Dec 8th, 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! Although Sunday and usually the slowest day of the week for news stories, as I didn’t have an update for you yesterday there’s plenty to talk about today. First though I would like to discuss something important before you decide to either proceed with your investments in the HYIP industry or take a break until January. You might already be aware in the weeks before Christmas the situation in the industry becomes kinda rough. Admins try to collect easy money for the holidays, while investors who see the risk will either slow down or take a break until the new year. The contradiction results in what many refer to as “Black December” where investors won’t spend because of scams, and good admins won’t work because of no investors. Of course, it doesn’t mean you can’t profit during December, only that you need to be cautious. That’s why it’s important to read MNO and other sources of information and be extremely careful for the next few weeks. Also you should really check my monitor frequently to see what programs are genuinely paying, as MNO monitor is very often the first to move programs to Problem Status as soon as I can confirm it. So be sure to stay with MNO during Christmas and be safe and sensible with your investments.


IncomeAlways (reviewed here) is currently the only program on Sticky listing on my monitor and I believe it’s a well-deserved space for undoubtedly the most impressive short-term program now. With a lifetime of four full months, IncomeAlways has certainly exceeded even the bravest expectations and is simply a phenomena. No matter what happens now it will remain one of the most successful programs of the year. Today the admin of IncomeAlways Sten (interviewed here) sent a newsletter dedicated to this outstanding result. That will sound even more impressive if you consider that IncomeAlways has always paid fast with no delays. Plans, via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, or PerfectMoney for a $10 minimum, include 110% after 3 days, 130% after 9 days, 165% after 18 days, 240% after 36 days, 400% after 12 days. No one knows for sure for how much longer IncomeAlways will continue, but so far hundreds of investors have already profited and hopefully, hundreds more will continue doing so. Below is the full newsletter from IncomeAlways issued today on the program’s first 120 days online:

IncomeAlways 120 Days Online
Dear investors.
We’re glad to report you that our ambitions program attained unprecedented heights.
From the moment of start, passed 120 days, but our program remains actual and upgrowth everyday more and more.
For those long 120 days we passed through many difficulties, but similarly continue to make happy our investors by timely payments.
Our statistics total accounts: 4047, total deposited: $ 974,543.24, total withdraw: $ 246,371.89
High activity on different popular internet-forums talks about our success.
Despite the prognosis of sceptics, today a program became the guarantor of quality and reliability for many depositors.
To date, possibilities and prospects grow in geometrical progression.
Thus, it is possible bravely to talk that you did a correct decision choosing us!
Best Regards, Sten Schmidt
IncomeAlways – Lists You First


The admin of CatenaFinance Enver (interviewed here) is clearly trying to get some Christmas presents for himself by introducing a new investment plan today. It pays you 142% after 15 days and the deposits start from $1 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. However would it be wise to invest in such a plan now? Of course not, not in any circumstances. The admin claims the new plan is a sure-fire deal and a nice addition to the two original plans CatenaFinance (reviewed here) first offered which proved so popular – 2% per business day for a year and 11% weekly for 55 weeks. In addition to that, the admin created a sense of hype among investors by stating the plan is only open for the next 15 days and will close just before Christmas. Well, I have a very strong suspicion this might be he last day of payments to the two old plans as well. I already experienced the same pre-Christmas tricks by other admins and in almost every cases it ended badly. Of course I not saying CatenaFinance will definitely scam before Christmas, but experience would suggest the prognosis is bad. Obviously I’d love nothing more than to be proven wrong here and see CatenaFinance paying well into 2014, but the chances of that are slim. Having said that, I hope sensible investors draw their own conclusions and hold off from investing in CatenaFinance until after the holidays and we see how things work out. As of now, CatenaFinance is still paying fine, but you need to take my warning seriously at this point. The last newsletter from the program’s admin will certainly raise a few eyebrows in the investor community:

CatenaFinance: Good news!
We have some good news for all of you!
We have decided to offer you, as a special gift for the upcoming holidays, a celebratory short term plan.
The plan offers a very special 42% after 15 days plus principal.
Yes, that means if you were to invest a $100, after precisely 15 days you can withdraw $142.
This plan is temporary and will be open for investments up to December the 22nd of 2013.
Following are some details about this special offer for you:
The plan lasts for EXACTLY 15 days, and that means, for example, if you invest on December 10th at 12:00 PM, you’ll get the profit plus principal on December 25th at 12:00 PM. At that time, the profit and principal will show on your account balance, and then you can request the payment using a payment processor.
The profit is, as we said, 42%, meaning that if you invest a $100, you’ll get $142, which is your principal plus 42% profit.
The minimum is the same as in our other plans, which is $1, and there is no maximum. We accept PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay.
This plan lasts until December the 22nd, after which it will be closed for new investments, but of course all the people who invest before December the 22nd will receive their payments, as we have explained in the previous paragraphs.
Once again we would like to note that this is a special plan which is only temporary. After December the 22nd our original daily and weekly plans will, of course, continue as it always were.
Taking the upcoming holiday season and all the gift buying for your loved ones it will bring along into account, we do hope that this will make a noticeable difference for you.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, CatenaFinance


