Apr 25th, 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! I’m writing today sitting from a comfortable train and a nice big window showing the Spanish countryside whizzing past. I’m leaving the beautiful and I must say underrated city of Zaragoza for Lleida. Not for long though as it’s only the starting point of the next stage of my vacation which is to visit Andorra and the Pyrenees mountains. This is one of the only corners left in Europe that I haven’t managed to explore yet so I’m really looking forward to that most of all. And sampling plenty more Spanish wines along the way of course. But first it’s time to take advantage of the peace and quiet you only get on train journeys and get to work. Want to see an unbiased look on everything important that happened in the HYIP industry for the last 48 hours? Then keep reading.


I want to start for today by introducing a brand new short term program called RainbowInvest which joined the MNO Premium List straight after launching today and will be reviewed in more detail tomorrow. It’s a typical program for its class, featuring a decent enough design, running off a licensed GoldCoders script, SSL-secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection provided by Koddos. RainbowInvest accepts investments starting from a $10 minimum and using payment processors that include PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, and BitCoin. One of the investment plans in RainbowInvest which I believe will be the most popular pays you from 29% to 34% daily for a duration of 4 calendar days, providing a possible pure profit from 16% to 36% by expiry. Other investment plans might be less appealing as you have to wait from 4 to 60 calendar days before ever seeing a cent – 120%-140% after 4 days, 152%-200% after 8 days, 244%-340% after 16 days, 484%-800% after 32 days, 1.124%-2,000% after 64 days. The RainbowInvest admin promises pay within 12 hours of your withdrawal request being submitted. More on the program can be read on MNO tomorrow.


The admin of StrongholdFinance Jeremy has announced the recently published review of his program on MNO in the latest newsletter sent last night. You can find the full review of StrongholdFinance here and the newsletter posted below:

StrongholdFinance Detailed Review Published on MNO
Today we would like to announce that StrongholdFinance was reviewed by industries most famous and reliable blogger Paul Abramson as he is always on point with news and tells his honest opinion about programs listed to MNO premium listing. The article is reasonable detailed and you will find the content useful in gaining more information about our program and our opportunity presented to everyone.
Here is the link to the detailed article: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2014/04/23/23042014-strongholdfinance-review-daily-news-hyip-industry/
If you have any more question please contact our support team through email/Skype.
Best Wishes.
Jeremy Turner, StrongholdFinance.

I would like to thank Jeremy for his kind words and hope that StrongholdFinance will become a popular and profitable choice among investors. Anyway, over the last couple of days online the performance has been good so far and I got paid very quickly on the program’s 5% for 31 days plan. As for the second investment plan paying 114% after a period of 10 days it remains to be seen how the admin delivers there. I remind you that for both plans offered by StrongholdFinance you can invest a $10 minimum which will be accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer payment handlers.


I’m pleased to see the admin of FinMutual taking time to write some very informative newsletters, not only concerning his own program but also regarding such important matters as the SolidTrustPay verification process. Over the last 48 hours there were two newsletters sent with one of them was partially dedicated that very subject. You might have noticed that over the last year less and less programs accepting SolidTrustPay, but this has absolutely nothing to do with their popularity as they still remain usable by the majority of MNO readers. Rather it’s more to do with the very strict verification policies imposed by STP over this last year. Therefore it’s mostly only the very experienced admins who can prove they’re talking about real business can have their STP account verified and fully compliant with all the strict rules SolidTrustPay is abiding by BEFORE launching their programs. That is why you might have noticed the pattern of the programs having been becoming extremely popular and successful on MNO simply because they accept STP from the beginning. A perfect example of this is that four of the top five programs on my Premium List (click here to read an article on them) accept STP with fully verified accounts and approved deposit buttons to allow deposits and withdrawals in automated mode. And according to the admin of FinMutual, that doesn’t come easy as SolidTrustPay does require lots of documents to be provided to explain the returns a program is offering members. It’s no guarantee, of course, that such programs will stay paying indefinitely, but it significantly increases their chances of becoming a success in the long run. That’s why it’s my firm belief that a verified STP account is something every admin has to have from the beginning if they really want their programs to be taken seriously by the bigger spending investors and become as popular as FinMutual. Having reached the #3 position on the MNO Premium List, FinMutual‘s position is well deserved after paying flawlessly for over nine months now. Their plan offers 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, PexPay, OkPay, BitCoin and LiteCoin for a $25 minimum.

