May 2014 Archives

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Beware! WazaTrade has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and looking forward to whatever new opportunities the new business week might open up for us. I know it’s not Monday but it is still the first post and news update on my blog for the new week. It was quiet enough over the weekend for news stories as you will have seen from my blog, but we still have a few things to catch up on today. Starting things off however is a recently launched longer term HYIP called WazaTrade that I want to take a closer look at for you today. It’s been online for about three weeks or so by now, though when you see the investment plans that’s not a comparatively long time by any means. In fact WazaTrade seems to be getting off to a slow (possibly deliberately managed as such) start so far without a great deal of any really obvious advertising before joining the MNO monitor’s Premium List. So let’s see what they have to offer and if you think it might be worth your time and money taking a chance on signing up with them.

Beginning with the investment plans then, WazaTrade basically just offer one but this in turn is divided into three sub-sections depending on how much you’d care to risk spending. Needless to say as is typical for the HYIP industry the admin tries to entice bigger and bigger sums of money from investors by offering ever growing and more lucrative interest rates to the bigger spenders. Having said that, WazaTrade still only require a $10 minimum to join, so it’s affordable to everyone and need not be much of a risk in financial terms unless you decide to make it so. Anything from this $10 minimum up to a value of $999 – and I would assume the vast majority of investors would fall into this group – will earn a daily interest rate of 1.9% per business day, Monday to Friday only, for a term of 60 calendar days. So that’s around eight and a half weeks in total, with payments being made from Monday to Friday only. At the end of this term WazaTrade should return your initial principal. The exact number of payment days will depend on exactly what day of the week you join, though you’d be hoping for something like 44 payment days within the 60 calendar day term. So in that event you get your own money back plus 83.6%% in total net profit. Like I said, that might not be the precise amount you yourself will get, but it will be something very close.

To put that into more practical monetary terms, let’s say you deposit $100 in the program. Every day from Monday to Friday for the following eight and a half weeks WazaTrade will pay you back $1.90. Eventually that adds up to something in the area of $83 depending on what day of the week you join the program, and when it does your original hundred is added to it.

For the bigger players willing to spend $1,000 or more up to a maximum limit of $2,499 WazaTrade do as I said offer a somewhat improved rate to those who can afford it. The term doesn’t change of course, that’s still 60 calendar days, but the rate goes up to 2% per day, Monday through Friday. It might not sound like much of an improvement (that’s because it isn’t!) but will eventually bring you in (approximately) 88% in total profit payments by expiry. WazaTrade should then add your your original principal to that figure as it’s promised to be returned on expiry.

And lastly for those even more ambitious investors prepared to spend upwards of $2,500, WazaTrade have no upper limit on deposits by the way so you can spend whatever you can afford, there’s a marginally higher rate of 2.1% per business day available. Over the course of the 60 calendar day term that should eventually add up to a grand total of (approximately) 92.4%. That becomes your final net profit once WazaTrade return your principal on expiry as promised.

If there’s anything in there that appeals to you then I guess the next thing you’ll need to check will be what your payment options are. A bit limited for the moment it has to be said, but I guess there’s enough investors out there who’ll find something they like. For now WazaTrade are only accepting deposits through PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and the more recent but growingly popular Payeer. Payments are handled manually which means members will have to log into their private account areas and make a withdrawal request. Once you’ve done this the WazaTrade admin asks for a further 24 hours to ensure that all transactions are completed fully.

Moving on then to the more technical, design, and security side of things now, and you can see WazaTrade hasted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoSGuard, who’ve established a reasonable reputation as a service provider by now. The WazaTrade website is also running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders, which many of the usual industry players might recognize instantly. If nothing else it always lends a more familiar feel to the program and makes it easier to navigate for most users. In addition to that for an extra layer of protection the WazaTrade website is SSL-secured by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If you have any further questions for the admin you don’t think were covered in this review or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then the WazaTrade admin can be contacted via the online support form. Just fill in your details and submit via the contacts page. The website does come with a built-in Live Chat feature being active during business hours. I’ll ask the admin about what if any work schedule is kept there should he agree to an interview at some point in the future, but meanwhile it won’t hurt just to take a quick look and check it before you go firing off any longer support tickets. WazaTrade have a postal address in Warsaw in Poland (or Warzawa to give it the native name, nice town where I spent a couple of weekends myself before, and I assume where the program takes its name from) but experienced readers will be well aware that these tend to be virtual hosted offices. Entirely genuine addresses mind, just not where you would find the HYIP admins running the programs physically located were you to visit. I wouldn’t imagine WazaTrade is any different. You may also notice that WazaTrade is the latest program to include a regional representative page, where regular paid up members are offered a doubling of their normal ref commission rates to act as customer support agents in their local areas and languages. Trouble is there isn’t anyone listed there yet, but if you’ve done this before, know what to do and what to expect, you are free to contact the WazaTrade admin and offer your services at any time.

