Apr 2nd, 2014 Archives

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Beware! AdShareCycler has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Mid week already but so far it hasn’t been particularly eventful in the HYIP industry today, but as always it’s never totally asleep so we do have a couple of things to catch up on. I’ve also got the results of the most recent opinion poll from the MNO TalkBack page plus another question that I hope you won’t mind taking a couple of seconds to vote on. That’s all in the news section, but to start today’s update I want to discuss a new addition to the MNO monitor’s Standard List called AdShareCycler. You may very well recognize the name as it’s been listed there for a couple of days now in so called “pre-launch” mode. In other words you could check out the website and maybe open an account there if you liked what you saw, but as an actual online business AdShareCycler wasn’t really doing anything in terms of taking and paying active investments until now. The admin was trying to create a certain amount of hype around the program and used some very colorful language in promoting it as an advertising platform and seems ready to get started properly now.

It’s a difficult one to predict really, as are all HYIPs of course but in the case of AdShareCycler I genuinely can’t say if this type of program, i.e. alleged advertising platforms, are all that popular anymore. In much the same as autosurf sites which once formed a major part of the industry so rare now – people simply caught on to the fact that they were all simply games and the act of looking at ads by itself never did a damn thing to generate money for the members – and so nobody is interested in participating in the charade anymore. Personally I’m speaking as a monitor here and not an investor, so my own approach is going to be to regard AdShareCycler as any other regular HYIP, and I suggest you do the same. So let’s get down to the figures then and see what exactly AdShareCycler are going to offer investors in return for signing up.

Starting with the investment plans, at first glance this might look a little over complicated but that’s just because it’s organized differently to the programs you might be more accustomed to playing with. You can join AdShareCycler for a minimum of $5, but rather than investing in it you buy shares. So every share is priced at $5 a piece, meaning then that you can only spend in multiples of $5, such as $5, $10, $15, $20, and so on like that. There is no upper limit to the amount of shares you can buy.

What happens next is that you receive interest payments every 30 minutes until such a time as you reach a total of 150% on your initial investment. Payments are made round the clock, 24 hours per day, but the rate will depend on what day of the week it is. But basically for a full 24 hour period payments are made in small increments to eventually add up to 5% per day on business days (Monday to Friday), and 2% per day over the weekend. It depends then on exactly what day of the week you join AdShareCycler before reaching your final target of 150%, but an approximate time frame would be around five and a half weeks.

Before we continue though you should be aware that this is an extremely simplified version of what really happens. In actuality you don’t really see a straight return of your principal plus 50% net profit, and there are several other rules in play here. First of all the most important rule concerns compulsory re-investment. Your earnings in theory remain your property, but your just not allowed to spend them as you may wish. Withdrawals are split along a 75:25 ratio between you and AdShareCycler, with 75% of the money going to you and the remaining 25% being re-invested for another cycle. OK, you’ll still get it back in the end assuming AdShareCycler is still online and it will bring you more than what it’s costing you (as you continue earning interest on it) but it might not be what you were hoping for upon joining. More recent comers to the HYIP industry might be surprised to learn that this was actually quite a common practice among programs several years ago. It was never particularly popular mind, but it did I must admit help many programs survive longer than what was expected and continue making payouts after the program might have otherwise closed. The re-investment process is not automated by the way, and must be carried out by the individual investor. However don’t be fooled by the fact that just because the process is manual that’s it’s also somehow voluntary. It isn’t. It’s definitely mandatory and you will not be allowed any other option that to make a 25% re-investment so just get on with it and don’t waste your time trying to find some way of getting around it.

For example then, let’s say you’ve ended up with $100 to withdraw from AdShareCycler. You will only receive $75 at first, with the remaining $25 going back into the program. You will continue to receive the same interest rates of either 2% or 5% per day depending on the day of the week, so ultimately you will get the rest of your money back like that. Just as it was in the old days I don’t see anything changing with the public perception of that rule, i.e. yes it will protect against hit-and-runners, yes it will benefit the program’s longer term cash flow, and no, it still won’t be popular with investors!

