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29/09/2013. Daily News from the Industry


Hi guys! I hope the weekend’s been going well for everyone so far. What better way to round it off than with the most up-to-date news service anywhere in the industry. It’s been a relatively busy day considering it’s a Sunday so I want to get right down to business now, as I also have a brand new addition to my monitor that I’m going to introduce at the end of the post, so keep reading if you want to learn more.


Unfortunately I have to start the news section for today with bad news for the members of 1nstant. The program stopped paying early Saturday morning, and therefore was immediately placed to Problem status on my monitor and has now been moved to Scam status. I remind you that the program had huge results on its launch with hundreds (possibly even thousands of investors) joining over the first four days online. Only very few of them managed to get close enough to their break-even point, as the program stopped payouts on its fifth day and therefore, can be taken as a total failure. I can only guess if that was only the admin’s greed that was responsible for the premature collapse of 1nstant, as the program had a huge influx of the new members over the first days online and there were absolutely no obvious reasons to close it that fast. Perhaps there were other reasons which I’m not aware of, I don’t know what really happened, but the admin that was proud to say that he ran other projects, such as Gesmie and Liquirity before that sounded confident enough in the interview given to a Russian blog that he might have the same success with 1nstant as well. Of course the success for the admin was probably very obvious as 1nstant attracted hundreds with its state-of-the-art script, multiple payment options, and instant payouts that were credited every second. There was certainly no such quality short-term HYIP around at the moment like 1nstant, as I honestly said in my review of the program. For the investors though, the experience with 1nstant was disastrous as everyone lost at least some money in the project which showed worse results in terms of profitability (for investors) than the admin’s two previous projects. Of course, the honesty with which it was stated from the beginning that 1nstant was a money-game was stunning, but I doubt very much that anyone would believe that the admin actually ran 1nstant till the end, and stopped the payouts at the point when the withdrawals exceeded deposits. 1nstant was still in its infancy and from the history of the previous projects the admin could work harder to bring at least some investors into profit which he failed to do. As a result, four days online is an extremely disappointing outcome for investors and proves once again the old truth that the previous projects from the same admin shouldn’t be an indicator of his ability to do the same with his other projects. Therefore I believe the investors will learn a lesson from bitter experience and perhaps would not be so enthusiastic about future projects from the same admin if they become aware of it. Provided the admin is going to run other projects in the future, that could be a blessing in disguise for him, as per my understanding the huge deposits made on day one actually broke the program’s ability to deliver profits to its investors in the longer term. So on the launch of other programs we won’t see such huge growth and the investors will be more cautious from the beginning which will enable more gradual growth and more steady returns. For some reason I still believe that the admin will come to MNO if and when he does start a new program, and I will openly tell you about it if I list it (just like I did with 1nstant), so you will be able to make your own judgment on whether to participate. Commiserations to anyone who lost money there, and please note that the program is currently on Scam status on MNO monitor, so do not join.


This will be the last update regarding SeedFunding which was moved to Scam status on the MNO monitor last night and will stay there for the duration of the site’s existence. Please do not invest there under any circumstances, as the admin is trying to play tricks now. He’s disabled all deposits and withdrawals and stated that the program would reopen to the existing members only after a so-called restructuring process takes place. I reported this on my blog already last Friday, but it led to a very bizarre reaction from the admin who didn’t quite comprehend why his program was moved to Problem status. Well, let me explain it in simple terms – any program that refuses to pay its existing members is a scam and should be moved to the appropriate section on my monitor. The only thing I will be able to accept as a sign of the admin’s good intentions is his ability to refund 100% to its current members and only in that case we can say that the original program in question was not a ponzi based game from the beginning. If the admin fails to do so, we can safely assume that it’s a scam and that’s my understanding every time I deal with HYIPs. Even the admins who don’t consider themselves this way (well, actually 99% of them don’t). So, when the admin of SeedFunding asked me not to spoil his game and help spread the lies about restructuring or else simply stop monitoring his program, my reaction was – fine, I will remove your program from my monitor, but pay what you owe to my referrals first. Given that there were only two active referrals in my downline, as SeedFunding was really a very unpopular project with outrageous fees, low returns and high investment minimums, I believe that was not such a difficult request. Well, the admin then changed his mind and instead discuss our private conversation in public in his latest newsletter, which is totally unprofessional.