And that’s about it really. It’s a pretty straight forward program as you can see, nothing too complicated and not a great deal else I can say about it. For the record the alleged business activities that the WazaTrade members are told are backing the whole thing up is that the company is an “international financial advisory and asset management firm”. Well, suitably vague and nothing that’s not been said in the HYIP industry before. And not much you can go out and independently verify for yourself either. With that in mind then you will I’m sure remember to do what I know most of you always do – treat WazaTrade like you do any other program you join. It’s a high risk industry, so spend accordingly. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can easily afford to lose, keep your expectations modest, and of course if you do decide to go ahead and join WazaTrade to you should at least think about keeping them only as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It was quite a rough and tense last 24 hours for both the admin of FinMutual and the program’s investors. The program suddenly became a victim of a massive DDoS attack yesterday, forcing the site offline for most of the day. Obviously while being inaccessible the admin wasn’t able to process any payouts which in turn fueled speculation about their possible collapse. That was highly unlikely however, as FinMutual has always been one of the strongest and most consistent of the longer term programs online and paying since last July on the 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days and swiftly becoming one of the most popular programs among MNO readers. Deposits start from a $25 minimum via a very wide range of payment methods including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, OkPay, PexPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and LiteCoin. FinMutual must surely have faced all types of attacks over such a long time online and to the admin’s respect everything was back to normal this morning with all outstanding withdrawals now processed. In addition to that, you can still get 10% on your new deposit in FinMutual as the maximum possible bonus that was available on weekends has been extended until Friday as outlined in an email sent yesterday just hours before the attack. Below are the two latest newsletters from FinMutual (reviewed here):

FinMutual Newsletter
We apologize for the small amount of downtime earlier today due to another issue with the same network switch at the datacenter as yesterday. Due to the downtime that has been unusual, we have adjusted the variable deposit bonus for the weekend to tomorrow May 19th, 5PM Eastern Daylight Time. The 10% bonus will remain in effect till then and then resume to the 6% deposit bonus till Friday, May 23rd at 5PM Eastern Daylight Time. We thank you for your patience and we also have to thank all of you who have been embracing our variable deposit bonus system since we first began piloting it about 2 months ago. It is the only of its kind in the industry and as with everything we do, its time tested and we are here today continuing to push the envelope further and show the industry the things we can pull off. As with anything of importance or success, we have faced our critics over the past almost 300 days and expect more as 2014 progresses. Thank you for your support as we celebrate 300 days online this week!

FinMutual Newsletter
We apologize for the downtime on Monday and the inability to send out a newsletter on the situation that was ongoing. We suffered a massive DDOS attack that had to be mitigated. The DDOS attack was unlike any other attacks previously and was the largest to date by far. We are back online and thank you for your patience during the DDOS attack downtime.


First of all, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone actively participating in the MNO polls running on the TalkBack page. It’s really important to analyze the trends in the industry and help me focus on what readers are thinking, which in turn helps me run MNO smoothly and for the benefit of regular readers. So, thanks a lot for taking time out to vote.

Let’s analyze the results of the latest poll then where the question was “Do you personally compound your earnings in HYIPs in order to increase your overall profit?” Never a huge fan of compounding myself as many regular readers will know, I am nevertheless perfectly aware that many readers disagree and enjoy the thrill of compounding if they can get more profits for a much higher risk – and 15% answered that they “always compound as it gives me bigger profits in the end”. The most popular answer for the poll by far was a more negative “I never do compounding as it’s not worth the risk taken” which got almost a half of all the votes with 49%. Finally, a more cautious 36% of readers decided to take the best from both worlds and voted “Sometimes I might do it with small amounts only” answer.

What can we say about the results? It’s definitely a question of personal strategy, the level of conservatism, and the expectations one might have on the programs you join. Some of us really want to get the principal back and some decent profits and move on to a new program, others prefer to put everything in one stable program and hope to do better financially by making huge profits from it. While I totally understand both sides of the coin I must warn to always keep expectations modest and remember that by compounding you are subject to a hugely increased risk. Therefore, before taking the compounding option in any program it’s always advised to get your seed money back and then play with profits you got. So, by playing the compounding game (and I do call it a game) please understand all the rules and risks first, and if you’re comfortable with that then enjoy the ride and the profits. I’m sure you deserve them!

