May 26th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! Clarvin has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope the weekend went well for everyone, particularly those of you still enjoying it as I know today was a holiday for many readers. It looks like things are shaping up for a busy busy busy week for myself on MNO as there are plenty of new programs coming to my monitor’s Premium List that I’ll need to discuss in more detail over the coming days. Not a bad complaint to have I suppose, having too much work, so like I said in my last post I hope you’ll all find at least something from the new additions that you find suitable for your portfolios. Some are better than others as is only natural, but I hope you get lucky with whatever you choose. Anyway, to kickstart the new business week I want to continue with a look at a program called Clarvin. You may remember this was first introduced on MNO under its full moniker of ClarvinElemanInc, however for reasons best know to the admin he prefers if I just shorten this to simply Clarvin. It’s a mid to long term program, though to be blunt I can only see their shortest term plan having any appeal to 99% of readers as we shall see.

That’s where I guess I’ll start then, with the investment plans. Clarvin have four of them in total, though most of you will probably want to concentrate on the first one which runs for 15 business days. You can join for a $10 minimum and for anything up to $1,500 Clarvin are offering a daily interest payment of 8.1%, made from Monday to Friday. That adds up to 121.5% by the end of the term and includes your principal. So it’s your own money back (you break even with the 13th payment) plus a net profit of 21.5%.

I think that covers just about everything for most of you, but for informational purposes let’s just take a quick look anyway at what is being used to entice any really big investors should they decide to have a go at Clarvin. For a $1,501 minimum deposit up to a value of $2,000 the interest rate is 8.4% (26% net profit) and if you spent between $2,001 and the maximum allowed for this plan of $3,000 the rate would be 8.6% per business day (or 29% net profit).

The remaining three Clarvin Plans are all even more expensive again, and coupled with the fact that they do not allow you to break even until after the expiry date – unlike the first plan you see they return your principal at the end with the other plans – you can see that they are less attractive even if more people could have afforded them anyway. But that’s up to you to decide so I’ll continue with the descriptions and you can join whatever suits you best. So for Clarvin‘s second investment plan then the required deposit ranges from at least $3,001 up to a maximum of $4,000. It runs for an unusual term of 36 business days, (that’s seven weeks and one day) and offers members an interest rate of 1.5% daily between Monday and Friday. That adds up to 54% in total, your net profit only when Clarvin return your principal.

The next plan runs for 48 business days (nine weeks and three days) and offers members a 1.6% interest rate, paid Monday to Friday, on any deposits ranging from a $4,001 minimum up to $6,000. When your principal is returned on expiry as Clarvin promise to do the net profit should come to 76.8%.

And lastly for anyone prepared to gamble with between $6,001 and a maximum of $7,000, Clarvin are offering 1.7% interest paid from Monday to Friday for a term running 56 business days (eleven weeks and one day). All things going well for you then the final return should come to 95.2% with your principal then returned.

The actual process of joining up and depositing is easy enough, and Clarvin have included a step-by-step guide to get you started. Once you get there however the list of payment processors is a slight disappointment, although the main industry players are included with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin all there. Still room for improvement though. Payments are made manually by the admin and so need to be requested from inside your private Clarvin members account area. There’s no specific parameter stated for exactly how long you need to allow them to complete your payment, so I would suggest giving them perhaps the industry standard 24 hours before raising any red warning flags.

Also it should be noted, and I really can’t emphasize this strongly enough, on making a withdrawal request you will need to add your payment account details first in your profile, otherwise you will not be able to make the complete the transaction so be sure you don’t forget. Incidentally, there’s also quite an extensive affiliate program (i.e. ref commission payments) for anyone particularly adept at doing promotional work for Clarvin. Anyone can build a downline I suppose, but to really get the full benefit of this you’d be looking at having to bring in more members than even some of the biggest monitors would get, so it may not quite be for everyone. You can find more information about it on the Clarvin website if interested.

Moving on now to the more technical, design and security features of the program, Clarvin is running off a unique and custom made script. One feature you might like is an automated e-mail service, alerting you every time a payment is made into your account, so you’ll have a better idea of exactly when you get paid and won’t have to keep checking you account over and over again. The website is available in six languages which apart from English include German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Hindi. Personally I can only confirm that at least the Russian version is properly written and not done by an online auto-translation tool, so I’m guessing the other versions are probably the same which is always helpful in attracting a wider international audience. Otherwise the Clarvin website seems to be very well built and has the more advanced Green version of the SSL-bar by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS-protection by GeniusGuard.

If you have any further questions for the admin that you think weren’t explained for you here or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there are two ways to communicate with the Clarvin admin and support team. Firstly you can simply fill out your details on the form provided and submit it via the contacts page. Or else if you prefer to speak to someone in person (assuming they answer that is) Clarvin include a telephone number. If this doesn’t suit you, maybe it’s outside of your own business hours for example, then you can submit a call-back request, including the time and date that you wish them to phone you. I haven’t tried it myself or anything, but if you have any questions feel free to try it out and let everyone know if it works or not.

