January 2014 Archives

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Beware! WealthGroups has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! The main subject of tonight’s update is a brand new program which I must say I’m quite pleased to add to my Premium List called WealthGroups. Joining MNO on the very first day of opening, the admin has been very enthusiastic about bringing the project to the widest possible audience which I think he may reach here. In other news things have been kinda slow today, but in an odd kinda way I think that’s OK because there was also another new program added to my monitor which I’m going to introduce in a few moments in today’s news section. But let’s not get too far away from the subject at hand though, which is the very promising WealthGroups program that I hope you all enjoy.

There’s only the one investment plan to choose from in WealthGroups, but that’s fine. It’s not a negative thing if the plan is actually good, and in this case I’d have to say yes, it’s not bad at all. The most important thing to look for in any HYIP, long term or short term, it doesn’t really matter, is a combination of profitability and sustainability. There a of course many other factors that can affect the success or failure of a program, but those two things are basically the cornerstones of a good program, and without them you can more or less forget about it. So it’s nice to see that WealthGroups have gotten the fundamentals right, and fingers crossed the admin now knows how to manage the whole thing correctly. Which I suspect he does by the way, as I get the distinct impression that this may well be a seasoned industry professional who knows what he’s doing.

Anyway, the numbers. You can join WealthGroups for a very affordable minimum deposit of $25. A bit higher than the industry average I suppose, but hardly enough to break anyone. The term runs for 99 business days (just a day short of 20 weeks) during which all members are paid the same fixed rate of interest, regardless of the size of their deposit. The rate is 3.3% per business day, and at the end of the term WealthGroups should then return your original principal in expiry. Payments themselves will add up to 326.7% at the end, which then becomes your net profit after your own money is given back. WealthGroups place no upper limit on how much you may deposit incidentally, though obviously that’s no excuse to spend more that you can actually afford.

So let’s take a look at how that might play out in monetary terms with a theoretical example. We’ll say you invest a nice round figure of $100 in WealthGroups. Your money is tied up for the next 99 business days as I said, (there’s no early withdrawal option so once you’re in, you’re in for the full duration). WealthGroups will then repay you at a rate of $3.30 per day for the duration, adding up to $326.70 by the end. That then becomes your final net profit when WealthGroups return your own initial hundred. You reach the break even point after just 31 of the 99 payments, which means you have then earned back an amount equivalent to your investment and so cannot possibly lose any of your own money. It’s all pure passive income from that point onwards.

Technically speaking then yes, there is just one plan, but if you’re not quite happy with how it works then WealthGroups do have the option of compounding available so you can play around with the numbers a bit if you want. I’m no great fan of compounding myself as most readers will know, but that’s just a matter of personal choice and no reflection on any of the programs that offer it, WealthGroups included. There’s a handy little calculator built into the WealthGroups website by the way that will help you work out the potential returns based on if and how much you do choose to compound, should you decide to take the option at all that is.

One thing that I do unfortunately think might hold the program back from reaching it’s full potential, or at least delay it anyway, is the choice of payment processors. I mean it’s not bad, but it could be better. And I suppose it’s not exactly that much of a problem that can’t be fixed quite easily in the future when the need arises as I believe it will. For now however, deposits and withdrawals from WealthGroups are made via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer which is one of the names beginning to pop up in the HYIP industry more and more these days. Payments to members are made manually by the admin and so will need to be requested from inside your WealthGroups private account area. Once done you need to allow anything up to a 12 hour maximum for the transaction to be completed, which I must say is remarkably quick and quite admirable of the admin if he manages to keep this schedule up in the long term.

Moving on then to the more design, security, and technical aspects to the program, WealthGroups is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders. It’s a little bit better than just that however, and not quite so simple. The thing is that it’s been modified to the admin’s own specs for his program’s requirements,which I think shows a certain degree of professionalism on his part and the ability to combine the more traditional product with some of his own ideas. For safer browsing and more secure transactions the website is using SSL encryption by GeoTrust. Hosting is on a dedicated server by AntiDDoS (who once hosted MNO so I can vouch that they are a decent enough company to deal with) though the protection from DDoS attacks is actually provided by DDoSGuard, another dependable name. The website domain has been registered for no less than eleven(!) years, which while not that difficult to do is a very positive and encouraging sign that the admin is serious about at least trying to keep running the program for as long as possible. That won’t be forever of course, but I see no reason why it can’t be long enough for a decent sized number of investors to profit from it.

