Beware! 3pamm has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and are well rested. Or maybe in need of a rest however the case may be! There’s plenty to catch up on coming up in the news section in the second half of today’s update, including the introduction of two new programs to my monitor’s Standard list which I’ll get to soon. Anyway, what better way to kick off the new business week than with a look at the latest addition to the MNO Monitor’s Premium Listing, a medium to longer term HYIP called 3pamm. While not exactly a brand new program by any means, indeed the program’s been online since late October now, considering the length of most of the plans and the fact that there was next to no activity in the industry for a substantial period since 3pamm started running then it might be a fair assumption that they are really only starting to get warmed up around now. I’m guessing also that 3pamm are ready to start promoting themselves more aggressively to potential customers, many of whom will only be returning to the industry again for the first time after the holidays around now as well, plus the fact that they’ve got a pretty solid reputation behind them established over the preceding months. So before we get to the day’s news stories let’s take a look at what 3pamm are all about and whether you think they might be worth taking a chance on or not.
Starting as usual then with the investment plans – the reason most of you are still reading I’m sure – 3pamm have a pretty good selection. They all work off the same basic premise however, which is that you deposit for a fixed term, while the term is running you receive a fixed daily interest payment, and then on expiry have your original principal handed back. The finer points of each plan differ of course, with the rates and the terms varying, but that’s more or less how they all work.
There are five plans in total to choose from in 3pamm, and you can join for a basic $10 minimum which makes it affordable to almost everyone. That’s what it will cost you to join The Rise Plan, 3pamm‘s shortest term option running for a term of 12 calendar days. Members here are offered a daily payment of 1% interest on their deposits which are then returned on expiry, leaving you with a net profit of 12%. Or to put it another way, let’s say you invested $100. 3pamm offer to return $1 per day until you have $12 in total, which then becomes your net profit when they return the original hundred on top of that as well. Maximum spend for this option is $600.
The Next Plan – and yes, strangely enough it is actually titled The Next Plan – is yours for a $601 minimum deposit. Your money is then held for a 35 calendar day term, during which 3pamm offer you a 1.3% daily interest payment. By the completion of the term these payments should amount to 45.5% of your initial deposit. Not enough to put you into profit (or anywhere near it) by itself, this only happens when 3pamm return your principal on expiry as promised. The maximum limit for investments in this plan is capped at $2,500.
From this point on the plans are really only going to appeal to the bigger and more serious players. 3pamm‘s next option, The Work Plan for instance, starting with a $2,501 minimum requirement to join. Joining here locks your deposit away for a 65 calendar day term, but while you are waiting for this to expire 3pamm will pay you 1.6% interest for every day of the term. By the end this should add up to 104% in total, which then becomes your net profit once 3pamm return your original principal as promised. So it’s just slightly better than double your money. The maximum spending limit for this plan is $8,000.
A deposit starting from $8,001 and including anything up to a maximum of $20,000 will get you into The Trustee Plan. This time the term stretches to 70 calendar days, not that much longer than the previous plan but the interest rate goes up significantly to 2% per day. Over the course of those 70 days then you would expect 3pamm to pay you back a total of 140% in interest payments, before making that your net profit when your principal is returned.
And finally, as much for your information as anything else as I doubt many of you will be trying this one out, a deposit of $20,001 will put you into 3pamm‘s VIP+ Plan. The interest rate is 2.3% daily for 85 calendar days, coming to 195.5% in total which is net profit after your principal is returned. $60,000 is the maximum deposit.
So if any of those plans appeal to you and you think might find a place in your portfolios, then the next step of course is to check out what your payment options are. As regards the more traditional HYIP payment processors, 3pamm is rather limited in scope with just PerfectMoney and EgoPay currently in use and nothing to indicate this may change in the immediate future. There are however a few of the slightly more obscure handlers more popular in regional areas such as LiqPay and Qiwi. Also available are online bank wires which are provided by some Russian based service providers, most of which are quite well known and respected Main Street banks and household names. But as far as the regular PM and EgoPay transactions are concerned, which is what I imagine most of you are only interested in hearing about, withdrawals are processed manually and need to be requested from within your 3pamm member’s account area. Once done you are asked to allow anything up to a further 24 hours for your transaction to be completed and paid to your e-currency account.
