Mar 14th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! RoyalFinanceGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! It’s been a while now since we’ve seen a really high standard short term HYIP make a serious impact on the industry. I mean I’m not saying there’s none at all out there or that you can’t have any, I’m just saying that there hasn’t been a very many of them around. What better way then to finish the business week than by looking at one brand new program that might have a chance to change all that. It’s called RoyalFinanceGroup which you might remember was just introduced on MNO last night having joined my monitor’s Premium List just a couple of hours before when it launched. The first thing I noticed about RoyalFinanceGroup however, and this was some days before the website was ever even online, was that the admin clearly has a decent advertising and start-up budget. He’s already spent quite a bit of money out of his own pocket before having any investors joining him at all as listing on MNO (for example) was entirely pre-paid. No guarantee of success I know, but at least it shows this is going to be treated seriously by an admin who will at least make the effort. Let’s hope it works out well for everyone. Anyway, whether you’re a fan of shorter term HYIPs or simply looking to diversify your portfolio, let’s take a closer look at RoyalFinanceGroup and see if this is really the one you’ve been waiting for.

Starting as we usually do with the investment plans then, there’s really only one of them but it’s broken down into four sub-sections depending on how much you would like to invest. As is typically the case for this industry the admin tries to encourage larger and larger deposits by offering a bigger interest rate to the biggest spenders. But it needn’t cost you a fortune to join in the first place, as RoyalFinanceGroup‘s minimum requirement is $20. Investments here fall under what’s called The Standard Plan and can take a maximum of $499. The investment term runs for 5 calendar days, during which members are promised a daily payment of 24% interest. Your principal is included as part of the payments and so not returned on expiry. That means you complete the term with payments totaling 120%, or your own money back plus an extra 20% net profit courtesy of the RoyalFinanceGroup admin. So to put that into monetary terms it would mean that a $100 deposit gets you a daily payment of $24 until you have withdrawn $120 in total.

The Advanced Plan is more or less the same thing, just being what RoyalFinanceGroup are calling deposits made from a $500 minimum up to a possible $2,499 maximum. For the same 5 calendar day term the only difference is that members can get a slightly improved interest rate of 24.5% per day. This allows you to reach 122.5% in total, and with RoyalFinanceGroup including your principal there it’s 22.5% net profit.

The remaining plans are perhaps a little pricey for the average HYIP gambler, but I’ll go through them for you anyway. The Premium Plan starts from an opening deposit of $2,500 and is open to investments up to as much as $9,999. The offer from the RoyalFinanceGroup admin for deposits of this size is a daily interest payment of 25%, principal included, for 5 calendar days. Total return of 125%, and with your principal counted as part of that then the net profit is 25%.

And finally, mostly I’ll admit for informational purposes only, RoyalFinanceGroup‘s Royal Plan is for deposits ranging from $10,000 to $50,000. Daily interest rates are calculated at 26% for 5 calendar days, giving you 130% back and your principal included. So that’s 30% profit.

There’s an excellent list of payment options open to investors, particularly by short term HYIP standards. RoyalFinanceGroup are allowing members to join using any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, OkPay, and Payeer. The only notable exception from that list is STP, though to be honest it’s doubtful that many experienced industry players were expecting to see them there and are fast getting used to the idea that they will in future be a rare enough sight in programs like this. What’s most notable for me however is the growing role of BitCoin. I’ve noticed it becoming increasingly popular among MNO readers with more and more of you using them these days. Still very much the minority of course, but at the same time the growth is glaringly obvious now. It’s definitely the direction the industry is headed in over the coming years. Anyway, payouts are handled manually by the admin and you will need to request them from inside your RoyalFinanceGroup private member’s account area. Once you have done this you will need to allow anything up to a further 12 hours for transactions to be completed. That’s not a bad service assuming the admin manages to maintain it, and a lot faster than most. On the other hand I guess it’s fair to say that speed is probably more essential for a program like this one over its longer term rivals, so it’s essential that RoyalFinanceGroup continue like this if they want to achieve any kind of serious growth. Plus it also makes it easier for members and those just thinking about joining to spot potential problems around the corner.