His initial offer to refund the members in my downline was publicly revoked. Therefore, instead of replying to him privately I too will respond openly, if for no other reason than so anyone fooled by any of this will know what’s going on. In any case, I’m not going to be an accomplice in this scam the admin is trying to pull. For me it’s a simple definition – he took money under false pretenses, offering an interest rate in return for an investment which he now refuses either to honor or to refund, and that to me is a scam in its purest form whatever the admin tries to tell you. But if you disagree with my point then you’re perfectly free to deposit more money, there’s certainly nothing I can do to stop you throwing it away and the admin will gladly take it I’m sure. Of course I am speaking figuratively now, but from my previous years experience in the industry, no programs that tried to revive itself after halting payments succeeded. In fact the only thing why they ever achieved was to scam more innocent people. That’s why I totally opposed to this and why I’m keeping the program on Scam status on MNO. If the admin wants his site to be removed from my list he has already been informed that the only thing he needs to do is refund my referrals. He accepted money from people based on the understanding that they would earn a certain payment. If he is not going to give them what he promised then he needs to refund them, either the full amount or at least the difference between past payments and their principals. Anything else it theft. That’s the only acceptable word for it. Theft. Don’t allow anyone to trick you into believing otherwise. For your information I will re-post the latest newsletter from SeedFunding below and consider the topic closed now with the program officially on Scam status on my monitor:

Special regarding MNO
We accomplished the first task announced in our short update sent yesterday. All inactive accounts have been deleted from SeedFunding. But there’s a lot left to do and we will be very busy over the coming weeks.
For now, let me talk about Paul Abramson and MNO for a second. Not that he’d have all that impact, with the three (!) active downline members he has in SeedFunding (one of which was even benefactored into activity by us, for reasons beyond the scope of this update), but there have been emails back and forth that we think you need to know of, if only for the records and in order to know how we’re ticking here at SeedFunding.
MNO listed us as “Problem” last night and Paul’s blog post called us a scam. I’m not sure what our active members will think of that, whether it will scare some of you or not, but I still maintain that the industry he’s working in requires him to do his job a certain way. We don’t fit in the tight frame of his parameters and never did, so we were out of luck right from the start. Looking back we know that it wasn’t a good idea to choose that route in the first place, but it’s done and we learned our lesson.
Paul requested that we refund every member in his downline and told us, after we do that we can remove his own account and we’ll go our separate ways in peace. At first we thought that’s fair and meant to ask his one qualifying downline member if he or she wants his or her funds back. But we won’t be doing this. It would be state-of-the-art selective treatment. We either have to refund everyone or nobody.
The purpose of SeedFunding has always been fundraising and we never failed to emphasize that. We won’t undo the whole venture and success due to this. Can’t be done, nor is it worth it.
MNO works based on well-defined outlines. “A scam is when …” and now we happen to meet one or two of these criteria. For the benefit of its readers there is absolutely no room for flexibility and that’s what earned us that nasty four-letter S-word. It can’t be helped, but it’s not the end of the world either.
Let me say it again. I’m not complaining about the way Paul Abramson is running his blog. MNO has been my own favorite (from the other side of the fence) for many years and the strict rules he applies have always provided acceptable guidance to thousands. But he wasn’t for us and I think he might even have warned us against his own service, had he known what he knows now.
So much for that. We are working on the update I promised yesterday but it’s not ready. It’s very likely that it will be sent out in parts as decisions are made. Stay tuned, and thank you for the total lack of bad press so far (the above-mentioned notwithstanding, of course). We’ve had supportive messages on Skype, in emails, in the ticket area, members shared their opinions and suggestions, and that’s the sort of feedback that creates wings for everyone involved. This project is fun, it’s exciting, and this is not even the beginning.
Okay, back to work and maybe there will be another short one before this day is over.


