October 2013 Archives

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Beware! BesEight has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Before tonight’s news update I want to take a more detailed look at the latest addition to the MNO Premium List, which is a mid term program called BestEight. It’s only been online a couple of days but has already caught the eye of a lot of industry players judging by the feedback floating around since their launch. So let’s see what it’s all about and what BestEight have to offer investors and their other main features, and decide whether you think they might be a worthwhile risk to add to your portfolios.

If simplicity is a quality you admire in online HYIPs then you’re gonna love BestEight because that’s one thing they’ve got plenty of. There’s just one investment plan to chose from which also makes it quite a simple decision for online investors. You either like it and join it or you don’t and you pass. It also makes for an uncomplicated review of the program for me. As we shall see the number eight features quite prominently in BestEight, not just in the name. For example, the minimum investment if you wish to join is $8. The plan then runs for a term of 20 business days (that’s four weeks) during which you can earn a daily interest payment of 8%, Monday to Friday only. This rate applies to all deposits regardless of size up to a maximum value of $88,888, so the small investors benefit from the same rate of profit as the more serious players. BestEight are factoring your principal into those payments and so will not be returned in a separate payment on expiry. So your final return of 160% will consist of what was already your own money in the first place plus an extra 60% net profit for yourself.

In practical terms then let’s take a simple example and suppose you invested $100 in BestEight. Every day from Monday to Friday for the following four weeks the admin will pay you back $8. Your original principal is recouped with the 13th of the 20 payments, so it’s all net profit from that point on. Your final payment will bring the accumulated total to $160, which includes your own initial hundred plus an extra $60 on top from the program. Please note that if you’re a fan of compounding that the practice is not allowed in BestEight.

So if you like the investment plan and think it might be worth taking a chance on, then BestEight‘s choice of payment options is pretty good. By good I mean all the main industry processors are included, though I have to say that at the time of writing there are still a couple of small issues to be ironed out. EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and SolidTrustPay are all accepted, however at the time of writing BestEight‘s payment button was still awaiting the approval of STP. Therefore all STP deposits will, for the moment anyway, have to be added manually by the admin. If you wish to join the program using STP then you’ll find instructions on how to do so in your BestEight members area after you create the actual account. In practical terms all it really means is that it might take a couple of hours for your deposit to appear in your account, whereas with PM and EgoPay this should be instant. Keep an eye on MNO and I’ll let you know when this changes. As for the payouts, these are all processed manually by the BestEight admin regardless of what payment processor you’re using, and will have to be requested from inside your private members account area. The first couple of withdrawals I received myself since I started monitoring the program were I have to say all completed quite fast, within a few hours mostly. There isn’t a definite timeline for this specifically mentioned on the BestEight website that I can see by the way, so I would suggest you allow them up to 24 hours to complete your withdrawal request.

On the subject of design and the security of BestEight, the program is running off a script under license from GoldCoders, though you may not have realized it straight away unless you have a sharp eye as it’s been slightly modified and so looks a little different from most of the programs using the same platform. For safer browsing and more secure transactions the BestEight website is also SSL encrypted by Thawte. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of CloudFlare, a name that seems to be turning up a lot more often in the HYIP industry these days. If you have any further questions for the admin you think weren’t really explained here or have any account related issues for him to look into, then there are a number of channels you can go through to contact him. You can either write directly to the listed e-mail address found on their contacts page, or else simply fill out the online support form and submit it. What you might find more convenient, depending on what exactly you are looking for and assuming there’s an operator online, is BestEight‘s Live Chat feature where you might be able to get your questions answered in real time. Also included is a telephone number if you like your chances of somebody actually picking up.

Texts and website content are pretty basic. Original maybe, but basic and don’t make any of the usual nonsensical claims about any kind of working business plan. Experienced players will no doubt all be skeptical of these things anyway, so I for one have no personal problem with the BestEight admin dispensing with the made up stories of ForEx trading and stock market deals and instead just lays it out for you as it is – BestEight is an online HYIP, if that’s the sort of thing you like to gamble on then proceed, and if not then thank you for your time and continue looking elsewhere. That choice was always yours anyway. In this case they only seem to play around the fact that the number eight is seen as being somehow lucky or magical in some cultures (I guess that’s why so many casino/gambling websites incorporate the number into their names), but of course one suspects that the one person who is going to emerge from this with the best fortune and the best “luck” will naturally be the BestEight admin. All we can hope for is that his intentions to allow as many other people as is realistically possible to share in the profits while the program survives are genuine. We’ll see if that is really going to be the case over time, but for now I’ll just remind you that the first thing you need to remember about the entire HYIP industry (and not just BestEight) is to always set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose and can easily earn back from offline sources (i.e. your salary). And if joining BestEight at all then at least consider keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio where occasional losses in one program are negated by profits in the others.



