25/01/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hi guys! This business week has really been a bad one for the HYIP industry. Mostly low grade programs starting up while good and experienced admins still waiting for a better day to launch. Some readers admitted to me privately that they are eagerly anticipating and saving money till some seriously heavy hitters get going. Well, I believe the waiting period is almost over as I became aware of a couple of new programs where the admins are looking forward to getting down to business and listing on MNO sometime next week. So stay tuned for some new developments on my monitor.
One program already added to MNO Premium listing tonight is a very promising newcomer called ComoCredit. The program first appeared about two weeks ago and was greeted by experienced investors with much enthusiasm. And it didn’t take the admin much time to bring it to MNO as well. Just be aware that on visiting the ComoCredit website for the first time, don’t be surprised that you won’t understand what it’s all about. The thing is that you must begin by registering an account there before you are allowed to proceed. That signing up process is already very original, as ComoCredit not only allows you to create an account via email, but also using your profile in Facebook, Linkedin or Google which I myself have never seen before. Once signed-up you will then see what the program is doing and, more importantly, its investment plans. So, ComoCredit accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum through PerfectMoney and EgoPay. Although limited in choice, it’s hugely compensated for with instant payouts and the ability to invest any amount in any plan, choosing between the terms and compounding level. As the initial investment is returned on expiry you should really think about how long you would like to commit your money for as the acting principle here – the longer the term the higher the rate of interest credited on every calendar day. As for the numbers, ComoCredit are offering 1.4% for 30 days, 1.5% for 45 days, 1.6% for 60 days, 1.7% for 90 days, and 2% for 180 days. Although the terms are fixed, you may still change your mind later leave before the expiry date for fees between 10% and 30% depending on the plan. I’ll talk more about the investment plans in ComoCredit in my detailed review tomorrow, but even now I believe you can clearly see how flexible the plans are.
As for the technical side of things, we can’t fault ComoCredit here either. The site is running off an original and custom-made script, hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS-protection provided by CloudFlare, and is SSL secured by GlobalSign. The domain is registered for three years and the site has a highly original design and content as well, which will be also a subject of more detailed analysis in tomorrow’s review. Finally, ComoCredit has a one-minute long video presentation in which the concept of short term payday loans are listed as the main source of profit for the program which it later re-distributes to its investors. Of course, hard to believe it’s true, but at least the alleged activities are much more interesting to discuss than the usual ForEx claims. In a nutshell ComoCredit certainly deserves at least your attention, being a promising program with flexible investment plans, custom-made script and original design and content.
I guess adding some ridiculously high interest plans now and then is part of some strategy known only to the admin of AlternativeEnergy. Two days ago while simultaneously celebrating 20 days online he added the so called VIP Normal plan paying 1,111% after 20 calendar days for a $5,000 minimum spend. Every sane human being on the planet will of course avoid like the plague. Perhaps this plan alongside its companion offering 555% after 10 days for an even higher $10,000 targets the newbie investors, and will make AlternativeEnergy collapse with the first deposit. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it’s not going to happen anytime soon and that AlternativeEnergy (reviewed here) will keep paying to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, HD-Money, and Payeer. Generally you can deposit in AlternativeEnergy starting from a $10 minimum and the investment plans are very typical for a short-term program like this – 103%-130% after 1 day, 110%-195% after 3 days, 123%-330% after 7 days, 150%-600% after 15 days, 200%-1,000% after 25 days, 400%-1,500% after 40 days, 600%-2,500% after 55 days. Perhaps three weeks online is not too long as the admin is still adding such laughable investment plans. So hopefully AlternativeEnergy will last a bit longer, although there are no guarantees on that. Below is the latest newsletter from the program, clearly exaggerating their financial stats:
“20 Days Online
Dear investors.
We are happy to work with you 20 days online.
High activity on various popular online forums suggests our success.
Despite the prediction of skeptics today program became a guarantor of quality and reliability for many investors.
For 20 days we have such statistics;
Total accounts: 1186,
Total deposited: $ 168,477.16,
Total withdraw: $ 95,640.31.
Today we want to offer you another plan Vip Normal 1111% After 20 Days. If you want to keep up, stay in our news.
Best Regards, David Bredwood
AlternativeEnergy – The Future Soon”.
