November 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! Regular readers probably know that I always try my best to post on a daily basis, however with this weekend being so slow I took some time off. Even this Monday was unusually quiet, being a holiday in the US and Canada. There’s still a few stories worth catching up on this evening though, as well as the latest polls from the MNO TalkBack page which I’ll be getting to in a few moments. But first let’s see what’s been in the news.


Some programs are observing today’s bank holiday in the US and no doubt taking the opportunity to save money on daily payments. RFIGroup (reviewed here) is one such program and posted a short message on their website to keep members up to date on what’s happening:

Veterans Day
Dear investors,
No interest will be credited on November 11 due to the Veterans Day public holiday.

RFIGroup has been a really good choice for many investors so far. The program was launched almost nine months ago, successfully surviving the LR crisis in May and replacing it with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and, most recently, BitCoin payment processors (which are all accepted along with direct bank wires). The minimum to invest in RFIGroup has always been just $10 and some of the plans can pay various returns with an option to withdraw the original investment at any time. However, I guess many investors prefer RFIGroup‘s plans with the fixed daily rate and principal returned on expiry that pay 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, and 2% for 150 business days depending on the invested amount. All in all, RFIGroup has been doing really well and will hopefully will continue doing so well into 2014.


You might have noticed that over the weekend PureIncome surrendered its leadership of the most popular programs on MNO monitor first to GeniusCapitalLimited and then to PokerByProxy, and is currently ranked in the still highly respectable #3 position. If you read my review of PureIncome posted here, you’ll know that despite variable interest payments on a daily basis (which can reach up to 2.3% daily) on business days the profits are usually much higher than at weekends. With a lifetime of nearly 10 months many investors have definitely benefited from PureIncome‘s investment plans that allow you to withdraw the initial investment after just 180 calendar days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and the payment processors accepted include PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, and OkPay with direct bank wires starting from $500. Withdrawals in PureIncome are usually processed within a few hours, and I myself never waited more than 24 hours for my own.

Today’s holiday in the US gave the admin the opportunity to reduce the interest to the investors which was credited at the reduced weekend rate. The explanation was given below in the latest newsletter from PureIncome‘s admin Mark:

Veterans Day in the United States
Monday, November 11, the United States celebrates Veterans Day. Based on our Terms of Services, on November 11, the PureIncome stock exchange operates in a day off regime. Shares grow and dividends accrue on bonds as stated at the weekend conditions.
Sincerely, Mark Cobe
Marketing Director of PureIncome


The members of PokerByProxy must surely be pleased to know that their accounts grew by 7.37% during the last three days. The Saturday’s profit came at 2.07%, while Sunday delivered a whopping 4.05% result, with a slowdown on Monday of 1.25% profit. Generally a positive trend for the last few days though so might really inspire any investors still sitting on the fence. After nearly ten weeks online PokerByProxy is now firmly placed in the #2 position on my Premium List with lots of investors attracted by its unique investment platform. The beauty of PokerByProxy is that you may withdraw any part of your principal or profit at any time you like. Once withdrawn it will be sent to your SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, HD-Money, BitCoin, PayPal, or bank wire account within a 24 to 48 hour maximum. You can invest in PokerByProxy with a $25 minimum which is affordable to most investors. Thousands of investors have already benefited from PokerByProxy‘s great level of flexibility which literally cannot be found in any other HYIP.

The admin, Patrick, is a hard working individual trying his best to constantly improve the website. Today he promised to present a new blog within the next couple of days, and of course, that will be the main subject of discussion on MNO once it starts. Please note that to find out more about PokerByProxy you can read the review for detailed analysis of its main features accompanied by the interview with Patrick posted here. Below are the detailed results for the last three days of PokerByProxy:

Saturday 9th November 2013
Result 2.07%
Report After yesterday’s loss, the team was instructed to take it slow without taking any major risks, and that’s exactly what they did. Even though it was more time consuming than usual, they managed to achieve a 2.07% return, entirely from playing low risk, sit and go, single table tournaments. All accounts have been updated with today’s profit.

Sunday 10th November 2013
Result 4.05%
Report We got off to a pretty good start today, and managed to keep things going uphill until we decided to call it quits after 8 hours of playing. After tallying up all of the totals from our players, they had managed to achieve an impressive 4.05% for the day, making it the largest result so far this month. The key to today’s success was relatively aggressive play and higher limit tables. Yesterday, we decided to play conservatively, however today the team went all out and demonstrated their full potential.
All accounts have been updated with today’s result.

