January 2014 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello, guys. As you can see it’s been a pretty slow week for new programs on my monitor. As I’m working only with experienced admins it looks that they are holding off for some reason and not launching just yet, while lots of low-quality scams are still flooding the HYIP industry. Let’s hope that within the next few days the situation improves and we see more impressive programs joining MNO listing. We all eagerly await some big hits to launch soon, but for now only a few can boast the potential to be one of the first new industry giants of 2014.


FinMutual is definitely one program that can become the next big thing in 2014. The proof of the pudding is in the eating as the old saying goes, and after nearly six months online less than two months on MNO it reached the #1 position on my Premium List last night. In fact it even strengthened its position today. More and more readers are realizing the benefits of joining FinMutual and getting paid on the 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days plan which was the main subject of the latest newsletter today. It’s definitely worth reading if you are curious about the main features of FinMutual but are not that keen to check out the detailed review of the program published here. I believe the increased popularity of FinMutual on MNO and its swift rise to #1 had something to do with the admin ordering the top banner spot on my blog for a month, on display for a couple of weeks now, and that just proves that he has made the right choice for boosting his advertising campaign. I hope that reaching the six months online is not considered too late to join FinMutual and that in the new season we will hear only good things about them. The full newsletter is posted below:

FinMutual Plans
As we approach 200 days online, we have been getting an influx of questions about our available plans or the logistics of them. This newsletter will be aimed at outlining our investment plans which pay out a total of up to 416% over the term.
Our first plan is a 1.8% daily plan that pays 288% total return. Deposits from $25 to $999 qualify for this plan.
Our second plan for investments of $1000 to $2499 pays 2.2% daily. The total return on this plan is 352%.
Our highest paying plan is for any investment of $2500 and up and pays 2.6% daily. The total return on this plan is 416%.
We do not offer compounding and your principal is already included in your daily withdrawal. You can request a withdrawal 7 days a week. Interest is earned on business days of Monday through Friday. All our plans last a total of 160 business days. You will continue to earn interest till 160 business days have passed with the profit point or “break even point” occurring long before then.
If you have any further questions that might not be clarified in this email or on our plans page, feel free to open a support ticket through your account area.


Without trying to disparage the program itself here (there’s nothing wrong with it), but I just don’t get the point of Financ copy/pasting articles from the Investopedia website and sending them to members without ever citing the source. For me it’s simply stolen content and then pretending it’s yours. Not a very nice practice in my opinion, and basically intellectual theft. Anyway, it looks like the so-called “Financ Managers School” have a very different opinion, with their most recent masterpiece being hijacked from the following source:
I can only wonder what Financ are trying to achieve by wasting their time with this, instead of concentrating on the HYIP stuff that really matters to investors. Well, let me be the one to remind you then that Financ (reviewed here) is running for over three months, taking deposits starting from $10 via EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and, most recently, SolidTrustPay, with instant withdrawals and the original principal returned on expiry. Available plans include 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.6% for 45 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days. But I guess that’s not so important, and everyone’s more interested in another gem from Financ Managers School, i.e. stolen:

Money Mistakes You Can’t Make In Your 40s
Not all of Financ investors are dinosaurs. Stay on track with – or get ahead of – your retirement goals, and take time to reevaluate your targets. Is the annual amount you originally planned to live on during retirement realistic? Don’t assume you will be able to afford to live on less than you spend now. According to Forbes, by 45 years of age, about three times your annual salary should be socked away in savings. Are you on track?
Not having a healthcare fund to use in retirement
Medicare doesn’t cover all expenses, and co-pays can be pricey, so include plenty of money in your budget for health expenses. Even minor or treatable illnesses can be expensive, and even if you’ve spent your lifetime being very healthy, some degree of health expenses will likely appear during retirement. Plan for the worst and have plenty budgeted for healthcare costs.
Not moving away from riskier investments
Assuming you’ve accrued a significant amount of savings at this point, it can be time to move toward a slow and steady approach to retirement investments. Talk to your 401(k) administrator about the kinds of funds into which you’ve invested and discuss a strategy designed for the long term. Generally, it’s safer to invest in higher-risk, potentially higher payoff stocks in one’s 20s and 30s when there is less to lose. In your 40s, it’s better to take a more conservative strategy.
Not maxing out retirement contributions
If you’re in your 40s and feeling financially secure, it is time to start contributing more to your retirement fund. Maximum 401(k) contributions are $15,500 for most adults under 50, and if you’re able to meet this annual target in contributions, you should do it.
Having too much credit card debt
If you have large amounts of revolving credit, it’s time to stop pretending that eventually credit cards will be paid off, especially if “eventually” is still some undefined time in the distant future. The cost of interest on these debts is probably enormous, and it’s time to pay them off.
Consider significantly upping your monthly payment amounts, or consolidate the debts into a lower-interest home equity loan if you have significant equity in your home, and take the loan for only the amount you need to pay off the cards.
Don’t use a home equity line of credit (HELOC) if you don’t have good spending habits with credit and you think you will be tempted to keep charging more. However, if you’re planning any major home improvements, replacing appliances, or other larger expenses, a HELOC might be a good choice for you. If taking out a home equity loan maxes out your equity, then making larger payments on the cards might be a better plan.
If you do decide to use home equity to pay off the debt, develop a payment plan (not the minimum payments) to get the loan paid down long before retirement. Once the cards are paid off, it shouldn’t hurt your credit score to close a few of the accounts up. To keep an active credit history, you’ll want to keep using a few of them and paying them off right away. Any large purchases should be paid off within three months to avoid paying too much in interest.
Not having significant equity on your home
Most people plan for retirement assuming they’ll no longer have a mortgage payment in their golden years. However, as discussed, many Americans have turned to the equity in their homes to pay off debt, or have relocated, or have watched their homes decline in value. Take a look at the numbers — are you on track to have your home paid off by retirement or when you plan to sell it? You don’t want to wake up in your 50s to suddenly realize mortgage debt will follow you into retirement, so get a plan together now if you’re on this path.
Living without an emergency fund
Maybe it’s been a while since a major expense has come up which took your wallet by surprise, and you’ve managed to always have enough set aside for problems. However, if you don’t have a separate fund set allocated just for emergencies, one that isn’t also used for vacations and car repairs, now is the time to set one up.
Not purchasing life insurance now
The cost of opening a new life insurance policy goes up with age, so it’s best to start a with a good policy early on. It’s also a good idea to increase the amount of coverage on existing policies before you turn 50, when doing so will likely cost much more. Take advantage of being in a lower risk pool and get covered.
Financ Managers School


Despite the admin of MyGoldNestEgg promising yesterday to credit all active members of his program 10% of their active investments in their new feeder program, as of now I cannot see anything getting done. Disappointingly, the admin only sent the link to this new program which is really similar to MyGoldNestEgg, but with shorter lifespan. He hasn’t listed it on MNO and it looks to me that the process of adding the accounts with some deposits might take longer than expected. I’ll give you the link to the new program as soon as it’s actually working and members of MyGoldNestEgg (reviewed here) are credited with the promised deposits as soon as the admin lists it on MNO as promised. For now please read the latest newsletter from yesterday that covers all the latest developments there:

Important News – Please Read
Welcome to the latest MyGoldNestEgg update.
You are receiving this because you have registered with our program or our newsletter, if you wish to be removed then removal instructions are included in this email.
To ensure we reach everyone I am sending this both from the site’s update system and the newsletter.
It has also been posted as a news item in the MyGoldNestEgg Member’s Area.
1) Feeder Program
Our Feeder program is almost ready, we should be in a position to put it live tomorrow:
Every member of MyGoldNestEgg will be imported before we put the site live and start advertising it, in addition every current investor in MyGoldNestEgg will receive a bonus in this new program.
The two sites will be complimentary and work together to deliver profits for all members.
2) Volunteers
If anyone would like to help promote the site by tracking down related forum posts and working with me to answer them and provide guidance on our mission and how we’re doing then please drop an email to vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com.
When you send an email please add vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com to your contacts to ensure our reply reaches you.
There will be valuable bonuses for anyone helping out in this way, bonuses that will get bigger the more you help out.
3) Private Investors.
We have a final opportunity for Private Investors to come on board before the new Feeder site goes live, investment in this way will 100% be dedicated to our FOREX development.
We have made some excellent progress recently with our development work to get our back end FOREX process ready to support our subscription service plans, and this page details our plans for extracting the maximum possible profit from our FOREX related activities.
This opportunity allows you to get behind the scenes and benefit massively from our FOREX activities and then everything else we’ll deliver. The rewards are significant because the number of places is strictly limited.
If you would like to take part then please send an email to vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com.
When you send an email please add vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com to your contacts to ensure our reply reaches you.
That’s all for today, we will email you again when you have been imported into Daily Wealth Program and the site has been put live.
Regards. Andy