Speaking of the depositing process, just a couple of days ago the admin introduced a variable weekly bonus that will be credited as part of the deposit to anyone making a new deposit in FinMutual from now on. The bonus might be anything from 5% to 10% and will be credited on each and every new deposit in the program. Therefore a reasonable concern was raised by some investors asking what possible reason was behind offering such an incentive to new investors. Obviously there might be some cashflow issues in FinMutual, otherwise, I can’t see any reasonable explanation as to why the admin would offer such a scheme. Meanwhile, he is anxiously denying such allegations while stating it’s merely an opportunity to provide high earnings to members affected by the recent closures of some big programs. Whether you wish to believe this charitable mood or not is entirely up to you, however one thing is undeniable – FinMutual remains one of the most stable programs online and perhaps, it’s time to evaluate the program’s ability to deliver profits and possibly include it as part of an investment portfolio. The full review of FinMutual can be read here and as for the two latest newsletters I mentioned earlier you can read them both below:

FinMutual Variable Deposit Bonus System
For the past month, we have had a performance based deposit bonus system in place for existing members with active investments (token purchases totaling $5,000 or more). This is a form of a dividend based on our company’s performance each week. Each week there has been a variable deposit bonus which could be 5% or as high as 10% each week. We have decided to open up our performance based deposit bonus system to all our inactive and active members alike as well.
Our deposit bonus active now for our members is 8% this week. For a deposit this week you will receive a 8% deposit bonus. This weeks variable bonus expires Friday, April 25th at 5PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). After this bonus expires, a new variable deposit bonus will be calculated and announced via newsletter shortly after the expiration of this one.
If you have any questions regarding our variable performance based deposit bonus, please open a support ticket or contact us via Skype.

FinMutual Bonus System and STP Verification
We received an overwhelming amount of support tickets with a few popular questions in the majority of them regarding STP verification and our Bonus system we opened up to our whole membership yesterday. First, let us discuss the Bonus system we opened up yesterday to the whole membership base. It is a system that has been in operation for almost a month and it is a variable bonus system which means each week the amount of percentage bonus varies each week. This weeks bonus is 8% which expires tomorrow, Friday, April 25th at 5PM Eastern Daylight Time.
How does it work? We have also been asked. For example, a $1000 deposit would mean you would earn interest on $1080 (a 8% deposit bonus).
Why did we unveil the system yesterday to everyone? We decided to open up the variable bonus system to everyone, so our entire membership can benefit from it and not just a select portion. We also have the resources, time, and labor to now offer it to everyone.
Additionally, several “hyped” programs have collapsed and we also saw this as an offer to offer those former members of those prematurely collapsed programs.
Now onto something that differentiates us from many programs in addition to the time we have spent online paying almost 10,000 members for over 273 days. We get asked if our Solid Trust Pay account is verified. It is very much so verified, which can be simply proven by attempting a deposit through our automated system. It is true Solid Trust Pay verification is even more so difficult to achieve. We have been Solid Trust Pay verified corporate members for almost a year now, but a few weeks ago we received the following email from Solid Trust Pay:
“We would like to ask if you could please send any forex trading documents, proof of sustainability and evidence to support the return of investment percentages that your site advertises.
Unfortunately if any company asked for this proof, is not able to produce proper, adequate evidence of trading reports, forex reports, business activity, or how they’re able to sustain themselves, it will result in the button request being declined, or turned off.”
After providing that evidence, the next email came from Solid Trust Pay:
“In correlation to your business account, could you also provide the following for our records:
-An overall explanation/model of the business you have
-Company’s name, corporate registration, EIN number ”
We provided the above and became newly compliant with their new stricter policies.
Proof of business activity and sustainability is almost impossible for the majority of our competition if not almost all of them. And even older programs like ours are not immune to changing strict policies. We are now of course fully compliant with Solid Trust Pay and this can be seen by our automated Solid Trust Pay deposit feature in your members area. If you need to make a deposit manually to a program, they are not Solid Trust Pay compliant. All programs are required to become compliant with Solid Trust Pay or risk suspension, older and new.
Thank you for choosing FinMutual as your top investment choice for over 273 days and growing. We hope this newsletter has been able to clarify numerous aspects of FinMutual for you.