In addition to that your earnings are subject to a whopping 8% withdrawal fee, so for every $100 you think you’re getting, you are in fact only going to see $92. This is another way in which AdShareCycler hopes to limit the attraction of the hit-and-run strategy, which of course it will do, but I just hope it doesn’t limit the appeal of the overall program to regular investors as well.

The next rule of major importance to you is that while interest payments are credited to your AdShareCycler account every 30 minutes, you are technically free to withdraw that interest at any time that suits you. In practice there is a minimum withdrawal requirement in place however, so you must allow at least $2 to build up in your account before taking it out. Obviously this affects smaller investors a lot more, but as no one can sit in front of their computer like that permanently making withdrawals it shouldn’t be a major problem even for them.

So if all of that makes sense to you as I hope it does, then you’ll probably want to hear what your payment options are. I have to say this is probably where AdShareCycler has the edge over many of the new programs starting up these days. PerfectMoney and EgoPay are both included which is fine, but as many of you will know by now neither is entirely suitable for American investors. In this case AdShareCycler have added Payeer which while very much an option, I wouldn’t say it’s all that popular. So the solution here is adding SolidTrustPay which has been done and will make the program infinitely more accessible not just to a wider audience but a bigger spending one as well. STP have as most account holders there will know been very selective in the HYIPs they will allow, however AdShareCycler don’t market themselves as an investment program, don’t offer you any guarantees on either your principal or your income, and don’t offer refunds. Let the buyer beware then as the expression goes, and under those circumstances it seems the use of STP is fine. Payouts to members are handled manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your private AdShareCycler members area. Once done they are generally speaking completed very quickly, mostly within eight hours. That’s not explicitly guaranteed however so you should still allow anything up to a maximum of 24 hours before making any complaints.

Moving on then to the technical, security, and design side of things, while the AdShareCycler website itself is well enough put together and well built, there’s also some very definite room for improvement. To be exact, the website currently has no form of secure layer SSL encryption. In addition to that it’s also hosted on a shared server, rarely a good idea in the HYIP industry where the only programs that avoid malicious attacks are the ones that aren’t any good. AdShareCycler does at least have some form of DDoS protection supported by CloudFlare so we can hope that’s enough for the moment until the admin sorts these issues out. On a purely cosmetic level there are some frankly shocking spelling mistakes in key areas. Not just simple typos that anyone can make, myself included, but pretty big and glaringly obvious ones across the top page headlines which would only serve to make the program look sloppy and unprofessional. I mean I’m not trying to make a big deal out of nothing here, but it’s only that as the admin was trying to build up such hype around the program being launched one would have thought that things like that would have been fixed long before the general public were invited t start spending money there. The website is running off a licensed version of the script from 2gosoft. This won’t be a name you’ll have seen on MNO before, however it specializes in powering profit sharing programs which generally wouldn’t usually be listed on my monitor. If you have any questions or comments for the admin then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online e-mail support form and submitting it through the contacts page. For Live Support AdShareCycler have a Skype account you can try, though no information on whatever working hours are being kept there. Users of social networking sites will be able to find AdShareCycler keeping a profile on Facebook, though for the moment it literally is just a page because there’s been no activity there as of yet. Buttons are displayed for Twitter and Yahoo but are not “live” and don’t actually lead you anywhere. If they happen to be added in the future I’ll make sure you hear about it on MNO first.

As many of you (I’m guessing) won’t be familiar with the script AdShareCycler runs off, I just want to say a few quick words on what you might find in your member’s account area. To be honest, and I’m not trying to gloss over the subject or anything, but there isn’t really very much to see with regards to the practical features that you wouldn’t find in some shape or form in any typical HYIP, it’s just organized a bit differently here. In many ways though I’d say it’s better, and once you get used to the layout you’ll find it more detailed but still very easy to navigate.