For this week’s poll I’ve decided to see what changes, if any, happened in your opinion of the Top Five most popular programs on MNO during the last month. I remember that a couple of weeks ago RockwellPartners was by the far the favorite program supported by more than a half of my readers, followed closely by BitcoFinancial with about a third of the vote. The remaining three – Cryptory, FinMutual, and InvGlobal – all sharing the rest of the votes. The Top Five programs remain the same while only the positions changed during this time, but I wonder if my readers’ opinion stands the same. So, for the next poll please answer the following – What is your favorite program from MNO’s Top Five? Possible answers are:
1) RockwellPartners (paying 1% to 3.5% variable interest per business day and 1% fixed on weekends – reviewed here)
2) BitcoFinancial (paying 5% for 30 calendar days and 2.5% daily without an expiry date – reviewed here and the admin is interviewed here)
3) Cryptory (paying moderate variable interest with possibility to withdraw any part of your principal and profit at any time – reviewed here)
4) FinMutual (paying 1.8% to 2.6% for 160 business days – reviewed here)
5) InvGlobal (paying 1.2% to 2.5% for 120 business days while also returning the initial investment on expiry – reviewed here).

Let’s hear what you think guys, so keep voting on MNO TalkBack and choose the one you enjoy working most with.


Last night an interesting and conceptual program joined MNO Premium List called Cropty which I must say that it does look very different from the others. Of course being different doesn’t automatically lead to success, but the fact that Cropty will be noticed and watched closely by the majority of experienced investors is undeniable. Anyway, let’s have a brief look at the main features of Cropty and see if it might be the right program for your needs.

Cropty officially launched just a few days ago but currently keeps a more low profile advertising campaign only being listed on MNO among the large monitors. I hope that it indicates a policy of steady development the admin is aiming for. The concept behind Cropty is unique and unusual to say the least as the admin is apparently inspired by the buzz currently surrounding the crypto currency world as dominated largely by BitCoin and its smaller counterparts. Perhaps he was also influenced by the enormous success of Cryptory (reviewed here) and its BitCoin mining business that allowed the program to become one of the biggest by utilizing the concept of making money from BitCoin mining. In that case, Cropty is going even further and offers a concept of creating its own crypto-currency called Cropty and setting its daily rate against USD and BTC. Unlike the actual volatile exchange rate by BitCoin against physical currencies, Cropty‘s value against BTC and USD only grows by at least 0.5% (sometimes much more) daily. So, that will be investors’ number one source of income which they should expect to get as profits while trying to sell their Croptys back to the administration at a later date. Be aware that your principal in Cropty is locked for a period of 5 calendar days during which you may not sell your currency (get your principal back) while you should allow up to 24 hours before you get paid your USD or BTC back to your PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or BitCoin accounts. By the way, these are the only three currencies that are accepted by Cropty but the deposited amount is unlimited and may be anything from 0.01 USD or the BTC equivalent which is automatically converted to Cropty‘s currency which is growing by at least 0.5% daily as mentioned above. The second stream of income investors in Cropty can expect from the program is the regular 1.5% to 2.1% daily profits that will be credited to their accounts daily and will be available for withdrawals (in this case, the withdrawals are processed instantly) in either USD if you invested via PerfectMoney or EgoPay and BTC if you have a deposit in BitCoin. Cropty has a unique and custom-made script to manage such unique features, while the site is SSL-secured by GlobalSign and hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of CloudFlare. I myself had a very pleasant experience with Cropty so far with all my withdrawals having been processed instantly, but I’m not sure if the website itself contains all the necessary information for investors to fully comprehend the investment process. Well, I guess for that reason the admin turned to MNO last night as he probably knows I can do more detailed but understandable reviews but spelling things out in plain and simple terms. That’s coming on MNO tomorrow, so stay tuned if you wish to know more about the project.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, BitcoFinancial, Cryptory, FinMutualInvGlobal, RemiTrade, 5DailyPro, VaBank, Eazzy, AssuredAssets, OneAdClick, WazaTrade, Cropty (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: ZeusInvest, VictorCoins, UniroyalChemical, OgdenOrganization, SuccessRoadToWealth, RoyalUnionInvestment (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you’re enjoying my news updates and tomorrow sees the full review of Cropty plus the latest news and events from the biggest programs online. Please show your support by subscribing to MNO daily news powered by FeedBurner, follow me on Facebook and Twitter, and be more connected by actively participating on MNO ShoutBox and voting for your favorites on MNO monitor and the latest poll on MNO TalkBack. Remember that I’m always here for you, so contact me if you have any questions or concerns and I will try my best to reply within 24 hours. Just remember I do get a high volume of mail. Thanks for reading and see you all tomorrow!

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