April 2014 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! It’s might be April Fool’s Day, but remember one place you’re guaranteed never to hear any nonsense is right here on MNO. Apart from the usual updates today I have the introductions of the two brand new additions to my monitor, including a new short term program with instant payouts and a quirky domain extension called StrongHoldings which joined the Standard List and a newcomer to the MNO Premium List called VaBank which offers various plans to suit every taste and with instant payouts as well. Plus, after several days in pre-launch mode, AdShareCycler has finally started today so I can also introduce that. If you wish to know more about any of those then keep reading, and you will also find the most important news stories from the HYIP industry over the last 48 hours.


Let’s start with the very first official newsletter sent by the admin of RockwellPartners to members earlier today. Despite the program being online and paying for a few weeks already it’s surprising that the admin was practically silent for all this time despite RockwellPartners becoming undoubtedly one of the most popular programs on MNO. Having reached the #3 spot on the Premium List after just 23 days of monitoring and 4,200 members according to the admin’s report RockwellPartners is still doing extremely well. I guess the main drawing point which pre-determined this enormous success is the option to withdraw the original investment at any time one likes while also earning a 1% fixed return on weekends and variable payments from 1% to 3.5% on business days (Monday to Friday). Such flexibility didn’t go unnoticed by experienced investors and the timely payouts to the huge variety of payment processors accepted – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer – for a reasonable $20 minimum to invest only cemented this success. Apparently, the admin doesn’t want to stop here and today you can see an icon on top of the site that allows you to translate the RockwellPartners website in your native language. Seven versions written by professional translators (and not some rubbish software) are now available for the convenience of those who not so strong in English. That only proves that, as I suspected, the man in charge of RockwellPartners is a savvy professional who knows how to run a long-term program properly while maintaining constant interest and allowing further growth on a truly international scale. Some small improvements in security and speed of the website on the background have also been performed, according to the admin, and we see now a smoothly running website running off a truly unique and custom-made script. To find out more about RockwellPartners check my full review here and see below for the latest newsletter, which was also their first but hopefully not their last:

RockwellPartners 1st Newsletter
Dear clients, friends and fans,
We hope you are all doing well. We had an exciting week here at RockwellPartners and now we have quite a few important things to report:
1. Today we’ve reached the 4200 members mark and we’d like to welcome you all. Thanks for being with RockwellPartners! We will try our very best to exceed your expectations.
2. We would like to inform you that our website is now translated into 8 different languages including French, Italian, Spanish, Chineese, Russian, Polish and German. We hope that browsing our website will now be more convenient for those clients who are not familiar with English.
3. We have upgraded our servers and made many performance improvements to offer you a quicker response time when browsing our website. The upgrade will ensure that continued performance, reliability and security expectations are met.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department.
RockwellPartners S.A.


Exellers is perhaps another program with good potential to become a future hit while also allowing investors the opportunity to stay in closer control of their funds by withdrawing the original investment any time they like. However a certain level of loyalty is also rewarded as Exellers add 0.1% per day to the opening rate of 5.5% for those investing between $10 to $300. Bigger investors receive even bigger incentives with anyone starting with $301 gaining 0.15% extra per day on the starting 6% rate. Those bold enough to invest $501 or more the additional rate increases by 0.2% every day in addition to the regular 6.5% rate. If that sounds a bit complicated then please take some time to read my review of Exellers posted here where I explained everything perfectly well (it looks like the English version of the site is just an auto-translation from the original Russian language, so some confusion might remain). By the way, Exellers pays instantly via PerfectMoney, EgoPay and Payeer, a feature everyone seems to enjoy. Even the withdrawal of the original deposit is available to be paid instantly provided you have already earned at least 50% of your investment back, which is actually another smart feature encouraging people to stay longer with Exellers (remember that you can still withdraw your principal at any time you like but you will be paid manually within 24 hours otherwise). There are many other incentives in place, of course, to keep the members loyal to the program, keep reinvesting and get creative in promoting it in many different ways. The admin of Exellers is by all means a very experienced marketer while not actually denying the gaming nature of his program which nevertheless doesn’t prevent anyone from enjoying participating. For the very latest news I can see that the admin has presented a so-called “landing page” which might better be described as a “splash page”. This promotional tool is currently only available in Russian, but hopefully an English version will be available soon:

Landing advertising Exellers
Author Exellers
Section NEWS
Dear friends, we have added a new feature to attract referrals.
Landing very comfortable mini-page, which you can place on your blog and not only.
You can read here: https://exellers.com/example_ru
Download here: https://exellers.com/exellers_ru.rar


