May 2014 Archives

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Beware! Zippfy has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Well I was almost looking forward to the weekend (yes, I know it’s still early for that) after such a busy week on MNO with so many new programs joining my monitor. More this week I think than any other week so far in 2014. there’s no end in sight just yet however as in the news section coming up in the second half of today’s update I have yet another new Premium Listed program to introduce. I don’t really mind of course, I kinda like the work, but I hope most of what’s been added eventually prove to be quality programs up to a high and professional standard that can put a good percentage of you into profit. I also have all the main news stories from around the HYIP industry so keep reading for more info on that. As for the program I’m looking at today, it’s called Zippfy and has a fairly unusual spin to it, and tries to stand out from the rest of the competition as best it can. It’s been online just over a week now I think which is long enough for many of you to have gotten familiar with it and indeed even to have made a fairly substantial profit for yourselves if you played it right. So let’s see what’s so special about Zippfy and whether you think you should either give them a try or hold on for something else.

At first glance the plans appear nothing special. Or at least very similar to those offered by dozens of other online HYIPs. On closer inspection however we see that actually a lot of thought and planning was put into this by the Zippfy admin, and they really are quite interesting if not totally unique. You have four plans in total to choose from, running for various terms but broken down into sub-sections themselves based on how much you want to spend.

Before we continue with the plans however there’s one very important point you should be aware of. I don’t want to call it a “discrepancy” exactly, but you might get the wrong impression of the plans from reading the Zippfy website. It looks from their own description as if they pay investors once on expiry, but that isn’t quite the case. The rates of interest you see listed on the ZippfyInvestments” page actually tell you the full amount you could potentially earn during the full term. In actual fact you can withdraw anything from the program at anytime, subject to a $1 minimum. Payments will include your principal so don’t expect that back in a separate payment.

The most interesting feature to the Zippfy plans is that they credit your interest by the second. You can watch what looks like a little stopwatch in your account area with the profits clocking up literally in front of your eyes every second in real time. Once the clock reaches $1 – the minimum you are allowed to withdraw – you may request it to your payment processor account. In the case that some plans pay higher interest during the same term, the clock just moves faster. I’ll try and explain it better for you below.

The first option then is called The Basic Plan and it runs for 3 calendar days. You’ll need a $10 minimum to join. Zippfy offer any investors willing to spend up to $1,000 a total return of 115%. That includes your principal, so it’s your own money back plus an extra 15% net profit for you. But this isn’t “15% after 3 days” and neither is it “5% daily for 3 days”. What happens for the three day term is that you see your initial deposit displayed in one box, while in another box your 115% return starts from zero and gradually starts growing one cent at a time. You can request this at anytime. Once you withdraw, the profit box goes back to zero and starts climbing again, but remember no matter how many withdrawals you make the cumulative total will still only come to 115% no matter what. It’s just a question of how many individual withdrawals you want to make before getting there. 15% is the maximum net profit earned from Zippfy during the course of the term.
For larger deposits in The Basic Plan Zippfy offer 118% for amounts between $1,001 and $5,000, and 121% for anything upwards of that to a $50,000 maximum. The only noticeable difference in your account area is the speed at which the profit clock is moving.

As that’s how the remaining Zippfy plans all work then there’s no need to repeat the same basic rules. Next up then is The Premium Plan, also open to a $10 minimum spend but running for 6 calendar days. During that time Zippfy members with anything up to $1,000 in their accounts will eventually rack up a return of 136%. This is with your principal included, so you can call it your own money back plus 36% net profit.
Alternatively for the really big spenders Zippfy offer 142% on $1,001 to $5,000, or 148% on larger amounts again up to $50,000.

Your third option is The Expert Plan. This runs for 12 calendar days, and for a $10 minimum spend Zippfy are offering their members real time payments eventually climbing to 184% by the end of the term. This includes your principal so the net profit in return for joining is 84%.
Members who join this plan with $1,001 to $5,000 are offered 196% in total, while those brave/rich/foolhardy enough to join with from $5,001 to $50,000 see Zippfy offer the 208%.

Propping up the list of plans finally is The Master Plan. With a 24 calendar day term this one is the riskiest option of them all, however with a $10 minimum to join the financial risk need only be minimal. Call it a “fun bet”, because I can’t imagine many of you sinking much larger sums of cash into this one. But for the record Zippfy offer cumulative payments amounting to 292% during the term. With your principal forming part of these, it’s 192% net profit. Maximum spend is $1,000.
For your information, on larger deposits Zippfy offer 316% back on amounts from $1,001 to $5,000, and 340% on $5,001 to $50,000, both with principal included.

So if any of those plans catches your eye and you think you’d like to try your luck with Zippfy, then the next thing on the list to discuss will be your payment options. While not exactly a full and comprehensive list, it’s probably as good as what one might expect from a short to mid term program of this type. Enough of you will probably be happy enough to see PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. Withdrawal requests will need to be placed manually inside your Zippfy member’s area, but once done should then be processed instantly. Once the request has been submitted the money should appear in your chosen payment processor account in under a minute.

