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07/05/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone! As you may have noticed I decided not to post anything last night, but but that was only because all the programs monitored were running smoothly at that point (not because I’m turning into bit of a lazybones!). That’s how things are supposed to run when the industry is stable industry like this, I suppose, and I truly hope then I won’t need to update my blog too often when it comes to the inevitable bad news. Today I’ve got the latest updates from some of the top-notch MNO monitored programs, such as FinMutual and OilRigContractors and BitcoFinancial, and also we will look at the results of the latest opinion polls on the MNO with some new questions for you to think about.


Starting the news with a program worthy of the main headline tonight, BitcoFinancial (reviewed here) has proved an overwhelming success. Perhaps even the admin herself was taken by surprise. In slightly over three weeks online with the first investors in the 5% for 30 calendar days original plan now receiving the first profits, much of the credit is going to the admin who really managed to build such a solid performer. BitcoFinancial pays promptly (in many cases even instantly) to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, BitCoin, and Payeer accounts and replying to support tickets lightening fast – literally within minutes to hours. However the real appreciation came to BitcoFinancial after Jocelyn (that’s the admin) modified the second investment plan and took it to a whole new level of popularity – 2.5% daily with no expiry date and the option to withdraw the original investment on demand. Such programs are trending in the HYIP industry now and this smart decision simply cemented BitcoFinancial‘s position which claimed the #3 spot on the MNO Premium List a few days ago. So I wasn’t really surprised when Jocelyn announced reaching 3,000 members as of today and humbly asked to allow a couple of extra hours for support to reply to tickets. Such popularity may come at a price and the security of the servers against DDoS attacks is of paramount importance here to stop other jealous admins from disrupting them. In a newsletter issued the admin reported about a DDoS attack had made the site unavailable for no more than a few minutes today but was swiftly overcome by the superior defences. I’m glad that Jocelyn didn’t cut corners on security and advertising her program from the beginning, a decision which is proving to be a very smart move now. In fact they have only just this evening purchased another banner on the MNO monitor for a full month. Before we read the newsletter I’ll just remind you that if using BitCoin to join BitcoFinancial the procedure is very different, so please read my interview with Jocelyn to understand it fully. The interview can be found when you click on this link:

BitcoFinancial – NewsLetter!
Hello BitcoFinancial members,
We know it has been a while since our last newsletter and it was because we have had a very busy phase so far with our ever growing program that will reach the 3000 members milestone very shortly. We must thank each one of you for extending your support and encouragement, which has been our greatest motivation.
Today, this will be a brief message – which came up just less than a couple of hours ago. Our website, BitcoFinancial faced a DDOS attack that lasted for a few minutes a few hours ago. Although it was completely disabled by our team and the website only faced a downtime of a few minutes – we noticed how many of our visitors were seemingly concerned about the few minutes we were loading slowly – through online forums and blogs. We have a very robust and secure protective shield installed in our program and it detects and eliminates any interference and possible attacks within a couple of moments.
We also must mention that the days have been getting very busy for us and with members running into the thousands, we have been trying our best to respond to every support mail within minutes. However, this has become a habit that is becoming difficult to maintain. So, we would like to ask every member to give us anywhere between an hour or 2 to respond to support mails.
Our prime focus is in making sure that all payouts are processed within minutes and there will be no change in this. All payouts will be paid within a few minutes as usual.
Our top priority lies in giving you a very stable and reliable investing experience online and we hope that you have enjoyed your venture with us thus far.
We still notice that some of the Bitcoin investors are not saving their deposit form after investing with Bitcoins. We would like to remind everyone to please make sure that they complete and submit the form after completing their Bitcoin deposits. Only when you fill and send this form will your Bitcoin deposit be completed and shown in your account.
Please contact us if you require any guidance amd we will be happy to be of service.
Until we meet through the next newsletter – have a great week ahead.
Best Regards!
Jocelyn. BitcoFinancial.


FinMutual is one of the most popular programs online taking the #4 position on the MNO Premium List at the moment (please read the article on the Top Five popular programs here). Having run since July 2013 making FinMutual one of the longest paying programs, it’s certainly worth all the attention it deserves. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of investors are well into profit by now from the 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days investment plan while getting paid steadily to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Payeer, OkPay, and PexPay accounts on deposits starting from a $25 minimum. At the very core of the success in FinMutual has always been an outstanding ability to communicate and listen carefully to members suggestions while answering any questions in a timely fashion. However, once the program got so big it’s now getting more difficult for the admin to keep track of the support tickets given the fact some investors are impatient and submit multiple tickets on the same subject. So, in the latest newsletter the admin emphasized that it’s important to only submit a support ticket once and not create multiple requests until you’re answered properly, as it only puts you back to the end of the queue. Here is the latest from FinMutual (reviewed here):

FinMutual Support Tickets
We need to mention again to our users that it is very important you do not submit more than one support ticket at a time, and for an existing support ticket, to not update it till a support agent does. We have been enduring support ticket spamming, so we have had to institute these rules. We have mentioned this before, but we are still seeing the issue quite often. It is important to know when you create extra support tickets and update an existing support ticket before a support agent responds, you lose your place in line and the ticket is moved to the back of the line. Thank you for understanding and this will allow us to catch up with tickets and support more users quickly and efficiently.


