Apr 11th, 2014 Archives

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Hi everybody! As it’s Friday already I hope you’re all looking forward to your weekend, whatever you happen to be getting up to. There’s a few stories to catch up with in the HYIP industry as we shall see, and in today’s issue you will read the latest updates on AssuredAssets, AdShareCycler, FinMutual, BTCArbs, and XAxisInc, plus we will see the results of the last poll posted on MNO TalkBack page with the new question for your consideration.

I’m still enjoying a vacation along the magnificent Bay of Biscay and my next stop is Bilbao – a center of the Basque culture and the largest city in the region. I can’t wait to see the legendary Guggenheim Museum and hike the green mountains surrounding the city and learn more of its history along the way. The last two days were quiet enough in the industry but all the programs listed on my monitor are paying fine and that’s the most important thing for sure. Stability is vital in making this a successful time online investors.


You might remember from my detailed review of AssuredAssets (published here) that the program only started out by using PerfectMoney and EgoPay which totally barred all US residents from joining this promising new long-term program. Fortunately, the admin seemed to be listening to the critics and working behind the scenes to bring new payment options like Payeer and BitCoin that have been recently added. From now you can join AssuredAssets starting with a $50 minimum into the 0.8%-1.4% for 190 business days with the principal back on expiry using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin funds. As you can imagine the process of investing with crypto currencies like BitCoin is a bit different compared to the more traditional processors. Being a separate if entirely virtual currency in its own right, BitCoin to dollar exchange rates must first be considered before you can join. Calculations are made by the script which then tells you which BitCoin wallet to pay to in order to have your deposit added. I can only guess that due to the nature of BitCoin withdrawals they will not be processed instantly unlike those via Payeer, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay which usually take place in under a minute. In the update posted on its news section the administration of AssuredAssets reported a test mode in which deposits and withdrawals via BitCoin are running. For more on that please read below:

New payment system for AssuredAssets’s clients
Dear Clients and Partners, thank you for continued confidence in AssuredAssets. We are pleased to announced that according to your requests, we started offering a new method of depositing into a personal account and withdrawing funds. Now you have the opportunity to use the Bitcoin system. Please take into consideration that Bitcoin option is available in test mode. We will continue to increase the level of our service. For further information about the payment system you can visit the official Bitcoin website.
With best regards, IT Department Team.


The admin of FinMutual warned everyone last night about the short maintenance that would make the site inaccessible today. That just proved the attentive approach of the admin that won the hearts and wallets of hundreds of investors already who trusted FinMutual enough to join thier 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days plan with at least $25 deposits via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, OkPay, BitCoin. LiteCoin, or Payeer. The addition of Payeer actually led to an entire overhaul of the script which the admin in collaboration with the creator of the ShadowScript have successfully completed. FinMutual (reviewed here) has paid on time for nearly nine months already and rightly takes the #2 position right behind DublinCryptoriumLimited on the MNO Premium List. Read the latest short update from FinMutual below:

FinMutual Upcoming Maintenance
We will be conducting maintenance later today on the server DNS. The site will go offline for a short period of time, and when it comes back online the site may not be accessible immediately worldwide. Thank you for bearing with us through the upcoming short maintenance period.


Due to the high volatility of the BitCoin markets over the last couple of days and value dropping to below $400 the admin of BTCArbs had positive news on profits for Wednesday and Thursday for investors. So on Thursday members got a whopping 2.75% return on their investment, something that didn’t happen for quite a long time. Wednesday saw a more typical rate of 1%. In the latest newsletter posted on the Results page of BTCArbs website the admin also called on investors to increase security with the 2-Factor Authentication tool freely available from Google and also covers the latest BitCoin related news. Those involved in BitCoin trading as BTCArbs (reviewed here) allegedly is, might know what the advantages of this market are and if it’s really possible to get between 0.1% to 10% profits daily on a consistent basis. The question is whether BTCArbs is really doing so. I doubt it very much, however, that doesn’t stop the program from being a fantastic investment opportunity for those looking to stay in control of their funds and be able to withdraw their funds at any time they like. Already during BTCArbs‘ first 52 days online and its exclusive paid listing on MNO monitor (I’ll ask your opinion about such types of listing on the TalkBack page today) hundreds of investors saw significant profits to their SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin, and PerfectMoney accounts, although I can imagine the $50 minimum deposit put some people off. Now that the admin proved what he’s capable of I believe the higher percentage might entice some investors who had already left the program back into it with even bigger deposits. The latest trading reports from BTCArbs posted at the end of the last two days are below:

Wednesday 9th April 2014 – 1.00%
Over the past few days, the Bitcoin Industry has experienced a number of security concerns, particularly the Heartbleed bug, which resulted in Bitstamp blocking logins for nearly a full day. As of now, it has been restored, however we’re somewhat surprised that it didn’t have a larger impact on the markets. We were hoping for a massive drop, followed by a nice climb once the issue had been addressed, however it seems that the Bitcoin markets are too stubborn and satisfied with the current price to do that. Luckily it did move a few percentage points, allowing us to barely get the day’s return up to 1%.
In light of the recent security concerns that have impacted the entire Internet, I would like to remind everyone about the importance of keeping their BTCArbs account safe. The best way to do so, is by implementing Google 2-Factor Authentication. By doing so, you ensure that even if someone is able to obtain your password, your account will be secure.

