Nov 12th, 2013 Archives

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Hello everybody! Unfortunately I need to start today by moving some programs to Problem status, namely InvOil and PrimeEnergy. Also I have a brand-new short-term program that was added to Premium listing called AuroraNewPerspectives. I’m going to introduce it in more detail in the end of today’s post, so please keep reading to find out more. Now I have two important warnings to make.


Yesterday’s strange behavior from the admin of InvOil (as mentioned in last night’s blog update) was indeed indicative of things to come, as today I received many complaints from readers about selective payouts. The admin never answered my emails either, so I had no other choice but to move the program to Problem status on my monitor tonight and issue this warning for you now. InvOil only started paying profits to its first investors after five weeks online and perhaps, surrendering to the pressure, the admin just gave up. I guess the unexplained delayed payouts reported yesterday and the newsletter addressed to those who hadn’t made a deposit yet were a last attempt to snatch a few bucks. Well, now InvOil is dead for sure and I can only say please do not invest there anymore! You’ve been warned!

PrimeEnergy is another shock scam tonight when I was informed of a delayed payout from my referral in the program who has a pending withdrawal of a sizable amount sitting in his account for two days now. Apparently PrimeEnergy has some severe cash flow issues at the moment, as the admin chose not to respond to my emails and never explained why some small payouts are still being made while the bigger ones are pending for days. In any case, it’s a really bad sign for all investors and the confirmed selective payouts at the moment most likely mean that PrimeEnergy is living its last days and possibly even hours. So please remember that and even if you’re still getting paid small amounts to think twice before re-investing. PrimeEnergy has been quite a disappointment in my books as it lasted barely enough to put the first lucky investors in profit. I expected more, but now that it’s on Problem status on MNO no further investments are advised there.


SixaLimited has been a very good performer for its total four weeks online, two of which were spent on MNO. As originally SixaLimited (reviewed here) was on Standard listing on my monitor today the admin finally decided to upgrade to Premium which entitles him to be interviewed. The admin, Charles, already asked for the questions so I’m sending them later. With nearly a month online SixaLimited proved to be a viable and stable investment opportunity for anyone with a spare $10 minimum to spend via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, or EgoPay. Plans include 104%-120% after 1 day, 54.3%-70% for 2 days, 122%-300% after 5 days, 146%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1,000% after 20 days, 400%-1,500% after 30 days. Charles is clearly a professional admin who approaches advertising on a gradual scale and tries to keep the program growing at all times. Today for instance he came up with the idea of rewarding the member who creates the best video about SixaLimited with a $100 cash prize. The contest will run for an entire week and, I would think, the winner will not only pocket the money but will also be honored by having his video used in the program’s advertising campaign. You can read more about the terms and conditions of the video contest in the latest newsletter from SixaLimited below:

SixaLimited – create video and earn $100 USD.
Hello everyone, are you looking for easy way to earn? If you do, then SixaLimited has offer for you. All you need to do is to create video about SixaLimited. Video should be about SixaLimited, how to register at it and how to make deposit and withdrawal, that’s it. Time frame is starting from 12/11 until 19/11 when we will announce the winner and reward him with $100 in his desired currency. Send video link or attach it in reply to this email ( What are you waiting for, create video about SixaLimited today.
Best Regards, Charles Barkley, SixaLimited


SolomonHit (reviewed here) has been truly a phenomenal program on MNO running for more than three and a half months and providing instant withdrawals to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay to the investors who have chosen to invest in one of its daily paying plans which return original investments on expiry – 1.2% for 25 days, 1.6% for 45 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.2% for 90 days. It’s been a great ride so far, and SolomonHit took the #6 spot on MNO without too much promotion just based on performance from the admin and word of mouth.

Today saw an important email sent by SolomonHit emphasizing that investors have a couple more days to change or correct information in their accounts regarding e-currencies numbers and email addresses. After the 15th of November such changes will be only allowed to be made by the admin himself manually and you might have to wait up to two business days for the changes to come into effect. Therefore please double-check your details in SolomonHit to avoid any future inconvenience. The admin claims he’s doing it for investors’ own safety and to avoid possible hacking attempts. Such an effort to keep the accounts of SolomonHit members secure is especially needed because the payments are processed instantly, which is also why it’s very important to keep the e-currency account numbers up-to-date at all times:

The changes of information keeping rules
Dear Clients!
We kindly request you to indicate your e-purse numbers and e-mail addresses in your account on the Settings page until November 15. After November 15, editing of e-purses and email addresses will not be allowed. This is done for your own safety in order to avoid hacking your accounts. We also advise you to use complex and unique passwords. Change e-purse numbers, if necessary, will be done only manually, upon your request during 2 business days.