The main thing you need to watch out for here is the process of joining and spending. In order to invest with AdShareCycler you see it is first required to fund your account wallet with the amount you wish to spend. Then you need to re-direct that money into the purchase of shares. So on the right hand side of your members area you will see the heading “Wallet”. Underneath that is the subsection “Add Money”. Click on this to first fund your account. Then you go to the heading marked “Purchase”, and look for the subsection marked “Buy Ad Shares” to make the actual investment and start earning interest.

But being allegedly an advertising platform what you do find that’s different is the various sections where you can manage your own ads portfolio if you have one. I don’t know how useful this is to the average investor because out of all the similar programs I’ve monitored over the years I never once remember readers expressing any interest in that side of things whatsoever, but if you have your own website for example you can advertise it there. More of you might be slightly more interested in advertising a ref link to another program you are in however. Just be aware that although the AdShareCycler script does include a built-in surfing platform, there isn’t any requirement on members ever to surf, view someone else’s advertisements, or even log into your account at all except to make a withdrawal.

As far as any alleged business activities go, I mentioned above that AdShareCycler try to distance themselves from the usual high risk HYIPs in the traditional sense, but to be honest there’s really no other way I can describe them. I mean they work along entirely the same premise that involves you investing money from your own pocket, the admin claiming he can do something with that money to make a profit, and giving you a slice of it in return for taking the gamble. Whether you believe the bit in the middle or not isn’t really relevant to how the actual mechanics of the industry work. But for the record we are informed that AdShareCycler is as the name implies an advertising site. How exactly this is supposed to be a sure fire way to generate money with no risk whatsoever to the person financing it, i.e. you, is unexplained. Well, obviously it can’t be explained as it isn’t possible. As HYIPs go I guess it’s fair to say that the admin has made a decent enough attempt at setting AdShareCycler apart from other programs, it certainly doesn’t look much like anything else and the plan is quite individual, but you still need to be careful at all times with everything you do in this industry. Just because admins don’t like to talk about risk doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think very carefully about it when joining their programs, AdShareCycler included. So always establish a sensible spending limit based on your personal means and that you can comfortably afford to lose, and if you do decide to join AdShareCycler at all then at least try to remember about putting all the eggs in one basket and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Sometimes I really believe that the admin of the above reviewed AdShareCycler lives in the past when the golden era of paid-to-click style programs lasted for years and thrived based on the constant spamming of their services in all sorts of marketing and brain-washing junk emails. I really don’t like such an attitude in promotion and really don’t think that an admin has to post all this nonsense daily, especially considering his program will certainly not last forever, and there will be winners and losers whenever the end comes. I seriously believe issuing such promo emails too frequently might have the reverse effect on numbers joining AdShareCycler compared to what the admin is hoping for. In any case I’ll re-post the latest newsletter from adShareCycler below just to give you an idea what I mean:

Welcome to all our new members!
Paul you’re at the right place to make a lot of money, with fun and by doing very simple tasks upgrade invite your friends to sign up with your referral link if you want to make more money thusstarts earning referral bonus – amazing!!!
And withdrawals from the AdShareCycler system will be paid every 8 hrs that is three time daily
Paul what do you do now?
– tell everyone you know about AdShareCycler so they can make quick and easy money also
– tell your prospects and referrals who have been waiting to get in
Healthy growth promotes more money and prosperity for everyone, so get ready for Great times ahead for AdShareCycler!!!
AdShareCycler system is going to be absolutely fantastic, especially with the highly advanced
advertising system, in which you get to spend your credit, so hold onto your seats, folks!
It’s really true, and people are already taking full advantage of this system in big numbers –
All the components of an Amazing System is LAUNCH!!!
Tell your teams to GO GO GO! Keep Building Your Business! Making Money! At AdShareCycler!
Where EVERYONE makes money!
Let me tell you this Paul. There is no such things as a free ride in Internet business. You have to put in money, time and effort to market your business or products – there are no two ways about it. The people who make the most money online have all worked hard (or smart) to get where they are now – they either have lots of money to invest in various high return programs or they have a huge list to market to – do you have either of those?
If you are yet to buy adshare these is the right moment to do so.
List building is key to succeeding online as is being able to generate lots of traffic. These are not things that happen overnight, they are built over time. If you commit a certain amount of time per day to marketing your business AdShareCycler. The more you put it out there the more you will succeed.
That’s right, just by promoting your web sites AdSHareCycler to others, you can earn a lot from referral!
Yes, you have to do something that you might never have done before, by telling other people about this business opportunity, but it’s quite easy use all your social handle {FACEBOOK,TWITTER,LINKS,EMAIL LIST,AND MANY OTHER}. Success will surly come.
Working for our wealth and success,
Good Luck remain Bless
Regards. Alan Kimpel
Admin : AdShareCycler.


