Feb 20th, 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! Tonight I just want to start with a word of welcome to my new readers. When analyzing my stats I can see that for the last few days there was a surge of traffic for my blog from unique sources, which is a really good thing indicating growing interest from newbies and demand for the high quality programs run by experienced admins. The HYIP industry is certainly on its way to recovery now and I can see that a mood of anticipation from readers feedback. High standard and elite programs that deserve your attention will always come to the MNO blog and monitor, so keep reading and you won’t regret it!

There was a lot going on over the last 48 hours which I’ll be discussing tonight. Not of it’s good, mind, but that’s what the HYIP industry is all about – a mix of positive and negative reports, and my main task is deliver them to you on time, so you will be able to decide what’s worthy of your attention and what isn’t. This will definitely help you develop and possibly adjust your investment strategy for the near future, so keep reading to find out more.


BTCArbs keeps paying reasonable daily returns to the program’s investors. Over the last two days the combined return was reported at 3.12%, from which a 1.02% profit was paid for Tuesday and 2.10% for Wednesday. If you haven’t read my detailed review of BTCArbs published here I’ll remind you that at the end of any given calendar day the admin publishes results of his BitCoin arbitrage activities which can bring anything from 0.1% to 10% in daily profits. Don’t expect too much at the high end though, as the interest for the month of February so far averages at about 2% or so. With the current BitCoin exchange rates in turmoil perhaps it should be expected. Although I do not believe the background story provided by the admin myself, I still see that the payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and BitCoin are processed really fast which is an important drawing point for most HYIP players anyway. The thing about BTCArbs which just launched a few days ago and is featured exclusively on the MNO monitor that will encourage you to take a closer look at the program is that it allows you to withdraw any part of your principal and profit anytime you like while accepting deposits from a $50 minimum (or 0.25 Btc). For the latest detailed daily results from BTCArbs please see below:

Tuesday 18th February 2014 – 1.02%
Confusion continues to surround the global Bitcoin market, with the prices on Bitstamp and BTC-e hovering around $600-650. Users continue to wonder whether or not MTGox will resume regular operations, with everyone waiting for the much anticipated update, which is scheduled to be released on Thursday. Nevertheless, MTGox’s situation has little impact on BTCArbs, other than the fact that it contributes to market movements. The more the markets move, the less efficiency that exists between the different trading platforms. In-efficient markets result in more arbitrage opportunities, which increase profits. Due to the lack of movement today, the arbitrage opportunities were slim, however we managed to reach 1.02% by the time of posting this update.

Wednesday 19th February 2014 – 2.10%
For another day, MTGox seems to be denominating the news in the Bitcoin world, despite the fact that they are pretty much irrelevant at this point. BTCArbs has absolutely no funds with MTGox, and would never consider trading on their platform, given the issues that they’ve been facing over the past months. It is likely that we will be removing them from the BTCArbs ticker in the near future, since their price truly makes no sense at this point. As for today’s earnings, one of our wire transfers arrived with BTC-e, allowing us to pick up a good number of coins at a $25 discount over Bitstamp, which were then transferred over and traded immediately. This trade, combined with a few other minor trades on smaller local platforms created a profit of 2.1%. Tomorrow should be interesting with the expected MTGox announcement. Let’s all hope for some big Arb Opportunities!


After nearly three successful months online RemiTrade (reviewed here) is considering stepping up its promotional efforts by starting a regional representatives program. For anyone not aware of what this means, regional representatives are locally based guides to help out other investors in the area where he lives, so to attract new members. In exchange admins reward these people with an increased level of referral commissions and possibly some other perks. RemiTrade is now giving members the opportunity to become a regional representative as well and you can read more on requirements benefits from obtaining this position in the latest newsletter posted below:

Attention. RemiTrade is Hiring
Good evening everyone, or good afternoon, or maybe it’s the night time for some. The reason we address you in such a manner is because we want to reach all residents through out the world with a great opportunity to earn large amounts of money. Just recently we have developed a program that will help you to be involved into expanding RemiTrade clients base. Opportunity offers 10% (can be increased up to 30%) from every investor, just in your pocket. As you may already guessed it is a “Regional Representative” position, that you have all rights to participate in if you feel confident and qualified. Please take a look at some advantages and responsibilities:
1. You must understand the services that we offer, fully. You must be able to explain to your potential investors how our plans operate and how they can make an investment. Basically guide them from the very beginning to the very end, and keep supporting them.
2. Our standard referral fee is 5%, but for you we will make it 2 times higher – 10%. Just imagine how much money you can make off every investor you involve.
3. We will place your information on our website, your name, address, and phone number. So in case someone would be interested in your area – they will call you and you will guide them through.
To apply – simply contact us for further details.

