Mar 26th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! LuckSeven has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Well there seems to be something of a mini revival among short term HYI programs over the last week or so, with more brand new ones joining my monitor than there’s been for a while now. The one I want to start today’s update with is a program called LuckSeven which you might have read was first introduced on my blog yesterday shortly after its launch. Impossible to predict these things of course but I do know that there’s already been a lot of interest in the program. A lot of this has to do with an otherwise short supply of high quality short term programs in the industry for some time now, so sure, there will always be interest in a new one. However whether LuckSeven can manage to turn mere interest into actual bone fide paying/paid members is entirely a different matter. So before we move on to the news section let’s see what LuckSeven are all about and if you think they might be worth taking a chance on yourself.

There are five plans to chose from in LuckSeven, and while it’s probably a misnomer to describe it as a short term HYIP in the strictest sense (it’s longest term option is 56 days), though I doubt very many people would be looking past the shortest possible terms. Looking at the LuckSeven members area and how the plans are laid out for you there it really does remind me of all those one, two, and three day on-expiry style plans that used to be so widespread in the industry some time back, except that with this program everything seems to revolve around multiples of the number seven.

Take the first plan for example. It runs for a term of 7 calendar days, and will cost you a minimum deposit of $7 to join. Most of the investment plans only offer members one single payment on expiry, so this first option is significant because it’s the only plan where you can get a daily payment. LuckSeven starts by paying 18.7% per day on deposits from the above mentioned $7 opening deposit to a maximum of $776. Payments already include your principal so won’t be returned on expiry. The total amount LuckSeven are saying they can return to investors then adds up to 130.9%, out of which you have your own money back plus 30.9% in net profit. Larger deposits are offered higher rates, including 19.7% on amounts from $777 up to $2,776 (which would if successful add up to 137.9%). Information on larger deposits than that can be found in your LuckSeven members account area.

After that one exception, all remaining plans offer to pay investors just once on expiry. The second plan again runs for 7 calendar days, though please note that the cost of joining increases to a $17 minimum. In exchange for that, or indeed anything up to a maximum of $776, LuckSeven are offering members a single on expiry payment of 137.7% interest. As this includes your principal it means you effectively means your own money back plus 37.7% net profit. Personally I myself would see that as not enough of an improvement on the first daily payments plan to justify the increased risk. But that’s just me. Maybe while the program is still brand new you yourself might think it’s a risk worth taking, it’s really your own decision. For larger deposits LuckSeven offer 147.7% back on expiry for deposits between $777 and $2,776. See your members account area for information if you’re thinking about investing amounts bigger than that.

For LuckSeven‘s third plan members will first be asked for a $37 minimum deposit. The investment term runs for 14 calendar days with one single payment made on expiry. Investments up to a maximum value of $776 are offered a return of 187.7%, principal included, so that’s 87.7% net profit. Larger investors prepared to gamble with between $777 and $2,776 are being offered 227.7%, also with principal included with the payment.

As you can see the further we get into the investment plans the more shall we say ambitious the promises being made by them are. Plan number four is no exception, running for 28 calendar days and setting you back at least a $57 minimum if you want to take a chance on it. One single payment of 377.7% is offered on expiry for deposits up to $776, and includes your principal. If you’d really like to gamble even more than that then LuckSeven‘s offer is 457.7% back on amounts from $777 to $2,776.

And finally running for 56 calendar days and costing a minimum of $77 to join, LuckSeven‘s final plan offers an even more unlikely 777.7% return on expiry for amounts up to $776, principal included. For larger deposits (or should that be “donations”?) from $777 up to $2,776 the offer is 977.7%. If you’re genuinely interested in hearing what LuckSeven are offering amounts even bigger than that you can see it described from inside your private members account area.

So the plans might be high risk as one would expect from the majority of high ROI short term programs, but I must say the choice of payment options for LuckSeven members is surprisingly good. Out of all the major industry providers only one is missing (STP), but let’s be honest, no one should realistically be expecting to ever see them added no matter how long the program manages to run. Otherwise you can use any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin to move money in and out of your account. Withdrawals are processed manually by the admin and need to be requested from within your LuckSeven members area. They can be completed pretty quickly if the admin happens to be online at the time, but officially you will need to allow him anything up to 12 hours to process the transaction. But that’s still quite a good schedule if he actually manages to maintain it. Smaller investors are reminded that the minimum withdrawal is $1 if using EgoPay, though this rule won’t apply to other processors.