I’m sure that many investors already know that the biggest short-term program in the HYIP industry right now is OilRigContractors, attracting hundreds of investors from around the world who want to try their luck with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin funds starting from a $5 minimum deposit. Plans include 105%-125% after 1 day, 56%-70% for 2 days, 130%-300% after 5 days, 180%-475% after 10 days, 300%-800% after 20 days, and 500%-1,300% after 30 days. Over the last few days since my review of OilRigContractors was posted (click here to read it) the admin didn’t lose any time and published lots of updates on the website’s news section. First of all, MNO review has been announced as such:

Popular Blog Review of OilRigContractors.
Click below to read it.

Then he posted a couple of updates on the site’s current stats including a somewhat unbelievable total deposit figure (allegedly of over $2,000,000) and nearly 9,000 registered members. At the time of writing however I see in the latest stats from OilRigContractors an even more impressive and definitely even more rigged figures of $2.3million in deposits and 9425 in registered members. Given the popularity OilRigContractors I am sure that it’s growing at a healthy rate, but it’s still really doubtful that there are so many people out there playing a high risk online ponzi with such huge money. I mean I wouldn’t even believe these stats a year ago when LR was still up and running, let alone now when the HYIP industry is still not as big as it used to be. Let’s look at what the admin of OilRigContractors had to say about it:

$2,000,000+ Total Deposited Milestone Achieved
Just as I have expected and predicted that today we will reach this milestone and we did! Next milestone is when we reach $2,500,000 . How soon we will get to that? Let’s see.

A more realistic and less rigged number seems to be the Alexa rating that is surely growing for OilRigContractors, reaching 46,000 after less than four weeks online and which the admin is linking to at the end of the following short update:

Our Alexa Traffic Rank Today – 05/06/2014
Click the link for more information about our traffic statistics.

As seems to be the admin’s way, two more referral cheaters who created multiple accounts were suspended and screenshots of their accounts available for public view. I have to say that one the cheaters contacted me via email and tried to persuade me to change the status of OilRigContractors on the grounds of him and “his relative” being suspended. Strangely, I have never heard from this guy even once in seven years, but he somehow manages to find me when he gets caught with multiple accounts. Everyone reading this needs to take this very seriously – what he was trying to do is called self-referring, and anyone caught trying to do this in any program will be suspended immediately with their funds frozen. The admin’s decision in this case was to suspend both accounts but then re-distribute the held funds among legitimate members of OilRigContractors, so I can’t help but support that. More on that please read below and check the screenshots for proof of self-referring:

Usernames VMey & SymphonyTomorrow Information
Please find below the information regarding these 2 accounts.

Finally, if you wish to know more on the investment process in OilRigContractors and see how your fellow investors make money in the project you can watch a five-minute video linked to in the following update (I’m sure it will be useful for you, especially if you intend to invest in the program via BitCoin):

A Youtube Video Created by an Investor
This is a must watch. Sent in by one of our investors.


Unfortunately I think ApexBinary might be in trouble tonight. Please do not invest there as the instant withdrawal feature has been switched off by the admin. I must admit that it also happened before several times and the admin always proved me wrong and started paying eventually, but sadly, I believe this will no longer be the case. You see this happens within very close proximity to members of ApexBinary receiving a suspicious message about a limited offer of a 25% deposit bonus which investors can withdraw instantly after they deposit any amount in ApexBinary. Please note that this is exactly what you must NOT do, as perhaps the admin is lingering and trying to collect as much money as possible before disappearing:

ApexBinary 25% Bonus Today Only!!
Dear Investors
We are glad to inform you that today we are lunching a pure bonus of 25% on any deposit you make!
It means if you deposit: $100 you gain instant $25
This bonus is only for today!
Invest now and gain more with ApexBinary LTD
ApexBinary LTD – Trust Through Transparency

Such bonuses are always a bad sign and my suspicions regarding a bleak future for ApexBinary were only confirmed after one of my referrals complained about his account being blocked and another reporting his premature deposit withdrawal not been honored. That, plus the sudden switching off of instant withdrawals can only be a surefire indicator of a pending scam for ApexBinary. For the moment I have moved them to Waiting status on the MNO monitor and contacted the admin regarding the delayed payouts and issues of my downlines, and if it’s not dealt with within a reasonable timeframe it will go to Problem status. I’d like nothing more than to be proven completely wrong about all of this, but too many things just point to the project not being safe anymore. A further announcement and the final status on MNO monitor will be reported tomorrow.


