October 2013 Archives

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Beware! OilGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Well it’s the first day of a new month and autumn is well and truly in the air here today. Let’s hope the falling temperatures and the longer nights will bring an improvement in the fortunes of investors as October has traditionally been a good month for the HYIP industry in years past. We’ll wait and see I suppose but it will tell a lot about where the industry is going for the rest of the year and even into 2014. But staying with today’s news for the moment I want to start this evening’s update with a look at a short term program that was recently added to the MNO monitor on the Standard List called OilGroup. A recent addition perhaps but can in no way be considered new program once you compare the length of its main plans against how long OilGroup have already been running which is almost two weeks now. Whether there’s still time to safely make a profit from the venture is something that’s entirely up to yourself to decide, I can only describe OilGroup‘s main features to you and their investment plans. Whatever way you choose to use the information is up to you, but let’s at least take a look anyway.

OilGroup has six plans to choose from, and is normally the case with programs like this some are reasonably priced and can easily make a modest profit for experienced players who know how to play such games properly. Indeed after nearly two weeks online as I already mentioned I’m sure some readers will have come across the program earlier and may well have deposited and withdrawn from it by now. There’s a couple of other plans best left to one side as they are unlikely to yield much more than an easy couple of bucks for the admin. Admittedly they all carry some degree of risk some plans carry a much better chance of getting paid than others as we shall see.

So to start with the first plan runs for a term of just 1 single day and makes one interest payment on expiry, a payment that includes your principal. So join today and get paid tomorrow. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and for anything up to a deposit of $500 OilGroup offer a return of 104%, or 4% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return. The rates are calculated as follows:
Deposits of $501 to $2,000 will earn 105%, and from $2,001 to $5,000 will earn 107%. Check the OilGroup members area for information on larger investments if interested.

The second plan runs for a term of 5 calendar days and also pays on expiry. The same $10 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $500 OilGroup are paying back 122% interest, a figure that includes your principal so that’s 22% profit for yourself. For anyone brave enough to go further than that then the following rates are offered:
128% for deposits between $501 and $2,000, and 140% for $2,001 up to $5,000. For the rates available to bigger deposits I suggest you see the OilGroup members area.

OilGroup‘s next plan pays on expiry after a term of 15 calendar days so at this point not even the very first investors have seen anything back yet. Your final payment will also include your principal. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and the return being offered will be 170% on anything up to a maximum value of $500. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then OilGroup make the following offers:
Spend from $501 to $2,000 and earn 190%, or from $2,001 to $5,000 for an offer of 250%. Again check out your OilGroup members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that.

As you can see the plans get more and more risky as the terms get longer. So it’s time to maybe start considering how realistic these figures are before getting too excited at the enormous rates available. However the minimum cost of joining takes an enormous increase in all of the remaining plans which might actually help investors avoid losing money if for no other reason than they couldn’t afford to join in the first place. Twisted logic I know, but it’s the truth. So for OilGroup‘s fourth investment plan which runs for a 30 calendar day term the minimum deposit is $100. the return being offered which is paid on expiry and principal included, is 400% if depositing up to $500. Beyond that the rates are:
500% for $501 to $2,000, and 700% for $2,001 to $5,000. Larger investments are accepted so for information there see the OilGroup members area.

Next up is a plan that runs for 45 calendar days and also pays once on expiry. Or at least we’ll see if it pays on expiry if OilGroup manage to stay online that long. The minimum deposit is $500 and for anything up to $2,000 the rate being offered is 700%. Higher rates include 1,200% for $2,001 to $5,000. And if all that doesn’t sound impossible enough then check out the OilGroup members area for even more outlandish figures.

OilGroup‘s final plan is something I’ll just mention briefly as it looks like something designed expressly to take the lunch money off the newbies if you understand my meaning. For a $2,000 minimum investment up to a maximum of $100,000 they offer one single payment of 800% on expiry of a term that runs for 8 calendar days. You can draw your own conclusions of course though it’s going to cost you a lot of money to find out whether that kind of a return is possible or not after such a short term

Payment options are very limited here but to be fair once you accept it’s a gamble before getting involved in the first place you should also accept there’s no refunds if things don’t quite go your way. So just don’t spend too much if that bothers you. OilGroup accept EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and HD-Money. Payments are not instant and will have to be requested from inside your members area. The program’s own terms and conditions require you to allow up to 24 hours for all transactions to be completed, though I must say that in the short time I’ve been monitoring them my own payments were usually handled pretty quickly.

The OilGroup investment plans may well remind you of so many other programs in recent times even if the design is slightly different. The program still runs off a licensed GoldCoders script though which most regular industry players will spot instantly. The OilGroup website is also SSL secured by Comodo to give safer transactions and their domain was registered for five years. Hosting is provided by Koddos who are keeping OilGroup on a dedicated server. If you have any further questions or just want to make some suggestions to the admin then the only point of contact with him is by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page. OilGroup are also keeping an active profile on Facebook so fans of social networking sites can find them there. You can also see a postal address listed for the program, although from experience I can tell you that even when the addresses themselves are genuine they do tend to be virtual serviced offices and not where you would find anyone connected with the program physically located. To accompany the address is a telephone number so you can try your luck with that if you really think someone os going to answer. Something you might actually find a lot more useful is the built in Live Chat feature where you can get your questions answered in real time when there’s an operator online. You’ll see the working hours listed on the Live Chat banner at the end of the page on OilGroup‘s website.

