Feb 5th, 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! It looks like the HYIP industry is slowly climbing back to normal with growing activity seen during the beginning of February and with 75% of my readers expressing a degree of contentment with the way things worked out for them in January according to my TalkBack poll which is currently open for votes here. More people are visiting MNO as well nowadays and I strongly believe that it’s a very positive sign for the ongoing revival of quality programs making their way to MNO. There’s also a lot of news updates to report for tonight (as I skipped last night) including the introduction of a new program that joined the Premium List on my monitor today called Atlant while AdBitrage was moved to Problem status due to the site’s inaccessibility, so keep reading to find out more.


I’m going to start with the newcomer to the MNO Premium List today, a project called simply Atlant. This is quite an interesting project which some of you might describe as a piggy-bank program. This means you are allowed to withdraw your any part of your principal and /or profits at any time you like, as well as add more money to your principal if you think your chances of seeing a profit are good. Atlant offers you from 7% to 8.5% daily profits depending on the amount you deposit and you can see your account credited in real time, growing by the second. The only restriction in Atlant requires you to wait 24 hours before making the first withdrawal. After that the withdrawal button gets added to your account and you can then do as you like. Atlant launched about ten days ago and has been growing nicely so far, accepting deposits starting from $10 and limited to a $2,000 maximum from the investors wishing to invest via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer. Withdrawals are available from a $1 minimum which you can see on your balance and they are usually processed manually by the admin within just 5 to 10 minutes during business hours. Otherwise you may have to wait up to 8 hours. Every 24 hours your daily interest in Atlant is automatically compounded (added to your original deposit) so the longer you stay with the program the more your possible profits might be. Everyone decides their own investment strategy for themselves, and Atlant‘s enormous level of flexibility enables you to be in full control of your investment. I’ll talk more about your options in the full review of Atlant to be published on MNO blog by tomorrow, and for now let’s see what the program is from the technical point of view.

The Atlant website runs off a licensed H-Script – a name we see in the industry more and more these days. The site is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from DDoSGuard. The site itself is bilingual and is available in both English and Russian, though with Russian obviously being the main language. By the way, it seems that the Russian-speaking audience is the most active in Atlant so far, as I can see several video reviews of the program posted on a specially created page, all in the Russian language. This activity is fully justified though as the Atlant admin offers lots of cash bonuses for posting video reviews of the program, and smaller bonuses for other promotional activities. I believe MNO was an exception to the admin’s usual promotional efforts which until now have mostly focused on HYIP forums and word of mouth, with MNO being the only big monitor currently covering the program officially. By the way, note that all refbacks and multiple accounts are strictly prohibited. All accounts both offering and accepting RCB will be blocked by the program to ensure honest promotional efforts and prevent cheating by monitors. Just to finish this brief introduction of the program I would like to just remind you that Atlant is a HYIP, so don’t get carried away and play it carefully with amounts you can afford to lose, just like any other HYIP. For more information on Atlant which has been moved to Paying status already please check out the full review on my blog tomorrow.


DublinCryptoriumLimited (reviewed here) is doing exceptionally well, reclaiming the #1 spot on the MNO Premium List last night and enjoying widespread popularity among readers who are starting to trust the program with more deposits with every single passing month online. Now that DublinCryptoriumLimited has been online and paying for exactly three months I can see from the Partners Page that the amount of active deposits made by my referrals in the program has more than doubled over the last month alone. That allowed me to win the top prize of $110 cash in the referral contest held by DublinCryptoriumLimited every month for the second time. Here’s my personal confirmation from the program re-posted for your information below:

Congratulations! You are the highest earning partner this month!
Dear Paul,
You are the highest earning partner this month! Your account was credited a cash reward of $110.
We sincerely appreciate your efforts to bring in new partners and promote the CRYPTORY brand.
Doing business with DublinCryptoriumLimited is easy. To learn more about the affiliate program visit this link: https://www.cryptory.com/partners/.
To see the highest achieving partners and winner’s list click on «Top Partners and Winners».
Note that the cash reward will be accrued to the partners’ account on the 5th of each month.
Would you like to be up-to-date with the latest company news? Follow us on your favorite social media sites below:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Customer Support at https://www.cryptory.com/support/.
Thank you and welcome again to DublinCryptoriumLimited.
Sincerely, DublinCryptoriumLimited

