Oct 21st, 2013 Archives

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Beware! KeystoneLoansDivision has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and are looking forward to a brand new week of possibilities and potential opportunities to come. It looks like being a busy start to the new business week here on MNO as I’m going to be publishing two updates this Monday. As usual I’ll have a full round up of all the important news events going on in the HYIP industry over the last couple of days a little later this evening at the usual time, and there’s plenty to catch up on so remember to check back then. First on the list of updates for this week however is going to be the following interview with Kali, the admin of one of the more unusual projects to launch in recent weeks called KeystoneLoansDivision.

It’s a tricky enough program to summarize without simply repeating the entire review of KeystoneLoansDivision (which if you like the interview you can then read here), so maybe it’s best to just leave the admin describe it below in his own words. I’ll just tell you that it’s a sort of HYIP/autosurf hybrid website that requires most of it’s members to view a certain number of online advertisements each day in order to receive an interest payment on the money they have invested. This can start from a $10 minimum and can bring potential returns of 1.4% for 105 business days, 1.6% for 95 business days, or 1.9% for 80 business days, depending on which of KeystoneLoansDivision‘s plans you opt for. So let’s hear what the admin has to say about it all and whether you think they might be suitable for you or not.

1. Hi Kali, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in KeystoneLoansDivision. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Good day MNO readers, my name is Kali and I’m the administrator of KeystoneLoansDivision. My role is making sure everything functions as smooth as possible daily on the website, as well as the marketing side of things.

2.Can you give us some background information on KeystoneLoansDivision? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

KeystoneLoansDivision is a project, which I worked on for over two months before bringing it to the public. I have two staff members who assist in their specialized fields namely security and programming. The site was opened to the public on 23 September.

3. What are the different categories of membership, how do they differ from each other, what kind of investor is each most suited to, and what is required of them to get paid?

Our free membership is the most popular as it was specifically designed for the largest group of members. The Vacation membership is for those who are unable to view sites daily for a limited time for instance when going on vacation, while the Premium and Elite memberships cater more towards those who have other opportunities they want to advertise at a great rate.

The different membership levels are as follow.

FREE Membership
Cost – Free
1 site in exchange surf
View up to 50 sites a day
Rate 10 sites for 10 seconds each on weekdays
Earn 1 credit after rating 5 sites

Vacation Membership
Cost – $3.95 a week
1 site in exchange surf
View up to 50 sites a day
No surfing requirements

Premium Membership
Cost – $9.95 a month
3 sites in exchange surf
View up to 100 sites a day
Rate 3 sites a day for 10 seconds each on weekdays
Earn 1 credit after rating 3 sites
Ad perk 1 month 125×125 banner in members area

Elite Membership
Cost – $24.95 a month
5 sites in the exchange surf
View up to 200 sites a day
Rate 5 sites for 10 seconds, one time per week
Earn 1 credit for rating 1 site
2nd level referral commission – 2%
Can transfer funds for purchases to other members (PIF)
Ad perk one rotating 728×90 banner in members area for one month

4. Explain the deposit and withdrawal process in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest?

To make a deposit with KeystoneLoansDivision you should click on the deposit link at the top of their account. The next page will allow you to select your preferred processor and list the fees charged for depositing, if any. Next enter the amount you wish to deposit. Just below this field you will see the net amount of funds, which will be credited to your account. Click on the Fund E-Wallet button and you will be taken to your chosen processor to complete the transaction. Once the deposit has been made into your E-Wallet you need to purchase an ad token to be eligible for any earnings after completing the requirements of your membership. To purchase an ad token you need to go to the “add to account” section on the left side of your members area and click on the first option called ad token. Once on the ad token screen you have to select the plan you wish to purchase in, followed in the next field by the amount, and finally select which processor balance you wish to use for the purchase.

To withdraw you can click on the withdraw button at the top of your members area. The withdraw menu allows you to select which processor you want to withdraw to as well as shows the balance for that processor. Next you can choose whether to withdraw to your processor or back to your E-Wallet. If you’ve made a deposit from the processor that you have selected to withdraw to then your processor ID will already be entered in the field, otherwise it can be entered manually. Next you need to enter the amount that you wish to withdraw and then enter your secondary password, and click the Request Cashout button.

