October 2013 Archives

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Hello everybody! It’s been a very quiet couple of days in in the industry for news stories, which is why I didn’t have an update for you yesterday. I was also unsure of two programs which were both on Waiting status on MNO, but today everything finally became clear and now I can tell you exactly what happened and update their statuses on the MNO monitor. I’m talking about RFIGroup and MightyAssets.


Something suspicious happened on the MightyAssets website last night when some selective payouts requested to PerfectMoney were returned to members account balances. I was able to independently verify this by checking the account of one of my referrals in the program. That was the first warning sign, of course, and together with the downtime which followed I had to move MightyAssets to Waiting status on MNO pending a solution. While admin did reply to my emails today after the site came back online, he avoided answering my questions about the withdrawals being returned, despite the question being repeated several times in different e-mails. Instead he would only offer an explanation about why the MightyAssets website was temporarily offline. As I told him I don’t really care about the technicalities, actions always speak louder than words, and as of now he has failed to resume the payouts, even though he promised to do that within just a few hours. It’s very obvious now that MightyAssets is gone and was a dismal failure after just two weeks online. That was certainly not enough to get even close to break-even point for any investor, receiving just 4% interest per day. The excuse about downtime didn’t work either, as it was only a few hours anyway, and the payouts were selective even before that happened, although the admin didn’t admit it himself. As we will see below, other programs can be down for days and still come out as winners, resuming payouts immediately after and getting stronger as a result. Unlike MightyAssets which simply stole from investors and ran away as early as possible. Well, shame on him for not being able to run his program properly and letting so many investors down. I hope that MNO will be able to get rid of such fast scams in favor of more quality programs like RFIGroup that resumed payments today.


RFIGroup (reviewed here) is actually the perfect example of the program the administration of which don’t look for excuses but instead fighting the obstacles and eventually getting out of them as a winner. After a seemingly devastating DdoS-attack on the program’s servers over the weekend that made the site not loading for over 48 hoursand forced me move RFIGroup to Problem status on MNO monitor the website miraculously appeared today’s afternoon and the instant payouts were also fixed in a matter of a few hours. The case of RFIGroup actually demonstrated the brilliant example of how the things can be coped in a right way after DdoS-attacks appear and how the program can literally come back out from the ashes back to Paying status without looking for excuses and resuming instant payouts as soon as possible after fixing the issues with the site’s accessibility. That is the way how the work should be done and the clear sign that RFIGroup, unlike other programs, are run by professionals. Of course, some temporary measures must have been taken to avoid the panic among the investors of RFIGroup, but the administration honestly said about that in the latest update posted on the website today. The measures include the deposit cancellation temporary disabling for one week for all the investors who are in its variable return plans with possibility to get the principal back at anytime one likes. As for the investment plans with fixed interest and fixed investment term – 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, 2% for 150 business days with principal return on expiry – they will not be affected and will remain the same for the investors. The short update from RFIGroup that is now paying instantly again to PerfectMoney and EgoPay (while also accepting deposits via direct bank wires) outlining the reasons for the DdoS-attacks happened over the weekend is posted below:

DdoS attack on server
Dear customers,
We have fully recovered after massive DDoS attack. We have permanent DDoS protection however intruder abused a vulnerability that let him to avoid it. The vulnerability is now fixed, so he cannot abuse it again. Deposit cancellation for Index plans is closed for one week.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
RFIGroup administration.


I’m glad to report that the admin of BillionairesGroup Rex (interviewed here) possibly learnt his lesson from the numerous attempts of the hackers to change members’ PerfectMoney accounts in his program and so, he disabled the possibility of the members to change their e-currency accounts at all. That mostly affected those who made a deposit in BillionairesGroup‘s 2%-4% for 120 business days plan with principal return on expiry via PerfectMoney, as I myself suffered from the possible unauthorized access to my account in BillionairesGroup, although I do not believe that it was possible in the first place, as I used two different passwords that were both required to change my PM account in the program. Fortunately, the admin admitted his mistake and paid me eventually to the right PM account, but he also took my advice and made preventive measures of not allowing to change PerfectMoney and other e-currency accounts specified on registration (along with PM BillionairesGroup also accepts EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PexPay and OkPay payment processors starting from $10 minimum and WesternUnion transfers with larger amounts). In case, you for some reason wish to change your e-currency account in BillionairesGroup (reviewed here) please contact the admin via email. Here is the latest newsletter from BillionairesGroup that has been successfully paying for over two and a half months already:

Dear Billionaires,
We trust all of you had a wonderful weekend,
This is another week of massive earnings with the BillionairesGroup.
The Journey to Financial Freedom still continues and will like to wish you all the best of luck for the week.
We will also urge all Perfect Money account holders with BillionairesGroup to confirm that their P.M account and email addresses are all correct and not tempered with by unauthorised hackers.
In case you notice any suspicion in your account, Kindly contact support immediately for assistant before placing a withdrawal request.
– Keep the firewall and AVP in your computer updated at all times.
– Should you need to open an attachment in an e-mail, always make sure you know the sender or that the e-mail is coming from a trusted source.
– We never send e-mail asking our members to provide and/or verify their account
details. Should you receive such an e-mail, do not respond to it and report it
to us immediately.
– Do not visit untrustworthy websites.
– Always use a unique, preferably non-sense, combination of symbols as a
password. Do not use the same password with two or more accounts.
Thank you all for your support
Regards. Admin.
BillionairesGroup Finance


Over the weekend UnicoFX (reviewed here) celebrated its first month online and the admin decided to send a newsletter to all the investors of his program in commemoration of this event. That might seem as not a very long term for a HYIP, but we should remember that UnicoFX is a short-term program that pays on multiple plans while accepting deposits via EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and HD-Money with $10 minimum. The various investment plans include the following – 104%-125% after 1 day, 113%-195% after 3 days, 125%-275% after 5 days, 180%-950% after 15 days, 270%-2250% after 30 days, 400%-3950% after 50 days, 2000%-10000% after 100 days, 1200% after 10 days. Of course, because of its age UnicoFX is less attractive now than it was from the beginning, and perhaps one should be more cautious now when deciding to invest there. However, more than a month is a very solid term that could make UnicoFX look as a more dependable program in someone’s eyes, and therefore the project can go on and on. I know examples when such programs stays online and paying for months, and we will see if the admin of UnicoFX will be able to achieve even more impressive results than one month online he bragged about in the latest newsletter re-posted below:

30 Days Online
I am very pleased to say that we already passed 30 Days of successful works. So first round of 30 days plan was complete and many investors got a really great profit. We have a good feedback in popular monitors and I really happy that we can meet your expectations.
Another good news from our Support service, for now we have a two separate phone numbers so you can make a call easily.
We are committed to serving you with professionalism, integrity, and sensitivity.
Thank you for choosing our company.
Kind Regards, Ryan Stevenson
UnicoFX – Unique Opportunities


Last but not least, we have the latest results from PokerByProxy (reviewed here) which has now reached the #3 position on MNO’s Premium listing. An impressive achievement after just 45 days on my monitor but no real surprise. It seems the program is ticking all the boxes on how a quality program should operate. First off, the list of the payment methods accepted by PokerByProxy starting from $25 minimum is quite impressive and includes popular payment processors like PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, HD-Money, BitCoin, and even PayPal and for larger amounts the program also accepts direct bank wires and WesternUnion transfers. Withdrawals in PokerByProxy are usually done within 24 hours and never exceed 48 hours which, I suppose, will be alright with the majority of investors. But the main attraction of PokerByProxy as discussed in my interview with the admin published here is the investment plan. Your principal earns variable amounts of up to 25% per day (though 2 to 3% would be more the average) while losses (which can occur as well) are capped at a 5% maximum which allows you to profit in the long-term. Returns are credited to your account in PokerByProxy at the end of each calendar day and the amount depends on the results which are posted on the website around the same time. The results for the last three days included two profitable days on Saturday and Monday totaling an impressive 6% while Sunday saw a loss of 2.95%. So the last three days saw a 3.05% net return which is still a good result. Also don’t forget about the option to withdraw any part of your principal and profits in PokerByProxy at any time you wish. We know of other successful examples programs offering anytime withdrawals that ran for quite some time, but the uniqueness of PokerByProxy is in the total flexibility. You can simply leave the profits to compound and automatically become part of your principal and increase your earnings. You can also just leave the program as fast as the day after you join with absolutely no fees involved. Or you can develop your own strategy and leave whatever amount you want and remove the rest. Past performance doesn’t always indicate future results, but so far PokerByProxy has been working better than expected for all concerned. Below are the three latest reports from over the weekend:

Saturday 19th October 2013
Result 3.20%
Report After taking the majority of yesterday to rest, our team was eager to hit the tables today and come home with a nice profit. They started the day off at Poker Stars Zoom Poker, where they usually find the players loose and the wins easy. Today was no different, with the team being able to make a fairly good profit during a two hour session. We got quite lucky at one point, narrowly avoiding a potential bad beat, and luckily taking a rather large pot in the process.
Following the session with Zoom Poker, the team moved over to Party Poker to play some sit and go tournaments. For some reason, they always seem to have better luck at Party Poker when it comes to sit and go’s. Anyway, in total, they played 12 sit and go tournaments, and ending up in the money in 8 of them. Not bad, considering there were a few 1st place wins among those. After lunch, the team played a few random cash games, before tallying up the winnings and calling it a day. The total profit from today’s play was 3.2%. All accounts have been updated with today’s result.