If there’s anything you think wasn’t quite explained to your liking in this review, or if you have any further questions or account related issues for the admin to deal with for you, then you can get in touch through a couple of different methods. To start with you can use the usual online support form where you fill out your details and submit it through the contacts page. Alternatively you can simply mail the admin directly at the e-mail address listed. There’s a postal address too but I wouldn’t suggest taking that too seriously as mostly I know these things to be virtual serviced offices. Yes, the address may physically exist but you rarely find anyone connected with the companies using it as an address actually located there. There’s also a phone number to go with that, though I can’t confirm that anyone will actually answer if you try to call. Also not currently in use but displayed on the WealthGroups website is a Live Chat feature. Hopefully this will be activated soon when the program becomes a bit better known. Also for fans of social media sites WealthGroups have a widespread online presence, using profiles on both Facebook and Twitter in addition to their own news blog.

You might be familiar with the Regional Representative scheme that some of the biggest online programs have run in the past, and I’m sure some of you might have even participated. Well then, WealthGroups seem to have some fairly lofty ambitions in that regard as despite being brand new they have already started up their own department to look after this. How it works is basically regular members of the program are employed to act as customer support operatives for the program through their own native language and in their own country. Of course when I use the word “employed” I really have no idea what the potential reward is for you for doing so, but if you’ve done it before and know what it’s all about then you should write to the WealthGroups admin for further information.

Speaking of further information, there’s actually a couple of very handy pages on the WealthGroups website that might come in very useful even if you’re not a member, particularly for industry newbies. For one thing there’s a start up guide to explain the entire process of joining, depositing, and getting paid by WealthGroups. There’s also a page given over to payment processors, and this contains a step-by-step guide on how to open an account with the ones WealthGroups are using and to start using it. Most readers here of course will if you’ve gotten this far already have the accounts you need, but it’s still a nice touch. What might be of more practical use to even the experienced readers however is the section on e-currency exchange providers, which is always something useful no matter who you are.

On the subject of WealthGroups and their day-to-day operations, the claim is ForEx currency operations that I don’t really want to or need to go into any further detail on. It’s a claim made pretty much everyday in this business, though how true it is is an entirely different matter. They do provide a certificate of incorporation as a registered company in the UK, though again these are, while entirely genuine, not especially difficult to obtain from the relevant authorities there. Still, I guess it gives a certain feeling of confidence to some users. But for now we’ll just say that WealthGroups is still as far as we know connected with the HYIP industry and as such a high risk. The admin is proving to be extremely serious about it though, and clearly has a massive advertising budget that he’s planned out very carefully. Not just the Premium Listing and the banner on MNO, he’s also been quite active in other areas and seems prepared to work hard. And that’s something I’m really glad to see as the potential for WealthGroups to become one of the leading industry programs is definitely there, but it won’t just happen by itself and needs a professional manager who knows the business. And now that there’s a new HYIP season underway, there really is plenty of room for expansion here. Just remember to keep your spending limits to an affordable limit, and if joining WealthGroups do keep them as an affordable limit to a more diverse portfolio.



One program was moved to Scam status on the MNO monitor today, which was StableCapitalGroup that stopped paying yesterday and the admin of which never intended to resume payouts. The program was a total failure considering it only launched in December. It didn’t manage to attract much attention from investors with long-term plans starting from 1.3% for 80 business days. Just over a month online was absolutely not enough to come even close to the break-even point and investors who had the misfortune to deposit there lost most of their money, even if they joined early. It’s really regrettable that such programs like StableCapitalGroup even exist in the HYIP industry, but fingers crossed it’s not going to become a pattern and was just a hangover from last year’s season which was not the best by most people’s standards, to say the least.


