Nov 7th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! Cryptory has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! One of the biggest phenomena of recent years in the world of e-commerce has undoubtedly been BitCoin, an internet based currency that can be used both for day-to-day financial transactions as well as online purchases or for converting into hard currency you spend over the counter. In fact every time a new business starts accepting BitCoin, no matter how menial it seems to be it warrants a headline in the media. Just recently I saw that a bar in Australia started taking BitCoin from its customers in exchange for beer. Not that interesting by itself, but what I found fascinating was the fact that this was reported in a mainstream newspaper here in the UK, such is the level of interest in BitCoin now. Another story from a couple of days back, and I think many of you may know this one as it made quite a stir in the international media too, involved a grad student in Norway. As part of his research for a paper on encryption, he bought something like $20 worth of BitCoins which he promptly forgot about completely once his thesis was finished. Fast forward just four years and the twenty bucks he forgot about had inflated to half a million. He just went out and bought an apartment for cash in downtown Oslo, one of the most expensive cities in Europe. And let me tell you, I’ve been there myself several times and prices would make your eyes water!

So where am I going with this you might be wondering. It relates to the latest addition to the MNO Premium List which is a program called DublinCryptoriumLimited who say that their business is very closely intwined with BitCoin, or more precisely the practice of BitCoin mining. My point being that there is irrefutable evidence right in front of us that anyone who knows what they are doing and getting into these things at the right time are on course to make an enormous profit, which is how DublinCryptoriumLimited are positioning themselves. Stepping back for a moment though and approaching them purely from a HYIP perspective (and I’m speaking as a monitor of several years here) there’s always been two levels in the HYIP industry. The upper level that are run by a small group of highly motivated, dedicated professionals, never afraid of hard work who will stop at nothing to make their programs generate as much money for as many people as possible. Keeping themselves on top of the pyramid, naturally, but then that’s a whole other story! The lower level is made up of everyone else.

From what I can see of DublinCryptoriumLimited, they are most definitely in the upper level. If I absolutely had to pigeon-hole the program I suppose I’d call it a long term HYIP, though it’s quite different as we shall see. In actual fact they provide members with a degree of flexibility and control over their own accounts that I’ve seen no more than a handful of times in the years I’ve been running MNO. I really don’t like to show bias or favoritism towards any program on my monitor, but when it comes down to it I am a regular player as well as a monitor so I can’t lie to you either when things like this happen – DublinCryptoriumLimited is a hugely exciting concept, cleverly organized and planned, and one I think will over the next year or more make a massive and positive impact on the entire industry. So to start off tonight’s update (I’ll get to the regular news in the second half as usual, don’t worry) I want to take a closer look at DublinCryptoriumLimited, see what they’re all about, and see if you share the enthusiasm already been shown by a lot of the readers sending me their own feedback on them.

Before getting to the finer details of the investment plans there’s one thing that should be very clear to you before you deposit so please make sure you understand this first. In order to earn interest in DublinCryptoriumLimited you will need to maintain a minimum account balance there of $50 at all times. That does NOT mean you have to make a minimum deposit of $50, and does NOT mean you can’t have less than $50 in your account at any one time. I know I described DublinCryptoriumLimited in my original introduction (and also on my monitor) as needing a $50 minimum deposit, but that’s just the minimum you need to start earning. You can in fact have $49 in your account if you want, but if you do you will not earn any interest on it. As I will explain in a moment you are free to use your DublinCryptoriumLimited account in much the same was as a bank account, depositing and withdrawing of your own free will. The thing is that if your account balance drops below $50 you won’t be earning any interest, so what I really meant to say was it’s in your own benefit to invest a “recommended” $50 minimum there, otherwise it’s a rather pointless exercise.

Your investment options then. As I explained $50 is the suggested minimum deposit. DublinCryptoriumLimited is what I usually describe as a “perpetual” program in the sense that it has no fixed expiry date. In other words once you join, that’s it. You remain a member on a permanent basis until such a time as you decide to leave. Just like a bank, they will pay you interest on your deposit there, and allow you to add more funds or withdraw more funds as often as you please. Obviously you only get paid on the amount you are currently holding there on any given day.

For as long as you do remain a member of DublinCryptoriumLimited they will make daily interest payments to your account. These payments are variable in nature and can rise and fall based on the programs activities. Ironically then this is the trickiest part of the program to explain as far as a review goes, because it’s simply not possible to tell you what your earnings will be from one day to the next. But then that’s pretty much how it is in any business. Realistically though it’s best to describe DublinCryptoriumLimited as a low ROI program. Typical payments you can genuinely expect on a consistent basis are around the 0.3% mark. Sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less, but if you are looking to make long term projections on your possible earnings then 0.3% per calendar day would be the average I would suggest working from.

