May 2014 Archives

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Hello everybody! It’s been a couple of days since my last update I know, but that’s just because it was pretty quiet in the industry over the weekend. Let’s see if the new business week brings any more activity, though pretty often it’s when there’s less to report that things are at their most stable. Not that I’m complaining about a lack of work as I’m still keeping myself busy here in the southern tip of Sweden and spend a wonderful day in the small picturesque port city of Ystad. It’s kind of embarrassing but I had to wait for the announcement at the railway station before I discovered how to pronounce it properly! Still worth a visit though. Anyway, for todays update there’s some interesting and useful news for SolidTrustPay members, a somewhat less useful update from OilRigContractors, the latest bonus payment from FinMutual, and the latest results from the reader’s opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page with another poll added. So let’s get started then and see what’s new.


Something that will probably be of interest to most of you, given that I know SolidTrustPay is the preferred payment processor amongst the majority of MNO readers (something I can see both from my personal downlines in the programs I monitor and the popularity in general of the programs who use STP) is the following article from the STP news blog. It’s a short piece on what e-currency exchange providers they have authorized and added to their approved list. It’s a pretty short list mind, but that’s fine by me as it’s only the most reputable exchangers with the best possible track records that are allowed. So while there’s nothing to stop you from using unapproved (or even “black market”) exchangers, there’s absolutely NO justifiable reason for you doing so. And of course if you get scammed in such a transaction, and let’s be clear about this the likelihood of that happening is high, you’re on your own. So take STP’s advice and stick to what’s been vigorously tried and tested, and subsequently approved by the payment processor themselves.

It’s that very ethic which makes STP the processor of choice for the bigger investors in the HYIP industry, and why they and their rigorous adherence to the laws which protect their members are the only one of the main HYIP related payment processors to not be forced into taking drastic measures to keep themselves out of trouble with the law after LR was shut down. They were compliant with the law before that incident, and nothing has changed with them in that regard. It’s also worth noting that four of the top five programs on the MNO monitor (hence four of the biggest programs anywhere in the HYIP industry) all feature STP very prominently, proving that experienced and successful admins know damn well that they have to get their accounts verified in STP before launching if they really want to be one of the industry leaders and taken seriously by the big spenders.

While sometimes criticized in certain quarters for higher fees compared to their competitors, I’ve always felt this was undeserved and something generally claimed by those who either don’t use or don’t understand the benefits of STP in the first place. The thing about SolidTrustPay is that they allow you to by-pass third party exchangers completely in a way that let’s say PerfectMoney do not. If you have money in your STP account you can simply have it transferred directly into your personal bank account, cutting out the middleman completely. Alternatively, also avoiding any exchanger’s fees, you can withdraw your funds directly onto the STP debit card which works the very same as a regular bank issued card. I have one myself and can vouch for it, and as a matter of fact can tell you the current provider (PaySpark) is actually far superior to the last version. It can be used for direct ATM cash withdrawals, online shopping, or just regular over-the-counter purchases in your local shops and supermarkets. So I would think most of you agree that the fees are kinda cancelled out by the high level of service and the fact that the only people who really need to handle your money are just you and STP themselves. Still, if for whatever reason you find a reason that you need to pay a third party to move your money from A to B, then the list of STP approved handlers is contained in the following piece from their news blog. US based readers please note, due to legal restrictions in the US and outside of STP’s control or influence, you are not allowed to use exchange services so the following article does not apply to you:

SolidTrustPay Verified Exchangers
Looking at using an E-Currency Exchanger to transfer funds in or out of SoildTrustPay? To keep your account and money safe, we require all E-Currency Exchangers to be pre-approved by us before they can do business.
Here is an up-to-date list of SolidTrustPay approved and Verified Exchangers who are ready to assist you with exchanges from STPay to other E-Currencies:
Magnetic Exchange
For your safety, never exchange funds with an unknown individual or company who has not been pre-approved by SolidTrustPay. If you are offered the services of an exchanger who does not appear on the list above, please contact our Customer Support Staff and we will be happy to confirm if they have been approved to operate as a Verified Exchanger.
Please note: US citizens are not eligible to use Verified Exchangers/or send e-currency exchanges via their STPay account.
For further information on using Exchangers, please read this article on Exchanging E-Currencies Safely.
SolidTrustPay is always here to help!


Staying on the subject of payment processors then, you might cast your mind back to the events of last summer and the turbulent state of the industry then. The reason is that it’s now almost exactly twelve months to the day since LibertyReserve was shut down, its assets seized, and its owners arrested. As far as I can remember the US prosecuting attorney’s description of them was something like “the world’s biggest criminal bank”, or something like that anyway. So, in the following year the HYIP industry which was only one (and from what later became public probably the least dangerous) of the underground networks using their services undeniably did take a hit. I think things have definitely settled down now, and whereas OK, maybe the HYIP industry hasn’t one back to its previous heights before the LR closure, a certain degree of normality and stability has now returned.

