October 2013 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everybody! Plenty to discuss in the HYIP industry today with a mix of good and unfortunately bad news stories emerging over the last 48 hours. Also please keep reading to the very end of today’s news issue to see the introduction of the latest addition to the MNO Premium List which is going to be reviewed in more detail tomorrow – BestEight.


Sadly I have to start with the strongest possible warning against further investments in OilGroup. The program has recently scammed and are now making selective payouts to monitors only. Regular members withdrawal requests are not being honored and the admin is returning them to the account balance without any justifiable reason. In addition to that, he faked the monitoring image of MNO on OilGroup‘s rating page and is currently displaying Paying status while in reality his program is on Problem Status on my site as of last night. You can hardly blame the crooked admin for this, as such behavior is definitely in his blood and as the saying goes the leopard can’t change his spots. What we can do at the moment is spread the word about the selective payouts in OilGroup on various blogs, monitors, and forums, and pressure the monitors that do not care yet about displaying the true problematic status for OilGroup, as they were all handsomely paid and do not care about their followers. Unlike MNO, when you know exactly that I’m the only one displaying Problem status for a program once I get a confirmed report from my readers. In the case of OilGroup the admin is shrewd enough to realize that and he tries to move the funds to balances not to allow monitors to verify the selective character of payments. That didn’t work with MNO though and I am determined to display the real status of the program after receiving a some complaints from readers. OilGroup was to be fair a great program while it lasted, by the way, and with various short-term payment on expiry plans it managed to survive for nearly five weeks. That has been a really great achievement, but sadly, the admin couldn’t finish the program on a high note and preferred to remain in investors minds as a dirty lying scammer. So please do not invest in OilGroup anymore. You have been warned!


Well, if all that didn’t spoil your day and you’re still in the mood to talk about scams and criminal fraud, let’s add a couple of lines about MightyAssets. You might remember my warning posted two days ago which was followed by the program going to Scam Status on my monitor. Well, if not then the admin will send you numerous reminders about the possibility of investing into his dead program already which I strongly suggest you ignore. I don’t know what’s happening with the MightyAssets‘ admin lately, but the usual degree of lies contained in every single email reached boiling point today. In his latest newsletter he praised the program’s growth. He then practically begged investors for more deposits into his scam while not forgetting also to modify his rating page before inviting you to visit it to see how he replaced the genuine monitoring images with fake buttons. Almost everywhere now MightyAssets is a confirmed scam now, but it looks the admin is targeting newbies with his emails that now look more like spam to me. MightyAssets was truly a disastrously bad program with an admin probably running it from kindergarten. During its two weeks online the site was more down than up with all sorts of half witted excuses being passed to justify his inability to run a successful program and his atrocious level of unprofessionalism. The only thing I really appreciate is that MNO was mentioned again in his latest masterpiece which I will give you a taste of and re-post below. Of course, all the lies about purchasing banners on MNO and Paying status on monitors are outrageous lies, but it is true that I will be “keeping conversation” about MightyAssets on my blog, only with a totally different aim in mind – to warn potential victims of that scam from depositing a penny there. So please check the real status of MightyAssets on my monitoring page before buying the lies the admin is trying to feed you all:

Two weeks online and Ultimate successful Paying
Today we have completed our 2 weeks online mark and we have more then USD 100,000 in deposits . We are Paying status on all 70+ monitors you can check the full list here : https://www.mightyassets.com/index.php?a=cust&page=rate-us
We also paid Paul from MNO amount of $2500 for 2 top banners at MNO for 1 month each and this will be the best advertisement spot we think . We also thanks a bunch to MNO for keeping conversation with us in our hard time and understanding us.
We have now more then 2200 Investors worldwide & we have a target of more then 20,000 members in a month soon. We thank you everyone for keeping trust on us so far.
Investors have already made profit and we welcome new investors to double there money with us in just 50 calendar days! That outstanding payout plan 4% daily for 50 calendar days.
You can join us now : MightyAssets.
MightyAssets Administration
Robert Thorpe, admin


Yesterday I received the following email from the admin of BillionairesGroup Rex (interviewed here):

Hello, Our host reported of some Maintenance on their routers thus interrupting our system for an hour.
Kindly bear with us for the malfunction,
Thank you

However several hours after the maintenance was announced BillionairesGroup was still offline which prompted me to move them to Waiting status on MNO. I hope it’s is just a temporary issue as discussed in more detail in the later newsletter he issued to BillionairesGroup‘s members today promising that everything would be completed in not more than 24 hours. In addition to that, anyone who already made an investment into the 2%-4% for 120 business days with principal back on expiry plan can send a manual withdrawal request to the admin via the email address specified in the following newsletter which I strongly suggest to read if you’re a member of BillionairesGroup (first reviewed on MNO here) and be paid to the e-currency account you made a deposit with (which I already did, by the way, and got paid as usual):