Of course, very little about DublinCryptoriumLimited could be described as traditional in terms of the HYIP industry, and the investment plan is no different. So when I say your average earnings might be around a certain figure per day, you don’t actually receive a fixed payment to your account at the same time every day as you might in other programs. No, in actual fact your account is constantly growing in real time. Once you log into your members area you can see your account balance, and for want of a better word it looks almost like a stop-watch you’d see timing an olympic sprinter. The program is constantly generating money you see, and therefore your deposit is also in a state of perpetual growth. It’s constantly racing upwards, albeit in tiny amounts at a time, but over the course of the days and weeks it’s enough to slowly build up to a substantial amount that is worth your while withdrawing. When, and exactly how much you decide to withdraw is entirely up to you, just, as I said, like a bank account.

After that it’s just a matter of strategy. What are you yourself looking to gain personally from DublinCryptoriumLimited? Me for instance as a monitor am committed to remaining a member of the program permanently with at least the $50 requirement to get paid. You may want to do the same yourself, or you may not. It’s worth considering though as I have little doubt that DublinCryptoriumLimited is going to be with us for quite a long time to come. On the other hand maybe you just want a fast 10% profit, 25%, double your money, stay for a month and see what happens, or perhaps just kinda go with the flow and see how things work out before making a serious strategy. Either way, the important thing to remember is that you can get back out of DublinCryptoriumLimited just as fast as you got in. The maximum deposit is $100,000 by the way.

So if all that is clear and you think DublinCryptoriumLimited is worth adding to your portfolios – and I know a lot of you have already made room for them – then you’ll need to know about the payment options. As you would probably expect from an investment program of such high calibre that’s it’s quite comprehensive, and includes the popular as well as the fringe providers to make it accessible to the maximum number of investors. Deposits and withdrawals going through DublinCryptoriumLimited are channeled via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, direct bank wires, and of course a program claiming to use BitCoin as a means of making money would naturally also accept BitCoin as a payment method. Withdrawals will need to be requested from inside your members area, and something that will help make the program more attractive is the use of instant payments. Generally, for most of the more traditional industry processors, the funds will appear in your account within under a minute of you asking for it. In the case of bank wires obviously this wouldn’t be possible, so if using that method then allowing at least three days would be advisable. And if using BitCoin withdrawals there may also be instant but DublinCryptoriumLimited advise allowing a full business day for that transaction.

On the subject of BitCoin by the way, as it’s both growing in popularity in the HYIP industry and also forms an integral part of DublinCryptoriumLimited then I should just say just a few words on how this differs from deposits made via the usual payment processors. To start with BitCoin isn’t exactly exactly a payment handler in the traditional sense at all. It’s a currency with it’s own floating value that changes from one day to the next. For example, with something like STP you have an account there that holds money in (usually) US dollars. You then spend that money by giving STP instructions as to where you want them to move it for you. OK, that’s a simplified version but more or less how it works. With BitCoin however it’s basically your own money being held in your own online wallet. As such it has a fluctuating value against the dollar, meaning that the actual numbers themselves are going to be different but not the values. For example a $50 deposit via something like STP would cost (I think) something like 0.17 BitCoins at the current rate which I’m open to correction on. It’s still worth $50 of course, just expressed in a non traditional currency. I’m sure existing BitCoin users have no need of me telling them that of course but it really is a very interesting concept and quite possibly one with a potentially huge future in the HYIP industry, so for the rest of you it’s worth keeping at the back of your mind as it’s something we’ll eventually be seeing a lot more of I would think. DublinCryptoriumLimited are the latest of a growing number of programs turning to BitCoin in recent times and will just be one of the early driving forces behind it.

Something else that I feel needs to be explained about DublinCryptoriumLimited due to it causing a lot of concern is what at first glance looks like a ridiculously unsustainable high rate of referral commission payments. A few people have commented that they are actually rather worried about this putting an unbearable strain on the program’s cash flow. Well, it’s not quite true. You might think that this could be anything from 20% to 30%, and if that were in fact the case then I would be the first one to call it lunacy. You couldn’t possibly run a functioning program while handing over that kind of money to promoters, and I’m glad to say DublinCryptoriumLimited are not doing so. You see, unlike traditional HYIPs where the promoters ref commission is deducted from his downline’s principal, DublinCryptoriumLimited are taking it from the profit that principal is being used to generate. So you can be sure that 100% of your deposit is going into the program and not directly funding ref commission payments to somebody else which are only calculated later. This might not be something the average investor cares all that much about, or ever even thinks about for that matter, but trust me that it does make a contribution to keeping DublinCryptoriumLimited a viable and workable online business entity for for a lot longer this way.