Due to the script Zippfy is running off I know not everyone will be immediately familiar with the deposit and withdrawal procedure, so before I move on I just want to make a short few points about that to help anyone having difficulties getting to grips with it. Making a deposit firstly is basically just a case of funding your Zippfy account wallet first, before then re-directing the funds into and active investment plan that pays interest. So don’t forget to complete the process, otherwise your money just sits there in limbo doing nothing.

The first step then is to click the “Make Deposit” tab at the top of your account area after signing in. Then you will see “Fill Up Balance”, so click the “choose” button under this. On the next page you just fill in the amount and the preferred payment processor, click “Create”, and you will be re-directed to the secure area of your payment processor account to complete the transaction. Now that your balance has been funded, you’ll need to do the most important thing – like I just said above, move the money from you balance to an active investment. To do this you need to find yourself back on the “Make Deposit” page, except this time you will now click the “Create Deposit” option. This will show you the money you now have in your Zippfy account, so just fill in the blanks to tell the script how much money to move and into what plan.

The withdrawal process then is much more complicated as I will explain. To make a withdrawal the first thing you do is release the available funds still tied to your deposit into your balance. For that simply click the “Your Deposits” tab in your Zippfy account area. Then choose the deposit you wish to withdraw from by clicking the “Active” status and you will then be able to move “Profit to Balance”. After that you will see the available funds transferred to your balance. Then you simply click the “Withdraw Money” tab at the top of your member’s account area. Just fill in the required fields, namely the amount and the payment processor, and click “Create”. Transactions are handled instantly and you should be given a batch number when the page refreshes. Incidentally, before any withdrawals are requested make sure you have all your e-currency accounts up to date in the “Wallets” section of member’s area. Without it your payout can’t be processed as the script won’t know where to send it. So just double check to make sure all your details are correct.

Nothing too difficult then as long as it’s explained properly, and while I know most of you could have figured it out for yourselves easily enough I just wanted to clarify it for anyone who doesn’t have the patience or might not be familiar with this particular script. Speaking of which, the script Zippfy have chosen to run from is under license from H-Script, which come to think of it has been gaining in popularity in recent times. You’ll see the latest stats displayed there for you if you’re interested as well, with all the most recent transactions made in and out of the program. Hosting is with tech support and protection by GeniusGuard who are keeping the Zippfy website on a dedicated server. For an extra layer of security Zippfy is also SSL protected as certified by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions for the admin (who’s proven so far to be quite responsive, at least to my own emails he has anyway) or account related issues then there’s a couple of ways to get in touch. Mostly this would be via the more traditional online e-mail support form where you just fill in your details and submit via the contacts page. Otherwise you can try Zippfy‘s Skype Chat for live support if the admin is online (no working schedule is published) or else if you’re a fan of social networking sites then look them up on Facebook where the admin also seems to be active.

Despite a largely original program and concept behind it, there’s one undeniable fact remaining about Zippfy that you’d do well to pay close attention to no matter how much you (might) like the program – they work exclusively in the HYIP industry using anonymity and no chargeback payment processors. OK, I know perfectly well your all adults, and if you’re happy to accept the risk and proceed then so be it. It doesn’t bother me all that much either, I knew the whole industry was a gamble very shortly after getting involved for the first time, and I know most of you guys feel the same way. Still, I just feel better when we keep this fact out in the open for anyone new to the HYIP industry. So if you like Zippfy then sure, feel free to play. Why not? Just as long as you stay well withing an affordable spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if you do join Zippfy then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



You may have noticed the PerfectMoney website has been down in many locations around the world today. I believe it’s a purely technical issue and will be resolved by the PerfectMoney administration shortly. But for now please note that some admins might experience difficulties with processing payouts, so therefore please show a little patience if that’s the case. One example is the above reviewed Zippfy, where the admin notified members that the automated payments interface is down. Therefore he was unable to offer withdrawals to PerfectMoney investors in instant mode as is the case with other payment processors accepted by them. Please take note of that while the admin promises to resume PM payments as soon as they get back to normal which will hopefully happen sooner rather than later:

PM is down
Hello, Looks like PerfectMoney API is down for our location, thats why script can’t process withdrawals. Please wait for our next email with information that is working again.
Best regards, Zippfy team

And just before posting I received a follow-up email from the Zippfy admin informing investors about the successful resolution. Good to see PM withdrawals are back to normal now and kudos to the admin for acting fast:

Perfectmoney Instant fixed!
We just fixed issue related with instant withdrawals. Now its working fine. To request instant withdraw you need to cancel previous one.
Thank you for your patient.
Best regards. Zippfy team


