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After90Days.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance, LocomotiveTrade, FidelisFinance, SolomonHit, BillionairesGroup, RoyalTradeUnion, PokerByProxy, InvGlobal (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, InvestAge, StrongInvestmentNovaFastix, GulfInvesmentClub, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. I’m taking a day off from the news tomorrow but I’m still going to publish the much anticipated interview with the admin of PokerByProxy Patrick which has a unique concept (read my review here to find out more on that) and many other unique features which we will discuss. So don’t miss it and see you with the regular news over the weekend!span style=”color: #008000;”/a/a

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