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05/01/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone! The first week of 2014 was every bit as quiet as the last one of 2013, with no good projects launching and admins seemingly waiting for something before introducing their projects for the new season. Tomorrow sees the end of the official Christmas holiday period, but still there are no big projects on the horizon. Therefore, I believe next week will see the pattern change as many investors are already eagerly anticipating what the new year is bringing, and judging by my readers’ feedback and emails the next good programs coming to MNO will be met with huge enthusiasm. I’d include myself in that number by the way, as I also can’t wait for some really serious and professional admins to launch some high quality new programs. I’m pretty sure that they are already planning some big things over the next week or two. So, stay with MNO to see what and when it happens as it’s the biggest blog specially targeting an English-speaking audience while not insulting your intelligence at the same time.

2013 IS OVER – WELCOME TO 2014

This last year in the HYIP industry has given rise to some important challenges not to mention some some mind-blowing changes we couldn’t even imagine before. The highlight and the biggest event of the last year was undoubtedly the seizure of LibertyReserve by US law enforcement authorities. Apart from being the biggest HYIP industry tool was apparently also favored by all manner of shady cyber-criminals using LR’s total anonymity (which wasn’t really “total” at all as the LR owners are now finding out in a prison cell!) to help them launder millions of dollars in proceeds from criminal activities. That was of course of little concern to regular HYIP investors caught off-guard by the sudden closure of LibertyReserve. The people who didn’t read my blog have most probably lost more money in their LR accounts, as I warned numerous times about the activities of the LR administration that seemingly protected hackers and didn’t care much about genuine complaints about a very weak level of security. Well, justice has most definitely been served here and it will be a very very long time before any of these guys is in a position to abuse their power or steal your money ever again.

This closure of LibertyReserve though also had some initially adverse consequences for HYIP admins and investors who could have lost thousands there. That alone damaged the trust in every payment processor serving the HYIP industry forcing some, to adjust their policies to the changing market situation and avoid the same fate as LR. e-Currency exchangers also suffered with some of them not only losing tens of thousands of dollars locked into the defunct LR site, but also their site domains were suspended causing so much trouble to get back to work. It took months for things to get back to normal, but I believe the demise of LibertyReserve served almost like a cleansing process. A necessary purge if you like, where payment processors are not feeling so invincible anymore under the watchful eye of the law. I’m pretty sure that with time we will see more long term benefits of the LR seizure, as other processors continue to clean house.

As for the HYIP industry itself it has suffered as well with a marked slowdown in activity during the summer of 2013. Some admins were really shocked by the loss of LR funds and the outcome it could have potentially had on other payment systems was still unclear at that point. However, by the autumn we saw the industry slowly recovering as reflected by the activities of the bigger programs that either launched in the aftermath or managed to survive the summer. The end of the year though was really bad with many of the programs surviving the summer crisis finally collapsing, including such big names as PureIncome, CatenaFinance and many others all stopped paying. That was yet another blow to investors causing another slowdown from which the industry has yet to recover. Anyway, I’m still optimistic that very soon we will see some changes with more interesting and high quality programs launching and making their way to MNO. My aim for 2014 is to introduce only high quality programs from professional admins who know exactly what they are doing.


ApexBinary (reviewed here) finally made the formal announcement that SolidTrustPay had become their fourth official payment gateway, joining PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and PexPay which were accepted since the program’s launch over a month ago. SolidTrustPay remains one of the most popular payment processors, especially by US based customers hit by the exclusion of American users from the PerfectMoney system. SolidTrustPay is also known as a payment processor requiring strong verification measures from those looking to use it for HYIP-related purposes, therefore the addition of STP by admins is usually considered a good sign for a possible long term future. I hope that ApexBinary which is offering 1.2%-2.4% returns for 180 business days and your principal back on expiry (or earlier for a 30% fee) and is currently the only program featured on Sticky Listing on the MNO monitor will actually use this opportunity to expand its presence in the online HYIP market and prove one of the most successful projects of the year. The latest news updates dedicated to the STP addition (both deposits and withdrawals are made instantly, like the other payment options, by the way) were posted by ApexBinary two days ago. You can check it out below:

SolidTrustPay is now available
Dear Users!
During ApexBinary Performance over a month we have received a hundreds of e-mails from our customers asking to add SolidTrustPay. We are proud to announce that as a result of our fruitful negotiations with SolidTrustPay management, this payment processor has been added as a funding and withdrawal option.
SolidTrustPay is one of the leading online payment solution providers on the internet today!
It offers a wide range of account funding options including ACH/EFT Direct Bank Transfers, bank wire, VISA, MasterCard, money order and certified cheque. You are welcome to check out this opportunity at!
ApexBinary LTD – Trust Through Transparency


Not much else going on to report about in terms of news stories tonight, so before I finish up I’d just like to have a quick look, (and by way of that to remind you that they are still running) at the two latest opinion polls running on the MNO TalkBack page. The subject of the polls is HYIP related internet forums and message boards, what you use them for, and whether you have any interest in participating in a re-vitalized MNO members forum. These are not the final results by the way as the polls will be open for a week or more to come. You still have plenty of time to vote so I would really appreciate you doing so. For now though I’m only looking at the way the voting has been going up until now.

So the first question is asking:
HYIP Forums – What do you mostly use them for?

Even at this early stage I have to say I’ve not really been surprised at the early trend. Just taking one look at any of the major HYIP forums shows a noticeable lack of “real” people there. Monitors, trolls, and paid lackeys hired by admins to say as they are told make up far too great a number. Obviously I’m not saying that’s everyone (far from it), but it does surprise me sometimes that the only real discussion opening up among regular investors happens all too often after a program has already scammed. Taking the early lead in the poll therefore with 50% f the vote is the answer:
I read the forums but rarely contribute.

That’s followed by the option:
I post proof of payment from programs I join
Which shares an even 25% of the vote with the joint second place answer:
To complain and warn others about scams

At the time of writing, nobody, 0%, have taken the option:
I like to discuss the industry and my portfolio
Though like I already said, the poll will remain open for sometime to come so please think it over and vote when you are ready.

Given a general attitude of, well, I won’t say apathy but maybe lack of enthusiasm or simply questioning the importance of forums to begin with, it’s not so much of a surprise then that the leading vote in the second poll asking:
Are you interested in joining and posting on an MNO members forum?
Saw 50% of voters reply:
No, not interested.

I’d almost be disappointed were it not for the fact that the first poll seems indicate investors place more importance on other news sources than they once did in forums in general anyway.

The remaining 50% of the vote is split evenly, 25% each, between the other two possible answers of:
Yes, regularly and Probably, but only post occasionally

Anyway, plenty of time for all that to change completely, so thanks as always to everyone who has already voted, and thanks in advance to everyone else still interested but hasn’t got around to it yet.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ApexBinary.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, Financ, SclassInv, MutualWealth, RemiTrade, DailyShareProTataAgroHolding, FinMutual, StableCapitalGroup.
From MNO Standard list: –.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, InsideForexGroup, GoldDailyPay, IndigoHillInv, MichaelKazakov.

That’s about it for today, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading. For now I’m not going to say exactly when the next update is going to be published here for the simple reason that things are kinda slow now as you know, but it will certainly be no longer than two days or so I should think. Maybe even tomorrow if there’s something of real importance I think you might like to know about. Either way you can rest assured that the MNO monitor will always be updated at least once every 24 hours, even when my blog is not. So you can always be sure of the most up-to-date status for the programs listed there from any monitor in the industry, and that’s a promise!

Of course if you don’t want to miss anything you can always subscribe to receive my updates via e-mail. Exactly as they appear on my blog, except you get them to your inbox instead. Just fill in your address in the form near the upper right hand side of my blog, wait for the confirmation e-mail to be sent, and click the activation link contained (to make sure the rightful owner of the address is the one submitting it. It only takes a minute, and remember if you ever change your mind the process of unsubscribing is actually a lot faster. See you soon, everyone!

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