FinMutual (reviewed here) can be defined at this point as a force to be reckoned with and by far one of the oldest and best known long term programs after running since last July. That means that today FinMutual passed the 250 day mark which the admin simply couldn’t help but boast about in the latest short newsletter sent earlier. FinMutual currently occupies the #2 spot on MNO Premium List just behind DublinCryptoriumLimited. The admin definitely earned that spot by working hard for the benefit of his investors the very first of who finished the first investment cycle earning from 1.8% to 2.6% for 160 business days on a $25 minimum deposit via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, PexPay, SolidTrustPay, OkPay, or LiteCoin. According to the admin FinMutual is currently being used by over 7,500 investors which making it one of the largest programs online:

FinMutual 250 Days Online
We have reached a milestone of 250 days online. Thank you to our over 7500 investors who have made the first 250 days possible. Over the past 250 days, many companies have come and gone while FinMutual has risen to the top. This is because of you our members and the team here at FinMutual. We are here working for you and stay tuned for future updates.


The price of BitCoin dropped below $500 but it seems not to bother the admin on BTCArbs who continues to skilfully make money on BitCoin trading. Of course, it’s just a background story on how BTCArbs makes money for its investors although it’s an undeniable fact that the program managed to become a true success story with 43 days already behind them delivering daily interest payments that vary from 0.1% to 10% depending on their performance. The most attractive thing about BTCArbs though is that once you join with at least a $50 minimum deposit via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or BitCoin you may leave the program anytime while withdrawing any part of your deposits and profits at any time you like. Otherwise it’s automatically compounded in your account till the next payment is due. Countless investors in BTCArbs (reviewed here) have already done very well from the program while the admin continues paying within 36 hours of your withdrawal request for over six weeks now. By the way, he reports that over the last four days he managed to make 4.35% profit in total for the investors with detailed reports as follows:

Saturday 29th March 2014 – 0.66%
For a brief moment yesterday, it appeared that the price of Bitcoin might be on the upswing, given a variety of positive news that continues to flood the marketplace. Yet, in this primarily news driven industry, it seems that the price is still being held down by larger forces, which have some sort of incentive to keep the price at its current rate for the time being. Perhaps this includes the forces that precipitated the major increase October and November of 2013, possibly some other force, or if the theories are completely incorrect, it is simply the market forces of an up and coming digital currency. At the time of writing this update, the price had fallen today from a high of $508 to a low of $486. This 2% drop made way for a few arbitrage opportunities, but not quite as many as we are typically accustomed to seeing. This is primarily due to the fact that the Saturday trading volume is low, as per usual, at roughly 7500 coins on Bitstamp, and similarly low volume figures on other exchanges. Between our various accounts, we’ve pulled together a daily result of 0.66%.

Sunday 30th March 2014 – 2.02%
Sunday’s are usually pretty calm in the Bitcoin industry, however today was definitely an exception. By mid morning, the price of Bitcoin had plummeted to $436 USD, the lowest that it has seen since the MtGox fiasco. With potential Bitcoin regulations coming into effect in China, the Bitcoin community as a whole is concerned that there will be a mass exodus from Bitcoin. Here at BTC-Arbs, we’re lead to believe that this is a nonsense, and that China has no real intention of implementing widespread regulations to prevent the use of the currency. Furthermore, even if they did implement such legislation, the overall price of Bitcoin should only be marginally effected, given that the majority of Bitcoin use occurs in North America and Europe.
This morning, the directors of BTCArbs met with some of the industry leaders, including exchange operators and other prominent Bitcoin entrepreneurs to discuss the future of Bitcoin. The general consensus of the meeting is that the current price is the result of market manipulation by a few large “whales,” who are pushing the price down for their own purposes. Nevertheless, we were thrilled at the volatility, as well as the huge price discrepancy between BTCe and Bitstamp. At one point, the price differential was $26 USD, the largest arbitrage opportunity that we’ve seen between the world’s two largest exchanges since prior to Christmas. The resulting daily return was 2.02%.

Monday 31st March 2014 – 0.62%
With the month of March coming to an end, I am giving a pat on the back to everyone working on the BTCArbs project. We have had a great month, with spectacular returns, especially given the constantly surprising Bitcoin market. We’ve seen quite a few changes in the Bitcoin market over the past month, particularly the massive drop in price down to the current global price of $465 USD. I think we’re all optimistic that this will increase over the next few months, but regardless of what happens with the price, as long as the discrepancy between major exchanges continues to exist, our arbitrage model will continue to work.
As for today, the Bitcoin markets have been pretty stable, with a bit of movement between $445 and $465. At the time of writing this update, the price has climbed to $465. Some profit was earned through arbitrage between the major exchanges, however our overall profit was limited by the fact that a good portion of our funds were being moved between exchanges to rebalance our fiat balances. As such, today’s result is lower than yesterday, at 0.62%.

