Mar 12th, 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! For tonight I have all the latest news from the last 48 hours involving the programs listed on my monitor, and also further details on the recent closures of Leancy and BettCoin. Please read on to find out more but I am also quite hopeful of a new shorter term program joining MNO in the next day or two. It hasn’t actually opened yet but the admin has contacted me and paid for Premium Listing so I think we’ll see it very soon now. Come to think of it I’d say that really higher quality shorter term programs have been seen less often in recent months, so fingers crossed this one is going to go against all that. We’ll see in the next day or two anyway, but for now let’s stick to today’s news and start with RockwellPartners.


I want to start with possibly one of the fastest growing new programs of recent weeks, which is RockwellPartners. I especially noticed an increased level of interest in the program as soon as the detailed review was published two days ago (which you can read here). In a personal email to me the admin called the review “the best review I have ever read for a couple of months” and pledged to do his best to make RockwellPartners the next big thing in the industry over the coming months. The MNO review was also a highlight of the recent update posted in the news section of the RockwellPartners website where the admin also shared a link to the review with his members. I’m sure this will be beneficial for all concerned and to help explain how it all works.

MNO review is now live!
MNO review has been published. Click here to read.
We would like to remind you that RockwellPartners is not just another fly-by-night HYIP but a stable and safe place to invest your funds! If you are still not a participant in our program, then we strongly recommend that you join us right away, as this is potentially a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will allow you to significantly increase your capital. We assure you that nowhere else will you find such a good opportunity to increase your capital several times, even ten times over!

But what’s so special about RockwellPartners that you can’t miss you might ask? Well, I believe for one thing it’s the total flexibility of your account which allows you to manage your portfolio in a much more efficient manner. You see, you can withdraw your principal at any time you like, or you can compound your investment fully or partially, or you can withdraw your profits daily until such a time as you decide to leave – everything is entirely up to to you. Just note that the daily returns in RockwellPartners are variable on business days, paying anything from 1% to 3.5% between Monday and Friday, but fixed on weekends with a 1% payment promised for Saturdays and Sundays. You can invest any amount starting from a $20 minimum via an excellent variety of options – including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer. Withdrawals in RockwellPartners are processed within a 24 hour maximum, however up until now I don’t think i’ve had to wait more than a few minutes to get paid. Anyway, I truly believe that RockwellPartners might be a very big program soon, as I can see many people preferring them to the more traditional programs – seemingly a new trend in the HYIP industry at the moment.


BTCArbs (reviewed here) is yet another program where the investor stays in total control of his funds. At the end of every calendar day the admin publishes a profit report outlining his results in BitCoin speculation which might generate anything from 0.1% to 10% in daily profits. Then it’s totally up to the investor how much of that they wants to withdraw and how much they want to to keep as an active investment. Over the last three weeks online BTCArbs proved to be a popular choice among readers and the payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and BitCoin are done within 36 hours of request. The minimum to invest in BTCArbs is $50 and you can then withdraw any part of your principal or profit any time you like. Here’s the latest profit reports for yesterday and today:

Tuesday 11th March 2014 – 2.11%
Today was looking like it was going to be pretty slow, however over the last hour, things have been picking up on the Bitcoin markets. Bitstamp has jumped a few percentage points, while BitFinex and BTCe briefly lagged behind, leaving a quick opportunity for arbitrage. Thanks to the fact that we moved a large number of coins from Bitstamp to BTCe over the weekend, we were able to profit to the fullest extent that the arbitrage was available. Unfortunately the spread remained relatively small, culminating in a total profit for today of 2.11%.

Wednesday 12th March 2014 – 1.07%
Things have been really slow this week in the Bitcoin industry, with hardly any movements in either direction on the exchanges. Bitstamp briefly increased to a high of approximately $645 in the morning, however that quickly turned around, with the price returning to $630. It’s always strange to see such a stable price on the markets, especially given the wild swings that we’ve become accustomed to over the past 6 months. While arbitrage is always possible, as long as there is a price discrepancy between the exchanges, we find that more opportunities are available on days where the price is changing rapidly. Despite the lack of arb opportunities on the major exchanges, we were able to find a few on the smaller markets. The result for today is 1.07%.
On an unrelated topic, we will be adding a 2 Factor Authentication option to our login system within the next 72 hours.