It’s still a possibility that PexPay may carve a bigger niche for itself over the coming 12 months, especially considering the higher verification standards for accepting HYIP admins introduced by SolidTrustPay recently leading to significantly lower numbers of investment programs dealing with them. PexPay was created to compete with STP in mind, targeting their traditionally wealthier customers and not imposing restrictions on HYIP admins. Funding and withdrawal options are numerous and require verification. According to my own analysis PexPay is currently the #4 payment processor in the HYIP industry, but is still poles apart from such pillars as SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. However I do believe that with some changes PexPay can be more competitive. There is a demand for a payment processor that allows direct funding and withdrawal banking and check options, while having irreversible transactions and a less stringent verification process than STP. For some unknown reason PexPay is currently being accepted only by two programs from my Premium listing – FinMutual and ApexBinary – and I don’t really understand why more don’t use them (read my interview with a PexPay representative here). I believe that the new design and the new features promised in the latest newsletter can make them more user friendly and find wider acceptance among HYIPs. Among the new features there’s a new fee structure for both funding and withdrawing from your PexPay account (starting February 1st) and the new $750 daily limit available for transactions between unverified PexPay accounts. I believe they are doing their best to grow, and if you think it should be accepted by your favourite program just contact their admins and ask to add PexPay as an extra choice. Accepting PexPay gives them the advantage of being added to their merchant list that will be available on the PexPay website. The latest two newsletters from PexPay can both be read below and for a free PexPay account please click here:

Changes Upcoming
Hello PexPay Customer,
Welcome to the New Year and we hope everyone is off to a great start. In 2014 there will be some changes happening with PexPay that will include new funding options, new site design, a merchant listing section, ways for merchants to advertise directly to PexPay users, and much more that we will announce as the year continues.
The main reason for this email is to let you know of upcoming changes to our fee structure as well as big news for unverified customers.
First we want to cover the fee structure:
There will be changes to our current fees that will take effect February 1, 2014. These changes are due to cost of business, and fees associated with different transactions from the financial institutions that we work with. Below is a list of the new fee structure:
Main Account Fees:
Monthly Service Fee: Free
Send Money: Free
Receive Money: 1.99% +0.24
Funding Your Account:
Bank Wire 20.00
ACH 2.99
Check 1.99
Withdraw From Account:
Bank Wire 50.00
ACH 3.99
Check 7.99
These changes are necessary to maintain proper services as they relate to current day cost and fees that are out of our control. You will notice that a couple of the fees are now lower and a couple have increased.
The second item we wanted to cover with you is for unverified customer accounts:
By the end of March we will have a new feature in place that will allow unverified customers to receive/transfer up to 750.00 per day from their account to another PexPay account. Your account will still have to become verified to use the different withdraw options and select funding options. This new feature will allow customers to use PexPay more for day to day transactions as well as allow new customers to try PexPay out before completing the verification process.
As new features become available we will be sure to let everyone know. Remember that if you want to see a merchant accept PexPay let them know as they are likely to add PexPay if they are hearing such request directly from their customers.
Thank you for continuing to use and support PexPay.
Thank you, PexPay
Your Bridge to Anywhere

Merchants List – Finding New Merchants
Hello PexPay Customer,
If you are an active merchant using PexPay and you want to be listed in an upcoming email please open a support ticket giving us your url. Our logo or mention of PexPay must be on your website to be included in this upcoming email.
If you are a regular customer and you want a specific merchant to use PexPay please open a support ticket and let us know you want us to contact a merchant about taking PexPay. Please include a url in the support ticket if you have it.
Thank you, PexPay
Your Bridge to Anywhere


Remember that I promised to keep you all updated on developments with SolidTrustPay‘s international debit card scheme? Well, I’m pleased to report that I have successfully funded my new MasterCard provided by PaySpark who are now serving STP after they dropped their former card handler LoyalBank. After replacing the old cards absolutely free of charge, STP experienced some technical difficulties in getting the new cards added as a working withdrawal option. This has now been fixed and yesterday the most recent withdrawal from my STP account (a request processed within the promised three business day timeframe) became available on my new card. Both ATM withdrawals and purchasing groceries worked like a charm and I’m really pleased to see the new method working so well now.