After several days of silence Eblone was like a voice from the grave when they issued a newsletter today. Of course no pending payments are processed yet, but there’s plenty of useless excuses and stories of betrayal we had to listen to. Seriously, sometimes I think we’re watching some soap opera where sob stories and villains are plentiful, but substance is missing. Beware, guys, and do not invest in Eblone scam. I’m re-posting the latest email just for informational purposes:

What’s going on?
We are so sorry for problems you may observed in these few days. Unfortunately one of our workers who had the top level access to site, made some bad moves. He betrayed us and our customers. He respond to emails with bad words. We will reveal his information soon. We are changing all accounts, please let us know you when you can deposit and withdraw your money again. Our Payeer account is already changed. We will put some temporarily account soon for other e-currencies.
Please be calm, everything will fixed soon. We have many great new ideas. We sure we will make you very good experiences soon. Eblone is still alive.
Thank you for choosing Eblone.
Eblone Team


Two more programs collapsed yesterday which I immediately moved to Problem status on my monitor before placing them on Scam status today. These are BlocLimited and AmazingProfitClub.

When it comes to BlocLimited it looks like the admin planned a fast scam right from the beginning, or else was simply too greedy and didn’t want to keep going. Otherwise I have no idea why he pulled the plug and stopped paying just after nine days online. I can also speculate that some people invested big amounts in BlocLimited and that was enough for the admin while covering all his expenses. I was surely disappointed by that decision as BlocLimited might potentially have been a hit with moderately profitable plans and a nice set-up with. Unfortunately we have what we have and BlocLimited is still online and accepting deposits while not paying to anyone, so please be aware of this and do not invest there!

As for AmazingProfitClub, the situation was totally different as I was in touch with the admin at all times while he explained why the program couldn’t go on. Apparently the site security was compromised and someone managed to access the admin’s panel and change the settings. The hacker also sent a message to everyone announcing a so-called Turbo plan paying 100% after an hour on investments up to $100. From the admin’s words, he discovered this nonsense only a couple of hours later when he closed the stupid plan and sent another newsletter announcing as much. Judging by the fact that the AmazingProfitClub website disappeared shortly after my conversation with the admin I don’t think he has a reason to lie. Perhaps it was true that his admin’s account was compromised and the site become vulnerable to a hacker. Whether it was GoldCoders’, the hosting provider’s or the admin’s own fault remains to be seen, but we should remember that many programs are prone to such attacks, so security should always come first at all times. Although I can’t say that AmazingProfitClub was as bad as BlocLimited (after all, it lasted for the full week which was enough for at least some investors to profit), but it’s really unfortunate it had to end like this. Hopefully, the admin of AmazingProfitClub has learnt some valuable lessons and will deliver a better project next time.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, BitcoFinancial, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, VaBank, 5DailyPro, AssuredAssets, StrongholdFinance, RainbowInvest (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization, VictorCoins.

I guess that’s all the news for tonight, guys. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s review of RainbowInvest and analysis of the latest events in the most popular programs monitored by MNO. I hope you all had a profitable business week and have a nice weekend! See you all tomorrow!

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