First off, we’re starting with the good news for BillionairesGroup members. The site is back to Paying Status on the MNO monitor and the admin used the maintenance time to fully upgrade the layout of the website and make a brighter different version. I hope you like the new design of BillionairesGroup  (reviewed here) – the program has been on MNO’s Premium List for the last ten weeks and is still paying like clockwork on the 2%-4% for 120 business days with principal back on expiry plan. The very first investors of BillionairesGroup will already be in profit by now, and the admin has proven once again today that his program is a force to reckon with and to be taken seriously. Since the admin of BillionairesGroup Rex gave an interview (to be read here) the list of payment options has been expanded from SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney to include PexPay, OkPay, and even WesternUnion transfers. But the minimum deposit remains at just $10. In the latest newsletter the admin also emphasized that the changes aren’t over yet and Phase 2, which won’t interrupt the program’s uptime, will launch soon. I’ll update you on that when it happens and for all the latest news from the admin please read the following:

Dear Billionaires.
We hope all of you are in a state of non panic now.
First and Foremost, we will like to tender our heartfelt gratitude for the massive support you rendered us during our 24 hours of coming up with a new face which interrupted access to your back office.
You have shown a true act of Billionaire ship and we really are broken and appreciate that.
We are glad to say that the phase one of the modification has been completed successfully and members can now proceed with withdrawals and deposit as usual.
The new design has addressed the minor login problems that our valued members were encountering.
We will also entreat you to ensure that all information about your account is correct, you can change password if you wish.
We are now back to normal and watch out for Phase two which will not interrupt your access to the website and back office.
That is all for now, we will update you again with the Phase 2.
Thank you
Admin. BillionairesGroup Finance”.


Today was yet another profitable day for PokerByProxy – a unique program with variable daily returns and the possibility to withdraw any part of the principal or profits at any time. For the first seven weeks online PokerByProxy didn’t change much and still pays dependably to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, HD-Money, BitCoin, PayPal accounts and also via bank wires and Western Union transfers. Yep, that is how many different payment options PokerByProxy has been accepting all this time starting from a $25 minimum in most cases. And you can be sure that the information in my detailed and comprehensive review of PokerByProxy published here and in my interview with the program’s admin Patrick here is very much relevant. The stability of PokerByProxy is stunning for such a seemingly fragile program where investors could be set-off and easily panicked into withdrawing all their earnings and leaving the program’s coffers empty. But so far the admin seems to be handling things in quite a professional manner. I have no doubt that PokerByProxy is not his first project in the industry as it’s quite accomplished to the highest possible standards and I really can’t praise it enough so far. Of course even the most stable program will end at some point, but the beauty of PokerByProxy is the being in in total control of your funds and the high level of flexibility.

By the way, the profit/loss results posted on the website daily are also written in a very professional manner. Today’s profits were reported at 2.01% – a very similar rate to the first 50 days average, meaning you could have doubled your money in PokerByProxy by now if you only withdrew profits and didn’t touch the principal. However why limit yourselves only to this option, as there are so many possibilities for creating your own investment strategy? Here is the latest profit report for your information:

Thursday 24th October 2013
Result 2.01%
Report Another profitable day at the poker tables to report, with a result of 2.01%. Things started well, and they continued well throughout the day, with slow and steady earnings. Our team focused on tournaments for the first part of the day, and participated in a large number of single table sit-and-go’s. The primary strategy was to play numerous 10 player, 50/50 tournaments, which are both easy to win, and relatively quick. After spending nearly 3 hours with single table tournaments, we moved onto a few sit-and-go cash games, where additional profits were earned. Finally, we tried our luck with a relatively large multi-table tournament, however we were unfortunately knocked out relatively quick. The final tally added up to a profit of 2.01%, which has been applied to all PokerByProxy accounts.


Although EgoPay have always been a reliable payment processor it looks to me like they failed to exploit the gap in the market that opened after the LibertyReserve closure in May. From my observation, EgoPay started to be used by only a slightly bigger investment audience, even considering the recent PerfectMoney price increase. Perhaps the administration of EgoPay finally realized that as today a slight reduction in fees for smaller payments on funds sent to you by someone else and depositing fees if you fund your EgoPay account from Payza was announced. Also the fees if you deposit from any approved exchanger (you can find the list of the exchangers on EgoPay’s website here) are temporarily at 0% now. That’s actually a much more substantial advantage for HYIP investors and their chance to fund their EgoPay account with low fees from bank or e-currency accounts via a third-party exchanger. I’m sure that will bring EgoPay more customers within a very short period of time and if you fancy taking advantage but don’t have an account then please click here to complete the registration process which takes a few minutes. I remind you that EgoPay accounts don’t require verification, have lots of deposit and withdrawal options, and you can use them for investing in literally every program on the MNO monitoring page as EgoPay is perhaps the second most accepted payment option by HYIP admins (behind PerfectMoney). For the full version of the latest newsletter from EgoPay please see below:

New reduced EgoPay fees
Good news!
Since the establishment of EgoPay, responsible company members worked extensively and did their best in order to offer you lower fees.
• After carefully considering all the options with Payza we’re pleased to announce that starting today we reduced fees for Payza deposits. New Payza deposit fee is 2.7% + 0.25$.
• Also good news to our merchant account users: if the sum that you received is 10$ or less the fee is reduced to 2.5%+0.25$ instead of previous 2.5%+0.50$.
• Currently EgoPay offers a special discount: when depositing to any account type from any exchanger (excluding Payza and OKPAY) our fee is 0%.


I reported recently that SolidTrustPay dropped LoyalBank as a debit card provider for some reason while promising an improved service to replace it. It looks like STP are now on the verge of fulfilling this promise as today the first invitation to join the new card program were sent to all the former holders of the STP international debit card. The new card provider is going to be the Cypriot based PaySpark and the STP members were sent prearranged usernames and passwords to log in to PaySpark and complete the invitation for a new card for approval by them:

STPay INTL Debit Card Invitation
In order to accept our invitation for a free replacement card, you will need to register at this new website address:
You can log into this new website using your unique username and password below:
Follow the instructions on the website to register your details and accept your invitation for a new card.
Once you have registered, your card will be sent to you by UK 1st Class post.
Thank you for choosing SolidTrustPay

As I myself registered my interest in the new debit card at the end of the business day I don’t really expect a response before tomorrow. However I just wanted to let you know that one of the most popular methods for withdrawing from SolidTrustPay is in the pipeline, and that can only be very good news for all concerned. I hope that the experience with the new card provider will be better than the last one and I’ll let you know how it works out once I receive it.

For anyone unfamiliar with SolidTrustPay I’ll just remind you that it’s perhaps the most popular method of payment when investing in HYIPs for the bigger and more serious investors (especially those based in the US, where PerfectMoney recently withdrew their services). Recent STP policies towards HYIP admins were clarified and became much stricter, and nowadays if a program accepts SolidTrustPay it’s encouraging and shows the admin is serious enough. SolidTrustPay has competitive fees and offers multiple funding and withdrawal options. However accounts in SolidTrustPay usually require verification – the reason why some admins don’t want to compromise their anonymity, but at the same time, that is a very good option for investors who have nothing to hide and are happy to work with the best processor in the HYIP industry at the moment. By the way, here you can read my interview with the SolidTrustPay CEO Stella and if you like what you see you can create an STP account free of charge by clicking here.


IndustrialInvestGroup is the newest addition to Standard listing on MNO which will be reviewed by tomorrow. IndustrialInvestGroup launched only yesterday and accepts deposits via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer starting at a $1 minimum. There are four investment plans to choose from – 1% for 10 days, 1.5% for 25 days, 1.9% for 50 days, 2.4% for 80 days. Profit is accrued on every calendar day and the principal is returned on expiry. Withdrawals in IndustrialInvestGroup are processed instantly, subject to the payment processors all being in working order of course, so you’ll be paid within literally seconds of requesting it. There’s a very interesting system in place to encourage repetitive deposits when an immediately withdrawable bonus of 3% to 9% (depending on the plan) is credited to your account if you choose to re-deposit instead of withdrawing your deposit on expiry. I’ll describe that in more detail tomorrow. The website has a very clear and concise layout with everything explained in great detail and easy to find. IndustrialInvestGroup is running off a totally unique and custom script developed specially for the program which is always a good point. Finally, the site is SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by DdoSDefend. At first glance everything looks ok, and for a more detailed description please check out my blog tomorrow.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, PokerByProxy, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance,  GeniusCapitalLimited, BillionairesGroup, InvOil, SabroTechnology, PrimeEnergy, CrestFunds, InvGlobal, KeystoneLoansDivision, BestEight.
From MNO Standard list: UnicoFX, DeltaTraders.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, 30minutes, WelorTrade, Brows&Co, ValuePathFinance (the first payment received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. I hope you’re enjoying my daily reports from the HYIP industry and if so, you can always subscribe to get them direct to your email address, and also follow me on Twitter and Facebook where I place links for the interesting articles and reviews. See you all tomorrow with the full review of IndustrialInvestGroup and more news from your favorite programs. See you all then!

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