After paying for more than seven consecutive weeks before eventually running its course the admin of SclassInv couldn’t just bow out graciously, preferring instead to pull another ugly scam on his former investors. His attempts generally failed though, as after MNO moved the program to Problem Status two days ago (I was actually the first monitor to do so!) and eventually downgraded it to Scam Status on my monitor last night, none of my readers invested there, despite the increasingly desperate emails from the admin. I believe my readers are simply too savvy and experienced to take the bait, and the admin’s attempt to make it look like instant withdrawals had resumed didn’t work. Actually what he did to mimic the effect of instant withdrawals on the SclassInv website was to make it look like there was a batch number available straight after making a withdrawal request from your account. Although this cheating was immediately exposed when investors checked their e-currency accounts and saw that no payment was ever really made. Possibly the admin genuinely believed someone would fall for this and join the newly offered 150% after 1 day plan, but it seems there’s no newbies left in the HYIP industry anymore, and certainly this con will not work on MNO readers. I always try to expose such tricks on my blog and regular readers should I hope recognize them immediately when they see them. Of course, it’s really unfortunate that the admin of SclassInv keeps lying, but I guess it’s in his nature. Anyway, please note that SclassInv is a proven scam now and under no circumstances invest there anymore. Just for your amusement and to show the level of hypocrisy I’m re-posting the following update which contains not one single word of truth:
“SclassInv – Instant Payments and VIP plan
Instant payments are back.
To celebrate 2 months online we have added new VIP plan which will pay you 150% after 24 hours.
For example if you invest $100 which is minimum, you will get $150 in next day.
For the last item in this evening’s news update I want to take a look at the final results at the opinion poll that’s been running over on the MNO TalkBack page. I also want to add a couple of new questions to the page so I hope you will take a spare minute to cast a vote in those as well. I’ll get to that in a moment, but we’ll start with the current poll. You might remember I asked for your thoughts on the efficiency of my monitor, or more specifically:
“Are you satisfied with the speed the MNO monitor changes status for programs?”
This is a very important aspect to any online monitor. When a good program collapses the monitor has an obligation to move it to Problem or Scam Status. The thing is that this simply can’t happen across all monitors instantly and at the same time. The monitor must become aware of the situation first, which is of course why payments continue to monitors for so long after the regular investors are scammed. The dishonest ones you see (and there are lots of them!) won’t have any particular interest in hearing about or care all that much if you get scammed. It’s vital therefore that you only use the services of monitors you can trust and can get the most basic concepts behind what they do for a living right. Acting quickly in flagging the programs no longer keeping up with payments to members is crucial, not just in preventing new members feeding the scam by depositing more money unaware that the program is already a scam, but also to help keeping the entire HYIP industry running.
I must admit I was quite satisfied with the results, and it’s a matter of some personal pride to me that the overwhelming majority of readers gave a positive response of some some degree. The majority with a vote of 64% replied that they would describe themselves as “fully satisfied” with that aspect of my monitor, so thanks for your faith. With a vote of 21%, the second option was from readers taking the option of “I am mostly satisfied”. Well, maybe not as good but I’m still happy with that.
Just 5% of the voters said “the speed could have been faster”, while the remaining 10% made the claim that they were “not satisfied at all”. With regards to these votes, like I said the monitor cannot cover the HYIP in real time. In other words there’s always a gap between the moment the scam happens, the monitor becoming aware of it, and then acting on the information accordingly. I myself had always believed that MNO was the one of the best monitors for this, and to be honest I can’t say that I’ve ever gotten much feedback from readers questioning my abilities about it. So if the people claiming to be not satisfied don’t wish to tell me why, I can only shrug my shoulders.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote, I hope you’ll do it again as we move on to the next set of questions for two further opinion polls. I want to start with online payment processors and the first question asks:
“Where are most of your HYIP related transactions done?”
