Feb 16th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! BarclaysRoyalClub has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Hope your Sunday has been doing well so far and you’re all enjoying the weekend. Before this evening’s short news update (as expected, it being Sunday and all) I want to take a closer look at the most recent addition to the MNO Premium List. Regular readers will recognize the name of course as it’s not actually that new to the MNO monitor. Previously listed on Basic Listing, after two weeks of a flawless performance, and I must say a surprising degree of popularity for a program on the Basic List, the BarclaysRoyalClub admin has decided to upgrade. I’ll just start by saying that it’s a medium-term HYIP but has yet to complete its first cycle so can in no way be considered old. Having said that, BarclaysRoyalClub has in fact been online long enough to put plenty of their first members who joined earlier to be comfortably into quite a generous profit by now. Can it continue? Well, we’ll keep out fingers crossed but as always it depends on continuing growth and a competent admin. So let’s see what the program is all about and if you thing BarclaysRoyalClub are a suitable addition to your investment portfolios or not.

What you have then with BarclaysRoyalClub is three investment plans to choose from. Or maybe just one plan with three different levels, whichever you prefer. But you can join for a minimum deposit of $10 which should be affordable to most players. The term runs for 20 business days (four weeks), and for all deposits up to a maximum value of $1,000 investors are offered a daily interest rate of 9.5% per business day, Monday to Friday. BarclaysRoyalClub are counting your original deposit as part of those payments, so it won’t be returned on expiry. Therefore by the completion of the term payments will amount to 190%, which consists of your own money plus an extra 90% net profit for joining.

In practical terms then a typical investment might look something like this – we’ll say you invested $100 into the program. For the following four weeks BarclaysRoyalClub will pay you back $9.50 every day from Monday through Friday. You reach the break even point after eleven payments (which means you’ve earned back your initial principal and can’t possibly lose money no matter what happens next) and finish the term with a grand total of $190. That’s $100 of your own money plus another $90 of BarclaysRoyalClub‘s. The upper limit for deposits in this plan is capped at a $1,000 maximum by the way.

For bigger investors prepared to play with at least a $1,001 minimum, BarclaysRoyalClub‘s second option also runs for the same 20 business day term. The difference this time is that the interest rate undergoes a slight improvement to 10% per business day, Monday to Friday. It’s a simple calculation then that you reach the break even point on receipt of your tenth payment, and with BarclaysRoyalClub including factoring your principal into the payments you final return is 200%. That’s double your money, which isn’t bad for a relatively short amount of time. Maximum spend is capped at $5,000.

The third and final plan then for the really major industry players willing to take a gamble with $5,001 or more with BarclaysRoyalClub (up to a maximum value of $20,000) runs once again for an investment term of 20 business days. Interest rates increase to 10.5% per business day, allowing members to reach the break even point after ten days (the same as the previous plan) but complete the term with total earnings of 210%. As BarclaysRoyalClub have included your principal in that it’s your own money back plus 110% net profit.

If you like the investment plans then I have to say the list of payment options is as good as anything else around the HYIP industry at the moment, certainly better than the majority of short term programs and at least comparable with any of the popular longer term ones. You can deposit and withdraw from BarclaysRoyalClub using any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, OkPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and what remains one of the favorites among MNO readers SoldTrustPay. This last one will I think prove crucial in the further expansion of BarclaysRoyalClub as to be blunt, opportunities to use them haven’t been so plentiful in recent times. For reasons that I’m sure are perfectly valid (except I just don’t know what they are) STP have become a lot more selective these days about the programs they approve, so it’s kind of a newsworthy event in itself when a program like this one are allowed to accept them. There’s just one detail you need to be aware of if you are using STP to join BarclaysRoyalClub however, which is that your deposit is not automatically added to your account. It’s placed “on hold” for a short period before the admin manually activates your investment, which is done very quickly. From that point on everything will work as normal (this requirement does not apply to deposits made via any other payment handler). Withdrawals on the other hand are fully instant to all payment processors, STP included. You will still need to log into your BarclaysRoyalClub private members account area and place a withdrawal request, but once done you should have the money in under a minute. Just remember that this is not explicitly guaranteed by the admin by any means. There can be numerous good reasons to switch off instant payouts from time to time, such as security, account replenishment, etc, and if this happens then you are asked to allow anything up to 24 hours for transactions to be completed. For the two weeks that I’ve been monitoring them they have as far as I remember been totally instant at all times, though for some reason instant withdrawals do not apply to PerfectMoney. These can take anything up to eight hours. You need also to remember, and this is probably a much more important point, that BarclaysRoyalClub‘s working week is from Monday to Friday only, and that’s when withdrawals are processed. There’s nothing to stop you from requesting a payment over the weekend of course, just don’t panic if it isn’t processed before the start of the following business week.