The particular referral contest held by DublinCryptoriumLimited with the results announced on the 5th of each month differs significantly from contests in most other programs. In this case it’s not the number of referrals (something that shouldn’t really be considered by HYIP admins anyway), but rather the amount of money invested. The whole referral system is built differently with a 20%-30% commission rate (varied depending on the amount of referrals in total) credited to your account not from the referral’s deposit but from the referral’s profits. Sounds weird? Well, everything becomes clear if you consider the whole process of one earns in DublinCryptoriumLimited. Investing is done via many PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SoidTrustPay, BitCoin, OkPay and even direct Bank wires. The minimum to invest starts from $50 which you have to keep in the program in order to earn interest. The brilliance of the concept behind DublinCryptoriumLimited is that you may withdraw your principal and profit at any time you like, while only getting paid if your balance exceeds $50. The rate of interest is quite small compared to other HYIPs, but DublinCryptoriumLimited compensates for that by the fact you see your account growing every millisecond, at the rate with which they mine BitCoins which is the alleged business interest behind the program. Another drawing point is the instant payouts, processed within seconds. International investors are also well catered for with multilingual versions and phone support numbers available in several countries. I must say DublinCryptoriumLimited has been developing really well so far, and I’m impressed with the admin’s ability to run the program with the utmost profesionalism.

Do you want to be more than just an active investor of DublinCryptoriumLimited, but also spread the word about them and earn some excellent commissions for your efforts? Then start participating in their monthly referral contest which has recently been extended from 10 to 20 winners to be announced every month. It’s a perfect opportunity to win some extra cash, with prizes ranging from $10 to $110 awarded to the best partners on the 5th of each month. Remember that every month is different and with all the referral bonuses reset to zero everyone gets an equal chance. The rules are posted on the site’s Partners page and below in the latest newsletter from Cryptory, which is the trademark name for DublinCryptoriumLimited – a unique investment opportunity for 2014:

CRYPTORY® — Announcing the Top 20 partners
The past month has been very productive for us thanks largely to the work of our partners. CRYPTORY® not only offers our partners a percentage of income from the referrals they bring in, but also monthly cash rewards to the 10 most active partners. However, starting today we will expand this bonus award to the Top 20 partners. This means that every month the 20 most active partners will receive a bonus that ranges from 10 to 110 dollars.
To learn more about the affiliate program visit this link: https://www.cryptory.com/partners/. To see the highest achieving partners and winner’s list click on «Top Partners and Winners».
On the 5th of each month profits in the “Top Partners” list will be reset to zero to provide an opportunity for more partners to earn rewards (Profits will only reset to zero in the list and does not affect the partner profit totals found in the control panel).
The rewards program is our way of showing appreciation for your willingness to spread the word.
Would you like to be up-to-date with the latest company news? Follow us on your favorite social media sites below:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Customer Support at https://www.cryptory.com/support/.
Thank you and welcome again to DublinCryptoriumLimited.
Sincerely, DublinCryptoriumLimited


I know most of the experienced investors will have already recognized the opportunity and have joined ImbueCapital as soon as they became aware of it. If you’re not in yet then you’re welcome to read my detailed review posted here as it really is a wonderful program. However if you prefer watching to reading then you might be more interested in seeing the new short promotional videos for ImbueCapital recently posted on YouTube and available in both English and Russian. This was the subject of the latest short newsletter posted below:

Warming! ImbueCapital
Hello, Dear members!
Great worldwide promo has been started.
Check the links:
ENG version http://youtu.be/Q9SrMRoy0Bw
RU version http://youtu.be/i2Jxqjf0–s
Spread it everywhere!
Thanks for being with US!
Best Regards ImbueCapital

Almost a month on the MNO Premium List, ImbueCapital has been processing instant withdrawals to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay while offering investment plans to suit every taste starting from a $20 minimum. All the investment plans on offer can be divided into two categories – with and without the original principal returned on expiry. Here’s the ones that will return your principal – 0.9% for 20 days, 1.2% for 40 days, 1.5% for 60 days, 1.8% for 80 days. And these are the plans where the principal is included – 5.8% for 20 days, 3.5% for 40 days, 2.9% for 60 days, 2.7% for 80 days. Interest is credited in all plans on calendar days, and payouts are instant. Online since October 2013, ImbueCapital has made profits for lots of investors already and hopefully the admin will continue on the same track for a long time to come.