Monday 11th November 2013
Result 1.25%
Report In observation of Remembrance Day, and Veterans day, the team played only for a short period today, during which time they managed to achieve a 1.25% return, primarily through a hit-and-run strategy on the regular cash tables. We’ve used this strategy in the past, and it’s main benefits are that it’s fast and usually effective. Today was no exception. All accounts have been updated.
In other news, we are currently working on our blog and hope to have it up and running within 48 hours. Once it’s live, we’ll be sure to post a link in the daily update, as well as somewhere on the main site.


After 140 days online CatenaFinance is still doing well, paying on the 2% per business day for 365 days and 11% weekly for 55 weeks investment plans like clockwork. And although it’s still a long time until the first principals are due to be returned, those who invested at the beginning should be well into profit without it. No wonder the program is so popular among readers, with other features like fast payouts and a low $1 minimum to invest in both plans. As there are currently three payment processors accepted by CatenaFinance – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney – the admin Enver (interviewed here) realizes that there is a demand for investing via one e-currency and withdrawing via another. The launch of an external instant exchangers for all the investors of CatenaFinance looking to exchange funds inside their account for a fee was just announced today. Currently, you can only exchange funds only if you have balances on PerfectMoney and EgoPay, but in the last newsletter issued tonight Enver promised that STP would be added soon too. So keep an eye on MNO for more information when it becomes available. The offer from CatenaFinance (reviewed here) is explained below:

CatenaFinance: Currency Exchange
Unless you already noticed, we would like to inform you that you can find a link to “Currency Exchange” in the members area on CatenaFinance. That service will enable you to exchange your account balance between e-currencies before asking for a withdrawal.
We decided to create that function as many of our investors wandered if they can do a withdrawal using a different e-currency then the one they made the deposit with.
We must note however that not all directions of exchange are possible yet and that the fees may and will vary depending on our capabilities. We are working towards enabling you to exchange your balance freely and with the lowest possible fees.
It has been a while since our last newsletter as we don’t really have any news to share. All is going well and according to our plans. As they say, in this case, “no news is good news”. The profit is stable, payouts are fast, as they have always been, and we are experiencing tremendous growth.
We have also received a lot of support and encouragement from you, our investors. Thank you for everything, we shall continue to give our best.
Best Regards, CatenaFinance


A strange situation surrounded InvOil today. As I had some outstanding withdrawals unpaid for over 30 hours, I had to move it to Problem status and issue a warning to my readers. Of course the admin was also notified of this and I removed his advertising banner. Although he failed to reply to my email I did notice a few hours later my pending withdrawals were paid to my STP account. I also saw that many people reported withdrawals in InvOil as paid, while others complained their’s were still missing. While I can’t verify it myself, no one sent me any proof yet, I had to move InvOil back to Paying status on MNO for now. If you wish to invest there at the moment it’s totally up to you, guys. I’m just reporting the facts on my blog and if you haven’t read my review of the program posted a few weeks ago, I will just remind you that InvOil pays 3% for 75 calendar days via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney starting with a $10 minimum and all withdrawal requests subject to a 2.5% withdrawal fee. Despite the troubles it’s clear that those who joined InvOil at the start are already in profit. The admin sent an e-mail targeting members with accounts but no actual investment, encouraging them to spend. As I have an active deposit I didn’t receive this myself, but it was forwarded to me by one of my readers:

How are you? I want to be in touch with you regarding your account at InvOil. I want to ask if there is a specific reason why you still have not made a deposit in your account at InvOil. If there is a reason, please ask and I will get back to you promptly with an answer.
This is a perfect time to invest with us. Our program has been online now for 38 days and we are paying non-stop. Investors are very happy and most are in profit and many are starting to make some good profits with us.
If you want to interact with other investors then feel free to visit these links to the most popular forums on the net.
You may send a reply to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Invest now and start earning. Just a notice that we accept Solidtrustpay, PerfectMoney, Egopay, Pexpay and Bitcoin.
Regards, Saimon Spinner ( COO )

Just to finish, if you are a member of InvOil and are having any issues getting paid then please let me know. And of course if you also happen to be in my downline I’ll be happy to contact the admin on your behalf to see if I can speed things up for you a little.