I completely forgot to re-post the latest newsletter from PipsinInvestments – a new program that was added to Standard listing on MNO only last week and reviewed here. Meanwhile the following newsletter was posted a few days ago where the admin mentions the review on MNO which explains PipsinInvestments accept EgoPay, OkPay, and PerfectMoney starting from a $5 minimum to plans like 1.3% for 15 business days, 1.5% for 30 business days, 2% for 50 business days, 2.5% for 90 business days, 3% for 120 business days all with principal back on expiry. As the program is quite young and is only running a week, we are yet to see the completion of the first investment cycle. Apart from the review on MNO the newsletter covers DDoS protection and the success of PipsinInvestments in receiving more deposits than originally planned for. Please read the full newsletter below:

PipsinInvestments one week online
As You were expecting, we will send You period newsletters about our recent activities and results and this is its first edition. PipsinInvestments‘ launch was a success and during our first week, we received more deposits than expected. Thank You for Your cooperation so far.
You may also have noticed that we suffered from a minor DDoS attack in the beginning of the week and even though the attack was quickly mitigated by our protection service, we decided to increase our protection level anyway, we now have a banking system quality DDoS attack protection and there are very few chances our pages will go down again.
PipsinInvestments was reviewed by Paul from Money News Online. You can find the review here:
We have been in contact with other HYIP publishers and very soon there will be more reviews of PipsinInvestments.
Speaking about business, we have reached a spectacular results in foreign exchange, and also we are very happy to see people trust PipsinInvestments more and more everyday.
We hope we have gained your trust so far.
Have a good week,
PipsinInvestments team


PokerByProxy pleased investors today with a 2.7% profit which is better than the average result shown by the program for its first ten weeks online. PokerByProxy which has been reviewed by MNO here remains one of the most successful and profitable programs on my monitor currently occupying the second position in terms of popularity among my readers. And I can honestly see why PokerByProxy is that popular. Certainly a lot of it’s down to the enormous level of flexibility offered to its investors who are willing to invest a minimum of $25 or more via any of the payment methods provided – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, HD-Money, PayPal, and even direct Bank wires and Western Union transfers. As the admin Patrick told in the interview given to MNO (click here to read it), the program assigns investors with daily profits (possibly up to 25%) or losses (rarely happens but can be up to 5% daily) which an investor then is free to withdraw fully or partially at any time. Any unclaimed money is added to your principal to earn variable interest on the following day, and so on. The opportunities to earn in PokerByProxy are huge and it’s generally up to the investor to develop their own strategies. The admin’s task is simply to generate profits and the detailed results of which are regularly posted on the site’s Past Results tab. Here’s the latest message:

Tuesday 12th November 2013
Result 2.70%
Report After a relaxing day yesterday, the team logged on early, and played for approximately 7 hours. We followed our typical strategy for a successful day, which involves sit and go single table tournaments as a warm up, followed by regular cash games. Everything went incredibly smoothly throughout the day, with very relatively little excitement, just constant growth. Near the end of the day, the team was tempted to take part in a large multi-table tournament that could have a potentially large payoff, however it was decided that it would be best not to push it. Large multi-table tournaments are great for winning large jackpots, however they are very difficult to win, given the number of players involved. Perhaps later this week we’ll give one a try. Anyway, the total result for the day was 2.7%, which has been added to all accounts.
Yesterday I mentioned that we were working on setting up the PokerByProxy blog, and today I’m happy to announce that it has been installed and is online. You can reach the official PBP blog at We will be using this blog to post additional information regarding the program that may be of interest to our users. Remember to check back on a regular basis to keep up to date. I believe there is an RSS feed as well that can help you stay informed. Please note that we have just updated the DNS settings for the blog, therefore it may not be available in your location for up to 24 hours.