On the design and security side of things then, this is definitely one of the stronger programs in the online market now and built for maximum uptime. DublinCryptoriumLimited are running of a unique script that was developed especially for the program’s needs. Technically it’s flawless and despite being so unique it’s still remarkably easy to navigate. Much easier than most other programs in fact because you will even find a separate page entirely given over to a step-by-step guide on how to open an account and get involved. They explain it much better than I could here, so just visit the DublinCryptoriumLimited homepage and click the “Service Guide” tab at the top of the page. This will also give you a number of other very easy to understand similar step-by-step guides explaining some of the other more practical features of the program in plain and simple terms. Not the nonsense you find in other HYIPs but rather some useful information about tracking your deposit and making the most of your time (however long that may be) as a member. But there really is absolutely nothing complicated here.

Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of CloudFlare and for an extra layer of security the DublinCryptoriumLimited website is fully SSL encrypted in both public and private areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Communication between the admins and their members is of paramount importance to any business looking to make it big and be treated seriously by the big investors in this industry, so it’s good to see DublinCryptoriumLimited on top of things here too. Live Chat support is a 24 hour service so you will have someone available around the clock no matter what time zone you are located in to answer your questions in real time. This is available to all visitors to the website who might have enquiries, either directly related to an account or not. If you happen to be a member of DublinCryptoriumLimited then from inside your account area you will be able to create a support ticket by filling out your details on the form provided and then submitting it. Fans of social networking sites will be able to find them keeping profiles on the likes of Twitter and Facebook too. Alongside a postal address you can also find a telephone number if you wish to speak to someone directly. And finally just in case there is any misunderstanding then the website is translated into no less than eight other languages apart from English. These include Russian, Chinese, German, French, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish and are not just internet auto translations either, but by professional linguists/translators. You can use this a gauge to see just how much time and effort went into DublinCryptoriumLimited before the launch, but more importantly how they are reaching out to as wide an audience as possible, particularly some of the emerging markets that are starting to dominate the industry now.

And it’s not just the texts either, DublinCryptoriumLimited have a promotional video explaining how it works which is then voiced over into all the languages mentioned above. The English version was (for me) a bit confusing to watch though. You see the original version is in English anyway, but then has another voiceover actor reading the script on top of the original. The end result is rather like having two people talking into either ear at the same time to make sure you don’t really hear either of them properly. No big deal, but looks less professional so maybe the admin will remove the dub version soon.

And so to the actual business side of things which is supposedly as I said in the beginning called BitCoin mining. Well there’s no questioning the originality of the project, that’s for sure, and it’s not a concept I’ve seen being used in the HYIP industry before. Truth be told the entire concept of BitCoin itself is one I’m still only getting used to, so the technicalities of BitCoin mining are something I do need to research more. Without needing to understand the finer points of the practice, two things I can tell you about it is that such a thing does exist and yes, it can be quite lucrative. I see little reason to doubt many of the claims that DublinCryptoriumLimited make are possibly true, though I am certainly in no position to vouch for them. I would strongly urge you to do your own research on the subject if you are interested, because to do a detailed analysis of it here would require a separate article by itself. Still, they sound a lot more feasible than your average “ForEx trading” HYIP. They also have a certificate of incorporation as a real company. Not in the UK however where most HYIPs do so (as it’s cheap, anonymous, and done online with no questions). This was done in Ireland where the process of forming a company is treated more seriously and subject to more ID and tax checks, and not like the throwaway gesture it is in the UK. Certificates are displayed on the DublinCryptoriumLimited for anyone who’s interested in checking them out and verifying them with the registrar in Ireland.

As with any other venture you come across with which you are not 100% involved in the running of then, it’s simply a case of you trusting a total stranger over the net who you are unlikely to track down in person to manage your money? Sound like a good idea? When you put it like that, probably not, but we all know that making money online is a gamble and sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith if we are ever going to succeed. My own problem with the claims made by HYIP admins was always if they have these great money making schemes that can’t go wrong, why do then need somebody else’s money to finance it. Anyway, many investors have made an absolute ton of money by doing just that, but remember never to abandon caution completely either. Much as I believe DublinCryptoriumLimited can be profitable there’s still no reason to go beyond a sensible spending limit that won’t cause you too much trouble were you to lose it. And of course if joining DublinCryptoriumLimited at all then best keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio, though it is one I can imagine becoming a popular pick with most experienced players over time. A slow burner perhaps, but all the better for it and hopefully paying for a long time to come.



