October 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! Aside from the usual industry news section tonight I’ll also be introducing a new addition to the MNO monitor. It’s a recently launched (though maybe not new) short term program that has just joined MNO Standard listing today called SixaLimited – with a full review coming tomorrow. First on the list for tonight however is the news stories, so sit back and see what’s been going on in the world of online HYIPs


Sadly I have to start with a warning against investing in the SabroTechnology program. You might remember it was moved to Waiting status on MNO yesterday as already mentioned on my blog, but today everything became clear with the admin not responding to my emails anymore and the payouts not getting processed at all. That left me no other choice but to move SabroTechnology to Problem Status on MNO this morning and later to Scam Status. The program was nothing special in terms of longevity and only lasted for one full 30-day investment cycle while paying for 40 days in total. The admin of SabroTechnology apparently had started running out of ideas for attracting new investors and just a few days ago posted this on his website:

Updated our system
We have updated our system and moved it to the new brand platform, now it’s became more secure and faster.
Contact us if you have any question.

Although I had SabroTechnology listed on Premium status on MNO I ignored publishing this weird update as I myself didn’t notice any apparent changes on the website, while made this last statement an outright lie to start with which was not worth publishing in the first place. That alleged change of platform resulted in payouts from SabroTechnology started to be paid out longer and longer than usual and this weekend the program suddenly died in its sleep without much agony, I suppose. Please make not of that and do not invest in SabroTechnology anymore, as the program has been moved to Scam status on MNO monitor!


PokerByProxy keeps impressing with its stable performance and prompt payouts. The weekend results were also quite decent bringing 3.04% profits for Saturday and 3.2% profits for Sunday. Unfortunately Monday saw a reversal with a 2.9% loss bringing the total profit from PokerByProxy for the last few days down at 3.34%.

For those who unaware of the existence of PokerByProxy as the program is not widely advertised on major investment forums and monitors except for MNO yet, I’ll remind you that the program started about two months ago. PokerByProxy accepts a very wide range of payment processors with a general minimum deposit at $25 (could be higher for some methods of payment) – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, HD-Money, PayPal, e-Transfer, direct Bank wires and WesternUnion transfers. Investor of PokerByProxy can also take advantage in a super-flexible investment plan paying you a variable daily return of up to 25% (with occasional losses capped at a 5% daily maximum). Note that any unrequested profits by the end of the day are accumulated in your account in PokerByProxy and become the part of your principal (sort of a voluntary compounding). However, at any time you may request your profits and any part of the principal and be paid to your e-currency account within 24 hours and within 48 hours if through a banking option. Due to extreme flexibility of the program and prompt payouts to its investors, it’s no wonder then that PokerByProxy recently reached the #3 position on my monitor. That is an incredible achievement providing that unlike the top listing performers PureIncome (ranked at #1) and EmpireFinanceGroup (ranked at #2), PokerByProxy has been featured on my listed for less than two months. If you consider joining PokerByProxy I strongly suggest you read my full review of the program here and my interview with its admin Patrick here. I must warn you that PokerByProxy is very different from most other HYIPs you have seen before, and therefore obtaining more information is a must for everyone who wishes to develop a winning strategy in this program. The profit/loss reports from the admin for the last three days, including the latest one from today are all included below:

Saturday 26th October 2013
Result 3.04%
Report Quite an exciting start to our Vancouver poker trip, with the team raking in thousands already at the tables. We arrived last night after midnight, though that didn’t stop us from getting up early and heading over to the Edgewater casino, right in downtown Vancouver for some early morning poker. Much to our surprise, there were quite a few players already at the tables. We started off with some 2/4NL before moving up to the higher limits, where we ended up earning most of todays result. We’ve just tallied up the earnings thus far, and we’re at 3.04%. Not a bad start!
Due to Vancouver being in the pacific standard time zone, it’s only mid afternoon here, so we’re definitely not done for the day. However, in order to maintain a level of consistency, I have posted the return that we’ve achieved so far, and anything that we earn later this evening will be added to tomorrow’s return.
We may take the sky train out to RiverRock casino tonight to check out the poker room there. We’ve been told that the RiverRock casino is a little bigger and more popular than Edgewater, so I’m expecting it to pretty busy tonight. A busy poker room is always a good thing, as it usually means that it’s filled with amateurs, which means easy winnings for us. More exciting updates to come. All accounts have been updated with today’s result.

