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21/01/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi guys! Tonight’s article is given over entirely to the latest updates from the biggest online investment programs over the last couple of days. It should be of interest to you for sure and I hope you find plenty of useful information. After skipping the news last night, we have plenty to catch up with this evening. First though I just wanted to say a couple of words about MNO.

As January enters its final days I can clearly see that my intent to become a monitor for elite investment programs and experienced admins only is working like a charm. Only dedicated admins running the best programs can now afford listing on MNO by paying the highest ever prices in the HYIP industry. The recent decision to increase prices for listing as of January 1st was entirely justified and had two effects – I weeded out the obvious low-quality programs that can’t afford listing here anymore and at the same time, saved me wasting time better spent on a smaller number of better programs from experienced admins. This is exactly what I wanted for MNO in 2014 and I hope the trend continues. Quality over quantity will work out for myself (more efficient use of the limited time I have), and my readers by ignoring the worst programs which are those run by inexperienced chancers who close their sites on receipt of the first three or four figure deposit from an investor. Yes, I know MNO is very different this way from other monitors and blogs, but I always tried to carve out my own niche in the HYIP industry by setting my own rules. Set trends, don’t follow them! Being original surely pays off, I must say, both in an online and offline life and just copying successful people is never enough. You can be sure I’ll continue this way, so please subscribe to my daily news and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. There’s going to be a lot of interesting new programs in the industry in the new 2014 season, so stay with me and let’s explore only the best programs together.

That is all I wanted to say before getting to the regular news updates, so let’s start.


I must say I didn’t quite expect TataAgroHolding (reviewed here) to reach the #1 spot on my monitor quite as quickly as they did. However the admin won the hearts and minds of investors and MNO readers in less than five weeks online, pushing DublinCryptoriumLimited into second spot on my Premium List. Certainly I can’t say for how long TataAgroHolding will keep this position as the popularity among my readers is what determines the rankings on the MNO monitor. Although we can’t deny that TataAgroHolding has become one of the biggest programs in the industry, growing faster than many of its major competitors. Payments have been really spot-on during the first month online as well and you can’t complain when being paid usually within minutes on your deposit which can start from as low as $5. By the way, the program offers four investment plans with the original principal returned on expiry, crediting accounts on every calendar day – 1.9% for 15 days, 2.3% for 30 days, 2.5% for 60 days, 3.1% for 120 days. The payment options have recently been extended to include OkPay alongside PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, Qiwi and direct Bank wires. Of course the addition of SolidTrustPay is what would really have given TataAgroHolding an additional boost in members so hopefully the admin has been working on that. As the admin doesn’t usually update his members very often then let me be the one to tell you that recently I noticed that TataAgroHolding totally refurbished the interface of its confirmation emails sent on account accruals, withdrawal requests, processed withdrawal, and just in general became much better and more graphically original. Well I guess that’s one benefit of having your own script which TataAgroHolding can boast of. Unlike other programs, it certainly helps the admin to implement new features in future and which my readers will certainly be the first ones to hear about. Finally I would like to congratulate the investors who took a leap of faith with TataAgroHolding from the beginning and despite much criticism drawn from the program’s (probably intentional) similarities with a world famous brand name. It certainly paid off for them as the first principals on the 15 and even 30 day plans have now been returned. In fact my own principal only took a few minutes to reach my PerfectMoney account. I guess my readers are also enjoying how TataAgroHolding have been performing so far and I hope this continues for as long as possible.


I would like to sincerely thank readers who joined DublinCryptoriumLimited under me and keep active investments there this month. This gave me first position in the monthly referral contest there. The thing is that they don’t counts the amount of active referrals and not even the amount of funds attracted by your referrals, but rather it gives you a share from the earnings of your downline. And as the accounts in DublinCryptoriumLimited are credited with new earnings every millisecond the original script also credits the account of the referrer with commissions every millisecond. We shouldn’t forget that DublinCryptoriumLimited also allows its investors to withdraw both the principal and profits any time they like and be paid instantly (or very fast) by whatever payment method you used on investing. That makes their referral program the most accurate online as it highlights the level of activity from your referrals and the total amount invested in the program at the same time. That’s why I’m pleased that my readers saw the potential of DublinCryptoriumLimited in my detailed review published here and gave it a chance to prove itself, as I truly believe it could possibly be the best choice if looking to expand your portfolios with quality long-term programs. I’m not therefore excluding the possibility that the program might reclaim its #1 spot on the MNO monitor very soon with such tremendous support from my readers. If you wish to give DublinCryptoriumLimited a try, then you can make a deposit of at least $50 (which then has to be maintained at at least that level to continue active earnings) via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, OkPay, BitCoin and even direct Bank wires. Then sit back and enjoy your earnings while seeing your account in DublinCryptoriumLimited grow in real time literally by the second. You remain in total control of your funds and can withdraw any amount you like at any time you like. That along with instant payouts distinguishes DublinCryptoriumLimited from the pack.