And so finally for this first news update of the new business week I want to wrap things up with a look at the results of the two opinion polls that have been running on the MNO TalkBack page for a little bit over a week now. I’ll also be asking two brand new questions which I’ll be getting to in just a moment. But in the current poll the first question asked:
What is your favorite program from MNO’s Top Five?
If you don’t already know this then rankings on the MNO monitor are based on the popularity of the program amongst my downline. I’m able to establish this based on the number of individual members joining under my ref link combined with the overall earnings from the program. Unfortunately though we hit a few bumps with that first question, as one of the original options, EmpireFinanceGroup, closed during the week. I did replace it with the next program on the list, though most of the readers that were going to vote at all had already done so at that point so it didn’t really have any impact on the final score.

But being aware of “the most popular” programs doesn’t necessarily equate with “your favorite” program. I mean you may very well be a member of all five programs, but the most popular – as in the biggest – might not actually be the one you like the best. So the question was really aimed at determining how closely the rankings on my monitor reflect reality. Pretty damn closely as it happens, with only a very marginal vote separating an equal three way tie for first place! Joint winners were PureIncome (reviewed here) and GeniusCapitalLimited (reviewed here) who both finished with a very respectable 25% each. Both programs have been extreme success stories on MNO, with PureIncome having the longer history being online since January of this year and offering up to 2.3% daily, and your principal back after 180 days. A lot of people therefore are already very nicely into profit with the program after what is when compared to the greater scheme of things a very short period of time. GeniusCapitalLimited on the other hand is just as profitable with a wider variety of plans. Since launching in mid September these include 2% for 15 business days, 2.5% for 30 business days, 3% for 60 business days, all with your principal back on expiry. If anything this has been an even bigger success story, rising much faster and likely to run well into next year. The admin has established his reputation as one of the more professional in the industry (quite a relief and a pleasure to deal with compared to two particular idiots I had the misfortune to monitor recently!) and clearly has a long term strategy for both earning and keeping his position as the number one program online. In fact he’s already committed to advertising on MNO up until almost Easter 2014 and I do believe the future results of GeniusCapitalLimited have every chance of matching the ambition.

Just slightly off the pace then with 23% of the vote was PokerByProxy, a unique program in its own right (reviewed here) and in many ways quite unlike the more traditional online HYIPs. In under two and a half months their approach has been to offer members a daily interest payment that fluctuates according to the programs day-to-day fortunes. Theoretically this can be as high as 25% though in reality rarely gets any bigger than 3%. The twist however is in the total flexibility of an account in PokerByProxy, which you can treat like a bank account and withdraw any part of the interest or the principal at any time you like. Profits left unclaimed on one day are then simply absorbed back into the members principal and used to generate a larger payment the following day. Losses are also possible in PokerByProxy, and while they do sometimes occur they have been rare and are capped at a 5% maximum.

Propping up the list then we have CatenaFinance (reviewed here) with 5% of the vote. Despite the low showing CatenaFinance is still the number four program on my monitor offering 2% per business day for 365 days, or 11% for 55 weeks, both with your principal back on expiry. These plans have been running since last June so I would imagine the vote is partially due to the program’s age. And finally with 2% was RFIGroup (reviewed here) which offers 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, 2% for 150 business days, variable returns for 1+ days, and all with your principal back at the end. In fairness RFIGroup was just a last minute replacement for EmpireFinanceGroup which as I said was removed from the poll after it closed. And by the way, I’m sure any sharp eyed readers will have noticed that the numbers don’t quite add up to 100%, but I’m also sure you’ll have figured out that this was because of EmpireFinanceGroup‘s removal. I can’t exactly re-distribute someone else’s votes on their behalf so best to leave them as they were. It had no effect on the eventual winners anyway.

The second question in the poll asked readers to rate the effectiveness of the MNO monitoring service from the point of view of the average investor. Marks were out of five, and the exact question was:
On a scale of one to five how do you rate the MNO Monitor?