So now that we’ve all had a year to think about it and see where we are now, is the HYIP industry really that much worse off without them? I mean it certainly didn’t spell out the end of the road for online HYIPs like some doom merchants were saying at the time, and it did provide a timely warning to some of the other online financial service providers to clean up their act. The exact question put to the readers of MNO in the last opinion poll on the TalkBack page asked:
Do you think the closure of LibertyReserve eventually made the HYIP industry better?

Personally I never made a secret out of the fact that I never really liked LibertyReserve all that much in the first place, and just saw them as a necessary and unavoidable evil for anyone who wanted to make a living from HYIPs. I mean sure, the service was fine up to a point as long as it worked, but the people involved with running it were just vile. And as for the so called “support staff”, I’m tempted to describe them as clowns but then that might imply that they were somehow funny. They weren’t! Judging by the answers submitted to the afore mentioned question then, it seems the overwhelming majority of readers either think we are better off without them, or at least don’t seem all that bothered one way or another. The leading reply, with 48% of the vote, said:
Yes. We are probably better off without them.

In second place a still sizeable minority of readers still hold a torch for LR, with 31% voting:
No. The HYIP industry is not as good without LR.
Obviously I would never want to put words into the mouths of those who voted, everyone’s opinion is as valid as the next person and there are no wrong answers as such. But I just can’t help but wonder if the knock-on affect that LR being shut down had on other processors might influence people’s opinion? I mean it’s a massive headache for a lot of people now, by which I mainly mean US based readers, that neither PerfectMoney nor EgoPay will deal with American clients anymore and have closed all their accounts and returned the funds being stored there. None of this would have happened before the LibertyReserve seizure, so maybe in that sense I can see there’s a certain point to be made there.

The remaining 21% of readers polled were less I suppose aggressively critical of LR’s role in damaging the HYIP industry for the rest of us, but at the same time seem not to really care that they are gone and perhaps no longer see any long term negative impact on their own activities. They replied:
The same. The HYIP industry will still run and does not depend on one provider.”

To finish up for tonight then I want to add a new question, and it’s on the sometimes thorny subject of compounding. This of course is the practice of deliberately neglecting to withdraw daily interest payments (where you get them) and allowing them to be added to your principal investment in order to secure bigger and bigger “payments” as the days pass, none of which you actually withdraw. Personally I’ve never rated the act of compounding all that highly, because when a HYIP eventually gets into trouble, and they all get into trouble at sometime, then not only do you lose what you had in a deposit there, you also lose out on money you could easily have collected at any time you wanted but didn’t. My own alternative suggestion to compounding if you absolutely have to risk your extra earnings is to withdraw your interest but invest it elsewhere if you really must. But then again what do I know? It seems compounding continues to be a popular option among investors in the programs that offer it, I don’t always understand why, but everyone has their own strategy I suppose.

So my next question then is a very simple one:
Do you personally compound your earnings in HYIPs in order to increase your overall profit?
Three possible answers are:
a) Yes, I always compound as it gives me bigger profits in the end.
b) No, I never do compounding as it’s not worth the risk taken.
c) Sometimes I might do it with small amounts only.

The poll will stay open for at least a week, maybe a bit longer like ten days or so, which will give anyone who wants to vote an ample opportunity to do so. I do hope you’ll participate as it only takes a second and is completely anonymous anyway.


I believe that after all the admin of OilRigContractors really does have something to do with the program’s name. Nope, they’re not drilling oil, but they are rigging stats. How would you like the unbelievable $4.5M in total deposits, or $1M in withdrawals paid out? Both figures are so far-fetched and seem to derive from the wildest fantasies of George Soros, but not from a short-term ponzi based game that has been online for only a month now. Still, if you prefer to believe the stats HYIP admins like to feed you with please feel free to deceive yourself into thinking they are dealing with millions there:

$4,500,000 Total Deposits Milestone Achieved
We have yet achieved another milestone. We have breached $4,500,000 total deposit in a very short span of time! Congratulations to all of our investors.

$1,000,000+ Total Withdrawals Processed Milestone Achieved
At Rothstein & Company OilRigContractors Limited, the withdrawal amount milestone is also an important event. Today we have paid out $1,000,000+ withdrawals. This proves a lot about our company. Thank you.