For some reason the admin of BillionairesGroup Rex (interviewed here) failed to update his members about the situation with his STP account. It’s been reported earlier that the account has been suspended by SolidTrustPay’s administration due to access from different locations. That temporary issue that has been resolved as of today and didn’t stop the admin from making payouts to PerfectMoney or EgoPay accounts – which are the two other payment processors accepted by BillionairesGroup into the 2%-4% for 120 business days plan with principal back on expiry. I myself though received a personal update from BillionairesGroup (reviewed here) which I will re-post below for your convenience while confirming that I have been paid to my STP account yesterday as usual:

Greetings Paul,
Very sorry for not updating you earlier on the STP,
The account issue was fixed immediately STP resumed office in the morning, and spoke to them on phone.
Thank you


Apparently OkPay is such a new payment processor with lots of hiccups that some scripts simply fail to handle automated deposits and withdrawals from it. Just a couple of days ago I received a complaint from one of my referrals who made a deposit in GeniusCapitalLimited via OkPay and his account was not credited. Not immediately, and not after the 24-hour waiting period. That forced me to contact the admin of the program Ralph directly and to my pleasant surprise he managed to resolve the issue with my referral and his account was credited promptly. Ralph also told me that there were some frequent issues with all the deposits and withdrawals in GeniusCapitalLimited made via OkPay, and he had to allocate some time to credit the missing deposits and process the withdrawals to it manually. There was no problem with the other two payment processors accepted by GeniusCapitalLimited, as all the withdrawals to both PerfectMoney and EgoPay are still processed instantly. And the admin also promised that the problem with OkPay will be solved as soon as humanly possible. The developer of the script GeniusCapitalLimited is running from has been contacted regarding the issue already and hopefully will manage to fix it soon. If for some reason that is not going to happen Ralph promised to adjust FAQ of GeniusCapitalLimited and include different rules for OkPay transactions. I’ll keep you updated on this, plus the possible addition of SolidTrustPay so keep watching. As for the project itself, you can read more about GeniusCapitalLimited in my review published here. The program launched 11 days ago and the admin booked the top banner on MNO blog for three months straight away, possibly to prove the seriousness of his intentions in running the project for as long as possible. GeniusCapitalLimited have three investment plans with principal back on expiry – 2% for 15 business days, 2.5% for 30 business days, and 3% for 60 business days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and, as I said already, payouts to PerfectMoney and EgoPay are usually done instantly.


OilGroup is the most recent addition to the Standard List on MNO. The program has been running for 12 days already, successfully paying on various investment plans which all pay returns on expiry. You’re promised different rates depending on your principal which can start from $10 and investment term which can start from as short as one single day. The investment plans include: 104%-120% after 1 day, 122%-230% after 5 days, 170%-750% after 15 days, 400%-1800% after 30 days, 700%-3000% after 45 days, 800% after 8 days. The plans on offer from OilGroup will be discussed in more detail in my review in a couple of days, so stay tuned for that. The three payment processors accepted by OilGroup include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and HD-Money and payouts are processed manually by the admin within a 24 hour maximum. OilGroup has an unusual design but it can’t mask the fact that it’s running off a very familiar GoldCoders licensed script. The site is SSL-secured by Comodo, hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Koddos, and the domain is registered for five years. All in all, everything is up to a decent standard for a quality short-term project with a memorable design and fast payouts possibly making it a success already which will hopefully be strengthened even further now that the program is listed on MNO. I just want to add that the specially dedicated news page covered the first ten days online yesterday with a short newsletter from the admin William you can read below:

10 Days Online
Dear investors.
We are pleased to inform you that we have reached the first ten days of work online.
Our team has received a commitment of investors and now total deposits of more than 60 thousand dollars and the number of Investors reaches over 700. We made a small step and this is merely the beginning. We will not stop there, and will work hard to make our program was the first. Stay with us and your dreams become a reality.
Best Regards, William Richardson
OilGroup – The Power Of Dreams


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After90Days.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, FidelisFinance, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance, SolomonHit, PokerByProxy, StrongInvestment, BillionairesGroup, GeniusCapitalLimited, FxDynamics, MutualWealth.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvesmentClub, IncomeAlways, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s all for tonight guys, except for that I didn’t include the latest updates from PokerByProxy as the site is not loading very well for me for the last few hours, although I should make it clear that I was paid as usual last night. I already asked the admin what happened and will update you on that tomorrow, when PokerByProxy will hopefully be more stable. Also please read the full review of CrestFunds in tomorrow’s blog post which will be accompanied by the introduction of another new program from my Premium listing and the usual daily news from the industry. See you all tomorrow!

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