On the more technical, design, and security side of things, I noticed that the RoyalFinanceGroup domain was registered for ten years. Maybe for appearances sake as much as anything, it might give a certain air of respectability to those new to the HYIP industry and maybe give some confidence in the admin’s intentions to keep RoyalFinanceGroup up and running as long as he can. But ten years? Let’s just say experienced players might have other ideas. Otherwise the program is running of a script under license from GoldCoders with a website fully SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. There’s a handy built-in calculator as well that might be of use, though none of the investment plans are exactly so complicated as to warrant one. For hosting the admin is using DDoSGuard who are keeping RoyalFinanceGroup on a protected and dedicated server. If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then support channels are open by filling out your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. I’ve also noticed a Live Chat feature built into the RoyalFinanceGroup website but can’t confirm that it’s genuinely functional. Or at least it wasn’t for me anyway last time I tried it, but you may as well take a look at it first before bothering to write a support ticket.

As for the alleged business activities backing the whole thing up, I’d suggest you skip this part (even though I know full well that 99% of MNO readers will do so anyway). The thing is that while RoyalFinanceGroup claim to be in the ForEx market, copy/pasted texts that can be seen on any number of older websites (some HYIP related, some not) suggest this may not be the case. Personally I’d have to say a 25% interest payment is in fact a far far bigger indicator of this! But I mention it anyway for those less experienced in online HYIPs. Remember there are no guarantees so don’t go looking for them, and spend accordingly like you would with any form of high risk gambling. These things will likely pay off handsomely for some of you, and not for others. So use some common sense here and don’t go past a spending limit you can’t afford to lose. The best time for joining RoyalFinanceGroup in terms of risk reduction is of course near the beginning, but nevertheless you should still try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It has already become almost something of a good tradition that the admin of BarclaysRoyalClub Peter sends a news update at the end of every business week. I remind you that his program pays from 9.5% to 10.5% interest for a term of 20 business days, so it makes sense that the weekly updates are done on Fridays. During the 40 days it’s been listed on MNO BarclaysRoyalClub managed to reach the top spot on my monitor. It’s been a pleasant surprise to everyone that BarclaysRoyalClub after being online for about seven weeks now helped so many investors to double their money and I think it’s a perfect opportunity for those still sitting on the fence to try it out. Especially considering their 10% weekend bonus is back by popular demand for the next 48 hours or so. More details on the program can always be read in my detailed review posted here.

In tonight’s newsletter the admin covers the recent change of servers which was planned for a while now to accommodate the rapid growth of BarclaysRoyalClub over the last few weeks. According to the admin, it will take another 24 hours to be fully propagated so some downtime is expected at this time. Also, Peter mentioned that at the request of several members it was decided to allow a change of e-currency accounts for any payment processor in the “Payment system” section. As BarclaysRoyalClub accepts so many payment options including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, and OkPay (all starting from a $10 minimum) and usually paying instantly you should be careful in changing your account details and always double check it before requesting any payouts. I guess by allowing the changing of e-currency accounts by members themselves the admin of BarclaysRoyalClub wants to offload some of his workload to concentrate on more important issues such as the timely processing payouts. And finally, as I already mentioned earlier, for the fourth weekend in a row a 10% weekend deposit bonus is available. This is credited to your account automatically after the deposit during a particular specified time is made and is a thank you from the admin to investors who supported BarclaysRoyalClub by making deposits during the slower non-business days. The latest two newsletters from BarclaysRoyalClub are below:

Latest project news
Dear investors,
1. Major news – we have finally moved to a new server. We were very well prepared for moving so the downtime of the project was reduced to 1.5 hours. We hope that this will help to rectify the situation with overloads which we faced before. The new IP site may not yet updated for everyone, it can take up to 24 hours; if you still cannot access the site you just need to wait for a little while.
2. On numerous requests from our investors we have opened an opportunity to change your payment accounts information in your member cabinet. You can do this in the section «Payment system» ( of your personal cabinet. Kindly request – watch carefully for the security of your account to prevent theft of your funds.
3. And finally today we start already a traditional loyalty program – a 10% bonus to any deposit made at the weekend. The countdown to beginning of the program you can find under the news section. When the bonus program will start the countdown will also start and will work till its end. We hope this would facilitate the process of investment during the bonus weekend.
Thank you for investing with us.
Good luck everyone and have a nice weekend!
Peter Marsh. Admin