It’s old news by now that the HYIP industry has changed beyond all recognition since the closure of LibertyReserve last year. I for one can’t say that I miss them (or even feel an ounce of sympathy for them for that matter) but the chain reaction put in place has had a wide impact on how this crucial part of the HYIP industry works. None more so that PerfectMoney, who introduced a raft of changes to avoid the same fate as their former rivals. In fact it even frightened them to the extent that they closed all accounts held by US residents, and US citizens domiciled overseas. There are no further services being offered and no new accounts allowed if you are a US citizen or resident. Of course you can be sure there are, shall we say, more clandestine ways of circumventing these regulations, but I wouldn’t advise it. That’s a whole other discussion for another day though, my point being that the fact that PerfectMoney have jettisoned an entire market, the biggest and most lucrative they could possibly wish for, shows you how things have changed.
SolidTrustPay who I would say were less directly affected by the closure of LibertyReserve in the sense that they are not just some anonymous and untraceable internet only company like LR was. But there have still been some extensive changes (improvements actually) made there in recent months. After a long battle against bureaucracy, technical problems, and just general bad luck, STP are once again providing valid and functioning international debit cards to their members. They have a new partner in this outing, the Cypriot based PaySpark who replaced their former card provider. So you can now spend any money you earn using SolidTrustPay by sticking it in any ATM and withdrawing it in cash, or else directly over the counter the same way you would any other credit or debit card. Another thing that’s changed with STP is that they are getting more and more strict with enforcing their own rules. It had been rumored that they even had a blanket ban on all short term HYIPs and were refusing to verify accounts for any of them. This of course was utter nonsense. No such thing ever happened and STP continue to deal with short term programs. What happened was they are simply refusing to deal with the rubbish ones, and the cheapest most obvious scams are being told to take a hike. STP are sick of dealing with the mess left behind by first time amateur scammers, and I for one don’t blame them. In fact it’s the reason the price of monitoring and advertising services on MNO are now the most expensive in the industry – I don’t want to deal with them either and only want the best admins who know what they are doing.
Another change in the payment processor side of the industry is the ongoing emergence of newer handlers. BitCoin for example. I mean I know it’s been around for a couple of years, but it’s only in the last six months or less that it’s started popping up again and again in the HYIP industry. Likewise with the Russian company Payeer. I can’t say I know of any of my own readers using them, but there’s a lot of programs accepting them. Perhaps more for appearances than actual expectation, but the option is still there.
Getting back to the question then:
“Where are most of your HYIP related transactions done?”
Your answers are as follows:
a) SolidTrustPay
b) PerfectMoney
c) EgoPay
d) PexPay
e) None of the Above
For the second poll, the question is a bit more complex. Experienced readers will know this, but the HYIP industry is constantly shifting and changing. There are trends and there are cycles and things evolve over the months and years. It keeps things interesting for me as a blogger and monitor, and also I suppose helps keep the industry lively. One thing I think is getting pretty obvious by now is that there has been a marked and noticeable move away from short term programs recently. The majority of them seem to be fast scams that barely last a couple of days, with the admin running off without putting anyone in profit once he has even a couple of bucks for himself. Sure there’s been good short term programs as well, great ones in fact, but at the moment you could count them on your fingers.
So, how do you see this continuing during 2014? Long term programs are what it’s all about now, but will it stay that way? Are people finally sick of short term HYIPs and ready to finish with them? Anything can happen in this business of course, we all know that and what we see today can all change tomorrow. But at this particular moment in time what would your gut instinct be? What do you think will dominate your own portfolio for the next 12 months?
The exact question therefore will be:
“Where do you think you will invest most during 2014?”
And your answers are the following:
a) Mostly short term. Up to 15 days.
b) Mostly medium term. 15 to 45 days.
c) Mostly long term. 45 days or longer.
Please keep voting on TalkBack as I’m going to draw the results of the polls next weekend!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, DublinCryptoriumLimited, TataAgroHolding, AdBitrage, Financ, InvGlobal, 3pamm, MutualWealth, RemiTrade, DailySharePro, ApexBinary, ImbueCapital, WealthGroups, InflexShares, MyGoldNestEgg.
From MNO Standard list: AlternativeEnergy, FX9.
From MNO Basic list: IndigoHillInv, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.
That’s where we’ll leave it for tonight guys. Thanks for reading, please visit the MNO TalkBack page to vote in the opinion polls, and come back tomorrow for the more detailed review of ComoCredit. And oh yeah, don’t forget to enjoy the rest of your weekend! Bye for now!
Filed under Daily News by on Jan 25th, 2014.