Tuesday 1st April 2014 – 1.05%
Spring is in the air, and with the increasing temperatures, it looks like the price of Bitcoin is on the rise as well. Today the price bounced up about 4% from $565 to the mid $580’s and is currently hovering around $590. Continuing the trend of the past few days, the price on BTCe seems to be holding steady at roughly 1.5% higher than Bitstamp. This general shift is interesting when looking at the bigger Bitcoin picture, especially given the fact that BTCe was traditionally as much as $100 cheaper per coin than Bitstamp. As far as we can tell, there’s no justifiable reason to explain the price differential, however it has been beneficial in terms of our arbitrage activities. Today’s result is 1.05%.


The first program to be introduced on my blog today and to be reviewed tomorrow is AdShareCycler. The program has been in pre-launch mode for quite a few days and during that time investors could sign-up and fund their accounts though purchasing adshares which you’ll need to buy before earning was not allowed. The admin tried to create some hype during this time, but I can’t say he was successful. Such advertising and marketing gimmicks do not work in the current state of the HYIP industry anymore in my opinion. I don’t think I’ll be re-posting the multiple emails I’ve already received from the admin of AdShareCycler during the last few days, but rather I will do so for the email that was sent earlier today marking the official launch of the program written in some very vivid language. Just read it first below to see what kind of marketing mentality the admin has and after that I will explain how the program works in more detail:

Thank you very much for joining what is the next plateau in the evolution of web site advertising.
While I know you are all fired up and ready to start driving insane amounts of server crashing traffic to your site, sit back and carefully read every word of this page AdShareCycler is going to be your personal rocket ship that opens up the planet of cash in hand buyers.
And while you may have tried traffic exchanges, viral list builders, safelists, pay per click and the social network working sites to reach buyers, you have never seen a form of advertising like this – anywhere. I guarantee it!
I can almost hear your mind thinking, “Facebook, Google and Twitter are the King and Queen of advert.
Sure Facebook is great; but it was designed so college students could quickly find out which fraternities were having parties that Sorority Sisters would be attending.
And Twitter? I am sure you will agree, it takes a copy writing genius to get results from a mere 140 characters, doesn’t it? And that’s exactly why AdShareCycler was built from ground up to be the future of advertising. In fact, AdShareCycler is going to be among the very Big player on the planet. And it rewards community participation by allowing members to raise their social status by visiting your site.
That’s important because if you ask any online marketing guru, “what is the fastest way to create an impact in the online world without spending a ton of money?” They will say, if they are telling the truth, “the fastest and least expensive way to create an impact in online world is to position yourself as a leader.” which you have done.
AdShareCycler is an Automatic wealth building system that ensures constant growth of income to earn every day Guaranteed regardless of how many times you would like to purchase AdShares in the Program.
The Program is Designed to be a Sustainable program you can show to your friends and love ones and have peace of mind You get the opportunity to earn in AdShareCycler depending on your Adshare purchase.
My Advice to you one is to add fund to wallet these qualify you to start earning.
Once again i say a big welcome to all the leaders the site AdShareCycler is officially LAUNCH!!!
Best of Luck to you. Alan Kimpel
Admin: AdShareCycler
Skype : adsharecycler

So, we see now that AdShareCycler is promoted as the best advertising platform for your site, however in order to join and earn you don’t need to have a website to advertise and no surfing is required, so we can see a surfing platform built in the script. By the way, the script used by AdShareCycler is a licensed version for profit sharing programs from 2gosoft, as the admin Alan told me. Despite that you can still surf other websites and advertise your own site to others, it won’t give you any additional income to the one you get if you invest a minimum of $5 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or Payeer. That’s the price of one adshare and you can buy any amount you wish, but first you need to add money to your wallet. Be aware that a whopping 8% withdrawal fee is applied for every withdrawal request make, and a $2 minimum withdrawal is required. In addition to that, 25% of your earnings will automatically go to a re-purchasing balance from which you can buy additional adshares, leaving only 75% (minus an 8% fee) available for withdrawal. Withdrawals are usually processed within 8 hours, although they can be delayed for up to 24 hours, so please keep this in mind. One $5 adshare is supposed to expire at 150% which means you will potentially get paid 50% pure profit on your investment with AdShareCycler while some of your money is still going to go for another cycle. Daily earnings on your adshares in the program are variable and you will get 5% on weekdays (Monday to Friday) and 2% on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). Although the main advantage of AdShareCycler is that your account will be credited with an equal 1/48th shares of your daily earnings every 30 minutes of which the script will be sending you notifications to the email you used when joining. The site itself is well built and perhaps the admin tried his best to make it last for longer and become sustainable with all those hidden withdrawal fees and re-purchase balances, however there are some drawbacks as well. AdShareCycler site is not SSL-secured and I can see that it’s hosted on a shared server although I hope CloudFlare protection from DDoS attacks will keep its uptime at maximum. It’s hard to predict if AdShareCycler can really be popular, but I hope tomorrow’s review will help you better understand how this unnecessary complicated program works and what they offer, so stay tuned for that.