I remember that the admin of InvGlobal promised to add PexPay and SolidTrustPay to the list of payment processors just a few weeks ago. Well, apparently it didn’t work well with their STP account verification and in a disappointing newsletter issued today he reported instead of adding PexPay and Payeer which combined have far less investors than STP itself. Moreover it looks like OkPay instructed InvGlobal to remove their name from the payment services as well which the admin fully complied with (though a choice in the matter was unlikely) and also mentioned this in the newsletter:

Payeer And Pexpay Added While Okpay No Longer Accepted
Dear valued members,
Now we accept Payeer and Pexpay as our new processors. Meanwhile,we received a mail from Okpay.
“You need to urgently disable the acceptance of payments in OKPAY currency on your website, remove all the graphics and any mention of the OKPAY. Your type of business is no longer supported by our payment system. Please fulfill the required conditions and to stop accepting payments via OKPAY. ”
We have to remove Okpay from our payment system. If you have already made a deposit via Okpay, please contact us.
Best Regards. InvGlobal Ltd

I remind you that InvGlobal (reviewed here) has become one of the major players among longer term programs having lasted for over 200 days already while constantly paying investors instantly without any major issues. The current list of payment processors you can join InvGlobal with starting from a $10 minimum includes PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and PexPay. The investment plans include 1.2%-2.5% for 120 business days and your original principal is returned on expiry as well. The first investment cycle in InvGlobal was finished just a few weeks ago and the program keeps impressing with instant payouts brought it to a well deserved #4 spot on the MNO Premium List.


Eblone perhaps can be called the most technocratic program among all the HYIPs I’ve ever seen. The programming team seem to be constantly working on unimaginable improvements of the GoldCoders script the program originally was based on, now totally unrecognizable from the member’s area. This needs to be maintained carefully and today Eblone came one step closer to being the most convenient mobile user-friendly program by introducing an iPhone Application which any active investor of the program can download from the iTunes website. The link to this exciting new app has been presented in the latest newsletter from Eblone released tonight:

Eblone Announces launch of iPhone Application
Today, Eblone announced the much awaited release of a new iPhone application that integrates its multiple services into a single interface, making it easy for iPhone user to manage their Investment Funds, Affiliates, and more. To use the application, iPhone user simply need make the download of app on Apple Store.
To accomplish this, Eblone is taking advantage of browser technologies that made our Investment Tracker Platform possible on the phone. In supporting these advances in web technology, the iPhone’s Safari browser not only delivers an excellent mobile Internet experience; it enabled our product and engineering teams to create an optimal investment experience on a mobile device.
Download Application Here
Note that as this app is a convenient way to operate your Eblone account, however it does not all functions available in the full web based version.
Thank you for choosing Eblone.
Eblone Team

Eblone has been working for over four months now having hit some bumps in the road near the beginning but the admin still managed to get the program back on track after some huge DDoS attacks. Now Eblone is widely regarded as one of the most respected performers online paying instantly to investors via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and even Bank Wires, Western Union transfers and Skrill. The minimum to invest in Eblone starts from $50 and the program has three investment plans to choose from, each of them returning your original investment on expiry – 1.3% for 60 business days, 1.5% for 90 business days, 1.7% for 120 business days. To read more on Eblone‘s investment plans and more on its unique features please check out my detailed review posted here.