PokerByProxy is rapidly moving towards being the most popular program on the MNO monitor, something that could possibly happen within the next couple of days. Over the last two months the project has become one of the most successful programs online with steady growth and even further potential for more. Possibly realizing that it’s time to give PokerByProxy another boost the admin Patrick (interviewed here) and his team compiled a very lengthy newsletter for investors last night.

It outlines their level of success which exceeded the admin’s own expectations (and in this case I do believe him, as PokerByProxy keeps growing daily). In order to maintain it and move forward it was decided to make more improvements to the website to make it even more user-friendly than it is now. As the program is crediting variable profits to members’ accounts and the admin publishes daily reports to explain those results, there will be a Glossary of Terms added to give investors an idea on what was discussed in these updates. PexPay and Skrill are due to be added to the already extensive list of payment methods in PokerByProxy (with possibly more to follow). In order to improve communication with the ever-growing community there were a complex series of new features announced that includes Live chat with investors built-in to the website, the creation PokerByProxy‘s own blog containing more insider information about the program, and finally the long-awaited local representatives program that will be supporting members in their local markets with the pending creation of a page containing all the representatives’ credentials and points of contact. There were some less relevant information about the expansion of the team allegedly playing poker to make money. And I can’t help but mention some totally unreal information about the New Year’s party on the island of Aruba where three lucky investors to be named on November 25 will have the opportunity to party with PokerByProxy‘s administration on an all-inclusive vacation. If you still believe in fairy-tales and think that the admins of an online HYIP will allow themselves be identified in public, you’re free to participate in this contest which is going to run for the next few weeks. The full terms and conditions of the contest and who may qualify for the main prizes are listed in this lengthy newsletter which I’m going to let you read below. I just wonder what happens if the winner already lives in Aruba – does he get a New Year’s vacation in Greenland? Just kidding. If you are a member though please read carefully as the update is important as well as informative:

PokerByProxy Newsletter November 6th
Good Evening!
It’s been a while since we’ve sent out a PokerByProxy Newsletter, so I thought that tonight would be a perfect time to send out an update regarding the program. Over the past few weeks, PokerByProxy has seen unprecedented growth, and interest in the program is far greater than we had ever expected. In addition to that, there have been numerous exciting updates, enhancements and other system improvements that have taken place, or are currently in the works. In tonight’s newsletter, I would like to share some of these exciting updates to ensure that everyone is up to speed with all of the latest news here at PokerByProxy.
***PokerByProxy New Year’s Party in Aruba***
To celebrate New Years, the entire PokerByProxy team, including all of our players and administration staff will be traveling to the island of Aruba to ring in 2014. And the best part of all, PokerByProxy members are also invited! Aruba is known for having excellent casinos, and great live action poker, which will make this a holiday to remember. To sweeten the deal, we’ll be giving away 3 all inclusive trips for two to lucky PokerByProxy members. The winners will be decided in three ways:
– One of the all inclusive vacations will be given out at random to one of our active investors who has a minimum balance of $100
– The second all inclusive vacation will be given out to the member with the largest volume of referral deposits
– The final all inclusive vacation will be “Jack’s Choice,” where Jack will select his favorite member as a winner
Winners will be announced on November 25th. For everyone else, full details including where we’re staying, where we’re playing, and all other pertinent information will be provided before the end of November. This New Year’s Eve is going to be one to remember, and we hope that we can see as many of you as possible on the sunny island of Aruba!
***Website Improvements***
Over the past week, we have been soliciting suggestions from our members, regarding improvements that could be made to the PokerByProxy website to make its even more enjoyable than it already is. After reviewing the suggestions, we are committed to implementing the following changes below. You can expect to see these changes within the next two weeks.
– Adding an on-site chatroom, where our administration team, and occasionally our players, will interact with PokerByProxy users. Not only will it be a place for users to have discussions with us, but it will also be a great location for PBP members to meet each other. PokerByProxy is a great community, and we want to make it even better!
-Adding a Poker Glossary to help those who are unfamiliar with poker terminology to better understand the daily updates.
– Adding new payment methods (further details below)
– Creating the PokerByProxy Blog, which will expand on our daily updates and provide a greater in-depth and behind the scenes look at PokerByProxy.
***Expanding Our Poker Team***
PokerByProxy began with 4 poker players, and has since expanded to 6 full time team members. As of today, we have 2 additional members who are taking part in our PokerByProxy training/testing program, and we hope that they will eventually join the others to help grow our team. As the amount of funds that are invested with PokerByProxy continues to increase, so will the responsibilities of our players. In order to keep up, we are always looking for skilled players to join our team. While only a small handful of those who apply end up becoming full time team members, we’re always open to new applications. If you think you have what it takes to become a professional poker player for PokerByProxy, please feel free to contact us.
***New Payment Processors***
One of the biggest challenges with PokerByProxy is managing all of the incoming and outgoing funds. A balance needs to be achieved between convenience for users, as well as logistics for the administration. We have received countless suggestions for new payment processors over the past few weeks, and we will be adding a few of them along with our next website upgrade. The ones we have chosen include Pexpay and Skrill. Other possibilities are in the works, including direct transfers on online poker sites, including PokerStars.
***Improved Customer Support***
With the exceptional growth that PokerByProxy has been experiencing, it’s becoming a bit of a challenge to keep up with the hundreds of messages that we receive each and every day. To help lighten the load, we’re expanding our customer support department, with the introduction of local representatives.
We already have multiple representative from around the world who have applied. With the next update, you will see a new page that provides contact details for all of our local representatives, who will be able to help new and existing users with any questions that they may have about PokerByProxy.
That concludes today’s newsletter. I hope that you found it to be both interesting and informative. If you have any questions, our admin team is ready to help, either by e-mail or through the internal messaging system found in your PokerByProxy support centre.
Sincerely, Jack, Patrick, Kendall and the entire PokerByProxy Poker Team

