Feb 22nd, 2014 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
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Hi guys, and welcome to MNO – the most popular English language blog on online investment opportunities. Sorry for not posting yesterday but I decided to wait mostly because the status of several programs on my monitor was uncertain. Today everything became clear about the ones that had been struggling – OK, some disappointments, but I must admit there are no real surprises – so I think the best place to start is with some warnings about what you need to avoid from this point on.


Two programs most likely run by clueless amateurs were moved to Problem status on MNO last night – BluOro and MyGoldNestEgg.

The admin of BluOro kept popping up on my ShoutBox for the last couple of days pleading for some attention like a child. Most of the questions from readers focused on when SolidTrustPay was going to be added to the list of accepted payment processors with close to zero interest in anything else about his program. He then came up with the silly idea of announcing the addition of STP without ever actually being approved for the payment button by them, but still made it public. Very soon though people his inability to explain why STP deposits were only processed manually was exposed, and people understandable did not react the way he was hoping. Deposits via SolidTrustPay could have been accepted by BluOro from day one and no one would bother, but by pulling this trick and staying silent about the legitimate concerns voiced on the MNO ShoutBox he more or less signed the death certificate for BluOro himself. The program collapsed miserably after just a couple of days when the first principals on the shortest plan were processed and of course, the admin disappeared and can’t be reached anymore. MNO was the first monitor to move BluOro to Problem status after I noticed that the admin silently removed the rating page from his website and the payment live stats also stopped. The way the admin ran BluOro was totally unprofessional, bordering on juvenile to say the least. Please do not invest in BluOro any longer!

Another scam was MyGoldNestEgg, where the admin’s only talent seems to have been writing long winded nonsense in his newsletters and creating fast scams. It seems like no one was in profit from the program and my warning to him regarding unanswered emails within a prompt and reasonable period fell on deaf ears. That was my last attempt to get any kind of response from him so today MyGoldNestEgg was moved to Problem Status. Possibly SolidTrustPay detect fast scams and disable their accounts, and if so I welcome it warmly. For such programs as MyGoldNestEgg the right place is on the garbage pile and is best forgotten by investors as an unpleasent nightmare. It’s truly astonishing sometimes the level of stupidity filling the HYIP industry, with admins running such complete disasters like MyGoldNestEgg. I really hope we see less amateurs like those behind MyGoldNestEgg and BluOro in the future.


Getting back to paying programs now, the first news item here is from BettCoin (reviewed here). The site now includes a short video presentation explaining the main ideas and concepts behind the program. For the moment this presentation is only available in Russian, which kind of makes sense as the admin doesn’t try to hide where he’s from (though it is a very big place you know!). The latest billboard campaign launched in the Moscow region just proves my point from the previous update regarding BettCoin on my blog. I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that in the future the admin will also add an English version of the video, but for now you can watch it in Russian in the News section of BettCoin website:

BettCoin LTD Video presentation
Important! Dear friends!
Present the official video presentation of BettCoin.
Just want to add that in the future we will introduce more videos about our company.
Pleasant viewing. Sincerely, Administration

BettCoin has been monitored on MNO for over three weeks now and offers several investment plans all with the original principal back on expiry – 1% for 15 days, 1.3% for 35 days, 1.9% for 75 days, 2.6% for 100 days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and deposits are accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and BitCoin as well as Payeer, Qiwi, Yandex Money, and WebMoney. Withdrawals are processed instantly most of the time which is a feature most investors appreciate about BettCoin.


The last two days saw profits in BTCArbs lower than usual and totaled 2.25%, comprising 1.75% profit for Thursday and 0.5% for Friday. If you haven’t read the review of BTCArbs posted here I remind you that the program is allegedly engaged in trading BitCoin on various exchanges and offers from 0.1% to 10% variable daily interest credited to members’ accounts at the end of every calendar day. The main advantage of joining BTCArbs is the option to request your principal and/or accumulated profits anytime you like. Every day your principal grows by the percentage announced earlier and then immediately becomes part of your principal. So if you decide not to request your profit then a voluntary compounding takes place and the next interest will be credited on your new larger principal. Once requested, withdrawals in BTCArbs are processed within 24 hours. I must say though that for me personally they were done much faster so far. The minimum to invest in BTCArbs is a hefty $50 via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, or bank wires, and 0.25 Btc if you join via Bitcoin. Below are the latest results from the program:

Thursday 20th February 2014 – 1.75%
The never ending saga of MTGox continued today, with the lack of a meaningful update from the Gox executives. At this point it seems that the majority of the Bitcoin industry has stopped paying attention the exchange, and are now entirely focused on the much more reliable global exchanges. With that said, it is clear that the ongoing issues with Gox are creating instability in the market, which is great news for us. During today’s price drop, we were able to capitalize on the discrepancies between the major markets including Bitstamp and BTCe. Today’s result is 1.75%.