Unfortunately it’s time to say good-bye to InvGlobal, a former program on the MNO Top Five list today moved to Problem status on my monitor due to delayed withdrawals. I’m sure that the program’s amazing 260 days online was more than enough for many investors to profit from InvGlobal‘s 1.2%-2.5% for 120 business days plan, with many even getting their principals back on expiry. Today though the admin (who’s usually almost silent) issued a lengthy newsletter announcing the addition of a new short-term plan paying 2% for 15 business days with principal back on expiry. Experienced investors immediately recognized the well worn pattern of a very successful long-term program suddenly adds a short-term plan and even announcing a deposit bonus if you make a deposit within the next seven days. Surely a clear indicator of something going wrong with InvGloba,l and an admin ready to pull the plug. To add the insult to injury the instant withdrawals usually processed by InvGlobal within seconds were also put on hold today and for some reason my own withdrawal went to pending status tonight which happened very rarely. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that these events all coincide. With little doubt about what’s really going on now, I’ve had to move the program to the appropriate status on my monitor today and will most likely by downgraded to Scam by tomorrow. Please beware of that and do not invest in InvGlobal again. Below I just leave you with the latest newsletter from the admin where his sudden burst of generosity evolved:

Join Promotion Plan And Get 20% Bonus
Dear valued members,
Many members suggest us open a short-term investment plan so that more investors can test our service. Now we decide to open a new plan called Promotion Plan.
Daily interest 2.0%
Investment Term 15 business days
Principal is Returned
Min Amount $10
Max Amount $100000
Compound On
In order to promote our Promotion Plan,we will also add an extra of up to 20% of your deposit amount directly to your account balance which you can withdraw instantly immediately. Please note that you can only get this bonus if you join our Promotion Plan before 6th June.
Invest $10-$500,5% Bonus
Invest $501-$1000,10% Bonus
Invest $1001-$10000,15% Bonus
Invest $10001 and more 20% Bonus
By the way, we accept Perfectmoney, Egopay, Pexpay and Payeer as our payment processors. If you have any question,please feel free to contact us.


The latest program joining the MNO Premium List tonight isn’t really that new at all. ProfitableMarkets has been online for over five weeks now which is a tremendously good achievement for a short-term program like this. I guess the secret of such success is slow but steady development and improvement, and gradually increased promotion. In order to trace what might be the example of how a short-term program is supposed to be run to achieve such heights let’s take a look at the News page outlining how the program built its existence. First off though let’s take a brief look at the investment plans. The list is simple and include 102.5%-115% after 1 day, 106%-150% after 2 days, 114%-250% after 4 days, 130%-400% after 8 days, 180%-850% after 16 days, 330%-2,000% after 32 days. As you can see, the plans are very traditional for this type of program with perhaps slightly lower rates for the one- and two-day plans. Otherwise they are all rather typical with a minimum to invest low enough to accommodate even the smallest investors – $5 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer. ProfitableMarkets though originally started with a $10 minimum and it was lowered just a couple of days before joining MNO as stated:

Minimum Deposit Lowered to $5.00 Due to Demand
The minimum deposit for all plans is now set to $5.00 . This is due to a high demand in trial deposits in each plan and a lower entry fee for each of our plans. This is not active and everyone can take advantage of this low minimum.

Note that the withdrawals in ProfitableMarkets are not instantly processed and you should allow from 15 minutes to 48 hours for them to be completed. The program is running off a GoldCoders licensed script, so I don’t think it will be any problem for anyone to figure out how to navigate. The website is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of GeniusGuard. The server move was completed just a week ago as reported below:

We’re just moved to a new server
We just upgraded our server and we have migrated already to it. Please find that the site is fully functional now thank you!

After tweaking the site’s design a couple of times the admin of ProfitableMarkets was finally able to present the final version which you can see now:

New Design Implementation
The latest and final design is finally implemented and installed on our website. Please check and let us know your comments. Thank you!

As any decent short-term program aiming for long-lasting support from its main promoters ProfitableMarkets offers advertising banners and some nice little features like a calculator that will help you with planning any investments with the program:

Calculator Function
We now have a calculator for you to see how much you can earn from each plan. Our plans have brackets so please try the calculator to avoid confusion. Additionally, you can see the plans in detail via the OUR PLANS button on the navigation panel.

New & Updated Advertising Banners Available
We have new banners available for use to advertise your referral link.

All in all, I believe the first month of ProfitableMarkets‘ operations was more like a testing period before stepping up its advertising campaign with the addition of more famous monitoring sites like MNO. We’ll see what come of such a smart advertising policy in the long run and hope that ProfitableMarkets will be a profitable venture for readers. A more detailed review will be written on Saturday, so stay tuned for that.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, FinMutual, Cryptory, 5DailyPro, RemiTrade, Eazzy, UniroyalChemical, LucrativaLimited, OneAdClick, AssuredAssets, Clarvin, GepardAlliance, PowerProfit.
From MNO Standard list: Zippfy.
From MNO Basic list: ZeusInvest, HyipWorldCup, VictorCoins, OgdenOrganization, SmilesFortune, FortunesUpSuccessRoadToWealth, SYMTLTD, TrustForexTrade, RedLines (the first instant payment received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. I hope there was something useful for you in today’s update and you noticed the surge in potentially promising new programs coming to the MNO monitor this week. I would like to encourage you to be more active on my ShoutBox, and follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, likewise subscribing to the MNO daily news not to miss any important news or latest updates on your favorite programs. I’ll be working on them again tomorrow while staying active on my blog (so do not hesitate to contact me) so see you all on Friday with a more detailed look at PowerProfit which has been paying me instantly so far. See you all then and bye for now!a href=”″

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