On the subject of website design and security then, BarclaysRoyalClub are hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoS-Guard. The website is entirely bilingual, Russian or English which you decide on the homepage before entering the main site, so this at least keeps the program more accessible to a greater number of players. They are running of a script under license from H-Scripts which I’m sure is a name you’ll recognize as it’s been appearing with increasing regularity in the HYIP industry in recent times. For an extra layer of protection BarclaysRoyalClub have a green SSL-certificate from Comodo (which is significantly better than the regular version) to provide for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

Should you have any further questions for the BarclaysRoyalClub admin that you feel may not have been explained in this review, then you can get in touch by a number of different channels. To start with you can fill out your details in the online customer support form and submit it through the contacts page, or if you prefer simply e-mail the admin directly at the address listed. You can also find telephone support which we are told is available five days per week, and Live Chat support which is supposedly available seven days per week (except when I tried it earlier I was told to “leave a message”, so make what you will from that). Otherwise BarclaysRoyalClub list a postal address in the UK, however generally speaking I know these things from experience to be mostly virtual hosted offices and perhaps not where you find anyone directly connected with the program physically located. Fans of social networking sites can find BarclaysRoyalClub keeping profiles on the likes of Facebook and Twitter, and they also have a Skype account so you can try them there as well if you like.

As regards the alleged business interests supporting the program and financing the payments to their members, the texts and content on the BarclaysRoyalClub website are original even if the information there is not. They claim to be involved with ForEx trading, which at this stage has almost become a byword for “high risk online HYIP” by now. There’s of course no way to substantiate the claim, not that I suggest you waste your time by trying anyway. You’d do a lot better to treat BarclaysRoyalClub as you would any other form of gambling, which is with a common sense approach and within a strictly enforced spending limit that you can comfortably afford to live without. And naturally if you are joining the program at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As many experienced investors are aware BlockDos is by far the best hosting provider when it comes to providing security and protection from DDoS attacks to the leading programs in the industry. Like FinMutual for instance, which is currently and deservedly ranked #1 on the MNO Premium list. I myself am employing the services of BlockDos for MNO, and can only say that my experience with them has been nothing but superb. They always warn about possible network issues well in advance which is a definite sign of true professionalism. It’s good to know that with BlockDos you will never be caught off guard by unexpected downtimes, and I’m not even talking about DDoS attacks which are almost impossible when you’re with BlockDos. Anyway, back to FinMutual (reviewed here). It looks like the admin received a message about possible website accessibility issues in the form of slow loading. This is a purely technical matter which will be taken care of for sure, but I’m glad that FinMutual sent the update anyway so as to prevent panic among their hundreds of investors:

BlockDOS Network Maintenance
We received a message from BlockDOS early this morning about performance degradation of the network which could cause some access and slowness issues to the site.
“This is to inform you that there is an network related issue going on, on our California location which may result in some performance degradation, we are in coordination with Data Center and they are working to get things back to normal.”
Our apologies for any slowness or access issues you may experience today to our website.

I remind you that FinMutual has been running in a tremendously successful fashion for well over six months now, rewarding investors with small but stable returns paid on the 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days investment plan. Deposits start from a $25 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and PexPay. Hopefully any possible disruption will be kept to a minimum and FinMutual will keep paying for a long time to come while staying on top of the pile on my monitor.


It seems the admin of AlternativeEnergy David is becoming more active in promoting his program after reaching its seventh week online. Today he purchased the top banner spot on the MNO monitoring page and also reported a significant improvement in Live Chat support for members. From now on you can access the Chat in four different languages, namely English, Indonesian, Russian and Portuguese. Live operators will be able to consult the international current and potential investors of AlternativeEnergy in all four languages and therefore will be able to provide further growth for what’s been one of the better short-term program in the HYIP industry at the moment:

Online Chat
Dear investors.
We are pleased to say that we are closer to you, you can now use the online chat in four languages.
English, Indonesia, Russian, Portuguese Supports.
Thank you, and I wish all of our customers to get a good day!
Best Regards, David Bredwood
AlternativeEnergy – The Future Soon

Another measure to ensure AlternativeEnergy‘s stable growth was the launch of the first week long referral contest, open only to unpaid promoters of the program (ie no monitors or blogs). The admin’s efforts to keep investors updated on the preliminary results of the contest can’t go unnoticed, sending screenshots of the top three referrers on a daily basis which look like this:

Competition. Third Day.
Dear investors,
We started a competition for the best referee.
Do you want to show the top three, of the third day.
Thank you, and I wish all of our customers to get a good day!
Best Regards, David Bredwood
AlternativeEnergy – The Future Soon

If you haven’t read the full review of AlternativeEnergy posted on MNO a few weeks ago here, I’ll just remind you they accept deposits starting from a $10 minimum via four PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and OkPay. Plans will all pay you on expiry and the interest is fixed and depends only the size of your deposit – 103%-130% after 1 day, 110%-195% after 3 days, 123%-330% after 7 days, 150%-600% after 15 days, 200%-1,000% after 25 days, 400%-1,500% after 40 days, 600%-2,500% after 55 days, 555% after 10 days, 1,111% after 20 days, 3,000% after 30 days.