Just one other thing I wanted to point out about the investment plans before we move on involved the use of compounding. Regular readers will know I was never big on the practice for many reasons I don’t really need to go into here, but it has in the past caused conflict and problems for admins and investors alike when the member compounding thinks he’s honestly going to be given a payment of several thousand percent on his investment by (of all people!) a HYIP admin. Why admins make such offers in the first place they can never seriously pay out on but then think they can continue their programs when the payments are due smacks of downright amateurism. But in the case of 3pamm they seem to have come up with a suitable compromise that will diffuse any potential problems here while still protecting the cash reserves from any more serious drains. 3pamm will allow compounding you see, but reserve the right at all times to place a limit on payouts should they exceed more than three times the original investment. I’m still not endorsing the practice of compounding you understand, but this policy will at least go some way towards keeping the program’s stability and staving off any excessive depletion of their cash flow. So keep this rule in mind if you do decide to use compounding, and remember it’s pointless going beyond a rate which is unlikely to be paid back anyway.
On the more technical and design side of things, the first thing you might notice is the fact that the 3pamm website is bilingual. It’s available in both Russian and English which will go a long way towards making it more accessible to what is both arguably not only the single biggest but also the fastest growing section of the HYIP market. Just out of curiosity by the way, it was interesting to note that the Russian version is (linguistically) much stronger than the English one, indicating it’s probably a Russian language program in the first place and translated rather than the other way around as usually happens. Not that it’s important or anything, just an observation. Overall though it’s quite a good looking website, very professional and well organized, and one that gives a great first impression of 3pamm as a business in general. Almost enough to convince the casual observer not otherwise familiar with the world of online HYIPs in the same way that most MNO readers would be that it might even be a legit business. Well, maybe readers here know better but these things generally tend to work in the program’s favor which ultimately benefits a much bigger pool of investors.
Other than that 3pamm has three individual domains, all of which are registered for three years so if there’s ever a problem with one then there are several mirror sites that will allow them to continue working. In addition to that the main version is SSL-encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. 3pamm is hosted by a company called Hetzner. As experienced players will know the number of hosting providers openly prepared to work with HYIP related websites are a small club to say the least, and Hetzner is a name I can’t say I remember hearing before. So whereas I can’t comment just yet on how they would deal with the DDoS attacks that are far more frequent and intensive in this industry than in “real” business, they are at least hosted on a dedicated server which is always the best place to start.
I was also very pleased to see that the program is running off its own custom made script, developed especially for the particular needs of 3pamm‘s interface and investment plans. There’s an interesting security feature for example that you don’t see in the industry very often for example, where you are required to set up your own unique PIN code upon signing up. Then, every time you log into your 3pamm account after that you will also be required to enter you PIN after entering your password before being allowed to proceed to your members area. But despite being so new it’s still quite user friendly throughout, making 3pamm easy to navigate without anything overly or unnecessarily complicated. If you have any further questions for the admin that you think weren’t explained here or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then you may get in touch with 3pamm either by filling out the online customer support form and submitting it, or else try their phone line if you think someone there will speak to you in person. There is also a Live Chat feature built into the site. Business hours for this service are not indicated on the 3pamm website, which although they do say support is on hand 24 hours per day I have yet to see the Live Chat working at all. Fans of social networking sites can find 3pamm on Facebook as well, and you’ll notice a postal address in Malaysia which is kinda curious by itself. Considering the Russian language version of the website plus the mainstream Russian banks available for wire transfers, 3pamm have registration documents all originating in Malaysia. I’m sure most of the regular readers here will only have a passing interest in such things, being mostly experienced HYIP industry players and all, but it does all add up to giving the impression of a serious and professional outfit which might make them look more appealing to the more casual visitors and help with the program’s longer term growth.
As for the business plan allegedly supporting the whole thing, 3pamm are claiming to be the collective brainchild of three ForEx traders. Texts are original even if the claim itself is something you’ll have heard countless times in the past but in this case they do at least have daily posted reports from the market. Again experienced players might have a passing interest, if even that, but it all goes towards making a more professional looking program. The rest of us I would hope by now will not lose sight of the fact that we are dealing with an online HYIP here and will keep a balanced view of the risks as well as the potential rewards – the risk being all but guaranteed every time, but never the reward. So as with every other online program, even the ones you really like, remember to set yourself a spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose and if joining 3pamm at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
MutualWealth (reviewed here) has become one of the first programs in the HYIP industry to accept BitCoin denominated deposits. So if you’re a fan of BitCoin then you might as well try to invest in MutualWealth which indisputably remains one of the most astonishing low-ROI programs out there, running successfully for almost a year now. Other features like instant withdrawals and a good selection of payment processors means everyone else won’t be disappointed in MutualWealth either. Mostly the withdrawals are processed instantly to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay, with direct Bank wires also in use. The minimum starts from a hefty $100 though, but I guess that’s what makes you feel like you’re participating in some elite program. Seriously, MutualWealth looks like it’s built to last with a custom-made script and a unique and recognizable layout. The interest on offer is low, not fixed and is credited weekly, although this is partially compensated for by the option for investors to choose their own investment term from 30 to 180 calendar days. Generally the investment plans pay from 2% to 5% weekly for 30 days, from 2.5% to 6% weekly for 90 days, and the best results can be achieved by committing your money in the 3% to 8% weekly plan running for 180 days. I really hope that even in 2014 MutualWealth will not run out of steam and will continue to show some great innovations to stay at the very top of the industry. Here’s the latest short news update on the new depositing option posted on the MutualWealth website last night:
“10th January 2013. Clients are now offered a possibility to open accounts denominated in BitCoins. All transactions and holdings in a BitCoin account will be denominated in BitCoins.”