You know I’ve always been a big admirer of SolidTrustPay and not only because of variable direct deposit and withdrawal methods available for verified customers (International Debit Cards being only one of them, by the way), but also because they seem to be in a permanent state of improvement. A couple of days ago it was announced on the official STP blog that US and Canadian based account holders can now take advantage of the uniquely offered Health and Wellness Discount Package for a small monthly fee. For more details on that please refer to the latest blog post which I publish below:

Introducing: SolidTrust Benefits!
SolidTrust Pay is pleased to announce the launch of SolidTrust Benefits, a new program created to enrich the services offered to our SolidTrust Pay Members. We know that every penny counts, which is why we have made it our mission to put together a fully inclusive Health and Wellness Discount Package unlike anything else. SolidTrust Benefits is designed to help you to get the most out of every dollar you spend, giving you and your family great peace of mind and unlimited rewards.
With over 235,000 discount locations from Entertainment’s® exclusive database of merchant offers, you and your immediate family can receive all that SolidTrust Benefits has to offer all for one all-inclusive low monthly fee.
Benefits include:
-Lifestyle Benefit Discount Card
-Restaurant Savings
-Attractions Savings
-Roadside Assistance
-Counselling Services
-Medical Travel Assistance
-Online Shopping Discounts
-and Much More!
Everyone wants to improve their quality of life and save money at the same time! Our inclusive lifestyle and health benefits program has sought out the best discounts available anywhere so that your family’s hard earned money goes the furthest it possibly can! All benefits are available to you and your immediate family with just one card; choose from participating providers nationwide!
The SolidTrust Benefits Program is now offered to SoildTrust Pay Members in USA, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
To learn more out this exciting new program, please read more at solidtrustbenefits.com.
SolidTrust Benefits; where YOU matter!


I hate to admit it, but it appears the admin of SclassInv used yesterday’s interview on MNO as a final attempt to attract attention before scamming today. Already last night there were first signs of trouble when a couple of readers complained on my ShoutBox about pending withdrawals, but their issues were swiftly resolved by the admin who was seemingly very interested in the idea of publishing his interview on my blog (although I had some doubts about that). Anyway, as there were no unresolved complaints remaining, I went ahead and published the SclassInv interview which was celebrating an impressive 50 days online. This morning though the payouts looked pretty selective again and possibly only to monitors to maintain Paying Status. The admin claimed he was waiting for GoldCoders script technicians to fix the instant payouts which SclassInv used to make a couple of days ago in test mode. However, I couldn’t get a reasonable answer from him as to why the payouts could not be processed manually, like like they always were before. Anyway, I believe that SclassInv is going to stall now, but maybe continue paying dishonest monitors (i.e. collaborators). MNO will not be one of them, and I have already moved SclassInv to Problem status on my monitor and warn you against further investments. Although fifty days online is an extremely good overall result for such a short-term program as SclassInv, it’s still sad that the admin preferred to lie to me in the end. I honestly do not care about that, as I always believe in the proverb that actions speak louder than words, and until the payouts in SclassInv resume (which I sincerely doubt in) I would recommend you stay from the program and not to invest in a scam.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, TataAgroHolding, DublinCryptoriumLimited, AdBitrage, Financ, InvGlobal, MutualWealth, RemiTrade, DailySharePro, ApexBinary, ImbueCapital, WealthGroups, InflexShares, 3pamm.
From MNO Standard list: FX9.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ForexShare, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, IndigoHillInv, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That is all for tonight, guys. I hope to see you all tomorrow with the latest news from the HYIP industry and the biggest programs monitored on MNO. Stay tuned and always be on the money with money-news-online!

(reviewed PexPayMutualWealthInsideForexGroup

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