November 2013 Archives

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Beware! SixaLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

I’m going to take a short break from the news updates today (not that much happened so far anyway, but I do have one word of warning for you at the end so do keep reading please). I still want to make use of the day however and take the opportunity to bring you the following interview with the admin of SixaLimited. That’s a mostly short term program that’s been going well for almost a month now. The admin’s name his Charles and he has just recently upgraded the program to Premium Listing on MNO, so today he can explain what it’s all about in his own words. I must say that it was refreshing to see such an open and honest admission for a change by an admin not afraid to explain long experience in the HYIP industry as Charles does below. I suspected as much anyway, but few admins will ever just cut the nonsense and tell us what other experienced investors already know. OK, so no names get mentioned but that’s probably for the best as it’s not going to achieve anything. But it would be largely due to those years experience in the industry that are now paying off and allowing a short term program like SixaLimited to still be online and still have room to grow after four weeks. Whether it actually goes any further or not of course I really don’t know, but we’ll see how the admin intends to try and do this below.

Before that I’ll just give you a brief reminder that SixaLimited, which was online for two weeks before joining MNO, offers plans of 104%-120% after 1 day, 54.3%-70% for 2 days, 122%-300% after 5 days, 146%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1,000% after 20 days, and 400%-1,500% after 30 days, and for further information was first reviewed here:

1. Hi Charles, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in SixaLimited. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hello Paul and hello to all MNO readers! My name is Charles Barkley, I’m the CEO of SixaLimited. I’m the one who makes all magic happen. My day to day role is simple, I answer all support requests in email, process all withdrawals, talk with my members on live chat and shout box and every day I note new ideas how to make SixaLimited better and different from other programs on the market. In other words, to do my best each day to make each member happy.

2. Can you give us some background information on SixaLimited? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

As admin I work alone, but I have have three live support operators who provide 24/7 support trough chat and phone. I have been running SixaLimited for a full four weeks now and program is only getting stronger at this point, thanks to advertising strategy I choose at very beginning.

3. In one of your earlier newsletters to members you described me as your “life long friend”(!). As I’ve never actually met you in real life would it be fair to say then that you might be a regular admin of programs listed on MNO over the years? I don’t expect any names but maybe you could at least share some of your broader experiences in the HYIP industry over the years, what’s changed, et cetera?

Yes, I did remember that newsletter, of course this is not my first program listed on MNO. You have always attracted a lot of attention to my programs and it’s always good and positive, so in some way we are colleagues that work on same platform and we have one main goal, which is to provide a quality investment portfolio to online investors, that’s way I called you “life long friend”. Over the years I have worked on lots of investment programs, some of them more successful some of them less, but one think I can say for sure, every time I learn something new and I use it when I launch my next program, I guess that’s what keeps SixaLimited paying for four full weeks, which is pretty impressive for short term project. So yeah, I have been in this industry for a while, and I have some experience for sure.

4. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

SixaLimited offers 6 investment plans:


Each plan has different levels, returns depend on investment amounts, the bigger your deposit the bigger your return will be. Every next plan is more favorable than the previous, we pay interest on all calendar days, including holidays etc. We accept PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay.

5. I know you had some early problems with getting SolidTrustPay onto that list. Explain what happened there and how you eventually got them to accept your program.

At the very beginning STP declined our program, which was expected. After a few weeks of successful work I decided to contact them again with some logical arguments why they should accept SixaLimited, I also asked for the help of SixaLimited members, and a lot off them did agree to help me, so with this kind of persistence SixaLimited accepts STP now. Thanks to all members who helped out.

6. I’ve monitored a hell of a lot of programs similar to SixaLimited over the last few years. Don’t get me wrong, some of them were really good and had a great life span with lots of members in profit. But I never once saw even one of them successfully come up with 1,500% interest after 30 days. So why do you even offer this when almost no one takes it seriously?

That’s a good question, it has become like an industry standard for short term programs to offer such rates but without any logical explanation, but actually it’s more like plan name then rate itself, every member that have invested in short term projects know that there are such levels in each plan.

