Nov 5th, 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! We’ve barely half way through the business week but already things are getting pretty exiting on MNO. Today I have some very impressive new programs being added to my Premium List which I am expecting to become popular in the coming weeks, and one of which is highly original and could potentially be a hugely successful hit well into 2014. This is of course in addition to a couple of other programs yet to be launched which I mentioned on my blog earlier in the week where the admins are already planning massive campaigns over the winter, past Christmas, and into new year. So it’s all beginning to look like some exiting times on the horizon for MNO and I’m really pleased to see so many serious and experienced admins that I know will really open up the entire HYIP industry to a mass audience planning their programs around MNO. I hope to be kept busy describing them in more detailed articles for the rest of the week, though I don’t think it’s going to stop there. I’ll introduce the latest additions to the Premium and Standard List – PipsinInvestments, WealthersInc and DublinCryptoriumLimited – at the end of this post, but first let’s crack on with the industry news and what’s been going on in the existing programs from my monitor.


If you’ve been even a casual follower of my monitor over the last couple of months you’ll have found it all but impossible to miss the almost meteoric rise of PokerByProxy. It’s just hit the #2 spot on my the MNO monitor now, where rankings are based on the program’s popularity among readers. That’s quite a noteworthy achievement after such a relatively short (in comparison to its main competitors) time online. Hardly a surprising one though, given the almost unprecedented level of flexibility afforded to members and more importantly the outstanding rate of profit that’s been paid out up to now. PokerByProxy make daily interest payments to members which can vary according to the program’s own fortunes, much the same as any business I suppose so if they’re having a good day you can expect a little extra. Mind you, if they’re having a bad one this can erode your investment with them too as you can incur losses from time to time. Thankfully these are both rare and capped at 5% anyway, so the overwhelming majority of profitable days will quickly compensate you for that.

Theoretically the profits, which are announced in a detailed payments report sent at the end of each day, could be as high as 25%. In practice however up to 3% is more usual. That’s still hugely impressive by any standards by the way, and the fact that PokerByProxy are now entering their third month making such payments is really what’s driving their success. In terms of flexibility however, this is really where the program’s admin (Patrick, interviewed here) has excelled. You can open an account with a $25 minimum spend through almost every conceivable payment option serving the HYIP industry in SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, HD-Money, BitCoin, PayPal, Western Union, and Bank wires. After joining you can use your account almost like a bank account, where you are free to withdraw any amount you like at any time, either principal or profits. The thing is though that if you don’t withdraw your principal on one day it doesn’t just sit there like with other HYIPs. PokerByProxy add it to your principal so the following day you can earn an improved return on the bigger amount.

Anyway, this evening’s profit report saw PokerByProxy members credited with a highly respectable 3.06%. The report on how this figure was arrived at can be seen in full below. I just want to remind readers that the current opinion poll running on the MNO TalkBack page asking readers what their favorite programs from the top five on my monitor are. One of the options is PokerByProxy (first reviewed on MNO here) which is polling very strongly at the moment. To cast your vote for this or another of the top five please visit the TalkBack page soon as the poll will close over the weekend:

Tuesday 5th November 2013
Result 3.06%
Report Today was one of the more interesting days that we’ve had at the online poker tables in a while. We started the day with our usual warm up, which often involves playing a variety of single table sit and go tournaments, to get us into the right frame of mind. That went well, and we moved onto the $5/10 NL cash tables, which is where things got exciting. One of our players managed to catch a straight flush on the river, winning thousands of dollars with a single hand. It worked out perfectly, as one of the other players had a full house, and went all in during the final round of betting. Anyway, with more than a 3% result, nearly entirely as a result of that one hand, we decided to stop early and enjoy the rest of the day. All accounts have been updated with today’s 3.06% return


No reason to complain either with BillionairesGroup who are now celebrating 100 days online, which was just one of a number of highly positive developments in the program today. To start with, after some niggling technical issues that had been as the expression goes biting them on the ankles for a while now, the BillionairesGroup admin Rex (interviewed here) took great pride in announcing their successful move to a new private server. This should finally put to rest any lingering security concerns held by members. In more practical user friendly terms though one thing that will undoubtedly be a major boost for both program and members alike is that I can now confirm that all payouts to the processors being used by BillionairesGroup are made instantly. The list of payment options includes all the mainstream industry handlers like SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney as well as the more marginal PexPay and OkPay, and Western Union transfers. For a basic $10 minimum deposit you can avail of terms of 2%-4% interest for 120 business days, and your principal back on expiry. The fact that BillionairesGroup have been providing this plan for 100 days now was the other main point of the latest news update from the admin, though in this case it’s not just idle talk as there are some bonuses on offer to members now to celebrate. And no, not the “big red flag” variety of bonus that usually sends experienced HYIP industry players scurrying to get their money back before an imminent collapse, but rather something more subtle and achievable. In this case it’s 10% which is available on new investments over the course of the next 14 days. So congratulations go to Rex, not only for completing the first 100 days as he did but also in overcoming all the obstacles that came up in front of the program as it ran. With an attitude like that I can only wish all the members there good luck in completing another hundred days in business. You can read the latest newsletter in full below, and if you would like further information then refer back to the original BillionairesGroup review first published on MNO here:

Dear Billionaires,
It is with much pleasure for us to announce the successful completion of our migration to the the private dedicated server.
We are very proud of the kind of family we have and the massive support tendered, for us to complete all the minor technical issues which was affecting our project.
As a long term project , it is very prudent that these issues are addressed with immediate effect to avoid premature collapse of the project which has already taken root among the online investment community and eradicating poverty
We can now assure you of less technical problems and less hacking issues which members experienced some weeks back.
In view of this development and support from our Billionaires, we have introduced a 10% bonus on all new deposit as part of our 100 days online celebration for the next 14 days and there is no limit to the amount which will earn you the 10% bonus (Nov. 14 – Nov. 22, 2013)
We have also added two more domain names and which is now accessible to all members for deposit and withdrawals including checking balance.
The management will keep up with consultations with professional bodies to ensure our mission of raising billionaires within the five years business plan is achieved successfully.
Better is not good enough , the best is yet to come. Watch out for more development.
Thank you
Admin , BillionairesGroup Finance.


Finally for this evening there was a couple of updates recently from the admin of SixaLimited (reviewed here). The program, which offers high risk short term plans of 104%-120% after 1 day, 54.3%-70% for 2 days, 122%-300% after 5 days, 146%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1,000% after 20 days, 400%-1,500% after 30 days has been online for almost the last three weeks now, though only coming to MNO two weeks into that. The first update marks a sort of milestone of surviving 20 days online which I guess is worth celebrating if you have been making uninterrupted payouts to the aforementioned plans as SixaLimited have, paying to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. Also mentioned is one of the membership stats, which the admin now says stands at over 3,000. Whether that means a turnover of 3,000 people having passed through one plan or another in the last three weeks or a current standing membership of 3,000 active deposits as of today is unclear, but the fact is that SixaLimited is still here and still paying. Their second update includes info about an improvement to the SixaLimited website that should make it easier for members to communicate with each other and the admin, namely the inclusion of a ShoutMix, similar to what you might see on a lot of blogs and personal websites including MNO. Both updates are included for your consideration below:

SixaLimited – 3rd Newsletter – 20 days online, 3k+ members.
Hello everyone,
SixaLimited has been online for 20 days, but we fell that we are only at the beginning at this fantastic only journey, we have over 3000 members registered and this number is only getting bigger each day. For 20 days we have been paying to our customers, with that said, our members have almost doubled their money. We are the ultimate money making machine, we provide you investment portfolio that others can’t handle. SixaLimited has already established it self as best short term program today. Stay tuned for more news in next few days. SixaLimited – dynamic investment solutions.
Best Regards, Charles Barkley, SixaLimited

SixaLimited – ShoutMix added!
Hello everyone,
SixaLimited presents ShoutMix to its existing and future customers. ShoutMix offers you real time chat with programs admin. What are you waiting for, ask programs admin any question you like, leave positive feed back or just chat with other programs members, just remember to be respectful to each other, check it out at SixaLimited.
Best Regards, Charles Barkley, SixaLimited


The first program joining Standard listing on MNO today is called PipsinInvestments. The program only launched yesterday and it accepts EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and OkPay for several investment plans, all of which return your principal on expiry. They can be divided into two groups depending on the minimum and maximum to deposit. The first two plans might appeal to investors who would like to try the program for a mid term and are prepared to risk $5 to $99 – 1.3% for 15 business days, and 1.5% for 30 business days. Oddly enough the other three plans start with $200 minimum with no maximum limit and pay 2% for 50 business days, 2.5% for 90 business days, or 3% for 120 business days. It’s not quite clear why the admin skipped everything between $99 to $200, but a guess would be bad planning. PipsinInvestment runs off a licensed script by GoldCoders and the withdrawals are processed manually without 24 hours of request from your members area. The website is fully SSL protected by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated BlackLotus server with DDoS protection by GeniusGuard. More on PipsinInvestments will be in my review tomorrow.