5. What payment options are you currently accepting and what is the payment schedule (ie how between asking for a payout until I actually receive it)? I said in my review that passing on your own processor fees to be paid for by your members would not help your popularity. So why is it necessary to do this? Why can’t you absorb them, or else just adjust the interest rates so people don’t feel like they are the ones picking up the charge?

Currently we are offering SolidTrust Pay, EgoPay, and Perfect Money to our members and advertisers. As per the FAQ please allow up to 72 hours for a withdrawal to be processed but we strive to process them within 12 hours whenever possible.

I thought about the processors fees for quite some time and in the end to me at least it came down to KeystoneLoansDivision first and foremost being an advertising opportunity.

6. How secure is the website of KeystoneLoansDivision? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

Before starting the actual work on KeystoneLoansDivision I personally interviewed several security persons in the industry before placing one on retainer to ensure any problems that do arise are dealt with in a swift and appropriate manner. KeystoneLoansDivision is currently hosted on a dedicated server with Black Lotus communications with adequate DDoS Protection.

7. I know some people are extremely wary of any surf related websites, saying (or at least certainly believing) that they picked up viruses and malware from the admin failing to monitor the websites that were opening on peoples computers during the surfing process. What do you say to that?

So far we have not had a single member raise this question and I appreciate finally being able to share my view on it. Firstly, it should always be a persons own responsibility to keep their system updated and with the proper software installed to protect themselves. Secondly, I do however, understand that not everyone is as informed and as such each and every website is checked through at least three individual online scanners before being approved whether it’s a surf site in the exchange or a paid for banner advertisement. Unfortunately some individuals out there, still find joy in submitting malicious material over the internet, and even use third party websites to do so. I recommend that scripts are turned off by default in the browser you use and only allow for trusted sites. NoScript for Firefox is an excellent extension to safeguard yourself with ease.

8. Some of the terms are quite long. I know you have the Vacation option, but what happens if a member accidentally misses a few days surfing from time to time? Do they simply not get paid and continue as normal? Or will the plan be extended by the number of days they missed so they can make up for it before requesting their principals back?

The plans are setup as such that every ad token returns a set percentage instead of a certain amount of days. If a member does forget to surf then they will still earn the full amount it will just take longer.

9. What kind of script is KeystoneLoansDivision running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

KeystoneLoansDivision is running on ShadowScript. During my initial research it was determined that it was the most secure and feature rich software on the market for my needs. The script is licensed and members may verify this by visiting the ShadowScript site and using the license validation page. I believe this was the best script because of security and secondly because of the features and growth it will allow us in the future as we expand our operations.

10. Can we see any statistics regarding KeystoneLoansDivision? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

At present we have over 600 registered members of which over 250 are currently active. I am very pleased with the support from the current members and know it will take time to win many investors trust and confidence. Based on the tracking implemented members are currently responsible for driving over 50% of the new visitors to the website daily.

11. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

Members are welcome to use the contact page on the website or the support ticket system. Soon there will be a Facebook and Twitter option for members to communicate with us.

12. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

The most common problem thus far would definitely be members using the surf function on outdated browsers. I believe the extensive FAQ covers most questions that members may have and do appreciate those that do make use of the FAQ.

13. How have you been promoting KeystoneLoansDivision so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

I believe KeystoneLoansDivision requires a unique approach with its promotion as it isn’t your everyday run of the mill opportunity. So far I have enlisted the services of a few monitors and purchased some banner space on a few forums where we already had a good amount of traffic coming in from prior to the advertising. My main goal for getting new members to join would be to prove to them that KeystoneLoansDivision is a serious opportunity, which will not disappear overnight.

14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

I would just like to notify the MNO readers that on the day the review was published we have implemented Instant Withdrawals to all processors. Since then it has come to our security departments attention that there is currently a security concern with the Perfect Money payment processor and we have disabled instant withdrawals to that processor until we have more information as well as a solution. In the rare occurrence that a withdrawal to any processor is not instant it will be processed manually and there is no need for concern.

Thanks a lot to Kali for taking the time out from running his program to answer my questions. If you are already a member or just thinking about it then I hope it was in someway useful for explaining how KeystoneLoansDivision works and helps you decide if you think it might be worth taking a chance on or not. I’ll just wrap it up by wishing the best of luck to everyone involved and hope for a profitable outcome for as many members as possible. Anyway, that’s it for the moment but I’m not finished for today just yet. As I said at the beginning I’ll be back later tonight with a full news update from the rest of the HYIP industry, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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