I guess my review of AmberShares posted on MNO blog last night (click here to read) wasn’t something the admin wanted to share. Otherwise I don’t know the reason why he conveniently forgot to mention it in the newsletter to members a few hours later. Anyway, in the latest newsletter the admin mentions the first 30 days online as a significant achievement and says the first withdrawals on the longest plan are due shortly. Also included was the launch of a new Regional Representative program, where existing members can work as customer service operators and promoters in exchange for having your ref link displayed on their website. Some personal information, such as e-mail addresses and phone numbers are also asked for to be displayed, so do keep that in mind as well as people may wish to use you as a point of contact if there are any future problems with their accounts that you can’t answer. AmberShares is already a month old, paying to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay and PerfectMoney accounts on plans including 104%-120% after 1 day, 38%-55% for 3 days, 125%-230% after 5 days, 180%-500% after 10 days, 300%-1,100% after 20 days, 500%-1,600% after 30 days. No one knows how long it can continue, so always be realistic with short term programs like AmberShares, especially during December. I hope that despite some worrying comments about deleted accounts I saw on forums and some payout delays reported by some investors today, AmberShares will keep paying. The latest newsletter in its entirety can be read below:

Newsletter #3 and Representatives Program
Dear members,
How are you doing? Time really does fly when you’re having fun. Today we celebrate our 30th day online. It has been one month since AmberShares has been announced to the public. Since then, thousand of members have been earning online. Those that have joined us since the first week have more than doubled their money by now. Later today we will process the first expired deposits of the 30 day plan, it is really worth the wait. Our performance has been exceptional, and we are definitely not slowing down. We continue to grow every day, this can be observed by looking at our statistics.
We have big plans for 2014. Today we will launch our representatives program: This is just one of the many features that we promised to reveal on the following weeks. Having representatives in different countries all over the world will help AmberShares expand further. All members can be a representative. All you need to do is send us a message at, or via support with the following information: Country, Name, Username, Email Address, and Contact Number. Being a representative has many benefits. First, representatives will have higher chances of signing up referrals and earning referral commission because their names are seen in our website. Please take note that you will earn 4% of your referrals deposit, e.g., Your referral deposits $1,000, you will earn $40 which can be withdrawn anytime. We will give incentives to representatives that have exceptional performance. Another advantage of being a representative is that they will be informed of news and updates earlier. That’s all for now, we will continue to reveal more features on the following weeks. We might also have a mini-event/contest to celebrate Christmas. Thank you and have a nice day!
Amy Gold. AmberShares Administration


StableCapitalGroup is a brand new program joining Premium listing on MNO monitor today. The program accepts deposits from a $20 minimum via EgoPay and PerfectMoney, with no sign it’s going to be expanded anytime soon. Investment plans include – 1.3% for 80 business days, 1.6% for 100 business days, 1.9% for 120 business days. StableCapitalGroup returns your principal on expiry of every plan, so net profits could range from 104% to 228% by the end of your term. As StableCapitalGroup is running off a licensed GoldCoders script the payments have to be requested and are paid by the admin manually within 24 hours. Th StableCapitalGroup website is SSL secured by Comodo and hosted by Noc4Hosts. I can’t say much more about them at the moment but I hope to have more information by tomorrow, after I receive my first payout. The launch of a long-term program like this in December may not be an overnight success, but if it’s still with us in January I think the real potential of the program will become more obvious then.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: IncomeAlways.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, CatenaFinance, DublinCryptoriumLimited, MultiPowerVentures, DeltaTradersDailySharePro, Financ, FinMutual, ApexBinary.
From MNO Standard list: AmberShares, SclassInv.
From MNO Basic list: -.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I’ll see you again tomorrow for a more detailed look at StableCapitalGroup, plus all the latest news from the HYIP industry which you can also receive if you subscribe to my daily newsletter via the form on top of MNO blog. Bye for now!

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