Despite of the clearly unrealistic figures totalling the deposits and withdrawals in OilRigContractors we cannot deny the simple fact that the program is definitely the most popular short-term program in the HYIP industry for now, and the best indicator of this is their growing Alexa rating which the admin gave the link to below:

Our Alexa Traffic Rank on our 30th Day Online

You might also remember from my review of OilRigContractors (click here to read it) that the admin is very strict against cheaters and multiple account holders. Plans include 105%-125% after 1 day, 56%-70% for 2 days, 130%-300% after 5 days, 180%-475% after 10 days, 300%-800% after 20 days, 500%-1,300% after 30 days. Everyone who deposits there starting from a $5 minimum via EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin gets paid, but the cheaters’ accounts will be blocked and the money in them forfeited, so please do not try self-referring and play fairly if you wish to be treated fairly by the admin. In order to maintain the stability and longevity of OilRigContractors the admin has developed a set of rules and tries to enforce them diligently, even though it might cost his program its reputation due to constant attempts to destroy their credibility by those who were thrown out. However, I believe such attempts will fail as I can see that the admin is clearly determined to make OilRigContractors the biggest short-term program of 2014. Let’s see if he manages to do so, but for now its been running for the entire month and has already reached the #5 position on MNO’s Premium List and rising. The last two emails cover banned, limited, and flagged accounts in OilRigContractors and offers an explanation of the anti-cheating policy being enforced. For more info please read in the following two updates:

Official Statement Regarding Cheaters and Violators
I would like to make an official statement regarding all of these issues here. Please be informed that all the threats that our program has been receiving are coming from this cheater / violator . ImranAli, UsmanAli, AmratKumar1, Zeashan Asif etc… This violator has been very popular because of the methods he uses to catch the attention of the administration and other investors. Also would like to address all issues about banned or limited accounts.
All of the banned and limited accounts have all been found guilty of the violations they have committed, and as a company we need to impose our policies very strictly. Afterall, a company without policies, will be a total mess. So before believing and buying what this or these cheaters are posting online, please realise first the reason why they are complaining and why they are doing these things.
The administration would like to request everyone to be very vigilant with these issues. Thank you.

Account Flagged Status? Don’t Worry, Just Contact Support
If you receive a notice that your account is flagged. Do not worry too much, this is a system flag that is triggered when you actually have multiple accounts signing in with a singular IP address. Other causes are inadequate account activities. Contact support for help and resolution.


I believe the recent maintenance work on the FinMutual website prevented the admin from sending the updated rate of the weekly deposit bonus which he usually announces on Friday. This is still a relatively new development in FinMutual and the bonus is obviously aimed at attracting more new deposits into the program in the event of existing members going static and not making any fresh deposits themselves. The deposit bonus for this week was announced at 6% which means that any new investments made into the 1.8%-2.6% for 160 business days plan from Monday to Friday this week will get a 6% deposit bonus on which interest will be credited. If you didn’t read the full review of FinMutual posted here, I remind that the program accepts deposits starting from $25 via SoidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Payeer, and PexPay. FinMutual has been online and paying since July 2013 and is currently in the #4 position on the MNO Premium List. The latest from FinMutual can be read below:

FinMutual Bonus Schedule
Thank you for participating over the past few weeks in our variable deposit bonus program. Below you will find the updated variable bonus schedule for this week:
Weekend Bonus through Sunday, May 11th evening 11:59PM Eastern Daylight Time, a 9% deposit bonus is applicable.
From Monday, May 12th 12:00 Midnight Eastern Daylight Time to Friday May 16th 5PM Eastern Daylight Time, a 6% deposit bonus is applicable.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, BitcoFinancial, Cryptory, FinMutualOilRigContractorsInvGlobal, RemiTrade, 5DailyPro, VaBank, AssuredAssets, Eazzy, OneAdClick.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, VictorCoins, OgdenOrganization, KavkazFond, SolarInvestGroup, SuccessRoadToWealth (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope to see you on MNO again soon and hope you can be more active on MNO TalkBack voting on the polls, on the MNO ShoutBox participating in the discussions, and writing more emails to me as I’m always here to help my readers with any questions related to HYIP investments. Also, I’m currently making some changes to the MNO Forum which will hopefully soon allow you post without any restrictions as my programmer is working on an anti-bot system. Please don’t forget to check the status of whatever programs you’re about to invest with on the MNO Monitor before doing so, as I’m often the first monitor when it comes to accuracy and a speedy change of status. Remember that MNO has a policy of quality over quantity, and so accommodates fewer programs but only the very best ones, so keep reading more on the most elite programs in the HYIP industry only on MNO and keep a healthy profit margin. Stay tuned and see you soon!

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