As for the latest results for tonight the profit in PokerByProxy was announced at 2%. If that’s a good or bad result for you it’s up to you to judge, as the daily profit can be anything up to 25% (so far the record day was 7.2%) with an occasional (but quite rare) loss capped at 5%. However the beauty of PokerByProxy is the fact that only you the investor can develop your own personal strategy and withdraw any amount you like, be it a part of the profits, principal, or both (the principal which applies to DublinCryptoriumLimited reviewed above). However, in PokerByProxy any unrequested profits for the previous 24 hours will become part of the principal on which the next day’s earnings are calculated. The deposits are currently accepted starting from $25 via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, HD-Money, BitCoin, and for larger amounts through PayPal, direct Bank wires and Western Union transfers. For more information on how PokerByProxy is different from the more orthodox HYIPs and possible reasons you might join please read my detailed review published here. And for the detailed results for today please read below:

Thursday 7th November 2013
Result 2.00%
Report Another positive day here at PokerByProxy, with a result of exactly 2%. Unlike yesterday which was all over the map, today’s game play was consistent and steady, with a constant stream of small wins, which all added up to today’s result. All accounts have been updated. In other news, I have included last night’s email newsletter below. If you didn’t receive it (for some it may have ended up in their spam box), please take a look below to ensure that you’re keeping up to date with all of the exciting improvements that are happening.


Unfortunately I have to finish for tonight with a warning about EmpireFinanceGroup. The program has been one of the longest-running HYIPs in memory with its launch back in June 2010 and it managed to pay investors right up to last night when the first pending payouts were reported on my ShoutBox from concerned readers. That already happened before, so I wasn’t worried too much, but today nothing has changed – the admin is silent, the support was offline, and the withdrawals are piling up unpaid. That all led me to only one possible conclusion – EmpireFinanceGroup has finally scammed without warning. We can only speculate what might have happened behind the scenes to triggered this, as I got paid instantly as usual yesterday and payouts stopped very suddenly. I think we will never know the answer, but the end result is the same – no further investments in EmpireFinanceGroup are advisable at this point. The program has also been removed from the most popular programs poll on the MNO TalkBack page where you can still vote for the next couple of days and where there are currently four programs remain – PureIncome, PokerByProxy, GeniusCapitalLimited, and CatenaFinance. Despite the apparent scam EmpireFinanceGroup will always remain in people’s memory as one of the biggest and the most exciting programs in the history of HYIPs. My commiserations go to everyone who lost money there, and congratulations to those who earned. That was a really good run and hopefully, we will see lots more high standard long-running programs on MNO this season!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, PokerByProxy, GeniusCapitalLimited, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup, SolomonHit, BillionairesGroup, CrestFunds, InvOil, BestEight, PrimeEnergy, InvGlobalKeystoneLoansDivision, DeltaTraders, DublinCryptoriumLimited, WealthersInc.
From MNO Standard list: IncomeAlways, SixaLimited, IndustrialInvestGroup, PipsinInvestments.
From MNO Basic list: GulfInvestmentClub, InvestmentCapital, InvestAge, WelorTrade, StableProfit, Brows&Co, ValuePathFinance, ThaiMonetaryFund.

That’s all for tonight, guys. See you again tomorrow for a more detailed review of another instantly paying program from the recent additions to my Premium List – WealthersInc, plus all the news stories so find out first what’s happening in the most popular investment programs online. Bye for now!

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