The second program to join Premium Listing on MNO today is WealthersInc. The program has been running for about two weeks now, but only a couple of days ago SolidTrustPay was added as a payment option alongside PerfectMoney and EgoPay which I believe made the admin purchase listing two weeks after launch and not immediately. Anyway, the WealthersInc website looks really beautifully designed and the program itself is running off a licensed HYIP Craft script which some might remember from FidelisFinance some time back. Obviously using the same script doesn’t mean that WealthersInc is run by the same owners, however we can’t exclude it since the script itself is quite rare and I don’t see it in the industry too often. As for the investment plans, WealthersInc offers just one, paying 1.5% for 120 business days with the original investment returned on expiry. There’s a twist here though, as members can increase their daily earnings by 0.05% for every active referral. Thus, having only ten active referrals in WealthersInc can get you 2% daily interest instead of 1.5% which is the maximum possible in the program and will increase your final profits by 60% (!). That’s on top of the multi-level referral commission program available for all WealthersInc members that will surely boost promotional efforts by members. Apart from that, WealthersInc provides quite a conservative return on deposits starting with $5 which will require over three months to reach the break even point. I don’t believe WealthersInc will become an overnight success, but with a due level of dedication and commitment the program might easily become a hit. The site could really help it with that, as it’s professionally designed and easy to navigate. A clear advantage is instant payouts which many investors will love. The site is also fully SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by Koddos. More on WealthersInc will be in the upcoming review on MNO in a couple of days, where I’ll be able to confirm whether the payouts are really processed instantly.


Finally, the third program joining Premium listing on MNO today is DublinCryptoriumLimited. It’s a brand new project and perhaps the most original of those introduced tonight. I could go on and on about what DublinCryptoriumLimited allegedly does for investors, but in a nutshell, the program is mining BitCoins and so successfully that it can provide you with variable returns of about 0.3% daily. Not that much you might say, but as you can withdraw your deposit or any part of it at anytime you like it most probably make joining worth your while. The rate at which Bitcoins are mined and the subsequent profit are clearly shown in a calculator page where you can see your initial deposit making profits in real time in your account. DublinCryptoriumLimited is a truly original website which I have never seen before and the business plan sounds more feasible than the average HYIP. You can research more on the BitCoin mining process online to see that it’s actually possible to make money this way, but whether DublinCryptoriumLimited does it with members investments remains to be seen.

The site is definitely worth looked into as there’s a lot of reading material before diving into DublinCryptoriumLimited. I guess once you do so there’s no way back, that much the program is very original and unique running on a totally custom-made script. The investments, by the way, starts from $50 minimum and they are accepted via multiple payment methods – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, direct Bank wire, and surely BitCoin itself. Please note that you’re free to withdraw your principal or any part of it anytime you like, but only if you maintain $50 or more in your account balance with DublinCryptoriumLimited will you earn live interest. Sounds too complicated for you? Do not worry, as I’m currently preparing a more comprehensive analysis of DublinCryptoriumLimited for readers.

If you don’t want to wait and English is not your native language, you can still check out DublinCryptoriumLimited‘s website as its available in eight (!) more languages including Russian, Chinese, German, French, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. And not Google auto translator wither, but a professional one, so that you can judge how much time and effort was made before the launch. SSL-encryption by Comodo is there and hosting on a dedicated server with protection from CloudFlare. You can also click on Service Guide for step-by-step instructions on what to do to get started. Plus, there is a promotional video available in English that is also translated to several other languages. Live chat is available, a phone number in Ireland where you can get additional support, and finally, DublinCryptoriumLimited is an officially incorporated entity in Ireland with the certificate on exposure for everyone to see. There are actually so many features about the website that I’m going to save them for the review which you’re going to be able to read soon. But for now you can already create an account in DublinCryptoriumLimited to see how the system works from the inside, because that is something really unseen and you will be surprised what you might find there. So, sign up here and look forward to a more detailed review of DublinCryptoriumLimited on MNO within the next few days. I’ll just leave it for now by confirming that payments to members are definitely instant. I’ve just made my own first withdrawal and this was the case, and so with that in mind I have moved DublinCryptoriumLimited to Paying Status on my monitoring page for what I truly hope will be a very very long time to come.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroupGeniusCapitalLimited, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup, BillionairesGroup, CrestFunds, InvOil, PrimeEnergy, BestEight, InvGlobalKeystoneLoansDivision, DeltaTradersDublinCryptoriumLimited (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: IncomeAlways, SixaLimited, IndustrialInvestGroup.
From MNO Basic list: GulfInvestmentClub, InvestmentCapital, InvestAge, WelorTradeStableProfit, Brows&Co, ValuePathFinance, ThaiMonetaryFund.

That is all all of the news for you tonight, guys. I hope to see you all on again tomorrow for a full review of PipsinInvestments and share the latest news and events from the most popular programs in the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and see you all then!

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