Sunday 27th October 2013
Result 3.20%
Report Last night the city was abuzz with Halloween parties, but that didn’t stop the team from staying focused at RiverRock Casino here in Vancouver, BC. Around 8pm last night, we went out to RiverRock to check out their poker room. Not only was it larger than the downtown casino, but there was a huge crowd, which meant plenty of games, and higher limits. Our team split up between two tables and got the evening off to a good start, with a few small wins on both over the first hour. We then took a quick break before returning for some late night gaming.
Around 11pm, we hit a bit of a snag when one of our players suffered a bad beat, that unfortunately did not qualify for the bad beat jackpot. Had we had a slightly better hand, we would have won the bad beat jackpot, which currently sits at $34,000. Nevertheless, we kept playing until about midnight, and managed to recover from the bad beat, resulting in an overall profitable evening. We then woke up this morning, and headed straight back to the Riverrock poker room, though there wasn’t nearly as much action as last night. There were a few tables going, and as the morning progressed, more players arrived. We managed to add a bit more to our late night profit, resulting in a total result for today of 3.2%. Better than yesterday, and an excellent return overall, especially given the amount of capital that we’re now working with.
We’ve now returned downtown for lunch, and will resume play later this evening. All accounts have been updated.

Monday 28th October 2013
Result -2.90%
Report Today didn’t quite go as planned, due to a large tournament, in which we unfortunately were booted out just shy of reaching the prize pool. Had we won the tournament, we would have seen a huge return, however unfortunately we didn’t quite make it. The result was a 2.9% loss for the day, which is our first loss in more than a week. We considered playing more in an attempt to recover and get back into the green for the day, however the team was quite tired and we all felt that it would be better to just post the loss rather than risking it.
Nevertheless, we still have a few more days before we leave Vancouver, and we’ll soon be back at the casino, and are confident that tomorrow will be better. All accounts have been updated.


The admin of InvOil is trying to increase his program’s exposure in the HYIP industry after the first successful 25 days online and prompt payouts on the 3% for 75 days with the initial principal return on expiry (read more on InvOil in the review published here). Over the weekend it was announced that PexPay had been added to the list of accepted methods of making deposit that included SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. Here’s the email about the addition of PexPay which the existing members can add to their profiles for a limited period of time while new members will be required to enter it on the new sign-up with InvOil:

Pexpay is accepted at InvOil
Dear Members,
You are receiving this e-mail today because we have great news for you. On our website, you shall find another payment method added as another means of deposit. We have started to accept Pexpay today ( http://pexpay.com ) .
This is great news for those who already have accounts with them. You can start by adding your Pexpay account on your profile by editing your account. Just a reminder that we are giving you the ability to edit your payment processor accounts on your InvOil profiles today until tomorrow ( for 48 hours only ) and after the time limit, we will be disabling processor account editing on your account again. In order then for you to add your Pexpay account to your profile after that time, you will need to contact us and we will manually add the account to your profile.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Regards, Saimon Spinner ( COO )

For the second update from the admin of InvOil he shared a link to the newly created Facebook Group to support the program and its investors and encourage discussion among its members. That social networking promotion is certainly very important nowadays and I hope that the increased presence of InvOil on Facebook will help to spread the word. Here’s the latest newsletter from the admin inviting you to join the Facebook Group open for all the investors:

Please join the InvOil Facebook Group link inside
Dear Members,
Please join the InvOil discussion group at facebook by clicking the following link and then click Join.
Thank you and hope to see you there. I am very active there.
Regards, Saimon Spinner ( COO )


The administration of PexPay (read my interview with one of the payment processor’s representatives here) also introduced InvOil as one of their new merchants in the latest newsletter issued tonight. A reminder about the current Bank wire and ACH deposit promotion when for the next few days you can fund your PexPay account for half the fees you usually pay was also included. So, if you’re interested in funding your PexPay account to start investing with HYIPs (apart from InvOil, PexPay is also currently accepted by BillionairesGroup and CrestFunds) then you can take advantage of the offer while it lasts. If you’re interested in PexPay being accepted by other programs you can always contact their admins and ask as suggested in the latest newsletter below:

Reminder and New Merchant
Hello PexPay Customer,
We wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that the Wire and ACH promotions are now live. It is a great time to take advantage of these promotions as we are giving you half off the Wire deposit fees as well as half off on the ACH deposit fees. Please see our previous email we sent about this for more information. You can also visit the news link at: https://www.pexpay.com/news.php
The other news we wanted to pass along is that we have a new merchant that is now using PexPay. The new merchant is InvOil. You can now use PexPay with InvOil as they added PexPay over the weekend.
If there is a merchant you want using PexPay please contact them and let them know, or you can send us a support ticket with the merchants information and we will contact them.
Thank You, PexPay
Your Bridge to Anywhere