All in all, RemiTrade has been doing well, with payouts to PerfectMoney processed instantly almost all the time. RemiTrade also accepts deposits in BitCoins and even direct bank wires. Minimum investment usually starts from $10. The limited number of payment options can put the brakes on RemiTrade‘s growth in the short-term, but I doubt it won’t be able to deliver sustainable growth in the long run, provided the admin is here for the long run (which I suspect he is). I myself hope to see at least one year of stable payouts from him and feel that RemiTrade can possibly reach this goal. With the variable daily returns for 240 business days and the original principal returned on expiry the admin has every chance. It’s flexible enough to be sustainable for the RemiTrade admin I would think.


After three weeks online and the successful completion of the first investment cycle the admin of BluOro Roger announced that SolidTustPay was added as another payment processor, joining PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, OkPay, and BitCoin. Those of you who expected to see an automatic button will be disappointed though. Apparently the admin was tired of waiting for a positive resolution to the approval of his merchant account from STP and decided to take the initiative himself. He is now accepting SolidTrustPay manually, i.e. without any official approval from STP administration. While it might raise a few eyebrows from readers I have to remind you that there are at least two other programs on my monitor that have been accepting STP funds in exactly the same manner, and I don’t believe either have experienced any difficulties thus far. Of course, it doesn’t mean it’s fully safe to invest in BluOro via SolidTrustPay, but if you wish to take the risk then here’s the message you can see when using STP to join one of the investment plans with principal back on expiry – 1.5% for 15 business days, 2% for 30 business days, 2.5% for 60 business days:

SolidTrustPay deposit
1. Send your funds manually to account: bluoro.com
2. Email us your STP transaction details (username / plan / batch number) to:
*** Your deposit will be added within 3 hours.

I need to remind you though that the admin of BluOro announced the STP addition on my ShoutBox yesterday but when asked why his STP payment button was not properly approved he preferred to leave the question unanswered. So, it’s up to you to guess what’s going on here is and how to judge this latest short update from BluOro (reviewed here):

BluOro – STP accepted!
Hello, today it’s our pleasure to announce that BluOro accepts deposits via SolidTrustPay. We believe that this move will open doors to wider audience, that’s willing to deposit via SolidTrustPay. BluOro – the name you can trust.
Best Regards, Roger Walker,
BluOro Support department


As usual, MNO was the first monitor to move Atlant to Problem Status last night as already mentioned on my blog and ShoutBox, thanks to my readers who always report the delays with payouts early. Atlant worked for over three weeks and two weeks since it was listed on MNO. Was it too much or too little, you might ask? Well, I believe Atlant was quite a good and successful project under the circumstances, with lots of investors in profit. Of course it was simply impossible for everyone to profit, but at least the admin never deceived anyone and said it was just a gambling based game from the start. Plus, everyone had a fair chance to try their luck and withdraw their principal and profit at any time with really good interest of 7% to 8.5%. But it was of course inevitable that on some day the project would eventually stop working. According to the admin himself posting on a Russian language forum last night he was sorry to finish the program, but was proud that Atlant managed to last for 24 days which was really a good result for a program of this nature. He also said that even before the last weekend Atlant started experiencing some cashflow issues which only worsened early this week and eventually led to the collapse. I believe there was no lying in Atlant as the program positioned itself as a ponzi based game from day one, and the majority of investors were aware of the risks involved. The only unfortunate thing is that of today it’s still accepting new deposits from unsuspecting players, which is not appropriate or even remotely honest in my opinion. That’s why I took the measure of moving Atlant to Scam status on my monitor today and issue this warning. Please do not invest there anymore, guys!