Dear Billionaires,
We wish to apologise for putting the Website in maintenance mode with out any prior notification.
We were forced to put it under maintenance because our Hosting Provider was embarking on a technical clean up in their routers and ended up putting us in an inconvenient state.
The site will still be under Maintenance to bring to you the new face of BillionairesGroup which we planned of introducing on our 100th day online.
Members will have to compromise with us and wait next 24hours maximum to enable us address the situation. We have spent sleepless night working on this to continue serving you better.
Members who cannot wait can send a manual withdrawal request to admin@billionairesgroup.org honestly and will be attended to only if you have available balance.
Feel free to contact admin or support if you need any clarification or attention.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Admin. BillionairesGroup Finance.


As you may know from my review of InvOil published here, the program accepts SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney into a single 3% for 75 days plan with the original principal returned on expiry. The admin however is looking at more ways to expand his business as the program has been running for 20 days now, and he came to the conclusion that adding BitCoin as a payment processor might be a smart move. As long as the demand from investors is there for it then why not I suppose. He even issued a newsletter today informing InvOil members about the possible use of BitCoins in the near future. Let’s wait and see if that happens, and meanwhile, please read the latest update from InvOil below:

We will soon accept Bitcoin
Dear Members,
We want to notify everyone that we have received your requests for us to be able to accept Bitcoins. As you may know, we want to cater to all requests of our members and we want to inform you that we will soon be adding Bitcoin as another accepted E-currency.
Although Bitcoin’s spot market value is very volatile (as in changing every moment, sometimes by a huge amount difference), we are working on trying to implement it on our program with convenience in mind.
We will update you once we are ready to start accepting bitcoins.
If you think we should start accepting bitcoins and converting the funds to another e-currency of your choice as a deposit on your account. Please get in touch with our customer support representatives and discuss with them.
Thank you and wishing everyone a blessed day.
Regards, Saimon Spinner ( COO )


CatenaFinance (reviewed here) has been online for almost four months now which more than enough time to see the first investors well into profit. CatenaFinance has always been an affordable investment opportunity for everyone, accepting deposits starting from $1 via all the major e-currencies – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney – and paying quickly and flawlessly on two investment plans with principal returned on expiry – 2% per business day for 365 days, and 11% weekly for 55 weeks. Maybe that is the main reason why CatenaFinance is so popular among my readers despite its low-ROI plans and why it soared to the #5 position on my Premium List. The admin of the project Enver (interviewed here) has shown himself a true professional handling the payouts fast and providing efficient service for his members. He’s also famous for his series of educational articles that were aimed at helping the newbies to understand the HYIP industry better. He keeps up that tradition today with a newsletter on the correct way to enter e-currency account details in the appropriate fields which will be useful for those unfamiliar with how PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay work. In any case please check the latest newsletter from CatenaFinance below:

CatenaFinance: Ecurrency accounts
An error that happens to some of our investors is that they tried to process a withdrawal without correctly entering their e-currency account or, in some cases, not entering one at all beforehand. When that happens we must examine that investors history, search for the account used for the the deposit, make changes, etc. which is a heavy workload.
Due to that we would like to ask all of our investors that are planning their first withdrawal to check their profile on CatenaFinance beforehand and make necessary changes, if they are needed.
A common type of mistake made is entering wrong information. For example, some enter an e-mail account as a SolidTrustPay account or, in case of PerfectMoney, enter their member ID which is actually used for logging onto PerfectMoney.
That is why we would like you to note the following to avoid mistakes:
For EgoPay – Your account is the e-mail address that you used when registering on EgoPay
For SolidTrustPay – Your account is your username that you use to log onto SolidTrustPay
For PerfectMoney – Your account is the USD account which you can see when you log onto PerfectMoney and it starts with a U.
We would also like to ask our new investors to read the previous newsletters, that can be found in the News section of our site, as they are full of useful advice especially about security.
If you still have questions please do contact us, we would be happy to hear from you.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, CatenaFinance


I’m really sorry for those readers who missed out on PokerByProxy as it’s been truly an incredible site so far with a unique option for members to withdraw the original principal or any part of it at any time they like. It’s been paying for about seven weeks now, and hundreds of investors have seen substantial profits, the size of which was only up to them due to the high level of flexibility in PokerByProxy. Deposits start from a $25 minimum via most of the payment processors accepted – PerfectMoney, BitCoin, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, HD-Money – and with a higher amount if using PayPay, e-Transfer system, direct bank wires and Western Union. The payouts from PokerByProxy have been always processed on time and depending on the payment method they could take 24 to 48 hours. If you wish to read more I suggest to find my detailed and comprehensive review of the program here and perhaps also check out the interview with PokerByProxy‘s admin Patrick here.

