April 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! In today’s news it seems we have to say good-bye to Eblone due to payouts being halted and a rather poor excuse provided by the admin, and also BTCArbs due to a complete re-write of their rules and no longer returning deposits on request. Also, you will hear the latest updates from BlocLimited and 5DailyPro. First off though let’s get the first look at the brand-new program that only MNO Premium List today and will be reviewed by tomorrow.


StrongholdFinance is the latest newcomer on the Premium List I just mentioned. And it looks like the admin is serious in promoting his program on the best possible platforms straight from the launch. StrongholdFinance looks like a high quality and well-built program right from the beginning, offering two lucrative plans of 5% daily paid over a period of 31 calendar days and 114% paid on expiry of a 10 calendar day term. The minimum to invest in either plan is $10 and deposits are accepted via three payment systems – PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer. The StrongholdFinance website is beautifully made and although running off the ever popular licensed GoldCoders script it doesn’t give the impression of a cheap program. StrongholdFinance also utilizes the services of the one of the most reliable (and expensive) hosting and DDoS-protection providers BlockDos who have it on a dedicated server. A green bar from Comodo provides an extended validation SSL for the site which doesn’t come cheap either, plus the whole design is very appealing and attractive. I believe that the best introduction has been already been made on the website by the admin Jeremy though, who described all the main features of StrongholdFinance in the welcome newsletter which I’m going to re-post below:

StrongholdFinance officially Opened today
Do you want to Invest Online and Bank-up guaranteed profits for future support, then you have arrived at the right place! Stronghold Global Limited is an online Investment and Wealth Management Company based in UK and accredited in all papers and D-U-N-S. Our business model is in compliance with the industry standards and backed by analytical experts which guarantee sure shot profits. Our plans were carefully thought of to provide mutual stability & lowest possible risk over the long term. All our members have equal opportunity to benefit from an attractive 5% daily for 31 days / 114% after 10 days plans on a long term basis.
Our website is completely equipped with the Best technical solutions in the field of protection and encryption of data. To ensure non-stop access to our website, we host our website on Dedicated Server with DDoS protection provided by BlockDos – Global leader in DDoS Mitigation and Protection Services. Also we have an Extended Validation SGC SSL provided by COMODO thus all transactions we handle are encrypted up-to 256-bit and thus protected from hacking attempts.
Currently we are dealing with world’s most convenient electric currencies and all our members are allowed to deposit / withdraw funds via these e-Currencies : PerfectMoney, EgoPay and Payeer.
If you have any additional questions please read the F.A.Q.’s or Contact Us as our friendly support staff will get back to you within 24 hours.
We wish all our dear members a successful and long lasting investment experience with StrongholdFinance.
Best Wishes.
Jeremy Turner, StrongholdFinance


You might remember from my original review of BlocLimited (posted here) that the program had a short introductory video presentation on its main page. Today the admin decided to go one step further and have it dubbed into Russian to help expand the program’s market share. The video was uploaded to Youtube so any interested parties can follow the link in the latest newsletter from BlocLimited. By the way, their plans include 8%-10% for 15 business days and 140%-180% after 15 business days from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer:

Russian video presentation!
Hello, welcome back form Easter Holidays, hope you all had a good vacation. There is no secret that a lot of customers comes from Russian speaking countries, so we have prepared special video presentation for people who prefer Russian language. Please visit following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H910t7iE3Zk to view our video presentation in Russian language, but if you prefer different language, get back to us with suggestion and we will add more video presentations in requested languages.
Best Regards, BlocLimited crew


Apparently the admin of 5DailyPro announced STP deposits too early and without the prior approval of his payment button by the STP administration. I was concerned last night that it might lead to problems for the program given that STP explicitly warn their account holders against manual deposits in HYIPs, but the admin realized that himself and removed the STP option just a few hours after last night’s update on MNO was posted. Anyway, I’m still positive about the course of things for 5DailyPro as it’s better to fix mistakes on the first day than suffer unnecessary consequences later when it’s too late. Anyway, those who did manage to send money manually to 5DailyPro will not be at a loss as their deposits will either be refunded or converted into one of the other payment systems – namely PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin. I remind you that you can invest in 5DailyPro in the 5%-6% for 30 days plan starting with a $10 minimum and to read more about the program please refer to the detailed review posted here. The latest newsletter is below:

5DailyPro Newsletter
We would like to inform that we have temporarily stopped accepting deposits from SolidTrustPay. We have received an email from the STP staff regarding the approval of the button so we have decided to reschedule the dates for launching of STP as a payment processor.
All the investors who have made deposits from SolidTrustPay can get there deposits converted to any of the other payment processor or get the withdrawal of there money as well .
Best Regards. Joseph Lloyd. 5DailyPro.


Eblone is perhaps the biggest program in the industry that collapsed after suffering from the drying up of new deposits. Withdrawals went to pending status today, and some were even returned to members’ balances. Live chat is unavailable and there is no official update regarding the situation which doesn’t look good. To tell you the truth, I did get a so-called update from the administration written in sub standard English and giving some half witted excuse about a server misconfiguration:

Hello Paul, we are with problem on website configuration. We can’t process with any withdrawal at this time, our developer team already start working to solve the problem. Because of high volume of messages about our website today, we are taking more time to answer all support requests.
Thank You!

Later I found out that the same message was given to everyone asking for information. In my honest opinion, if the problem was really technical the admin could easily settle the matter by processing withdrawals manually. If not all of them then at least some. I am aware that Eblone already experienced lots of problems in the past and hopefully this is something that they can overcome as well. My gut-feeling tells me though that this time it may well be the end for Eblone. The program has been a great performer bringing profits to hundreds of investors, but everything in the HYIP industry come to an end. I could clearly see that by developing and adding the iPhone and Android apps to get more attention from investors the admin focused his energies in completely the wrong areas. I would like to be mistaken, but it’s better to be safe than sorry so stop investing until payouts resume (if ever). Eblone has been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight, so please take note of that!


The final piece of news for tonight is the unfortunate, but let’s be honest always inevitable conclusion of BTCArbs. While I know these things always happen eventually, there was no obvious indicator that BTCArbs would go so suddenly or under the circumstances that it has. There was a slowdown in activities over the Easter holiday weekend but that was fine, the admin kept us informed about that well in advance. It came as a complete surprise today that the program is quite clearly about to finish once and for all, especially as up until only yesterday, Monday, payments continued as normal. All that changed very suddenly today when the following update was sent, something bordering on the ridiculous in my own opinion and nothing short of bizarre. I’ll let you read it first before I tell you what I think of it myself, but the general gist of it is that BTCArbs has been taken over by somebody else (yeah, right!) and the current admin is no longer involved. And the new admin is going to do things differently, such as you know, possibly not paying you. I have to tell you though that personally my own deposit in BTCArbs was returned today without me ever actually asking for it and without the admin (whoever he may be!) contacting me. I can only assume in the absence of any formal communication that he doesn’t want me monitoring BTCArbs anymore and whatever stroke he’s planning to pull seems to prefer that I not be present to witness it or warn you about it. Please read the following update first:

Tuesday 22nd April 2014 – 2.10%
Today we have some exciting news that will have a great impact on the overall future of BTCArbs as well as all of our arbitrage investors. Over the past few months, BTCArbs has grown to become the most prominent and successful Bitcoin arbitrage investment in the Bitcoin community. During this time, we have seen a great deal of interest from venture capitalists, as well as other investors. While the previous buy-out offers that we’ve received haven’t reached the value that we feel that company is worth, we have just negotiated a deal that we believe is fair for all parties.
Effective immediately, BTCArbs will be owned and operated by the Global Capital Alliance. The Global Capital Alliance is a venture capital firm that has dove in head first to the Bitcoin industry, and has made a number of strategic investments to position itself for what they believe is the upcoming mass adoption of Bitcoin. With a portfolio of other services such as Bitcoin wallets and cold storage solutions, as well as Bitcoin related retailers, the Global Capital Alliance is the perfect group to take over management of BTCArbs and drive it “to the moon”.
As a member of BTCArbs, you’re likely wondering how this will impact the day to day operations of the website, as well as the ability for the site to provide long term earnings. Rather than speak about this myself, I will allow Ron James, the CEO of The Global Capital Alliance to share his thoughts and vision for the future of BTC-Arbs. Please find Ron’s introductory note below.
Dear BTCArbs Members,
It is a pleasure to be part of the team that has recently acquired BTCArbs. With offices around the globe, and institutional investors banging at the door, we feel that the time is now for Bitcoin to make a huge splash in the global investment and financial industries. We plan on taking BTCArbs from its current form of an unregulated Bitcoin “fund” and transforming it into an institutional investment powerhouse that will serve worldwide investors for years to come. As part of this process, we will be restructuring numerous aspects of the program, evaluating the fund’s current assets, and creating a strategy for long term growth. I have outlined the basic steps that we will be immediately taking.
1. All current balances will be reviewed to ensure that everything is correct. It is believed that some user balances are incorrect due to the Heartbleed Bug that impacted the website at the beginning of April.
2. Current Bitcoin Balances will be relocated within your account and placed in a balance known as the “Legacy Fund.”
3. The daily arbitrage earnings will apply only to the new Bitcoin balance and will not be calculated on the Legacy Fund.
4. Funds in the Legacy Fund will be moved to the current Bitcoin balance as we successfully transfer the funds from the previous owners exchange accounts into our new corporate accounts. Furthermore, prior to being transferred, Legacy Funds will be reviewed for accuracy.
5. The regular fund will continue to earn as usual. New deposits will be accepted and withdrawals will be processed in the normal time frame.
6. USD Deposits will no longer be accepted. USD Balances are currently being paid out directly to USD users as we speak. If you have a USD Balance, you will soon (if not already) receive a message from our new team with instructions on how to either convert your USD balance to Bitcoin, or withdraw it entirely. Some users have already been sent the value of their accounts to their respective e-currency account.
7. New Bitcoins deposits will go into the regular Bitcoin balance and will continue earning each day.
The above steps may seem somewhat
If you have any questions about the acquisition of BTCArbs, please submit a message in the “Support Zone”.
Sincerely, Ron James Global Capital Alliance”
As part of the acquisition, I (Adam) will not be continuing on. I am confident that everyone is in good hands with Ron and everyone from GCA.

OK, so that there be NO misunderstanding here, BTCArbs has been moved to Problem Status on MNO, I suspect the admin will shortly be blaming/accusing me of trying to destroy the program and with it the accounts of the members, so I need to make this very clear to you all why I have done this. No matter what you hear from anybody else, BTCArbs is on Problem Status for this reason – there has been a fundamental change in the rules under which investors joined, and those investors were neither consulted nor warned about them before they were implemented. You could have joined BTCArbs as recently as this afternoon with the promise that you were free to withdraw your principal and leave at anytime, however this “promise” has now been withdrawn and your deposit is being held in limbo. The admin says this will be returned, but neglects to tell you when. Then again, HYIP admins say a lot of things. New deposits are naturally gratefully accepted, but tough luck if you thought the terms and conditions you joined under would actually be applied.

So it seems existing members deposits are to be frozen, pending some nonsense investigation which can last indefinitely. I admit my own deposit was returned, but this is now quite clear that as a monitor and basically a channel of communication between other members this was purely selective in order to take MNO out of the loop. Other members have not been so lucky and their deposits are being held while new money is still accepted. Believe what you like from the admin’s update/excuse, but the end result is the same – any further deposits in BTCArbs are not advised. I have of course contacted the admin, but he has yet to reply.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, InvGlobal, BitcoFinancial, GramStock, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, AmazingProfitClub, VaBank, AssuredAssets, BlocLimited, 5DailyPro, StrongholdFinance (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: GrandForexLimited, AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, OgdenOrganization, VictorCoins (the first payments received).

That’s where I have to leave it for tonight guys. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for all the latest news plus a more detailed look at StrongholdFinance. See you all then!

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