Along with the recently added bi-lingual Live Chat support available in both English and Russian, Polish members of SclassInv are now being catered for as today the admin announced the addition of Polish speaking phone support that will be another point of contact on this increasingly cosmopolitan support service of the website. Polish readers are welcome to try out the support phone number that was provided in the latest update from SclassInv below:

SclassInv – Good news for Investors from Poland
We have added today phone support for Poland speaking users.
+48858760089 (Poland)
Phone number will be working 12 hours per day for now, if needed, we will change to 24/7.
More good news is that we are now on A class listing at Hyipexplorer, there are only few programs. They add only best of best programs there. We are one of them. While others fail, we stay strong.
Enjoy your weekend and be ready for some more good news next week.
Regards, SclassInv

SclassInv is undoubtedly the most popular short-term program on the MNO Premium List now, having reached the Top Five most popular programs among readers in just 45 days online. SclassInv has been on MNO from day one and full review of the program can be read here. In a nutshell though SclassInv accepts deposits starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer while offering the following investment plans – 103%-105% after 1 day, 107%-111% after 2 days, 110%-117% after 3 days, 117%-128% after 5 days, 138%-160% after 10 days, 155%-178% after 15 days, 185%-200% after 20 days.


When a couple of months ago I promised to keep you all updated on the latest situation with STP debit cards I didn’t realize that it would so long to actually put this into practice. Now it looks like the new debit cards replacing the now defunct LoyalBank provided by the Cyprus-based PaySpark are going to work. STP members in possession of such cards will now be able to take advantage of this convenient withdrawal opportunity of paying only the fixed $5 fee and make withdrawals in USD, EUR and GBP currencies to the card which can then be withdrawn from any ATM worldwide using the MasterCard system. Now, after months of waiting, we can use the PaySpark cards when the withdrawal option is finally activated in the STP member’s area. Remember that this option is available only for SolidTrustPay members who has got a replacement card for GlobeWallet, activated it with PaySpark, and are Bank or a Standard verified clients in STP. Also note that the transaction limit on the withdrawal is $2,000 or the equivalent in euros or sterling with a processing time of 3 business days. At the time of writing I don’t believe any STP members were able to benefit from the new Debit card withdrawal method as it was officially announced in private emails from the STP Debit Card manager two days ago. However I’ll soon be testing it and possibly, by the end of the next business week, will be able to tell you more. The update states:

Latest Update on INT Debit Card
Good morning,
I am writing to inform you that the withdrawal option to the new INTL Debit Card will be opened by the end of our business day today. We apologize for the delay as there were some difficulties adding the option to our new web site. Please note, there are 3 different currencies the card can be in. Please request the funding in the currency that you card is in. For example, if your card currency is EUR you will need to request the funding in EUR. To make sure there are no confusion please state in the comment box the currency your withdrawal request is in.
Sincerely, Kristy
STPay Debit Card Manager

SolidTrustPay remains the most popular payment handler in the HYIP industry, especially for US based investors disappointed by PerfectMoney’s inability (for legal reasons) to accommodate them. For the last couple of months SolidTrustPay also evolved and, just like I’m determined to do on MNO, managed to weed out more of the fast scams that won’t verify their business accounts properly or try to use fake identities to obtain a license to scam. SolidTrustPay is now very selective towards HYIP admins they will accept and allow to use their services. That’s why we see a drastically reduced number of HYIPs dealing with SolidTrustPay now, but the ones who do are so much better than average. Admins ready to undergo the checks by STP on their higher risk merchants are rewarded by the huge amount of deposits and earn investors’ respect and trust for doing so. I honestly don’t believe that in the current HYIP climate any payment processor can beat STP in terms of direct funding and withdrawal options, reversible nature of payments, and the protection against scams which forces admins to pay to STP investors for sometimes weeks after their collapse. Therefore there’s no doubt in my mind that investors who prefer STP are in a better position than others. Of course the risk in HYIP investing never goes away, but if you invest via SolidTrustPay it’s reduced, and sometimes quite significantly. Only half of the currently listed on MNO programs accept SolidTrustPay, but those who do accept it deserve more attention. I hope more admins will undergo the STP checks and offer members this wonderfully secure and convenient payment system. To find more about opening a free account with SolidTrustPay (click here to do so) and its main advantages please refer to my interview with the payment processor CEO and owner Stella posted here.