Friday 21st February 2014 – 0.50%
The excitement in the Bitcoin community never seems to end, with new advances each and everyday. With that said, it seems that the forces are pulling in opposite directions today, with good news in the industry still marred by some of the underlying issues in the Bitcoin community. The result was a very boring day, with prices fluctuating mostly between $555 and $570 and little variation between the major exchanges. By moving coins between the exchanges we were able to earn 0.5%. Less than our average result but not bad given the stagnant market conditions.


At the end of this business week the admin of InflexShares Dorothy (interviewed here) proudly presented the finished version of the renewed interface with various different features you can see in your accounts. Among other things this includes BitCoin prices on different trading platforms where InflexShares allegedly makes money for investors on investment plans paying 2% for 60 days, 2.2% for 90 days, 2.5% for 120 days with the interest earned on business days only and the principal returned on expiry. The current minimum deposit starts from $10 (although in my account area I can see a higher figure of $50 which I suspect may be implemented in the future) via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and Bitcoin. By the way, starting on Monday the admin is going to change the days on which withdrawals are processed and make it seven days a week instead of the current schedule of Monday to Friday only. It’s not very clear whether the investment plans will be changed as well to accommodate this, but I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Apart from that, the admin introduced some bonuses for investments via PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay and promised to pay $5 for voting for the program as well. I believe such novelties may raise some eyebrows as they can indicate cashflow issues. Frankly speaking, a program that performs well does not need such gimmicks, but InflexShares already uses a weekly bonus of 0.5% to 2.5% per every week, so hopefully these new announcements don’t mean anything bad. The full newsletter from InflexShares (reviewed here) is below:

Important Roadmap Ahead And Promotions For The Loyal
It’s been about a week since our site has gone through a rebranding process. Painstakingly, we’ve taken the necessary steps to maintain our core values while still keeping a fresh mind when we underwent the process. And today, I’m tremendously proud to show off our brand new site with a gorgeous interface and user-friendly member area!
If you haven’t gone through our new site yet, please make sure you browse around and take a look. In the member area there are several new features, one such feature would be the ability to monitor BitCoin prices around the industry in real time. Through that, you will be able to estimate how well we are doing because BitCoin trading is still our core trading activity.
Another nicely added feature is the ability to see what promotions we currently have. This week, for example, we have a 10% bonus for STP deposits in commemoration of the launch of a new site. For the next week, we will be offering a 5% bonus for PM deposits. These promotions can be anything that you choose! If you’d like to set the promotion for the following week after next, please send me an email and if there’s enough people voting for it, then we’ll set that as a promotion! Let your imagination run wild! If you have a ton of referrals and you’d like to have a promotion that awards the person with most referrals, send me an email and we can discuss about having that implemented. Or if you are a creative butterfly and would like to hold a slogan competition for InflexShares, we can do that as well. The sky’s the limit so let me know what you think!
With that said, with the recent influx of new investors, we received some requests to open up withdrawal processing times to 7 days a week. And as we grow, we have also added new staff to cater to the new investors. As I’ve mentioned several times before, InflexShares is a family that caters to your particular needs. So I’ve decided, with group consensus, to open up withdrawals to 7 days a week starting this Monday! Currently withdrawals are processed in batches and we only work 5 days a week, but starting this Monday, you will start to see almost instantaneous withdrawals along with 7 days of withdrawal. We hope that these services will continue to pave new paths for InflexShares!
In addition to the 5% promotion bonus, we will also start a “Bonus-For-Post” promotion. What does this mean? We are currently on many social medias and forums, but we think there’s still a lot of space for growth. And we’d like to reward our own investors for promoting us, instead of giving free money to monitors that are basically sucking money off of us without doing anything much. The rules are simple: if you post a payment proof in two or more of any forum/social media we are on send us a link to your post, and after we verify it, we will give you a $5 bonus reinvested into your account everyday until the end of the month!
So there you go! These are just small bonuses that we planned ahead in order to reward you for being a loyal investor. Loyalty pays, and it pays very well in our case. So spread the word, and let others know how we are doing!
Love, Dorothy
CEO InflexShares.