Bonus program already started.
Weekend BONUS – Part 4.
Weekend bonus program already started. You have 56 hours to get 10% bonus from every deposit. Conditions are the same as before – You will get a 10% bonus from any deposit from Friday (March 14) 2:00 PM GMT till Sunday (March 16) 11:59 PM GMT. Bonus points will be added to your deposit automatically, right after a deposit was paid. You can withdraw your bonus – just send a request to Bonus interest is added in the payment system it was made.


Quite moderate profits of 0.5% for yesterday and 1.15% for today were reported by the admin of BTCArbs for the last two days. If we consider that the minimum profit available from BTCArbs at the end of every calendar day is 0.1% while the maximum may reach 10% then the latest returns are significantly closer to the lower level. It’s all ok though as the most important thing investors appreciate in BTCArbs is the stability of payouts in which the admin never lets anyone down and stays within the promised 36 hour timeframe. And this has been the case consistently for the last 25 days since the launch of the program. BTCArbs (reviewed here) has been on MNO since day one which allowed many of my readers to make a decent profit, as the main advantage of BTCArbs is the option to withdraw any part of your investment at any time you like. That way you can be extremely flexible with your investments in BTCArbs and stay in total control of your goals. The program accepts all popular payment processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and BitCoin. You can start investing with a $50 minimum, though may reduce this figure along the way. Note that in order to increase your earnings in BTCArbs in the longer term you should not request your withdrawals daily and so allow profits to become part of your principal (thereby earning a bigger interest payment next time). Here’s the latest profit reports taken from the results page of the BTCArbs website:

Thursday 13th March 2014 – 0.50%
For nearly a full week, we’ve seen hardly any movement on the Bitcoin markets. After multiple days, we are still standing almost still at $640 per Bitcoin. With such little movement, there are fewer arbitrage opportunities than normal. Today’s result is 0.5%.
Important Update:At the request of many users, we have added 2 Factor Authentication. To enable 2 Factor Authentication on your account, visit your account details page in your user area.

Friday 14th March 2014 – 1.15%
Despite the lack of movement in the markets, a spread still exists between BTCe and Bitstamp. Therefore, it was with great pleasure when we released that our wire to BTCe had arrived, allowing us to grab a nice profit for the final business day of this week. Simply by moving funds from BTCe into Bitcoin, and then over to Bitstamp, we were able to earn over 1%. Combined with other profits from smaller exchanges, today’s result is 1.15%. We would also like to remind all users that 2FA is now available on BTCArbs. If you are holding a large amount of BTC in your account, we highly recommend enabling 2FA to enhance the security of your account.

As you can see from the updates, the admin of BTCArbs specifically emphasized the importance of using the one-time code second level authentication to make your money in the program even safer and prevent hackers from accessing your account. This new security level is powered by the Google Authentificator app that is also available for EgoPay users, and you can enable it so by following the instructions in your member’s area:

Two Factor Authentication
Using 2FA is the best way to keep your account safe. By securing your account with 2FA, you will need both your password and the constantly changing 2FA code to access your account. To activate 2FA, scan the QR code with the Google Authenticator app on your mobile device, then type in the code for confirmation.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: BarclaysRoyalClub.
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, ComoCredit, DailySharePro, RemiTrade, Minimalism10, BTCArbs, GoldenOakFund, RockwellPartners, RoyalFinanceGroup, Eblone (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: XAxisInc.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, TeslaFinance, Ambodium, MichaelKazakov.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. Enjoy your weekend, but whatever you do don’t forget to check the status of your favorite programs on the MNO monitor to be sure of the most up-to-date info. I’ll be taking a day off tomorrow, but will be back on Sunday with all the latest events from the last couple of days plus a more detailed look at Eblone. So stay tuned and see you all soon!

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