The PokerByProxy blog that was mentioned is already live, though on a different domain which will help the admin communicate with members in the unlikely event of the main website being inaccessible. I guess it makes sense in terms of increasing the stability and security of the program. The first welcome post on PokerByProxy‘s blog is already online which I will republish below. Hopefully the new blog will become a focal point for investors, so good luck to the admin in filling it with useful and interesting content which will be also re-posted on MNO blog occasionally:

Welcome to the PokerByProxy Blog
Today we are happy to announce the introduction of the PokerByProxy blog. This will be the “go to” place to get a more in-depth view of the PokerByProxy program, and to learn more about how things are working on the back end. While the daily updates typically share information from the day’s poker activities, as well as occasional program updates, the blog will be able to provide a much more detailed look at the inner workings of PokerByProxy.
In addition to providing information about the program, the PokerByProxy blog will be used to provide additional information about professional poker, how everything works, as well as general information that we feel may be of interest to our members. If there is something you would like to see discussed on the PokerByProxy blog, feel free to submit a support ticket on the main site with your suggestions.
Anyway, we encourage you to bookmark the PokerByProxy blog, and remember to check back frequently. Thanks for reading!
Sincerely, The PokerByProxy Admin Team


A new short-term program called AuroraNewPerspective has joined the MNO Premium List today. The program only accepts EgoPay and PerfectMoney payment processors starting from a $10 minimum and usually all the withdrawals are processed instantly. I already received the first referral commissions today that were paid instantly as promised, and so moved AuroraNewPerspective to Paying status on MNO with the full review planned for tomorrow.

Investment plans in AuroraNewPerspective are quite traditional for a short-term program, paying on expiry with a fixed return depending on the size of the deposit – 104%-125% after 1 day, 115%-190% after 3 days, 142%-345% after 7 days, 212%-730% after 14 days, 400%-1900% after 30 days. More about them will be discussed in the upcoming review on MNO, but for now I can say that AuroraNewPerspective is not running off a GoldCoders script, like so many other similar programs, but rather incorporates its own custom-made script which I haven’t seen before. AuroraNewPerspective is also SSL secured by Thawte and hosted on a dedicated BlackLotus servers with full DDoS protection. The unique script alone with instant payouts (sometimes though you should allow up to 24 hours in order to get paid for security reasons), I believe could be a driving force for the program’s growth. Of course it’s too early to predict anything about AuroraNewPerspective for now, but we’ll see soon enough how things develop.

On its opening the admin of AuroraNewPerspective published a welcome message for potential investors which you can read below:

AuroraNewPerspective has opened for our investors.
For over two years, we have been waiting for this moment, and finally, we can announce the opening of our own AuroraNewPerspective online trust asset management service.
Years of research, scientific work, gigabytes of program code, investments in the new professional team, a fresh domain for our investment project and, of course, all our experience – here is our contribution to the new AuroraNewPerspective project made in order to announce its opening today.
The period of beta testing has now ended, all the processes are now debugged, and now, it’s up to you, our long awaited investors, to check in practice the convenience of use of our service and the revenue capacities of the project.

I believe that the project might have been developed for months, as we can clearly see the hard work in the unique script that’s been made for security of instant withdrawals from the program. Another unique feature which I never saw in any short-term program of this kind before is that AuroraNewPerspective has its own Android-powered application to work on Android mobile devices. The link to download and install the free app is in the Google Play store for free and the link is on the main page of AuroraNewPerspective. Personally I’d be cautious about downloading anything from an online HYIP, but it’s up to you to check it out properly and make sure everything you install no matter what the source is safe. There was also a short message posted in the news section of the website stating the following:

Official Mobile App
We have released official AuroraNewPerspective Android mobile app

All in all AuroraNewPerspective seems a very promising program utilizing some really unique features that will hopefully help it last longer. I’m even looking forward to studying it more closely so I can discuss it further tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GeniusCapitalLimited, PokerByProxy, PureIncome, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup, SixaLimitedBestEight, DeltaTraders, DublinCryptoriumLimited, InvGlobal,  KeystoneLoansDivisionWealthersInc, AuroraNewPerspective (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: IncomeAlways, IndustrialInvestGroup, PipsinInvestments.
From MNO Basic list: WelorTrade, BallInvest, Brows&Co, ValuePathFinance, ThaiMonetaryFund, Financ.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. Don’t go too far though, as tomorrow I’ll have a more detailed review of AuroraNewPerspective along with the usual news updates from the most popular programs in the HYIP industry monitored on MNO. See you all then!

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