Sunday 20th October 2013
Result -2.95%
Report Things started well today, with a few minor wins with the low limit sit and go tournaments, however things quickly took a turn for the worse, in one of the most brutal sessions that we’ve had in a while. One of our team members was playing at a relatively high limit table, and ended up in a three way show-down. He had a full house, JJJKK, and it looked like the hand would be a certain win (and quite a large win it would have been), however another player at the table ended up catching a 4 of a kind, taking the entire pot. The team then regrouped and was hoping to get us back in the green for the day, however we had no such luck. Despite playing for an additional 3 hours, the team hit a few more snags and didn’t manage to turn things around and end up in the green. That said, they did manage to minimize the loss, resulting in a -2.95% return for the day. Rather than continuing, it was decided that it would be best to wait until tomorrow.
All accounts have been updated with today’s result.

Monday 21st October 2013
Result 2.80%
Report Our poker team was up early this morning, ready to make up for yesterday’s lacklustre performance. Today’s strategy was to focus on slow and steady profits, through a combination of regular cash games, combined with sit and go tournaments to keep things interesting. After playing for nearly 5 hours, the team has managed to generate a positive result of 2.8%, pretty much making up for yesterday’s loss. Unlike yesterday, the only bad beat was in our favour, which is always a pleasant feeling. Sometimes the cards fall in your favour, and that was definitely the case today.
All accounts have been updated with today’s result. Only a few days until our next live play meet up, which has everyone here excited. Later this week we’ll be posting details, as well as pictures from the excursion.


Regular readers will know this already of course but I’d just like to briefly bring your attention back to the ongoing polls running on the MNO TalkBack page. Thanks as always to those of you who already voted, though I would still like to see a few more votes cast before I think the results are a fair representation of the opinions held by MNO readers. It’s mostly for curiosity, and I hope you will want to participate and also to see whether many other investors share your thoughts on certain aspects of the HYIP industry, where and on what you disagree, and hopefully see how others do things differently. So if you don’t mind, I would just like to remind you of the questions being asked there and the possible answers.

The first of two questions in the TalkBack poll asks:
What is the decisive criteria for you when choosing a program to invest?
Quite an important question I think you’ll agree and one that has surely bounced around the minds of every HYIP player on a fairly regular basis. I mean even if you don’t deliberately draw up an “A to Z” style checklist of what you are expecting from online investing, there must be something that clicks in the back of your mind that tells you joining one program is a good idea, while another one is best avoided. So the possible answers are as follows:

a) Fast profits
b) Good overall quality of the website
c) Time online
d) Other people’s feedback
e) Advertising budget

Of course there may well be a million other reasons for you to take or leave an online HYIP apart from those, so if you don’t see the most important factor that you yourself usually think about then please just vote for the one you feel is closest to what you might consider. Preliminary results have been interesting but I don’t really want to discuss them here just yet. You can see them if you like by visiting the TalkBack page, but as I said above I really don’t know if it’s a true cross section of readers thoughts just yet as it’s still a bit early.

As for the second question for MNO readers, there’s no denying the obvious fact that there have been some massive changes in the ways online investors go about their business this year, and yes, specifically I am referring to the closure of LibertyReserve. In the wake of that closure a number of previously reliable e-currency exchange providers also closed. But there is still a good choice of both payment processors and exchange providers available, and in fact if the results of a previous TalkBack poll are anything to go by there’s a sizable number of you who believe the industry is if anything better off without LR, something I must admin I find hard to argue against. Despite the changes though, one thing that hasn’t been affected is the actual mechanics of how you go about turning the cash in your pocket into virtual money that you spend and (hopefully!) earn interest on in online HYIPs. So the exact question posed was:
How do you usually fund your e-currency account?

Possible answers, and these would be the main channels anyway that I am aware of for you, include the following:
a) Via an exchanger from another e-currency
b) Via an exchanger via bank wire
c) Directly from bank transfer
d) Directly from my credit card

Again there’s been a fairly even spread of voters there, but numerically not enough to give a conclusive picture just yet about what most readers do and don’t like. So thanks again for sharing your thoughts on this, and if you haven’t already done so please visit the MNO TalkBack page and cast your votes today. It’s much appreciated, guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, PokerByProxy, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance,  GeniusCapitalLimited, SolomonHit, BillionairesGroup, StrongInvestment, LoanClicks, InvOil, SabroTechnology, PrimeEnergy, CrestFunds, MutualWealth, InvGlobal, KeystoneLoansDivision.
From MNO Standard list: UnicoFX, OilGroup, DeltaTraders.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvestmentClub, IncomeAlways, InvestAge, 30minutes, WelorTrade, Brows&Co.

That is all the news for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and see you on MNO with more updates from your favorite HYI programs tomorrow.

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