By the way, the second news item connected to SolidTrustPay tonight on its official blog is located here. This regards the verification process that helps STP maintain legitimacy on operations within the system and ensure users provide proper information. Verification requires proper documents as explained in the official STP blog today.

Streamlining the Verification Process: Required Documents
SolidTrust Pay believes that keeping your money safe comes with giving our members a uniquely secure Account Verification process. Because of this, we require documentation for every account wishing to become Standard Verified, as well as Bank Verified. This drastically cuts down online fraud and identity theft, making certain that you are the only one accessing your STPay Account and personal information.
But what exactly do you need to submit to become verified?
Standard Verification requires the following documents to upgrade your account:
A valid, unaltered, government-issued photo ID (from your current country of residence) showing your name, your date of birth, and expiry date. Verifiers will also make note of Identifications attributes such as watermarks, issuing information, and ID number.
A recent picture of yourself showing your head and shoulders. Note: this should not be a picture used on any of your government ID documents, and preferably should not be a professional or altered photo.
A recent bill or statement matching the name and address in your profile, as well as showing the date it was issued. Please ensure that this statement is no older than 6 months.
For more information about verification and country specific requirements, please read this Support Centre Article.
Documents should be submitted in full color, jpeg or PDF format, at a large enough resolution to ensure they can be opened and read clearly. If a flatbed scanner is not available to you, many customers take photos of their documents. This is only acceptable if the document is fully legible, is not blurry, and contains no missing information or cropping.
SolidTrust Pay complies with all government regulations requiring processors to verify their customers, maintain records and report suspicious transactions. As a countermeasure against fraud and money laundering, verification is required for transactions of any type over $1000.
With these few extra steps, your account will be ready to enjoy the perks that come with having a Verified account, such as sending or receiving up to $9999 per 24-hour period, and having access to a greater variety of transaction options, including e-currency exchanges to other payment systems.
Peace of mind is priceless, which is exactly why we’ve implemented this Verification process.
SolidTrust Pay, when your money and security matters.


It appears the admin of the newly added Premium listed program InflexShares is perfectly aware of the importance of having SolidTrustPay as an option for his investors, so STP is accepted starting from a $10 minimum alongside PerfectMoney and EgoPay deposits. Please note that STP deposits are accepted in manual mode, but the admin Dorothy assured me that it has nothing to do with the required payment button verification, but rather to avoid fake deposits which she said her program was flooded with during the first weeks online. InflexShares was launched just before the New Year and for the first couple of weeks was flying well under the radar by testing the website and getting it prepared for the more advanced advertising campaign now. Overall InflexShares looks an interesting project, running off a completely custom-made script with the site SSL-secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of MaxAntiDdos. According to their texts the profits are made by trading ForEx and Bitcoin, the latter allegedly allowing the admin to credit members’ accounts with variable bonuses from 0.5% to 2.5% every Friday. That is in addition to the regular daily interest credited on the following investment plans with various depositing minimums – 2% for 60 days, 2.2% for 90 days, 2.5% for 120 days. Please note that the main peculiarity of the program is that though the investment term is counted in calendar days the investors are paid exclusively on business days (from Monday to Friday) only. So take note that on the 2% for 60 days plan, for instance, you will get 2% interest for approximately 43 trading days, while the same rule applies to the rest of the plans too. On expiry of the term you then get your principal back, and I will give you more examples of how the plans might work out in practical terms in the full review of InflexShares coming soon. Before that you can check out their website for yourself, and just to give you an evaluation of the admin’s professional qualities I will re-post the latest newsletter from InflexShares dated January, 12. I believe it still deserves your attention though as it outlines not only what has been achieved by InflexShares already, but what investors can expect in the near future. So take your time to read it fully, and keep an eye on my blog for the full review of the program within the next few days:

Newsletter 02 – Making Strides
We’ve successfully gone through a week of trading and we are quite pleased with our trading performance. BitCoins started off on the weak side, and managed to rally and come back with a strong finish for the week. We saw an opportunity to make a nice solid profit last week as BitCoins were down to almost $400+ a piece, so we raked in as many as we could muster and sold them at a profit when they reached about mid-$700. We made 75% on that trade, and look forward to capitalizing on more profitable trades here on out.
That said, this week’s bonus has been kept at a rational, but still lucrative, 1.5% to keep ourselves sustainable and liquid so that we can engage in more trades this week.
Moving forward, I’d like to address a few concerns our members had, namely plans and payment options.
Firstly, we’ve received numerous emails from members who’d like to know what are our plans for the future, and whether are any immediate strategic concerns to add new payment processors. I’d like to say that our current most important objective is to keep our company’s growth steady and sustainable. Currently we’re looking at around a member base of 510 as of this writing, and we’ve been growing very steadily since the start. While some might argue that the growth is a little too slow for their liking, but I’d like to take the time to explain that slow AND planned growth is the essence of success because we can control things easily and scale as we need later on. Therefore, we plan to keep our marketing efforts at a controlled pace, and over the next few weeks, expect to see more of our presence on major social media sites and popular blogs.
Secondly, with regards to payment processors, we are quite comfortable with what we are offering at the moment, although having more payment processors certainly does appeal to us because it will open up various options for our investors. With that said, there are certain implementation costs that need to be bore and strategic concerns that we need to address before we make that decision. Of course, as we get more requests, we will consider expediting the process and make it happen as soon as possible. I’d like to highlight that we are using a custom script called Viten and the developer has been working day and night to integrate all the features that we require. He added that adding a new payment processor shouldn’t be much of an issue at the moment.
Another possibility that we are looking at right now is integrating live chat. As of this writing, I am trying actively to recruit professional and customer-oriented support staff to assist with the task. At InflexShares, we understand how important customer service is. And that is reflected directly through the people we hire. If you or anyone you know would like to apply for the position, please send your resume to business@inflexshares.com and we can talk further. The requirements are: 1) a resume in English 2) your hourly rate. After we narrow down the applicants, we will start to conduct interviews, and possibly get everything settled before the end of the month.
Nevertheless, I’m very proud of the team and I think we’re moving in the right direction. I’m very excited for our group and have a good weekend everyone!
At InflexShares, we think of everyone as part of a huge InflexShares family. We believe that you, our valued investors, have made a wise decision to participate in this adventure, and we would like to honor your trust and faith in us by doing our best to provide the best service and value for your money. Therefore, if you think we have done a good (or bad, which we hope not) job, please do let us know! Send us an email or contact us, as always, our support staff will be available on most major forums, and you can find us on:
If you think that we have done a great job, spread the word to your friends and family as well! We offer lucrative referral commissions and we provided very attractive banners to fit your marketing strategies!
Thank you, CEO InflexShares.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, Financ, FinMutual, AdBitrage, SclassInv, InvGlobal, TataAgroHolding, RemiTrade, DailySharePro, ApexBinary, ImbueCapital, 3pamm, WealthGroups (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AlternativeEnergy, FX9.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, IndigoHillInv, MichaelKazakov.

That’s everything for tonight, guys. Don’t forget that you can always follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, and I also suggest you subscribe to the daily news delivered every single day straight to your mailbox. To do so simply enter your email address in the form on top of my blog page and confirm it by clicking the link then sent by the Feedburner mailing service. After that you can read my articles without any need of visiting my website. However I would strongly suggest you still check my monitoring page every day for the latest additions to my listing and early scam warnings. Remember that I always strive to provide you with the most up-to-date status of every program I monitor on my site, to protect you from losses you might have otherwise suffered had you checked less rigorous monitors (sorry, occasional losses are still inevitable from time to time, but at least we can keep them to a minimum by working together here). Such monitors are really dangerous and you’ll be best advised to avoid taking them seriously. So keep your nerve and stay with MNO for peace of mind as you can only see the biggest and best programs of the year on my monitor in 2014! Stay tuned and see you all soon!

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