InflexShares, recently added to MNO Premium listing and reviewed (click here to read it) issued a regular weekly newsletter last night. In it, Dorothy (the admin, also very active on MNO ShoutBox) told investors about the program’s growth over the first weeks online which was geared up significantly by the admin’s decision to list on MNO. I appreciate the admin sharing the link to the review with the hundreds of members InflexShares already has, and Dorothy promised not to stop there and list her program on more monitors in the near future. Finally, adding Live Chat was announced as well, and after testing it myself can tell you it’s working fine. For those interested in trying out InflexShares I remind you they accept SolidTrustPay (in manual mode) plus EgoPay and PerfectMoney (in automated mode) deposits starting from $10 minimum. Investment plans promise 2% for 60 days, 2.2% for 90 days, 2.5% for 120 days with interest credited on business days only and the original principal to be returned on expiry. Their latest update is below:

Newsletter 03 – Ramp Up On Marketing
Today marks a huge milestone for InflexShares‘ family! First and foremost, we’ve been online without much of a hiccup for the past 3 weeks, and I’m extremely proud to say that everyone behind InflexShares has been giving their best effort to keep the site running smoothly. With that said, I’d like to highlight some of the achievements for the past 3 weeks:
1. We have now reached 700 members with over 200 active investors who are part of the InflexShares family. To put that in perspective, we had on average 10 active investors a day and about 33 new members every single day! The conversion rate is at a staggering 33.33%, or about 1 out of 3! This truly demonstrates the trust and faith the investors have in us, and I am so very proud of everyone who believe in us. This will only serve as a motivation for us to keep trucking along and please look forward to bigger and better things from us!
2. We are now ramping up on our marketing efforts, starting with our listing on Money-News-Online blog (or more affectionately known as MNO), which is one of the most prominent voices in the industry at the moment. For the next few weeks, we anticipate that we will get listed on several more monitors, forums and blogs, which will help with our online presence. Further down the road, we are planning on hiring social media representatives who will connect with our investors on the social media fronts, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. In fact, Paul from MNO published a review about us that provides a fresh perspective on our program, which I believe will serve both to consolidate what our current investors already know about us and to give a quick introduction to our prospective investors. You can read the article here:
3. We have now implemented a live chat system on our site as we further demonstrate our commitment to our clients. Our values have always centered around excellent customer service, and we will not forget that no matter how popular or how famous we get. Our support staff are online most of the time, and when no one’s around, emails are the best way to approach us. The turnaround time is usually around 1 business day (at most), but we are usually quicker than that.
With that said, I’m very excited to welcome everyone to our family and let’s have another great week ahead!
Sincerely, Dorothy
CEO InflexShares


The recent news of the SolidTrustPay addition to the list of accepted payment processors in Financ (previously consisting of PerfectMoney and EgoPay only) has now been completed. However for security reasons the existing members of Financ who are not permitted to edit their own accounts will need to contact the admin and ask him to add your STP details to your profile. New sign-ups with the program will be able to do that themselves when registering for the first time though. So now STP users will be able to make a deposit into one of the plans on offer (starting from $10 with the principal return one expiry) – 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.6% for 45 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days, and receive instant withdrawals just like the other payment options. I’m sure that disabling members’ ability to edit their account details by themselves might be beneficial for security reasons, but only in the event of the admin being able to deal with the support tickets this will generate both quickly and efficiently. The latest update from Financ (reviewed here) is below:

SOLID TRUST PAY has been added
Good afternoon, dear Financ investor.
Today we are glad to inform you with a portion of good news. Due to numerous requests from US and Canada investors, we decided to add Solid Trust Pay, a payment system to expand the audience of Financ investors even more. The verification process took some time, and now we are ready to give you this opportunity to work with the most trusted and reliable payment system for North America citizens. Everyone who desires to switch and use STP can simply choose it following the same basic steps when making a deposit. If you need assistance with changing payment info within your profile, you can ask online support to do that for you; we will require answer for your secret question and your new STP payment information.
We are happy to see that you have a great interest in our company due to continuously increasing dynamics and your feedback. Also, Managers’ School has become even more popular within the new 2014 year, and keep working and developing it. Be conscious and check your payment information; incorrect payment information blocks automatic payments to your account. We have also updated our security systems to prevent accounts from hack. Be watchful, happy and wealthy! Have a wonderful day and let your life become as good!


SclassInv (reviewed here) has been gradually growing for seven weeks now. When it was first listed on MNO the admin told me he had a clear vision in mind on how his project would develop and a strategy was put in place on day one. The admin also told me of his plans to increase the interest for the shorter-term plans over time. This came into practice yesterday. This was no surprise for me as I already knew, but I imagine it might raise some eyebrows in the investor community when a sudden change of plans in a short term program might be seen as a clear sign of an imminent scam. Possibly, to alleviate such concerns SclassInv have added instant payouts to a maximum value of $300 to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer. The investment plans that changed, which are the shortest and obviously the most popular,are the 1-day plan that will be paying now from 104% to 105% after one day, depending on the size of your investments. The 2-day plan also offers higher profits now and you will get from 109% to 111% after two days now if you dare to invest there (the minimum to invest in each plan still remains at $20). Unaffected plans remain at 110%-117% after 3 days, and 117%-128% after 5 days. The others are 138%-160% after 10 days, 155%-178% after 15 days, 185%-200% after 20 days. On all those plans offered by SclassInv I believe an experienced investor can see that the profits are not so outrageously high like in many similar short-term programs employing the same tactics, and that was an indicator for me that SclassInv intended to be run for a long time which has indeed happened now as the program reaches fifty days online tomorrow. To mark this event I’ll have an interview with the program’s admin which you can read on my blog tomorrow, so stay tuned for that. Below is the latest update from the admin of SclassInv issued last night on instant payouts:

SclassInv – Higher profits for our Investment plans and Instant payments soon
We have set higher profit for our first 2 plans, you will be able to earn more now with us!
More good news is that we will launch instant payments soon in test mode. They will be instant starting from $0.01-$300 withdrawals for first day, then we will set them permanently instant for all amounts.
Best regards. SclassInv.


I wonder how it’s possible to celebrate Martin Luther King Day in retrospective, but the admin of InvGlobal is possibly some kind of magician as he announced no interest credited to members’ accounts today. And that was no mistake or misunderstanding because he did credit the accounts of InvGlobal‘s investors with interest yesterday the actual MLK Day, but today for some reason I received the following short message:

Holiday Notice
Hello everyone,
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. There is no interest generated today.
Regards InvGlobal Ltd

Apparently for some reason the admin skipped any news of the holiday when it happened yesterday, but decided to make up for it today and didn’t see any problem in the absurdity of firstly clearly never hearing about the holiday in his life until after reading about it somewhere after it had already taken place, and then deciding to throw his own mini MLK Day afterwards. Well, if any modern day historical figure deserves a second day they I guess there might be a strong case made for Doctor King, but I think we all know what’s really happening here, right? Maybe it wasn’t a very smart move, but let’s forgive the mistake for InvGlobal in light of the fact they have a perfect track record for payments and has been paying instantly to EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and OkPay accounts for four and a half months now. The investment plans offered by InvGlobal include from 1.2% to 2.5% interest variations paid for the duration of 120 business days with the original principal return on expiry. Remember that for more information on InvGlobal you can always check out my review posted here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: TataAgroHolding, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, AdBitrage, Financ, SclassInv, InvGlobal, RemiTrade, DailySharePro, ApexBinary, ImbueCapital, WealthGroups, InflexShares, 3pamm, MyGoldNestEgg.
From MNO Standard list: FX9.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, ZeusInvest, IndigoHillInvMichaelKazakov.

That is all for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and see you on MNO tomorrow!

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