VaBank is the only addition to the MNO Premium List today. The program launched just a few days ago but is already one people are talking about with a very wide range of investment plans from short to medium term yet very sustainable in the long run. VaBank accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer (the latest can be funded through many different methods and is actually an exchange system in itself). Most investors in VaBank should get their payouts instantly, while on the site’s FAQ the admin still asks for a 48 hour maximum in order to process the payments, but perhaps it applies only to larger payouts which usually have to be double-checked anyway for safety reasons. The investment plans offered by VaBank can be divided into four categories while in turn offer different fixed returns based on the size of investment. This can start from just $10. For the first plan you get paid from 4.33% to 6% on every calendar day for a duration of 30 days with no principal back on expiry. For the second plan the same 30-day term offers you from 1.33% to 3% daily payouts, but the original principal is going to be returned on expiry for that plan. The third plan can pay you from 1% to 2% daily for the indefinite period of time which you wish to stay with VaBank with while the original principal is subject to 7-day lock-in period after which you’re free to withdraw it at any time you like. Finally, the fourth plan pays you 15% to 16.43% return per day, and the principal is included in daily payouts and not returned on expiry.

The website is VaBank looks good with plenty of information (though sometimes not all of it’s irrelevant) while the site itself is available in both Russian and English versions. Please note that Russian is the main language in VaBank with it’s most probably translated into English by some software program. The program is running off a licensed version of H-Script which is especially popular among Russian speaking admins and the site is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by DDoS-Guard and SSL-secured by Comodo. I hope the coming review in a couple of days will not only help you choose the most suitable investment plan in the program, but will also answer the question as to why VaBank is already that popular in the investment world. For now you can check VaBank on your own and read the welcome message from the admin below:

We are open!
Welcome to official online website of our company. From today you can be not only our client but also an investor who’s money will work for you and make a profit. Wish all of you success and pleasant cooperation with the team of winners, hope for a long-term partnership. Please, register in our company and participate actively.
With great respect, team of company VaBank.


Finally, the last addition to Standard Listing on the MNO monitor today is StrongHoldings. I’m sure that many of you heard that just recently some more domain extensions were available for purchase and the admin of StrongHoldings apparently grabbed this opportunity with both hands to secure the somewhat quirky .holdings extension for his site. Apart from that unusual, but honestly irrelevant feature, StrongHoldings is a very well built program with nice graphic design and instantly processed payouts. While accepting PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin payment processors starting from $15 minimum the admin asks also for a 15 hour maximum processing time for all BitCoin withdrawals and any other withdrawals left unprocessed for some reason – the very majority of the withdrawals are processed instantly anyway. That instant payment feature will definitely attract lots of investors who like participating in such new (the program just launched yesterday) and quality short-term programs like StrongHoldings. As for the investment plans, they are quite simple – you either pick the one to be paid from 24% to 30% daily for 5 calendar days or go with the slighter bigger returns which will give you an opportunity to earn from 130% to 144% return on the expiry of the same 5-calendar day period. I’ll have a closer look at the investment plans in the upcoming review of StrongHoldings on MNO in a couple of days, although I already noticed some discrepancy in the on expiry plans which possibly make the risk of being paid on expiry not worth taking. StrongHoldings is running off a familiar licensed GoldCoders script, the site is SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection by BlackLotus. The admin is quite active already while keeping communication with members of variable social networking platforms, and I guess his advertising efforts to be listed on MNO monitor will not go unnoticed either. I’ll have more details for you soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, GramStock, Eblone, Exellers, ForexStructure,  AssuredAssets.
From MNO Standard list: AdShareCycler (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest.

That is all for this April Fool’s Day. Unlike any other media everything that is posted on my blog today is true. The industry seems to be getting more active these days so in order not to miss anything please follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter where I always post links to all the reviews. You can also try the subscription option on top on my main blog page for a very easy sign-up process to get updates sent to your email every day powered by FeedBurner. As there was too much to report tonight, I decided to postpone the results of my poll till tomorrow, so you have the last chance to vote on your opinion of seasonal factors affecting the HYIP industry on the MNO TalkBack page. Thanks to all for staying active on MNO ShoutBox and keep in touch with me by sending your emails. I am always grateful to work for you, guys, and hopefully MNO will guide you to better earnings every day! Thanks for reading and for all your support and see you all tomorrow!

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