As for the latest results that published on PokerByProxy‘s website at the end of every calendar day, yesterday the profit was reported at 3.02% and today it was 1.06% which makes it over 4% for the last two days. The detailed reports discussing the last two profitable days in PokerByProxy can be also found below:

Tuesday 22nd October 2013
Result 3.02%
Report So far it’s shaping up to be a pretty good week, with another positive result to announce today. Today was the final trial day for our newest team member, and we are happy to say that he performed superbly, accounting for roughly 1/3rd of the day’s result. By having a new member on our poker team, we’ll be better able to handle the increasing number of deposits that we have been receiving, while being able to maintain the results that our member’s have come to expect. We still have another two potential team members that are currently in the trial phase, who are working with our current team, with the hopes of eventually becoming full time PokerByProxy team members.
As for the actual play today, it mainly consisted of sit and go cash games, plus a few multi-table tournaments (which usually aren’t part of our usual strategy, though we decided to give them a try). The multi-table tournaments definitely have larger payouts, however they are generally more challenging to win and take more time. One of our new potential poker team members considers multi-table tournaments to be his speciality, therefore if he ends up passing our tests and becoming part of the team, he will likely play those exclusively. Anyway, after tallying up all of the wins (and the few losses), our result for the day was 3.02%. All accounts have been updated.
On an administrative note, I would like to remind users to occasionally check their internal customer support message box. Occasionally we send important messages to users through our internal system, as they are more secure than regular email.

Wednesday 23rd October 2013
Result 1.06%
Report Today started out somewhat slow at the poker tables, with our chip stack remaining relatively stagnant. One of our team members managed to achieve first place in a multi-table tournament, however the win was quickly offset by a few bad hands in Zoom Poker. Nevertheless, the team pushed forward and continued to play in a variety of sit-and-go cash games, as well as a few single table sit and go tournaments. The majority of our play focused on slow and steady earnings, and in the end resulted in a result of 1.06%. Not quite as high as we would have liked, but fatigue was starting to set in, and the team felt that it would be best to finish off for the day and resume tomorrow, fresh and energized.
All accounts have been updated with today’s result.


Finally I would like to introduce the latest addition to Premium listing on MNO. It’s a program called BestEight which only launched a couple of days ago but already attracted the attention of many experienced investors after starting its advertising campaign on major forums and monitors. As the name implies BestEight offers 8% daily for a duration of 20 business days (Monday to Friday). The original investment is included in your daily earnings and therefore not returned. So you should expect your eventual net profit in BestEight after four weeks to come to 60%. The program accepts all the popular payment processors – EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and SolidTrustPay – starting from an $8 minimum. Please note that deposits via SolidTrustPay are currently accepted only in manual mode but you will see the instructions on how to proceed in your member’s area in BestEight after creating an account. As the payment button is not approved by STP just yet please allow the admin a couple of hours to credit your account manually if you if using that payment processor to join. Deposits made via PerfectMoney and EgoPay are credited instantly as normal while the withdrawals to all payment processors are processed manually by the admin. The first withdrawals I received were done pretty quickly and only took a few hours. BestEight is running off a licensed script by GoldCoders, though it is slightly modified so looks a little different. The website is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by CloudFlare and the website is fully SSL secured by Thawte. As I already mentioned I did receive the first withdrawals from BestEight and moved the program to Paying status on the MNO monitor, so please read the full review of the project on my blog tomorrow. For now I’ll just leave you with the welcome message posted on the site after its launch:

Welcome to the BestEight Website
We have spent lots of time and effort developing our project, and finally, the day of its opening has come. Remember this day and make it the day of your first step to financial independence. Investing is open for everyone, and the minimum deposit amount for participation in the program is only $8 with daily profit 8%.
You are so close to success! All you need to do is to complete a simple registration procedure and to start getting your first profit straight away, and in a month your total income will reach 160%.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, PokerByProxy, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance,  GeniusCapitalLimited, SolomonHit, BillionairesGroup, StrongInvestment, InvOil, SabroTechnology, PrimeEnergy, CrestFunds, InvGlobal, KeystoneLoansDivision, BestEight (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: UnicoFXDeltaTraders.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvestmentClub, IncomeAlways, 30minutes, WelorTrade, Brows&Co.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. See again tomorrow for a more detailed look at BestEight plus all the the usual daily news from the HYIP industry. Bye for now!/strongBestEight

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