At this stage there’s probably very few of you actually expecting to find some kind of business plan in operation behind OilGroup. For the record, and I imagine you would have guessed as much from the name, they claim to be in the oil business. There’s just a brief and somewhat muddled and badly written text saying so, and as usual in the HYIP industry absolutely nothing else to back it up or provide any evidence. Above all else just remember to use OilGroup only as a smaller part of a wider investment portfolio, assuming you think it’s a good idea to join them at all that is, and always always stay within sensible and affordable spending limits that you can comfortably afford to lose.



I was struggling to get into my PokerByProxy‘s account all day today. The program’s website was inaccessible completely for a several hours, and even now it loads quite slowly. Although while the site was offline the admin of PokerByProxy Patrick (interviewed here) managed to send me an extensive update regarding their recent loading issues and the measures that are going to be taken soon to cope with the situation. Here is the update for your information:

This is Patrick from PokerByProxy. I just wanted to give you a heads up regarding our current website downtime. As mentioned previously we were dealing with a DDOS attack that was causing our website to run slowly. We have now been informed that our web host (CCI Hosting) is facing an issue with their “Upstream network provider”, which is causing the website to be down entirely at this moment. To fix the issue:
– CCI Hosting is working to restore the issue on their end
– CCI Hosting is planning on implementing stronger DDOS protection for our server to end the attack and get things running again
– At the same time, we have ordered supplemental DDOS protection from Koddos, which should be ready in 6-12 hours. At that point we will have dual protection, and shouldn’t have these issues again.
Anyway, if you could share this information with your readers, it would be greatly appreciated. The moment that our website is back online, we will be posting today’s return, and processing all pending withdrawal requests.
Thanks for your patience, Patrick
PokerByProxy CEO

As the site came back online later the admin managed to credit everyone’s accounts with the daily profits which weren’t at all bad and came to 2.7% for today. In the newsletter Patrick also apologized for the situation and promised to solve the frustratingly slow loading times soon. I guess by the measures he was trying to implement he meant those discussed in the first email to me, so I hope that PokerByProxy will manage to get over the problem as soon as possible. Apart from the technical issues, PokerByProxy (reviewed here) is still doing quite well and pays regular variable daily interests to members’ accounts which can be then withdrawn to your PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, HD-Money, BitCoin, PayPay accounts and also via Western Union and direct bank transfer. The same options are also accepted for deposits in PokerByProxy that start generally from a $25 minimum. By depositing in PokerByProxy you can literally direct your finances in the ways you like by tweaking your principal amounts on a daily basis, as everyday profits become a part of your principal in the program. Of course, problem number one for PokerByProxy at the moment would be to solve their technical issues and improve their loading times, and I will surely notify you on MNO on any progress on that front. Here’s today’s payment report from PokerByProxy:

Tuesday 1st October 2013
Result 2.70%
Report First of all, I would like to apologize for the incredibly frustrating loading times that everyone has been experiencing with our website over the past 4-5 days. We have been working with our web host to resolve the issue, and it’s a little more complicated than we initially realized. Without getting into the technical details, we are implementing a new server strategy that should resolve the issue and prevent similar slowdowns in the future. In addition, we are looking at expanding our hosting infrastructure to cope with the increasing website traffic that we expect as our program continues to grow. Please bare with us over the next 24-48 hours as we resolve the issue.
Anyway, while we’ve been dealing with that, our poker team has been hitting the online tables and has once again generated a positive return. Today’s result is 2.7%, which has been added to all accounts.


I want to discuss the results of the two recent polls that ran over the last couple of weeks on the MNO TalkBack page before moving on to some new questions. Obviously for me personally it was very important to know if my current readers were satisfied with the current choice of the programs on my monitor and if the direction I choose for only accepting programs from experienced admins with huge advertising budgets pays off. I can clearly see now that I’m greatly supported in that by readers who voted with an overwhelming 71.1% overwhelming for that option. Really, who wants to deal with newbie HYIP admins that would scam when the first couple of bucks is thrown into their programs when you can check out MNO monitor instead and where it’s more likely the admins know what they are doing. By picking up the biggest programs you can also be sure you’re participating in the best programs in the HYIP world and will be spared from dealing with cheap scams. Of course, the quality of a program and level of expertise from its admin simply means there will be a lot of investors willing to participate, but does not guarantee you profits. The latest example of that would be 1nstant which despite a promising layout and huge support from investors collapsed just after the first four days online. Therefore it’s always important to be selective and even from a few dozen programs listed on MNO always choose what suits your investment criteria and don’t rule out your own gut-feeling either.