Ok, I guess it’s time to check the results of the recent poll which was held on the MNO TalkBack page for about ten days or so. I asked you – Do you still think seasonal factors apply to the HYIP industry anymore? And seeing the results of the poll I must say that they are very divisive with no clear majority. 35% say seasonal factors always influenced the HYIP industry and will always do so, while an equal number of 35% also said they believe the changing seasons has little effect on the industry anymore since the LR collapse last May. The remaining 30% of voters don’t believe seasonal factors influence the HYIP industry at all. Well, if you want to know my opinion on the subject I believe that the seasonal factors used to play a major role in how you should play with HYIPs (especially true of shorter term games), but now I watched the industry evolving for nearly a year now without a clear leader in the payment processor field and can see it’s not such a big deal anymore. Whether it’s going to change back in the future I have no idea. I suspect it might but as the HYIP industry is constantly evolving it’s really hard to predict where it’s going to shift next. I guess that’s why it’s so exciting and thrilling to be a part of it and monitor its constant ever-changing patterns. I hope I will be doing so for much longer as well.

Let’s move on to the next question for the MNO TalkBack page now, and again it will run for about maybe a week or so. One of the most intriguing phenomena to hit the online world in recent years, and I’m not just talking about the HYIP industry here, has been the emergence of crypto-currencies. Ok, so I use the expression “crypto-currencies” as if there were lots of them (indeed there are several), but one name alone is almost synonymous with the entire business, and that of course is BitCoin. Love it, hate it, or simply feel neutral towards it, there’s absolutely no way you can ignore it. And although I wouldn’t claim to know enough about BitCoin itself to offer an opinion on its long term future, whether it’s still going to be around in ten years or not doesn’t change the fact that what the creators of BitCoin have done is to change the face of online business forever. I mean maybe we don’t all see any impact in our daily lives, maybe this will take many years to become apparent, but what I’m really talking about here is the pioneering work that’s been started by BitCoin and will never ever be undone regardless of whatever role BitCoin itself will play. I’m kinda tempted to call it a sort of “Pandora’s Box” though I think too many people see this as a negative expression, but my point is that once the concept of unregulated non-government controlled or issued currencies that are freely traded by private individuals across the globe.

Specifically then what I really want to ask you for the next opinion poll regards your own use of BitCoin. Do you like it? Do you even care about it? What I’m more interested in however is not so much whether you have an account or not, but what role you yourself see BitCoin playing in your own activities in the HYIP industry. I’m going to break this down into two questions for you then, starting with:
Do you own a BitCoin account?

The answers are:
a) Yes, I use it regularly.
b) Yes, but I rarely use it.
c) No, but I intend to get one sometime.
d) No, I’m not really interested.

The second half of the question relates to your use of BitCoin in the HYIP industry. It doesn’t just apply to those who own accounts, but to everyone who either uses it, doesn’t use it, or deliberately intends for or against it in the future. The question goes as follows:
Do you use BitCoin to invest with HYIPs?

And the answers are:
a) Yes, whenever I get the chance.
b) Yes, sometimes but not regularly.
c) No, I prefer the traditional payment processors.

I’d really appreciate your active participation on MNO TalkBack once again and look forward to drawing the results of the BitCoin related poll sometimes next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, GramStock, Eblone, Exellers, ForexStructure,  AssuredAssets, VaBank (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: GrandForexLimited, AdShareCycler, StrongHoldings (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, WisesTrade (the first instant payments received).

That’s all to report for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and return tomorrow for more. The scheduled review for tomorrow is on VaBank which already proved a popular choice among my readers. If you wish to know my opinion then please visit MNO tomorrow or subscribe to my daily news using the form on top of the blog main page to get daily updates from the HYIP industry direct to your email every day. Don’t forget to check my monitoring page before joining anything for the most up-to-date status of all the biggest programs in the HYIP world! Good luck with your investments and see you all tomorrow!

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