Please note that 3pamm has been moved to Problem status on MNO monitor today due to payouts left unpaid for over 36 hours now. The admin remains silent and I believe it’s a very bad sign indicating he’s not willing to continue paying and is about to close up very soon (if he hasn’t already done so). The latest change of design perhaps cost him a lot of money, but I’m not sure if 3pamm was able to recoup these expenses, because for some investors such changes were actually very suspicious, just like any other sudden change to a program which had previously been quite stable. In this case, the investors are probably right, and 3pamm is a likely scam now after about four months of otherwise good work. Please be aware of that and do not invest there anymore!


Although the AlternativeEnergy website came back online today after an extensive DDoS attack and resumed payouts, I simply don’t feel comfortable about re-investing there. The reason is that AlternativeEnergy is definitely low on cash now and surprisingly, the admin inadvertently admitted it by issuing a weird and rather stupid newsletter desperately pleading members to re-invest their deposits instead of withdrawing them. I think you’d better read the latest two newsletters from AlternativeEnergy (reviewed here) to fully realize how damaging their effect on their survival:

We will not stop! We work further!
Dear investors.
We apologize for the fact that the site was not working for a while. Our site was under ddos ??attack, and now all is well, we improved protection and improved our hosting. We thank you for your support. We will not stop, we work further.
Thank you, and I wish all of our customers to get a good day!
Best Regards, David Bredwood
AlternativeEnergy – The Future Soon

Please reinvest funds!
Dear investors.
We ask that you make a reinvestment of funds. Do not raise panic, our project will work in the future. We need to reinvest funds you have done. We thank you very much for your understanding.
Best Regards, David Bredwood
AlternativeEnergy – The Future Soon

So, in the first newsletter the admin promises to work as usual even after the DDoS attack (probably instigated by the program’s competitors), but in the second newsletter just a few hours later he asked not to spread panic and reinvest the funds instead of withdrawing. In my opinion, investors must now do totally the opposite as in the second newsletter the admin admits that AlternativeEnergy has a cashflow issue and can’t pay investors if they don’t re-deposit. If that’s not a suicide note then I don’t really know what to call such erratic behavior which in itself will be the cause of panic among investors and only fuel the rumors and hearsay. I’d be very careful at the moment and wouldn’t recommend investing in AlternativeEnergy for now, as the program might be history pretty soon. As I don’t have any complaints from my readers about pending withdrawals I’ll keep AlternativeEnergy on Paying status on MNO, but keep an eye on the future updates regarding the program’s performance.


I must say I was kinda disappointed in the reply to my support ticket from the EgoPay administration regarding their recent decision to close accounts belonging to the US residents. I remind you that all the US-based EgoPay customers have now until the end of March to withdraw all funds from their EgoPay account. The reason why this is being done wasn’t really explained all that well, so I was hoping to find out more by submitting a support ticket. However I was simply informed of what I already knew, confirming that it was true and that the decision wouldn’t affect EgoPay customers from other countries.

Anyway, today’s update regarding EgoPay isn’t about this, but rather the 2-step verification of your EgoPay account which you can use to make access more secure. Here’s how it’s done with the link in the end leading to a more detailed article on the so-called Google Authentificator feature EgoPay is promoting now as an extra layer of security for your account:

EgoPay adds Google Authenticator
EgoPay provides a secure environment to protect all the sensitive information using advanced 256 bit SSL encryption provided by GeoTrust. In addition to your account security we also installed Google Authenticator in our system. Google Authenticator provides a six digit one-time password that users must type in addition to their username and password to log in.
Everybody, who owns a device compatible with Google Authenticator (Android, iPhone, Blackberry, etc.) can add additonal layer of security to their EgoPay account. You can use this protection tool to receive codes even if you don’t have an Internet connection or mobile service. Enable 2-step verification to protect your account from hijacking with maximum security.
Find out more how to install Google Authenticator


To finish things up for today then I want to take a look at the final results of the current opinion poll that’s been running on the MNO TalkBack page. I guess it’s been online long enough now for anyone that’s interested in voting to have done so, so it’s time to wrap it up now I think. The poll itself you might remember was posted around the time I received three interviews with different HYIP admins in quick succession, one after another. The question occurred to me then as to exactly how much importance readers would really place on these interviews and to what extent you enjoy them at all or not. The exact question posted went as follows:
How do you like admin interviews?

I must say there was a pretty good spread between the possible answers and no absolute runaway leader. The strongest performing option was in hindsight also the most obvious one I suppose with 40% of readers saying:
Some are better than others. Depends on the admin.