Just one quick word to users of OkPay, though as far as I can see that seems to be almost none of you. But anyway, OkPay had initially been accepted by LuckSeven, however they seem to be in the process now of phasing out any HYIP related websites from using their services completely. This sounds about right as I’ve heard a couple of admins saying this now, so it isn’t just LuckSeven. So if you have already joined the program using OkPay, don’t worry, your investment is safe and your payments will be honored. No further deposits will be accepted through OkPay, that much is clear, but if you’ve already done so you will still be paid as any other regular client of LuckSeven. Having a guess though I’d be really really surprised if this affected a bare handful of investors at the very most, so the impact it’s going to have on the program (especially when it’s still brand new) is likely to be next to nothing.

On the more technical, design, and security aspects of the program then, LuckSeven is being kept on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of BlackLotus who are dependable enough in terms of preventing the more serious downtime problems. Although a serious DDoS attack was already launched on the program’s servers today the downtime only continued for a couple of hours. It ended with the admin’s decision to drastically increase LuckSeven‘s DDoS protection shield by ordering a Dedicated WAF that will protect against future attacks from malicious competitors that might see LuckSeven as a threat to their own existence.

LuckSeven website is running off a script under license from GoldCoders which, whether you like it or not, will always give the program a familiar appearance and easy to navigate feel for anyone who regularly dabbles in the HYIP industry. For an extra layer of security the site is also SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If there’s any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then LuckSeven can be reached by filling out your details in the online e-mail support form and submitting through the contacts page.

I guess the prevalence of the number seven in the program is to do with some people’s bizarre belief that a number by itself can somehow be lucky, not something I believe but in this case ironically there is some truth to it – whether you come out of LuckSeven with a profit or not will in fact have a lot more to do with luck than with any proper business activities. Clumsily written texts mention some of the favorite buzz words that HYIP admins have always liked throwing around, such as ForEx trading and bonds. Experienced industry players of course, (and I know that includes the majority of readers here so I repeat it always for the benefit of those coming to the industry for the first time), will know to take this with at least a pinch of salt. Or maybe just not even read it. It’s no reflection on LuckSeven by themselves mind, because the entire HYIP industry is a risk and this program is no different. Making money online from such programs is always fun, but the way to avoid disappointing losses is to stay within a sensible budget that you can afford to live without. It is a game after all. If you are joining LuckSeven at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio, and of course remember to have fun along the way while you’re doing it!



The latest daily returns from BTCArbs (reviewed here) are still hovering around the 1% mark as the admin reported 1.02% for Tuesday. That is still very much closer to the minimum of 0.1% daily than the maximum of 10% daily guaranteed by BTCArbs to its investors. Apart from small returns the program seems to be running well enough for 37 days now. That might seem too short a lifespan to draw any positive conclusions yet but the main advantage of BTCArbs would be the option to take any part of your profits or principal back at any time. Payments are within 36 hours to the same payment processor you joined with starting from a $50 minimum – be it SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or BitCoin. Many investors have already used this to their own benefit and profited (sometimes significantly) from being with BTCArbs. Others might be compounding their profits as any unrequested profits ultimately become part of the initial principal and boost your final profit from BTCArbs. But as I said before, it’s up to the investor to decide their own strategy. It’s up to you whether you believe the claims about trading BitCoins or not, but the admin tries to make some convincing reports showing him as some kind of expert in this field. Read the latest profit report from BTCArbs here:

Tuesday 25th March 2014 – 1.02%
It seems that some interesting news is brewing in the BItcoin industry, with a few hedge funds on the verge of diving in. With some of these hedge funds managing billions of dollars, its quite possible that one single fund could have a significant positive impact on the Bitcoin price and unless they are savvy and well informed on how the Bitcoin works, it could leave to a massive spike on one major exchange, while the other exchanges take a while to catch up. This is what we’re hoping for, as whenever there is a major spike, the arbitrage opportunities are plentiful. In the meantime, we’ve managed to earn 1.02% today, mostly from the spread between BTCe and Bitstamp which seemed to return to normal this afternoon.


ComoCredit has been officially moved to Scam status on MNO today. As it was initially expected the admin used some lame excuse of script issues to linger for a bit longer while paying very small returns which he allegedly reduced twentyfold for five days with the deadline for fixing everything being scheduled for this Tuesday. This was no more than a ruse to avoid paying large amounts for several days as he tried to keep paying status on monitors for longer and this way lure more investors. I must say that it was a more sophisticated plan than usual and the admin even had to modify the script himself in order to get around the reasonable suspicion raised by investors and scam as many people as possible. I would like to say those who questioned my status of ComoCredit that I had a gut feeling about the admin’s personality and that he didn’t prove me wrong but rather confirmed my doubts. Unfortunately ComoCredit is definitely a scam now and is definitely in the category of my monitor where it belongs – Scam section.