Perhaps it won’t be an exaggeration to say AlternativeEnergy is the best short-term program now, after running successfully for over a month. Although the admin keeps adding some weirdly unsustainable plans with ridiculously high returns all the time, it it hasn’t been an obstacle to him paying on all the original plans AlternativeEnergy first offered when reviewed on my blog here – 103%-130% after 1 day, 110%-195% after 3 days, 123%-330% after 7 days, 150%-600% after 15 days, 200%-1,000% after 25 days, 400%-1,500% after 40 days, and 600%-2,500% after 55 days. Obviously the admin’s main target would be the heavy-hitters tempted to invest big money into his three plans that were added over the last couple of weeks – 555% after 10 days, 1,111% after 20 days, 3,000% after 30 days. Before anyone invests there I believe it’s still relatively safe to invest in AlternativeEnergy, however I am of course talking about the shorter term plans and can’t say I have any idea how much longer this will continue like this. Fingers crossed as long as possible. As for the latest news from AlternativeEnergy which accepts deposits starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer we can see the addition of the fourth payment processor OkPay and the addition of phone support for anyone requiring more personal assistance. The latest news from the admin of AlternativeEnergy David can be seen below:

Phone Number And New Payment System
Dear investors.
We are pleased to announce that you can use the new payment system OKPAY for deposit in our program.
We connect the phone so you can be closer to us.
Our phone number +442070487746
Best Regards, David Bredwood
AlternativeEnergy – The Future Soon


Unfortunately it looks like we have to end tonight’s news update on a sour note. It now looks increasingly likely that AdBitrage, a program that’s disappeared from our screens over the last couple of days, will probably not be returning. Believe me, I’d like nothing more than to be proven wrong here and will happily eat my words if AdBitrage reappears tomorrow, but miracles are rare in the HYIP industry and the longer the current situation continues the less likely it is to change. What makes the whole business with AdBitrage so utterly disappointing though is that as a long term HYIP that paid 2.5% for 100 days, their 25 day life cycle was nowhere even close breaking even, never mind see a profit. No one except the admin that is, though to be honest I wouldn’t even be 100% sure of that either. Just to refresh your memory, the AdBitrage admin recently had a very public though entirely one-man feud with SoldTrustPay. The real reasons behind the removal of STP will probably never be known, though I said at the time that the admin put way too much time and effort into attacking STP (who he was perfectly happy to deal with previously) instead of just getting on with running his program and adding some other payment processors as an alternative. That much is public knowledge by now of course, but then all of a sudden the AdBitrage website disappeared. The admin was still active and could be seen on some forums claiming to be working on the problem. The thing about this is that the STP issues seemed as far as I can see to coincide with the expiry of their hosting. OK, it might be pure speculation on my part, but it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together here and come up with four. STP clearly threw a spanner in the AdBitrage admin’s plans, instead of staying calm and dealing with the situation professionally he wasted his time making pointless allegations, and then when the hosting expired my guess is he just threw in the towel, didn’t bother renewing it, and surrendered. Well, if someone has a better suggestion then please feel free to share it with us, but that’s what it looks like to me. Whether I’m right or wrong is probably irrelevant to any AdBitrage members, I know. The end result is that the program has disappeared, the admin isn’t talking anymore, and it’s been moved to Problem status on the MNO Monitor. Scam Status will follow shortly unless the the program re-emerges. Usually I’d warn you against any further investments in AdBitrage at this point, but with no website and no sign of it returning it doesn’t look as if you’ll be able to do that even if you wanted to. I’ll keep you informed of any further developments, but somehow I think this will be the last time I mention AdBitrage on my blog other than confirming its Scam status very soon. I have of course contacted the admin about all of this and he was welcome to explain his side of the story to his members if he wanted. So far he has declined to answer so draw your own conclusions from that.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: -.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, HyipAgroHolding, FinancInvGlobal, 3pamm, ImbueCapital, DailySharePro, RemiTrade, ApexBinary, Leancy,  WealthGroups, InflexShares, ComoCredit, MyGoldNestEgg, BettCoin, Atlant (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: FX9.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, IndigoHillInv, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, GoldenCabrio, ZeusInvest, BarclaysRoyalClub, MichaelKazakov.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading and if you so please follow me on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to receive daily news updates every day to your email by entering and confirming your email address on the form you can see on the top right hand side of my blog. Bye for now and you all tomorrow with the full review of Atlant and all the latest stories from the biggest programs online!

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