Leancy stopped paying last night and this time I believe the program has really gone south for good. So what really happened and why did one of the biggest programs on the market have to end this way? You must remember that one huge crisis Leancy already underwent a couple of weeks ago when the site had to be moved to a new server by BlockDos following an alleged hacking attempt from Koddos. I’m still not convinced that this claim wasn’t just a trick pulled by the admin in an attempt to get more attention for his program. Possibly it was even a more sophisticated plan to win more trust from investors when Leancy came back online and resumed payments after two days of downtime which many weaker programs would be unable to do. Perhaps after Leancy came back the admin took the opportunity to close the program on a high point. I would disagree that Leancy had some difficulties even before the first serious hosting issue and the hacking scandal, as then the admin could simply close the program at this point using the “hacking” as an excuse for his biggest promoters. He didn’t do so and preferred to pay a few hundred for BlockDos hosting and came back looking a winner, just to halt the payouts completely yesterday after just days on the new server. I must say that there is no hope of Leancy returning this time, as the situation is completely different now from what we saw a week ago. The admin has nothing to say about the pending withdrawals that started piling up by yesterday which forced me to move Leancy to Problem status on my monitor. If the admin wanted to continue paying and there were some technical difficulties (as some people speculated) he would have come out and explained what was going on by now. So please do not deceive yourself into thinking Leancy might be back, because it won’t. The only conclusion is that Leancy has run its course and was obviously badly affected by the recent downtime. Of course we’ll never know what really happened leading up to this demise, but at least we can safely say that Leancy was a really big program that completed several cycles and put many member well into profit. As the admin is not going to close the site and is still trying to get new deposits please do not take the bait and stop investing there. Any deposits and withdrawals you can see there now are fakes and can’t be trusted. You’ve been warned!


BettCoin seems to have collapsed as well. No one can deny that by announcing at the beginning of March that interest would be credited on business days instead of calendar days the admin gave the game away. Just like in case with Leancy, after that people stopped re-investing in BettCoin which eventually saw instant payouts replaced by manual ones earlier this week. Today these then halted completely. Running for forty days in total BettCoin was not a total disaster as at least a small profit was made for the first investors in the 15 days plan, while those who risked bigger amounts were most likely at a loss. The admin failed to deliver on what could have been a potentially good program and most investors lost interest and didn’t redeposit after the first investment cycle ended. And who could blame them? Currently the withdrawals in BettCoin are not processed anymore and the program has been moved to Problem status on MNO. Do not invest there, guys!


In other news, maybe not directly related to the programs monitored on MNO but definitely of interest to anyone who plays the HYIP industry, SolidTrustPay have made an announcement. In an effort to promote the payment processor they are going to be running a series of competitions where account holders can win $50 cash paid to their STP accounts. There’s going to be a little work involved though, as prizes are for those who make the best tutorial videos on behalf of STP. There’s a new contest planned for every two weeks, with each one having a different theme. The basic premise remains the same though, with participants required to post an online video on a different aspect of STP every time. The first one for example is going to be on the subject “New Member Areas”. If you think you can put together a short video in this, no more than five minutes at the very longest (so sticking to the point is kinda the intention), and post it on YouTube then you’re in with a chance. It doesn’t stop there though as you now have to get to work on promoting the video and getting some views in order to win the prize. You need to get your online friends, family, workmates, etc to “like” the video. I’m sure a lot of you have both personal friends as well as online-only acquaintances through Facebook, Twitter, and so on, to whom you can send a link to your uploaded video and ask for a little help. Get the most “likes” and win the fifty bucks. Pretty simple really. SolidTrustPay themselves will then post the video on their own website as well as other social media sites. So not just $50 but also potential fame awaits any budding amateur Spielbergs out there! Full details of how to take part and other rules can be read on the official STP blog which I’m reposting for you below:

SolidTrust Pay Tutorial Contest!
SolidTrust Pay is excited to announce a new contest series for our members. Starting this week we will be holding bi-weekly contests for member-made SolidTrust Pay tutorial videos.
We’re hoping to reach out to our members, new and old, to create a series of fun and informative Tutorial Videos that deal with the various areas of our site. The aim is to interact with our members and to create an online help resource for new members, as well as any members who need a little more insight into our site.
The first Tutorial Theme Focus: NEW MEMBER AREAS
Sign Up (how to, plus troubleshooting)
Log In/Log Out (how to, plus troubleshooting)
Videos can be no longer than 5 minutes long.
This might not seem like much time, but you’ll find having a limit will help you keep your information and look concise.
Videos must be posted to YouTube and be viewable to anyone.
Winners are determined by how many Likes their video receives by the deadline. So the key is to get them up quick and spread the word! Tell your friends on FaceBook or Twitter to show their support and like your video.
The winner of the contest will receive $50 to their STPay account upon the completion of the contest. Additionally, the winning video will be posted to our Corporate Blog and other Social Media sites.
Have fun with your video! Keep it lively and informative.
The current contest is for English Language tutorials only.
If you source media such as music or images from the web, we encourage you to use public domain material as YouTube has copyright policies that can result in videos containing licensed material being removed. Check out Public Domain websites for anything that you cannot create yourself.
All Tutorial videos must be posted on or after March 11th, 2014. Any existing videos before that date may not be entered.
Contest deadline is March 25th, 2014 at 11:59pm EST
Entries can be sent to
Be sure to include your SolidTrust Pay Username and the YouTube URL of your Tutorial.
Good luck and HAVE FUN!


Before I wrap things up for tonight I just want to take a very quick look at the preliminary results of the opinion poll that’s currently running on the MNO TalkBack page. If you’ve been a regular player in the HYIP industry over the years you will probably have noticed how trends have changed many times, with different types of programs being extremely popular at certain times. Three or four years ago for example barely a week would go by without several new programs offering a plan paying “12% for 12 days” starting up, but you know things change and you see a lot less of these nowadays.

But there is one very strong trend in the industry at the moment. Not exactly new as such (we’ve seen it a few times over the years) but one that’s become very popular in recent months. I’m talking about flexibility in investment plans, where HYIPs pay you different rates of interest per day depending on their performance, but allow members to take back their principals and leave at any time they like. No questions asked, no early withdrawal penalty fees, just take your money back and go when you feel like it. It can be a day, a week, a month, a year, anything in between, or never. Of course you don’t always know what you are going to earn from one day to the next, and you don’t know how many others are leaving, but the reward is that you have greater control over your deposit and the chance that good days will outnumber bad ones. Well, that’s what we all hope for anyway.

So what do think of this new trend? As I said in an earlier post whether you like them or not they have definitely had an impact on the industry with a couple of the most successful programs in the last couple of months being like this. Or maybe you prefer the more traditional approach, where the admin offers a fixed rate of interest that you know you are going to get and for exactly how long in a predetermined term? That’s the question in the poll then, which is “what type of program do you prefer?” This will run until at least the weekend, but as the results have been very tight so far I thought I’d just have a quick look and remind you all to please vote. At the time of writing the leader with 57% of the vote is “Flexible. Variable interest and I’ll decide the term length myself.” Clearly this new trend has its share of supporters then. The remaining 43% of readers took the other option and voted for “Fixed. Fixed interest rates for a fixed length term.”.

Thanks to everyone who participated so far, and I hope more of you will join in between now and the weekend when the TalkBack poll will be replaced.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: BarclaysRoyalClub, GoldenOakFund.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, ComoCredit, DailySharePro, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, Minimalism10, MyGoldNestEgg, RockwellPartners.
From MNO Standard list: XAxisInc.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, TeslaFinance, ZeusInvest, Ambodium, MichaelKazakov.

That is all for tonight, guys. I just want to tell you briefly that you may also wish to be careful with PornRotor. Withdrawals there are no longer instant and are therefore pending. The admin hasn’t explained why, as instant payouts had previously been promised. PornRotor has therefore been moved to Waiting Status on MNO, so please take care there until further notice. No further investments in PornRotor are advised until the admin gets things back to normal. You can keep an eye on MNO for further information as it happens.

Please keep voting on MNO TalkBack and follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter. Also don’t forget to check out my monitoring page regularly for the most up-to-date status of your favorite programs, and remember that a new program will be listed within the next 48 hours, as the admin pre-paid for the Premium List and for the tower banner on my blog for a month, so it will certainly be worth your attention. See you soon!

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