While I have to say most of the content on the Clarvin website surrounding the program, its workings, and its alleged business interests do appear to be original, there’s also a lot of contradictory information. There’s a short video of the “admin” for example, though while it’s obvious to anyone with experience in the HYIP industry that he’d only be an actor anyway, they don’t even try to make it look genuine. Supposedly he’s Australian, though speaks with a pronounced North American accent, and then claim registration in the UK. Not bad for one man, eh? And despite the links to the three main centers of English speaking people in the world the texts are still obviously not written by a native speaker. Not trying to make a big deal out of it or anything, just mentioning it for the benefit of anyone new to the HYIP industry – nothing is ever genuine! So in this case just like any other program you come across on the net, don’t look for guarantees that aren’t there. Treat Clarvin as you would any other online HYIP, with extreme caution. If you spend anything at all then make sure it’s a figure you can comfortably afford to lose, and if you join Clarvin remember it’s best to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I remember InvGlobal for some reason had some weird rule posted on their website about not accepting members from the USA. So when someone on the MNO ShoutBox recently commented on this and contacted the admin to explain, he was responded that this is no longer the case and that everyone may invest in InvGlobal regardless of their country of residence. Later on today I received a short notification from the admin of InvGlobal confirming that investors from the US are more than welcome into their program as of now. Please read more on that below:

Members From USA Are Accepted Now
Dear valued members,
InvGlobal has been online for 258 days today. For some reasons,members from USA were not accepted by our company. Now we are glad to announce that investors from USA can join and invest with us from now on. Please use Payeer or Pexpay to deposit and withdraw if you are from USA. If you have any question,please feel free to contact us.
Regards. InvGlobal Ltd

I wonder if the original rule imposed by InvGlobal initially had something to do with last year’s panic regarding the ban on US citizens imposed by PerfectMoney and a few exchangers just after LibertyReserve and subsequently a number of exchangers were shut down by US law enforcement agents. Anyway, perhaps the admin tried to protect his program against legal action, which apparently is not very essential at the moment. InvGlobal that has been running successfully for about nine months deservedly occupies a high #4 position on the MNO Premium List (read the article on the latest Top Five here). Deposits are accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and PexPay and the minimum to invest starts from $10. Usually the payouts are processed instantly. The investment plan pays you 1.2%-2.5% for 120 business days with the initial investment returned on expiry. To find out more about InvGlobal please refer to the original review posted here.


After the couple of days of running a promotional deposit bonus campaign where offering a 25% bonus, the admin of WazaTrade is tirelessly coming up with more great ideas to boost his membership and reward active investors for promoting the program on major monitors. Please note that the promotion is only valid for active investors of WazaTrade who make at least a $10 deposit via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or Payeer into the 1.9%-2.1% for 60 business days plan which also returns your principal on expiry. You can add up to an extra $1 to your daily earnings in WazaTrade by simply voting for the program on various monitors (MNO included). One vote will cost $0.1 and you can vote on up to 10 monitors over a 24-hour period. Note that if you wish to vote for WazaTrade on the MNO monitor I have to approve your vote manually, so please allow up to 12 hours for it to be approved. The full rules of the incentive program for active investors in WazaTrade can be found in today’s newsletter from the admin reposted below:

Appreciate Our Active Investor
For appreciate our active investor, we give free $0.1 for each vote on our monitoring partner ratings page.
Example we have 14 monitoring service. If you make total vote 10 in monitoring service you will get $0.1×10= $1
1. This offer only for our active investor.
2. This offer not valid for our monitoring service.
3. Every 24 hours 1 vote only in 1 monitoring service.
4. Vote counting 1 vote 1 monitoring service. Example you make vote 1 in goldpoll vote counting 1. Vote 1 in hothyips vote counting 1. If you make 2 vote in goldpoll it will counting 1 vote.
5. We give this gift only on our rating page list.
6. Report to us about your vote and gift will credited to your available balance and you can withdraw it.
7. Maximum 10 vote counting every 24 hours.


Among the topics discussed in the latest newsletter from OneAdClick included the timing for recovery of secondary passwords which members set up but then forget afterwards, multiple IDs detected and how the admin is going to handle them, and a possible future revision of the incentive program that pays free members of OneAdClick up to $2 weekly for surfing websites and posting payment proofs on forums. You can read all the latest news below in the reposted newsletter, but first I’ll just remind you that by joining OneAdClick you have an opportunity to earn 180% within 80 days (2% for 70 days, then 4% for 10 days), and 200% within 70 days (2.5% for 60 days, then 5% for 10 days) investment plans. Tokens priced at $10 each may be purchased via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, PexPay, and BitCoin. More about the OneAdClick investment concept and plans can be found in my review posted here:

May 25th Weekend Update
We would like to discuss on 3 Topic in this Weekend Newsletter
1. Forgetting Secondary Password
2. Multiple IDs / Payment Processors
3. Vacation taken by OAC Support Team
Forgetting Secondary Password :
We are getting requests from many members who have forgotten Secondary Password and hence are not able to withdraw their Moneys in account balances.
We are resetting them on a priority basis however we would request members to be careful at least while creating passwords as these are meant only for the safety of their funds.
Multiple IPs / Payment Processors
We have found few users are sharing identical IP addresses and some users are requesting payouts to identical payment processors from different user ids.
We are carefully monitoring payouts made to free users and any sort of mischief will result in permanent deletion of usernames. We request users to take benefit from Promotional offer rather than abusing it.
We have observed not much posting were made by users getting free credits and OAC admin team is reviewing Pros & Cons on continuing this Free credits Promotional Offer and the same will be intimated accordingly when a decision is taken.
Vacation taken by OAC Support Team
Our Support Team have taken a much needed break and will be keen to fulfill the Targets we have fixed. We are testing few products of ours and will soon be releasing them which will be useful in contributing to strong bottom line figures.
During this vacation our Admin Team have personally catered to Making Payouts and replying to support tickets and ensured there were not major delays. Any small delays which users might have encountered will not be repeated henceforth.
We were also asked few questions on getting STP id ,we wanted to make it to clear to public that we are an Advertisement based Organization with a proper business and have the potential to stay long.
Regards. OneAdClick


Please note that Cropty has halted instant payouts as of today and no further investments are recommended there. I believe that from the very beginning the admin was looking for a fast scam. Either that or was just simply spoilt by big deposits from investors thinking that a custom-made script and original concept might help them. We can only speculate but whatever the case the admin is refusing to return the initial investments to the first members who tried to leave after the initial five day lock-in period which was mysteriously extended to 10 days yesterday when I tried to test it. Well, that was already the first sign that something was badly wrong with the program. A complaint received from one of my readers today alongside unprocessed payment requests left no doubt. I don’t believe anyone was in profit from Cropty, other than its thieving admin that is, but please beware that the Cropty website is still online and accepting deposits (or should I say donations) despite no intentions of ever paying you anything. The program has been moved to Problem Status on MNO and will be moved to Scam Status shortly.


It appears that more and more programs are trying to follow the trend set by Cryptory and later the current leader in the industry RockwellPartners. The latest example of this is the newly launched LucrativaLimited which was added to Premium Listing on MNO just a few hours after launch. The program employs a very similar and popular concept of no expiry date plans paying variable interest rates from 1% to 3% on every calendar day until you decide to request your principal back. The site of LucrativaLimited has a “Trading Results” page where you can see the exact rate you can expect on any given day (today for example it was 2.7%). Remember that you can withdraw your principal and profits any time you like, and while the admin reserves the right to process payments within a 24 hour maximum they may often be much faster. The minimum to invest in LucrativaLimited is $20 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. The site itself looks really nice and every detail is explained well. LucrativaLimited is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with an SSL Green Bar provided by Comodo and the services of DDoS-Guard whu have them on a dedicated server. All in all, my first impression of the website was quite positive, and although I don’t believe there is any connection with RockwellPartners except for some inspiration received by the admin I think it may be profitable as long as you know how to get in and get back out again at the right time, as everything depends on this. The first newsletter from the admin of LucrativaLimited George (his program is going to be reviewed on MNO on Wednesday) is posted below:

LucrativaLimited – grand online launch!
The day is finally here! The LucrativaLimited team has done a fantastic job, starting with financial planning and ending with the user-friendly website interface implementation. All is set in place for any investor from any part of the world to start earning with us. We offer a unique investment plan, where your principal investment is returned any time on your request. By investing with us you surrender your funds to our professional Forex traders, who will do Forex trading for you. We guarantee you earnings every day from 1% to 3% all week long. We have also designed an attractive affiliate program, where you will be able to earn once your referrals earn with us. You will be awarded 20% of you referrals’ each day’s earnings. All you need to do is to spread the word about our investment option by sharing your affiliate link. All is set and secured with the highest security standards today, so our customers can feel secure and protected from any kinds of cyber-attacks. We strive to provide you with the best online investment experience you’ve ever had, so just site back and enjoy how your capital grows and reach financial freedom.
Best Regards, George Brown – CEO of LucrativaLimited
LucrativaLimited – The place where your money works for you


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, FinMutual, Cryptory, InvGlobal, 5DailyPro, Eazzy, OneAdClick, AssuredAssets, UniroyalChemical, WazaTrade, GepardAlliance.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, VictorCoins, HyipWorldCup, OgdenOrganization, SuccessRoadToWealth, FortunesUp, RoyalUnionInvestment, MutualForexInvestments (the first instant payments received).

That’s about all for tonight, guys. Tomorrow sees the full review of another popular program with no expiry date plans UniroyalChemical and the usual daily updates from the elite programs on my monitor. Check MNO blog on Twitter and Facebook and keep voting for your favorite from the MNO Top Five Popular Programs (read the latest article on this here) on the MNO TalkBack page. You can always contact me directly at or via my Contact page. Thanks for reading and see you all tomorrow!

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