In second place with almost 18% of the votes are readers who are really satisfied with the current choice of the programs on MNO in comparison to hundreds of cheap scams listed on other monitors. I noticed recently that if a program lists on MNO it gets lots of exposure on famous blogs and monitors and that always tells you that the admin running it must be pretty serious and wants to assure stable growth for months to come. That again proves that my decision to keep the prices high for advertising on MNO even in autumn was absolutely the right decision. I’m really satisfied that MNO is slowly becoming a place to advertise elite programs – a goal I always had in mind when launching my blog all those years ago. Finally, according to the results of the poll, only just over 11% of readers think that the choice of the programs on MNO could be better and that I should include short-term programs too. Well, I can honestly say that the quality of the majority of short-term HYIPs running at the moment has seriously deteriorated and very few admins of them could afford to list their projects on MNO. In addition, the interest from readers in such projects is declining now, as I can see a clear trend towards the more medium to long-term programs at the moment offering much more stability than most of the short-term games can offer.

Of course, it’s important not to dismiss the fact that since the LR closure many investors and HYIP admins themselves lost both their money and their trust in many online based payment processors. LibertyReserve was itself a safe haven for totally anonymous streams of money and laundered by an extensive chain of exchangers that sometimes provided instant withdrawals to bank accounts or other e-currencies. At the moment, we can see that SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay are the three big remaining payment processors in the industry and unfortunately, for the last four months there hasn’t been anything new which could compete with them. There were some new payment options used by some HYIP admins over the past four months and I decided to include them all in the other recent poll that I conducted for the last week as well. They are PexPay, OkPay, BitCoin, and HD-Money and the question asked was which of them did you think would be to most likely to gain mass acceptance and challenge the established names. The results were surprising enough with OkPay winning over 40% of the votes. From my first experience with OkPay I noticed that in order to use it to full effect your account has to be verified. I’m not sure if I want to do that as very few investors are using OkPay currently, although it is very much favored by many admins. However the first experience with GeniusCapitalLimited of which I already reported on my blog two days ago showed that OkPay is still quite raw and is not always working correctly with some scripts. Let’s see how OkPay develops but it might become more usable for HYIP investors as well. At the moment though 34% of readers believe PexPay might be the next big thing in the payment processor world. I recently sent some interview questions to its support and hopefully, will be able to publish it soon. PexPay has the total opposite issue in the HYIP industry to OkPay, namely there are investors with accounts but very few programs. From the programs currently listed on MNO only CrestFunds accepts it while EndoInv is thinking about it. Among main advantages to PexPay I can see it’s a bit more accommodating towards US users (which PerfectMoney doesn’t allow anymore) and less complicated verification process and less stringent controls on HYIP admins (which is PexPay’s biggest advantage over STP). More marketing and perhaps their upcoming interview might finally get things started for them. I remind you that I myself have chosen PexPay already and am currently accepting it for advertising on MNO along with SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. One of the outsiders in the poll was Bitcoin with less than 15% believing it could be used for online HYIPs in the future. I don’t think so either as the total anonymity of Bitcoin while its popularity in more legit business can lead to more regulations and make them more inline with PayPal and their restrictive policies against HYIPs. In addition to that, Bitcoin isn’t very regulated yet and there is a huge risk of losing money there. Finally, HD-Money came last in the poll with only about 11% of readers thinking it could become big. I can’t see any activity by the administration in promoting it plus many exchangers have either dropped HD-Money completely or are exchanging it for astronomically punitive rates and fees. So I doubt very much HD-Money is going to become famous unless something changes.

The above polls are now closed but I have some new ones to replace them. The first question is in direct continuation with the question asked during the summer, when the HYIP industry was really hit by the seizure of LibertyReserve and sparking the biggest crisis in the industry in many years. But so many things changed since then I would like to know what you think about the current situation in the industry and if from your point of view the industry has improved. The question will be:

How do you compare the situation in the HYIP industry today to three months ago?

And the possible answers will be:
a) It’s still in crisis and I don’t see any improvement.
b) It’s definitely improved but nowhere near full strength.
c) I think it’s recovered and is as good today as it used to be.
d) I actually think it’s better now, with a less but higher quality programs.

The second question is devoted to short-term programs. Once the investors’ favorites, but these days there doesn’t seem to be any good ones around. So, what is your opinion on short-term programs now. Do you still like them or did you stop since the latest crisis? So, the question will be:

What is your current opinion of short term HYIPs based on experience over the last couple of months?

And the possible answers are:
a) They have deteriorated in standards and are best avoided for the present time.
b) They were always high risk and no better or worse than ever.
c) I like them and prefer them to mid/long term programs.
d) They are important to keeping a diverse portfolio.

Please take a moment to submit your vote in the polls on the MNO TalkBack page and I hope we will have some clear results by the next week which we can discuss.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After90Days, FxDynamics.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, FidelisFinance, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance, SolomonHit, StrongInvestment, BillionairesGroup, GeniusCapitalLimited, InvGlobal, CrestFunds, EndoInv.
From MNO Standard list:  OilGroup.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvestmentClub, ForexShare, IncomeAlways, WelorTrade.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. I hope to see you tomorrow with a more detailed review of the newest addition to my Premium listing EndoInv and the regular daily updates from the HYIP industry. See you then!

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