Given that an opinion poll can’t really have any wrong answers as such, it’s kinda hard to argue against anyone taking that option. It is the plain and simple truth after all, and just as surely as some HYIPs are better than others so too are the admins and their interviews.

In second place with exactly one third of the votes, 33% of readers opted for the answer:
Not much, I don’t trust any of them.

A shall we say healthy level of skepticism on display there then! But to be fair, it’s not entirely unjustified either given the very nature of the HYIP industry and how all the programs there eventually finish up sooner or later. I don’t actually vote in my own polls myself of course. It would serve no purpose as I already know what my own opinion is and the point of the exercise is for me to learn yours, but that wouldn’t have been the way I would have voted as I shall explain below.

The remaining votes, slightly over a quarter of readers in fact with 27%, all went for the answer suggesting:
I like them because they can indicate if the admin is any good or not.

This would have been my own preference (had I voted that is) for the simple reason that you don’t necessarily have to like, enjoy, or agree with an individual interview in order to make effective use of the information – and misinformation! – contained there. The trick of course is to read between the lines and remember that interviews need not necessarily be entirely one sided in the sense that they are only there to encourage you to join the program in question. The thing about “bad” interviews you see is that they can expose admins with no communication skills, constantly avoiding serious questions, and would prefer to tell stories that experienced investors know to be false instead of discussing the real issue which is the online HYIP industry. You know, preferring his own myth about Wall Street deals for millions of dollars, making stuff up rather than explaining how things really work. In these cases you see, such interviews are actually extremely useful. Why? Because knowing how to separate what HYIPs are run by inexperienced amateurs who genuinely expect you to believe this stuff and what HYIPs are run by industry professionals who know how to work with their investors fairly is also important. Interviews can, remember, help you decide what programs NOT to invest in just as easily as the programs you do wish to join, and that is why yes, the bad ones are actually very useful tools for you just as much as the good ones. Though it is of course all about perception and a certain skill that comes from experience in reading between the lines.

Anyway, time for a brand new question now. Tonight, and maybe for the next week to ten days, I am interested in learning about this – how important a role financially speaking do HYIPs play in your life? Please don’t get this confused with a similar question I asked recently about making a profit from your investments. I mean for example if you regularly make minimal $10 deposits and manage to make let’s say $12 withdrawals from them, then you are making a 20% profit which is undeniably superb. But for that kind of money you are unlikely to be actually making a living, you know, covering your utility bills, rent/mortgage, kid’s education if you have a family, and so on.

So I’m not asking about profit as such here, I’m asking about the importance of the money you make from HYIPs as a percentage of your monthly income. And I don’t want to know about exact figures either. I mean let’s say an industrial worker in Norway or Germany makes an extra hundred bucks a month playing the HYIP industry. That money is welcome I am sure, but isn’t going to seriously impact your standard of living in the same way as let’s say an industrial worker in Bangladesh or Vietnam making the same hundred bucks a month, right? No offense or anything, but I do believe you know what I’m talking about here and that I’m correct.

So as these things are all relative, to “level the playing field” as the expression goes the exact question will be this:
How important a role do HYIPs play to your total income?

Your choice of answers is as follows:
a) I play for fun only. No serious impact on income.
b) It’s of some importance. I’d miss it if I lost it.
c) I’m a serious player. It’s very important to my income.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Financ, GoldenOakFund.
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, DublinCryptoriumLimited, Leancy, BarclaysRoyalClub, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, BettCoin, MutualWealth, DailySharePro, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, ComoCredit, InflexShares, BluOro.
From MNO Standard list: FX9, PornRotor.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, WelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That’s about it for this evening, guys. Thanks for reading and please remember to cast your vote in the MNO TalkBack poll. It’s completely anonymous and your participation is always appreciated. I’ll be back tomorrow with all the main stories from the HYIP industry, particularly those related to the programs listed on my monitoring site. Meanwhile you can always join my list of followers on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date with any important articles and reviews, or subscribe to my e-mail news feed to get all the MNO blog updates directly to your inbox every day. Simply fill in your address in the subscription box near the top right hand side of my blog, and follow the instructions sent to your e-mail to activate. Should you ever change your mind then you can actually unsubscribe even faster by simply clicking a button. So until tomorrow, stay lucky and see you all then everyone!

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