As promised I want to analyze the results of the latest opinion polls on the MNO TalkBack now, but first I would like to introduce two new questions that I hope you will find interesting, will want to vote in, and want to see what others think. This month marks the first anniversary of the closure of LibertyReserve and the arrest of its owners. This affected a lot of things (let’s be honest, not many of them good!), but we’re only concerned with the HYIP industry which took a massive setback. I can see that the number of good programs, and I do emphasize the word “good” here, decreased to about half of what it had been in the previous twelve months leading up to this, but there are still a few really strong performers in my Top Five popular programs list of which you can read about here. However some admins did surrender and left the industry altogether with the programs they were representing and a new generation of admins took their place with more moderate expectations and a desire to work harder to achieve their goals and build something that is going to last. So I was wondering, maybe the LibertyReserve closure was a sort of necessary purge which after taking a short sharp shock ultimately benefited us? I mean let’s face it, LR was absolutely infested with crooks, scammers, hackers, all sorts of thieves, and their so called “support” was a living example to online businesses of how NOT to treat your customers. Hence, the new question on MNO TalkBack which is going to be active for the next couple of weeks will be: Do you think the closure of LibertyReserve eventually made the HYIP industry better? Possible answers are:
a) Yes. We are probably better off without them.
b) No. The HYIP industry is not as good without LR.
c) The same. The HYIP industry will run does not depend on one provider.

Polls will stay open for at least a week, maybe ten days depending on interest levels, but you will at least have plenty of time to vote if you want to.

Finishing up for tonight then I just want to take a brief look at the results from the two other polls which have just closed. The first question related to how seriously readers take the acceptance of SolidTrustPay in online investment programs, given that it’s no coincidence that four of the five biggest programs on my monitor all feature them very prominently. The exact question asked you:
Do you think prior STP account verification and approval increase a programs chances of success?

And I have to say, this proved to be one of the most one sided polls I have yet to run. To be fair, I do know that the main MNO demographic tends to be US/Canadian and western European, where STP would be a lot more popular anyway, but still, 64% voting “yes” to this question says it all. Only 36% said otherwise and voted “no”.

In the second question then, loosely based on the first one which proved my point that all the really really big programs are dealing with STP, out of the top five programs listed on the MNO Premium List, which one is your favorite? Not which is the most profitable now, but your favorite. The exact question here was:
What is your favorite program out of the current top five?

Again it was a fairly cut and dried option, with the runaway winner being RockwellPartners. No coincidence either that the number one program on my monitor would also be the number one choice in the poll, but I think 51% is fairly decisive. More info on RockwellPartners can be found in the original review published on MNO here.
A distant second but with a still hugely impressive 31% of the vote was BitcoFinancial. This is very much the rising star in the industry now and one to be watching for the future. BitcoFinancial was first reviewed on MNO here.
Third place was DublinCryptoriumLimited, one of the originators of the current trend of “no expiry, principal back on demand” style programs that are proving so popular now. They got 8% of the vote, and you can see their highly unique even I will admit highly engrossing program reviewed on MNO here for further information.
In joint third place, sharing an equal share of 8% of the vote comes FinMutual, one of the longer running projects out there now and no doubt one that’s put a good number of you into profit over the last ten months. They were first reviewed on MNO here.
And finally trailing the pack with 2% of the vote comes InvGlobal. Fifth place on my monitor, fifth place in the poll, and the only one of the top five not accepting STP. That’s not to say it’s a bad program of course, in fact quite the opposite as getting to number five is a good achievement in itself and quite a lot of readers will have profited by now. InvGlobal was first reviewed on MNO here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: GramStock.
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, BitcoFinancial, FinMutual, InvGlobal, RemiTradeOilRigContractors, VaBank, 5DailyProAssuredAssets, Eazzy, OneAdClick.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, VictorCoins, OgdenOrganization, KavkazFond (the first instant payments received), SolarInvestGroup (the first instant payment received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. Thanks a lot for reading, and if you have any questions or comments on anything you see in my blog or monitor feel free to ask. I’ll do my best to reply as soon as I’m able. Likewise thanks for your participation in the MNO TalkBack polls, where your contribution is always welcome. Remember you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for links to the most important articles, or subscribe directly to my newsletter (just fill in the form on top of the blog page) to receive all articles directly to your inbox. Ee you soon, everyone!

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