It’s time to introduce a couple of new programs from my Standard List now, and the first one added to my monitor last night is called FX9. This program has been online and paying for quite a solid three months, having launched back in October 2013 it can’t really be considered all that new. However we can hope that with increased advertising of the project and the start of the new 2014 HYIP season its chances of further growth will improve. For what it is though, FX9 isn’t bad at all and I especially like the wide choice of payment processors including my own favorite SolidTrustPay as well as PerfectMoney and EgoPay and the lesser known HD-Money and Payeer. One of the investment plans offers daily payouts from 2.3% to 2.9% for the duration of 79 calendar days and returns your principal at the end of the term. Compounding is made available to those prepared to take the extra risk. While deposits in the daily paying plan are accepted from a $10 minimum, the deposits in the other two plans paying on expiry start from $200 and $300 respectively. I’m not sure if it’s a smart move to invest in these plans at this point as they are quite risky in my honest opinion. However if you’re feeling lucky you can join the 179%-199% after 29 days and 229%-299% after 49 days plans which are also offered by FX9. From the program’s FAQ it’s clear that the withdrawal requests should be processed within an 18 hour timeframe though under certain circumstances that might stretch to 36 hours. Judging by the program’s lifespan I believe the first brave investors might have received their principals back from each plan, but as the program didn’t advertise much for the first three months online we can safely assume that it was a type of sleeper program where gradual exposure is the essential part of the promotional tactics used by the admin. As for the website itself, FX9 is a decent quality website featuring such small but important features as a plan calculator, news section, latest deposits and withdrawals stats and multi-level promotional program. FX9 is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection by Koddos with SSL encryption by Comodo. More details from the program including a more comprehensive analysis of the plans will be in the review of FX9 on my blog tomorrow.
The second program joining my Standard listing last night was AlternativeEnergy. This program is a very common example of short-term programs with better than average design and a lifespan of 10 days already reached. It’s only up to you if you wish to join AlternativeEnergy at this point, as all the programs of a short-term nature paying on expiry are quite risky, but if you would like to consider it then I’ll tell you a bit about the plans. AlternativeEnergy has seven plans from short to medium term range and all pay on expiry – 103%-130% after 1 day, 110%-195% after 3 days, 123%-330% after 7 days, 150%-600% after 15 days, 200%-1,000% after 25 days, 400%-1,500% after 40 days, 600%-2,500% after 55 days. Please note that on default you invest into the longest 55 day plan, so be extremely careful here and tick the appropriate box when investing to be sure to get the plan you actually want. AlternativeEnergy accepts four payment processors including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, HD-Money, and Payeer, and the minimum to invest starts from $10. Despite being included on the website as payment option, SolidTrustPay is currently not accepted by AlternativeEnergy and I’m not sure if it’s going to be taken anytime in the future. The payouts have to be requested from your member’s area, powered by a licensed GoldCoders script, and are promised to be processed within 12 to 24 hours. Some important stats regarding the latest deposits and withdrawals are included and can be seen on almost every page of the AlternativeEnergy website which is SSL encrypted by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection by Koddos. We’ll see how AlternativeEnergy processes the first payouts to me within the next 24 hours, and if everything goes as planned I’ll move it to Paying status in due course and review it on Wednesday. Stay tuned for that, guys!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, SclassInv, AdBitrage, FinMutual, RemiTrade, TataAgroHolding, DailySharePro, ApexBinary, ImbueCapital, 3pamm (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: FX9 (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: IndigoHillInv, MichaelKazakov.
That’s about it for today. See you all tomorrow with the full review of FX9 and the regular daily news from then HYIP industry. It’s clear now that the new investment season has started, so be a part of it with MNO as your guide in the stormy but manageable waters of the HYIP world. You can stay connected with Money-News-Online by a variety of different ways, including Facebook, follow me on Twitter, subscribe to the daily news on my blog, join my Forum and ShoutBox and just Contact me whenever you feel like it. Remember that I’m always glad to answer your questions as best I can and try to do so within 24 hours if I am able. Bye for now and see you all tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jan 13th, 2014. Comment.
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