The focus of the latest update on the official SolidTrustPay blog over the weekend was the TrustCard. So why do STP account holders also like a TrustCard, which is basically a credit card sized piece of plastic with some codes written on it? Well, for the payment processor it would be taken as proof that the person whose name is on the SolidTrustPay account was verified and actually lives at that address and therefore, will increase the trust that you get with this card and reduce the waiting time for deposits and withdrawals. For the SolidTrustPay member it’s a second protective layer against hackers, making your STP account much safer because you can be sure that no one else know three codes you received by post. So there’s a lot of advantages to getting a TrustCard which will make your experience with them safer and faster and help you avoid unnecessary security hassles and withdrawal delays. So if you already have a SolidTrustPay account and would like to get a free TrustCard please check out the latest Spotlight issue which will also provide you with the step-by-step instructions:

The STPay TrustCard is a revolutionary new idea designed to eliminate credit card and bank account fraud!
With identity theft and credit/bank fraud on the rise around the world, SolidTrust has created their own unique anti-identity/bank account/credit card theft product exclusive to SolidTrust!
SolidTrust has created this system to eliminate the risk of fraud of this type.
The Trust Card is an actual card imprinted with three codes unique for each member. The three codes are :
* ID code ( Asked for when contacting our support department)
* Payments code ( Required when doing any credit card or bank transaction )
* Secure code ( Allows you to change your email address or profile address from your back office at anytime!)
There is absolutely NO personal information on the card or anything that identifies your account, so if ever lost or stolen, it is useless to the finder.
Purchase of a TrustCard is highly recommended for members wishing to use their bank account and credit/debit cards as these types of transactions are the most prone to on and offline theft and abuse!
PROTECT YOURSELF with the STPay TrustCard.
To order your TrustCard:
while logged into your account at http://www.solidtrustpay.com
– Go to your “Security Zone”
– Click on “Apply for TrustCard”
– Follow the steps
It’s Just That Easy !
PROTECT YOURSELF with the TrustCard Today, Exclusively from SolidTrustPay!


The latest addition to my Standard Listing today is a program that might be of interest to the fans of short term games – SixaLimited. The program launched 12 days ago and since then has been paying promptly and within 12 hours via EgoPay and PerfectMoney. There is an unfortunately very misleading mention of SolidTrustPay in both the plans’ description and the program’s promotional video, but in fact SixaLimited doesn’t accept SolidTrustPay as far as I can see in my account area. Not sure why the admin mentions STP on the website at all, so please ignore this statement. Deposits start from a $10 minimum in all plans. These all pay on expiry and include 104%-120% after 1 day, 122%-300% after 5 days, 146%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1,000% after 20 days, 400%-1,500% after 30 days – with only one investment plan paying on a daily basis – 54.3%-70% for 2 days. I will look at the plans in more depth tomorrow, but for now let’s have a brief look at the other features. In terms of security SixaLimited cannot be faulted as it has DDoS protection from BlockDos which is by far the best hosting provider for HYIPs and keeps it on a dedicated server. The site is fully SSL-secured by Comodo with a green SSL-bar, it has bilingual Live chat support, and claims to be a UK incorporated company involved in ForEx trading. The design is decent enough and the program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. Withdrawals have to requested from your member’s area and are processed fast enough for a short term program – within 12 hours. Apparently the admin (his name is Charles, by the way) is an experienced enough person and is open to suggestions from investors regarding possible improvements to SixaLimited as asked in the latest newsletter issued today:

Hello everyone,
SixaLimited staff is constantly looking for ways how to improve our online project and make it even more profitable to our loyal clients. Maybe you have a great idea how to improve SixaLimited? If you don have an idea (advertising, improve site content etc), please don’t hesitate and share it with us as a reply to this email or through online support where you can meet your admin in real time.
Best Regards, Charles Barkley,


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, PokerByProxy, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup,  GeniusCapitalLimited, SolomonHit, BillionairesGroup, InvOil, PrimeEnergy, CrestFunds, InvGlobal, BestEight, KeystoneLoansDivision.
From MNO Standard list: UnicoFX, DeltaTraders, IndustrialInvestGroup.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, GulfInvestmentClub, IncomeAlways, WelorTrade, 30minutes, Brows&Co, StableProfit.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoy reading MNO and if so, please subscribe to my daily news and have it delivered straight to your mailbox. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter where I share the links to the most interesting articles on my blog. See you tomorrow with the full review of SixaLimited and all the important news from the HYIP industry you need to know in order to succeed as an online investor./aDeltaTraders

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