A more detailed (if not exactly scientific!) breakdown of the scoring system gave out marks such as 1 – awful, 2 – unsatisfactory, 3 – decent, 4 – good, and 5 – excellent. Well, what can I say? I doubt very much anyone will accuse me of rigging the vote due to the simple fact that you guys are the ones voting and you know your own opinions, but I really was ecstatic to see the overwhelming majority of you – well over 90% in fact – rated the MNO monitor as decent or better. More exactly 58% of those polled scored it a 5, 26% scored it a 4, and 10% scored it a 3. Unfortunately I have no real choice but to doubt the motives of the remaining voters, and I’ll tell you why. I have no problem with criticism, and as long as the person makes a valid and informed point I do in fact welcome it. After all, it’s actually more important to me to hear what you don’t like about MNO, because if you don’t tell me then I won’t know what you want me to do to improve it for you. After all, you’re the ones using the service so it’s only important that the ones using it are the ones who like it. However the 5% who marked MNO as a 2 and the 1% who marked it a 1 didn’t provide any real feedback as to why. It’s not as if my feelings would be hurt or anything (trust me, I’d be in the wrong business if insults from crooks were to bother me!) but without any suggestions as to how things could be better then a negative vote just makes you look like a jealous rival or a failed HYIP admin. Other than that I can only repeat how happy I am with the results and am very grateful to everyone who feels the work done on my monitor can be trusted and has been in some way beneficial to them.

For the next opinion poll which will be up for at least another week or so, I want to ask the following two questions, starting with:
What length of term and risk do you prefer in an online HYIP?

I think that’s a fairly self explanatory question really. It did occur to me during the last pool on the favorite programs from the MNO top 5 that all of them were long term low ROI. But then again maybe that’s only the case because they last longer and so eventually gather more members, though depending on when you join don’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll be in any more profit than a short term HYIP. Or any profit at all for that matter. So how do you really feel about that? Once you accept that everything in the HYIP industry is basically a form of high risk gambling to begin with, how are you prepared to grab that risk? The suggested answers are as follows, but please remember that these are just suggestions and your own opinion doesn’t have to match any of these exactly. Just vote for the option that most closely matches your own idea:

a) High risk but a short term and fast profit
b) Lower risk but longer term and regular income
c) No preference, I only join one if I can mix it with the other

Then for the second question, which is also something that occurred to me when asking your opinion on the MNO monitor, I’d like to know more about where you generally turn for information on the wider HYIP industry. And not just (but yes, including) whether a program is paying or not. It can also be about where do you look for new programs, where do you get information on payment processors, on the experiences of other investors in dealing with admins, on new developments or changes in existing programs you might be a member of, how do you research programs before you join, industry news events, and basically anything else you can think of connected with the HYIP industry. Yes, you can go out and independently research a lot of these things with consciously depending on someone else for your information, but there must be some resources that you have come to trust or at least turn to for information on a regular basis. So the question is “What is your preferred source of HYIP related information?” and the answers for this question are:

a) I prefer independently written blogs with no obvious agenda
b) I read online forums and trust certain posters
c) I have my own group of online friends who network together
d) I get most information from monitors I trust

Once again I imagine there are probably some other possible answers I didn’t think of there, so in that case please just vote for the option that most matches your own answer. I think it will be interesting for all readers to see how their fellow investors research the industry, and if nothing else it’s just a bit of fun to know these things anyway. Thanks in advance for voting, guys, and I look forward to drawing the results very soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GeniusCapitalLimited, PokerByProxy, PureIncome, CatenaFinance, RFIGroup, SolomonHit, PrimeEnergy, BillionairesGroup, CrestFunds, InvOil, BestEight, DeltaTraders, DublinCryptoriumLimited, InvGlobal, MutualWealth, KeystoneLoansDivisionWealthersInc.
From MNO Standard list: IncomeAlways, SixaLimited, IndustrialInvestGroup, PipsinInvestments.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, WelorTrade, Brows&Co, ValuePathFinance, ThaiMonetaryFund, Financ, BallInvest (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. I hope you had a very nice three-day weekend and are looking forward to more exciting news from the existing programs on MNO along with some additions. Hopefully we’ll see more positive news, as today two programs from my Basic list were moved to Problem status due to confirmed selective payouts. That’s why it’s so important to check my monitor on a daily basis (and every time before you spend in any program to make sure it still has a Paying status on MNO). It’s also vital for your success to subscribe to my Daily News updates to be delivered to your email address and follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter and join the MNO Forum. I’d also appreciate your votes in the newly added polls on MNO TalkBack, so keep casting your votes, guys. I hope to see you all on my site tomorrow, so stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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