Speaking of deposit bonuses, BarclaysRoyalClub might be another program to implement such a policy, but it’s valid only for this and next weekend. Probably trying to alleviate rumors on forums from experienced investors regarding possible cashflow issues, the admin tried to calm investors admitting that, as BarclaysRoyalClub pays interest only on business days (Monday to Friday) at weekends almost all investment activities are very low and so he decided to encourage participation by adding a 10% bonus to any deposit. Also the admin said that the 10% bonus would not affect the program’s performance as it’s not too much in comparison to the investment plans which pay from 9.5% to 10.5% interest for the duration of the 20 business day period.

At the same time the admin also mentioned the program had been performing well so far and the first investment cycle had been completed with great results. The first investors are already in good profits paid to PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, Bitcoin, OkPay, and Payeer. For the last twenty days on MNO BarclaysRoyalClub (reviewed here) has become so popular it rose to #3 on my Premium List recently. Deposits start from $10 with most of the withdrawals processed instantly. SolidTrustPay was also mentioned due to the scheduled maintenance that saw STP offline for a few hours yesterday. It’s up to you how to treat this investment bonus from BarclaysRoyalClub with my main task being to deliver the information to you. If you think it’s too suspicious you can wait until Monday and see how the program performs then, or you can just delve in and take a risk in exchange for possibly more profits. The choice is yours:

Bonus program and last news.
Dear members,
I would like to bring your attention to this questions. This is a must read, so please don’t miss it.
1. First Cycle Completed
We have crossed 26 days online, means one cycle is completed, and all who invested in BRC on the first 2 days have got already 190% to 210% from their investment. We are still in the beginning and if you still didn’t invest with us, or you are still hesitating, don’t loose more time, relax and don’t worry as your money will be in safe hands.
2. Weekend BONUS program.
Due to an low activity of investors in our project on weekends days, we would like to offer you a bonus program. You will get a 10% bonus from any deposit from Friday 6:00 PM GMT till Sunday 11:00 PM GMT. Bonus points will be added to your account automatically, right after a deposit was paid. You can withdraw your bonus any time or turn it back into the project. Bonus interest is added in the payment system it was made. This program will be in effect at least for two weekend (February 22-23 and March 1-2). It is possible that in future, we will extend this bonus program.
3. SolidTrustPay service is undergoing scheduled maintenance until 8am EST.
We will process all withdrawal request instantly when STP scheduled maintenance is completed.
Do not hesitate to contact our support via phone, skype support, live chat support and email support if you have any question or curiosity regarding BarclaysRoyalClub.
Thanks & good weekend.
Admin, Peter Marsh.
BarclaysRoyalClub Team.

Weekend BONUS program already started.
Dear member,
Weekend bonus program already started. You have 56 hours to get 10% bonus from every deposit. You just need to make deposit until Sunday 11:00 PM GMT (02/23/14)
Don’t lose your chance. Next bonus program will be launched only on the next weekends.
Beat regards, Team BarclaysRoyalClub.


The STP downtime the admin of BarclaysRoyalClub was talking about in his newsletters went ahead as scheduled. It was announced in advance on the official SolidTrustPay blog. Nothing was changed in the STP accounts and I believe the downtime was just for purely technical reasons. At the moment SolidTrustPay is functioning properly and everything is working as usual, but just for your reference here’s the downtime announcement taken from the blog:

Scheduled Site Maintenance: Friday, February 21st
SolidTrust Pay would like to inform members that our website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance in the early morning of Friday, February 21st at approximately 4am EST. Access to the website at that time will be disconnected as we undergo standard maintenance activity. Friday’s site update is scheduled to be concluded later in the morning (estimated time 8am EST) and will only be temporary.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and thank you for your patience.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: GoldenOakFund.
From MNO Premium list: FinMutual, DublinCryptoriumLimited, BarclaysRoyalClub, Leancy, InvGlobal, Financ, ApexBinary, BettCoin, MutualWealth, DailySharePro, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, ComoCredit, InflexShares.
From MNO Standard list: AlternativeEnergy, FX9, PornRotor.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareWelorTrade, ThaiMonetaryFund, InsideForexGroup, ZeusInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That is all for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and I hope you found it useful. Tomorrow I’ll have all the regular news of course, but also an article especially for American readers frustrated by the recent decision of EgoPay to close all accounts help by US residents next month. After the same decision by PerfectMoney last year, I’ll explore the possible options remaining for American readers who still form a vital part of the industry. Also don’t forget to subscribe to the MNO daily news by entering your email address in the top right corner of my blog. You can cast your votes on the MNO monitor, and your feedback on the MNO Forum, plus follow me on Facebook and Twitter. And oh, don’t forget to vote on the MNO TalkBack page as well – I’d love to see you participate there. Enjoy your weekend and see you all soon!

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