7. How secure is the website of SixaLimited? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

SixaLimited is hosted on a dedicated server by BlockDos, which by far the best hosting provider for HYIPs. They provide strong DDoS protection like no other. SixaLimited also is secured with ev SSL, which has become like a “trust sign” among HYIPs. Every member can set high security for their accounts, if they want, which is a default feature for GoldCoders scripts. There has not been one single hack to SixaLimited, “knock to the wood”. I have done my best when it comes to security for me and SixaLimited members.

8. What kind of script is SixaLimited running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

SixaLimited is running on GoldCoders script, which for years has proven itself as reliable script for members and admins. Yes, I do think it’s most beneficial for both sides, because it has all necessary features to provide quality investment portfolios (payment processors, flexible plans, fast withdrawals, referral commission etc.) It has lot good safety features that you can use, so it’s up to you to enable security or not. But let’s keep it simple here, the main security comes from hosting side, which we have gotten right.

9. Can we see any statistics regarding SixaLimited? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

Yes, you can see statistics on the header part of our site and also you can check such stats as last 10 deposits, payouts, top referrers and investors top 10 on left side of the site. SixaLimited has over 4,000 members in just four weeks, over 3,000 of whom have made deposits. Yes, I’m pleased with their support on forums, monitors, etc. special thanks to members which helped me to solve the STP problem. As we all now, it’s very important to bring new members into the project, but we have to remember that new members will join if they still see an opportunity to earn. I present them with such opportunities using my own tactics learnt over the year of being an admin, so I play my cards right here.

10. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

Members can contact me trough support form on website, type email to admin@SixaLimited or support@SixaLimited, on the shoutbox, or if they will be lucky enough they will catch me on live support. I do pick up some calls if I have done my daily routine.

11. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

They most common question might be about withdrawals, how fast we process them, and the answer is within 12 hours, but most times much faster then that. The one thing I have to say is please read the FAQ before contacting me, and you do not have to type more than one email about the same issue.

12. How have you been promoting SixaLimited so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

Not to give too much away, as I have my own secrets how to make thinks work, I use progressive advertising strategies, the longer we stay online, the more ads we own over the market. With this kind of strategy we attract new members each day.

13. What are your plans for the immediate future of SixaLimited? I would imagine you would like your program to run into December and beyond Christmas (as would any serious admin). But as this is traditionally a very unstable time for shorter term HYIPs how do you plan to really make it happen?

I do my best each day, using my experience gained over the years, also I got good advice from other experienced industry players. Future plans are simple, gain investors trust, by paying them back their interest, continue the advertising campaign, present them other cool ways to earn, keep them in contact with admin. SixaLimited has still a lot of to achieve in this industry, we believe that we are only at the start of our online journey. Nothing lasts forever is this world, but it’s not about that, it’s about how to capitalize on the opportunity that’s been presented to you at the moment.

14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

 I want to thank you Paul, you have major influence in this industry you always stay fair no matter what the circumstances are. You provide good quality information to your readers. Thanks to all MNO readers, because at the and of the day, without you guys there won’t be any blog like MNO, or such projects like SixaLimited. Thanks for your time, have good day to all of you, and I hope you enjoyed the interview.

That’s about it for today, guys. Thanks a lot to Charles for taking the time and effort to complete my questions which I hope were interesting for existing SixaLimited members and helpful to everyone else in deciding whether or not it’s still worth your while joining. But best of luck to everyone involved and fingers crossed it will continue as a successful program for a while longer.

Before I go I just want to leave you with an unfortunate warning about CrestFunds which after seven weeks on my monitor has been moved to Problem Status. Not just because of selective payouts this time but rather as far as I can see has stopped paying completely. I’ll have more information on that hopefully by the time I write the next more detailed news update, but one way or another you need to stay away from CrestFunds immediately and do not invest there again under any circumstances! You have been warned!

Sorry to finish on a bad note but there you go. That’s the reality of the HYIP industry for you. Hopefully I’ll have something more positive for you in the next news update which, assuming anything worth reporting actually happens, should be at the usual time tomorrow. So stay tuned and see you all then!

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