RoyalFinanceGroup is another program that suddenly collapsed today. That happened straight after the admin told me last night that OkPay had frozen his account with all the funds in it, so he couldn’t get around it and send money to the investors. He asked my advice after he received the following message from the administration of OkPay regarding his account with them:

Hello, thank you for contacting support OkPay!
You need to immediately disable the acceptance of payments in OkPay currency on your website, remove all the graphics and any mention of the OkPay. Your type of business is no longer supported by our payment system. Please fulfill the required conditions and to stop accepting payments via OkPay.
Please contact us after that.
Thank you for your cooperation

I’m not sure how much of a stranglehold the authorities have on OkPay now to make them change their policies towards HYIPs so drastically, but thankfully they haven’t managed to become even remotely popular in the HYIP industry. Their departure won’t have any serious impact on the industry, but unfortunately it can still damage the existing HYIPs that might use them. Of course the damage will only be serious if there were any significant deposits via OkPay, and it seems with RoyalFinanceGroup sadly it was so. The admin had to officially declare it dead only after 13 days online. That was still enough time to profit from RoyalFinanceGroup for the majority of my readers though as the program has been on MNO monitor from day one and the admin actively advertised it for the full two week period. It’s just unfortunate that the issues with OkPay were beyond the admin’s control. After delays with payouts to that payment system the program could have collapsed anyway, so I believe he decided not to wait for it to happen. Please make sure not to deposit in RoyalFinanceGroup any longer as the program has been moved to Problem status on MNO now.


Minimalism10 is another proven scam that was moved to Problem Status on MNO today due to confirmed cases of selective payouts and unexplained delays. I must admit that I first got suspicious about the ability of Minimalism10 to pay investors when one of my referrals made a complaint yesterday about his withdrawal request being returned to his balance without being paid. I immediately contacted the admin on his behalf and informed him that if he doesn’t proceed with the payment to my referral I would have no hesitation in moving Minimalism10 to Problem status on my monitor asap. Shortly after that my referral confirmed he then received his payment, but it still left me with a suspicion of cash flow issues. Today payouts from Minimalism10 are no longer being processed and the admin is nowhere to be seen. I must admit that Minimalism10 was a decent program that tried to be different from others, but I seriously didn’t get the concept behind his investment plans and that was not explained correctly even in the interview which I had sent to the admin some time ago but which had been never returned afterwards. Anyway, the first investors of Minimalism10 that joined on day one might have been in good profits as they did at least manage to complete two of its 10 day investment cycles and even one of its longer 15 day cycles over its 25 days online in total. As the overall rate of return offered by Minimalism10 was not particularly great we can’t really consider it as a success. Perhaps Minimalism10 was not everyone’s cup of tea after all, which predetermined its inevitable collapse after the program reached saturation point and couldn’t grow any more. Please beware of selective payouts and do not invest there!


In the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page I asked about your attitude towards seasonal factors affecting the level of activity in the HYIP industry. In the past it was almost an indisputable fact that the industry moves in cycles and a period of growth is followed a period of decline, then a rise again, and so on it goes. Usually such cycles were connected with seasonal activities like summer vacations. Christmas of course was always particularly dangerous, while autumn and spring were consistently good with the best chance to profit from HYIPs. After the demise of LR things have changed and we saw a lot less activity than we may otherwise have expected since the new year (which seems to have changed in the last week however, as things begin to hot up now). So is there any evidence that seasonal factors are still influencing the HYIP industry as they did in the past? That’s what I asked readers to think about, specifically – Do you still think seasonal factors apply to the HYIP industry anymore? Looking at the preliminary results we can see split opinions on this, with 42% saying “It was always like that and still is.” and an equal 42% saying “It used to be but not anymore.” The remaining 16% say they do not believe in seasonal factors influencing the investment activities in the HYIP industry at all. So what do you think? Please submit your vote on the MNO TalkBack page and have your say. Final results are going to be drawn later this weekend.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, GramStock, GoldenOakFund, Eblone, ForexStructure, LuckSeven, AssuredAssets (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list:  GrandForexLimited (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, TurgidInvest, MichaelKazakov.

That is all for today, guys. Not much to be positive about, but like in life the HYIP industry consists of good and bad so let’s hope tomorrow will bring us some better news. As usual I’ll keep you informed on what’s going on with the programs monitored on MNO. Tomorrow sees a more detailed review of GrandForexLimited which is now on Paying status on MNO as of today. Thanks for reading and see you all tomorrow!

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