Despite the cheerful tone of the admin of MyGoldNestEgg and the seemingly resumed payouts I would still not be very positive about the program’s chances to overcome the decision of SolidTrustPay to stop working with them. Being cut off from 90% of potential funds, I doubt very much that MyGoldNestEgg is able to run as usual for enough time to deliver profits to investors. I might be wrong, of course,indeed I’d be happy to be so, but past experience suggests that STP pulling the plug in the middle of a program’s lifecycle usually means a pending collapse. For now, the admin is managing to keep MyGoldNestEgg afloat, but the question is for how long he can do so with fewer deposits and hugely depleted reserves with the payments he has largely to make now via PerfectMoney and BitCoin. I do appreciate the admin’s honesty in telling the story about his STP account as it is, but I do not share his optimism on the future. Therefore, despite the payments resuming and moving his program back to Paying status on my monitor, I simply cannot recommend investing there anymore. In my honest opinion, MyGoldNestEgg must prove itself capable of paying everyone within the next couple of months before it might be taken seriously again. In addition to that, the support the admin provides to members is seriously lacking, with my last email to him still being unanswered and the one before that ignored for four days. He seemed to be insulted by the fact MNO moved MyGoldNestEgg to Scam status due to delayed payments before that, despite being given such adequate notice. Instead of talking too much and composing lengthy newsletters like the one I’m reposting below the admin might take better care of his investors instead and come up with a workable contingency plan. I would be extremely careful about these promises made by the admin in the newsletter, actions speaking louder than words as you know. But we’ll see in the coming weeks if MyGoldNestEgg (reviewed here) is still a viable program to join:

MyGoldNestEgg Weekend Update
Hi. Well it’s been an eventful week.
We’ve had fairly amicable discussions with Solid Trust Pay, but due to their policies we’re not going to be able to use them as a Payment processor from now on.
That’s a bit of a set back but we haven’t lost any money as a result and due to the hard work of our developer we now have automated payments via Bitcoin and Perfect Money up and running.
We’re on the look out for additional options that we can add to give further flexibility, especially for our American members, and we’ll update you on those in due course.
We’ve also added some additional functionality over the last few days.
We’ve added a withdrawal option, that’s available via the Commission page, allowing you to withdraw from your Commission Balance. The minimum withdrawal request is $10, and we’ll aim to complete all requests as quickly as we can once you’ve submitted them.
We’ve also added an automated re-investment option now, which if you choose to use it will give you a 5% discount on any investments made by our re-investment process. So if you set your minimum to $50, then which it kicks in you’ll only actually pay $47.50 for that $50 investment.
We have made payments over the last couple of days via both Perfect Money and Bitcoin, and I want to see those run perfectly for a few days into next week before we start lo increase the promotional activity again.
There are also a few enhancements that we’re working on that I want in place before we look to increase the membership base, I’ll update you fully on them when they’re in place.
For anyone who has invested by Solid Trust Pay and doesn’t like the current withdrawal options, I’d ask you to please bear with us, you have my word that we will find a suitable payment method for you in the future and you won’t lose any money, instead you will receive every single cent due to you from your investment.
If you don’t fancy any of the current payment options then please set your account to have your daily payment paid to your commission account, and then when we have a method that suits you, you will be able to use the withdrawal process to get at your money.
I’d also ask you to bear with us as we work through any outstanding support emails, we were completely up to date, but the last week has been hectic and it’ll take us a couple of days I expect to get fully up to date, so if you’ve emailed us we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We’ve had a blip this week, hopefully we’ve demonstrated to you that we can adapt quickly and respond, and this just makes me more determined than ever to succeed with this.
Our program is all about the long term, the delivery of our residual income projects will allow us to do what no other program has ever done = pay all members what they are due. It’s going to take hard work, and to be honest a larger number of members than we have at the moment, but that’s our mission and I’m determined that we won’t deviate from that.
I will update you all again in a few days.
Regards. Andy


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: GoldenOakFund.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, Atlant, Leancy, InvGlobal, BettCoinDailySharePro, BarclaysRoyalClub, ComoCredit.
From MNO Standard list: AlternativeEnergy, FX9.
From MNO Basic list: InsideForexGroupZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I’ll see you all already in the next business week, maybe tomorrow, maybe Tuesday, with more news on the biggest programs in the industry. So in order not to miss anything I suggest you subscribe to the MNO daily news service via the form you can find on the top right hand side of my blog and also follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter and check out my monitoring page to check the status of the programs you wish to invest in. Thanks a lot for reading MNO and see you very soon, guys!

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