Thursday 10th April 2014 – 2.75%
Before getting into today’s results, I would like to remind everyone that the best way to keep their account safe is to use 2-Factor Authentication. For some reason, quite a large number of users have chosen not to use this free service (Offered by Google), which is offered exclusively for your benefit. When dealing with Bitcoin, it is incomprehensible why anyone would choose not to use 2-Factor, when it essentially guarantees the security of your account. As we have grown in size, there has been increasing number of phishing emails and other attempts to steal users’ passwords. Our system is designed to be secure, and we provide the tools to help you keep your account secure, however some users would rather take the risk than spend 5 mins learning how to properly secure their account. The above reminder applies not only to our site, but EVERY bitcoin related site. Whether it be Coinbase, Blockchain.info, Bitstamp, BTCe, you should ALWAYS use 2-Factor authentication.
With that out of the way, lets look at what has happened in the Bitcoin industry overnight. As you have likely all noticed, the price has plummeted again, this time from $450 to $380, in a matter of hours. It seems that the news out of China is real, and that Chinese banks will soon begin blocking all Bitcoin related transactions. Since a large portion of Bitcoin users are Chinese, the market is concerned that this change will drive the price down further. The good news for us is that it has created an incredible opportunity, with spreads as large as $25 between the major exchanges occurring over the past 12 hours. After days of mediocre results, today’s result is much appreciated and a nice boost for our earnings. The result for today is 2.75%.


Almost rabid excitement about his own program but with very little else of any substance seems to be the way AdShareCycler and its admin continue with the frequent but rather shallow newsletters. There isn’t really much to differentiate this latest newsletter which I’m re-publishing for you below and pretty much every other update from them, so all I can really comment on is to remind you how the program works (which is something missing from the newsletter itself I might add). AdShareCycler was first reviewed on MNO here so check that for more detailed info. For now I’ll just recap that they position themselves as an advertising platform rather than a HYIP, though works 100% along the same premise of you giving them a certain amount of money in the hope that they will return a bigger amount. I must admit AdShareCycler have an interesting take on how they organize their plan, which pays members 2% on weekend days, 5% on business days, makes the payments in smaller increments every 30 minutes, until such a time as you reach 150% through PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, or Western Union transfers. This is not the full amount you receive however as AdShareCycler impose a 75/25 compulsory re-purchase rule (that’s 75% for you and 25% re-invested, so you will at least still earn from it) and charge an 8% fee on all withdrawals:

AdShareCycler is likely to become”the program everyone in the know joins.”
Welcome to all our new members!
The most important thing for new members to realize is that you can earn a great deal with AdShareCycler. On our payout page you can see that our top earners . you too can bee in these group.
It’s very easy to make money with AdShareCycler
The AdShareCycler System is working well. All members who create their AdShareCycler accounts who also fund their E wallet, They can immediately buy a Ad Share position and start earning up to 5% per day! been paid every 30 minutes
Please tell your prospects that if they create their new AdShareCycler accounts, they should fund their e wallet ” to get started.
We also continue to promote AdShareCycler on HYIP monitoring sites. By voting for AdShareCycler you can improve our degree of success.
AdShareCycler is likely to become”the program everyone in the know joins.”
If you join immediately, you can tell your friends and contacts about it… before they join under someone else.
Working for our wealth and success, Alan Kimpel
Admin: AdShareCycler


In the last news update on MNO there was another entirely different problem facing the members of XAxisInc. That was of course that the website was offline so no one could access their accounts. While obviously I’m pleased this issue has been resolved and the program returned to Paying Status on the MNO monitor, this does not by itself make XAxisInc a safe place to invest. Not anymore anyway, because despite running since the beginning of February it looks as if the strain being put on the admin to keep up the payments to members is finally getting to be too much. I’ll remind you that the available plans offered terms of 1% for 15 business days, 2% for 30 business days, 3% for 45 business days, 4% for 60 business days, all with principal back. The latest newsletter from the XAxisInc admin contained next to nothing in terms of actual news, but was rather entirely made up of one long and thinly veiled plea for more money. They are claiming that deposits (or should I say donations!) of $50 and more will be given a 50% bonus. This “offer” is only valid for five days, at which time I think we’ll see the true nature of the Program. You’d be better advised to avoid such bonus offers at all costs as from experience most of the investors around the industry will tell you that such things are usually a sign of an imminent scam. It was very curious though, maybe hopeful or even prophetic, that in the newsletter that the admin claims she herself is “guaranteed to make over $12,000 from this ‘amazing’ offer”. Well, I’ll bet she is! You the investor however will have no such good fortune, let me assure you. XAxisInc is still on Paying Status on my monitor where it will stay as long as members are being paid, but I wouldn’t bet on that being the case for very much longer. The writing’s on the wall as they say, and you’re advised to at the very least step back from investments here at the very least for the time being. You’ve been warned! For information purposes only I’m including the latest update from XAxisInc (reviewed here) below. How you take it is up to you, but I do hope it’s with a pinch of salt:

Hi everyone, Welcome to XAXISINC‘s 3rd Month Online, we are doing great and i hope you are all enjoying the site. I have special surprise for you more loyal members of the site. Sometimes we will give out bonuses and extra profit, but because we have a fantastic chance to earn well this week on the market i am adding A SPECIAL BONUS to the site for 5 days only. So for the next 5 days you will be able to get a 50% bonus on deposits of $50 or over, after 5 days that BONUS will no long be available to anyone. I myself stand to make over $12,000 profit from this amazing chance on the market that is Guaranteed.
This BONUS will get you a 50% deposit bonus. An Example: you deposit $50 and that $50 changes to $75. Another example: You deposit $200, that become $300, you just add 50%. I will be checking deposits regularly so i will see who deposits $50 or more.
It’s not often that we get these chances to make huge gains on the market, but this week is one of those CHANCES.
Have a good week everyone, be sure to invest and take up this BONUS OFFER opportunity.
Admin Lizzy


The last item up for discussion tonight then is the opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page. This week I’ve been asking readers two questions, both in relation to what I suppose is the latest internet phenomena BitCoin. Love it, hate it, have no opinion on it, but surely everyone playing the HYIP industry has at least heard of it. The most recent question then for the opinion poll was broken down into two sections, asking whether you used BitCoin at all in the first place, and then asking if you used them for HYIPs. The first question was:
Do you own a BitCoin account?
Answers were split quite finely between those who use it all the time and those who have no interest in BitCoin at all. Apparently there seems to be no middle ground here!
Answers were: 54% say “No, I’m not really that interested“, with the remaining 46% voting “Yes, I use it regularly”. For the record the other two choices were “Yes, but I rarely use it” and “No, but I intend to get one sometime” received zero votes.

The following question then was that if you do have a BitCoin account, do you use it for joining HYIPs if HYIPs accept them? So the question asked was:
Do you use BitCoin to invest with HYIPs?
And people responded as follows, with an equally diverse mix. The runaway winner here with 70% of the vote was for the option: “No, I prefer the traditional payment processors”.
The remaining voters were split equally between 15% saying “Yes, sometimes but not regularly” and 15% saying “Yes, whenever I get the chance”. Despite being in the minority then, I still think that’s enough to say that BitCoin is still having a significant impact on the industry.

So for the next question, I want to remind users about HYI programs that were monitored “exclusively” by MNO in the past. GNI (GoldNuggetInvest) was kind of the biggest, running for 18 months and putting lots of readers in profit, but also the “NewGNI” version which was also exclusively listed here and ran for another 12 months. So is it a good idea or not? Having a program with just one single monitor? I mean we’ve all seen programs with literally dozens of monitors listed, but when most of us never even heard of half of them you know that it’s clearly a waste of money (which is financed by investors whether they know it or not). Given that this is a drain on the program’s resources and doesn’t always benefit the members, do you think it’s better that a program only pay to one monitor, as long as it’s one that you trust? More recently for example, BTCArbs is currently one of the most successful programs around, and hugely popular with MNO readers. How did the admin achieve such good results for both his program and its members? Not by adding monitors I can tell you, as to date MNO remains the only official and exclusive monitor covering the program. And it doesn’t seem to have done them any harm.

The exact question then will be:
Would you find it easier to trust a program listed only on MNO and nowhere else?

And the possible answers are:
a) Yes, too many monitors are unnecessary.
b) No, the more monitors the better.
c) Maybe, but the number of monitors wouldn’t have any influence.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, RockwellPartners, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, GramStock, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, VaBank, Eblone, ForexStructure, AssuredAssets.
From MNO Standard listGrandForexLimited, AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, OdgenOrganization.

That’s about all for today guys. Enjoy your coming weekend as I know I’m sure looking forward to the next few days exploring the mountains around Bilbao here in the beautiful Basque country and the Bay of Biscay. I know I’ve said this before but despite the vacation I can guarantee readers with 100% certainty that the MNO monitor will always be updated an absolute minimum of once every 24 hours, so even if my blog isn’t the monitor will. That means readers can still be confident that MNO displays the most accurate and up-to-date status on all programs listed there that you will find anywhere in the industry. Thanks for reading, please take a moment to vote in the TalkBack poll, and if you like what you see then don’t forget you can always follow me on Facebook and Twitter where all important articles are featured, or sign up for my e-mail subscription where readers can have all the updates from my blog sent directly to their inboxes. Bye for now, everyone!

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