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Beware! UniroyalChemical has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend, but in particular as I know I have a lot of US based readers I’d like to wish a happy Fourth of July to anyone celebrating American Independence Day. Have a good one! It’s a regular workday for me, though it’s been a slow enough end to the week for news stories and there isn’t really a great deal to report. I’ll have a proper news round-up for tomorrow, but for today I just want to concentrate on the following interview I was glad to receive from the admin of UniroyalChemical. Well, he doesn’t call himself the admin but I think you know what I mean. Anyway, the program itself has been a revelation over the last number of months it’s been running and has become something of an example to other HYIPs of organization and how to establish slow, steady, sustainable growth and long term success. UniroyalChemical have been in operation since September of last year, though only monitored on MNO for around the last two months, starting on Basic Listing and later upgrading to Premium where it currently sits in the #2 position. They are one of the leaders in the currently popular trend in the HYIP industry of returning greater control over the accounts to the members themselves, allowing you to fix your own investment term and leave the program whenever you like, be it a day, a year, or never. As long as you do remain a member however, UniroyalChemical will reward you for it with a daily interest payment which is variable, but always falls somewhere between a 1% minimum and a 5% maximum.

Before the admin explains it all in his own words let me just remind you that if you like what he has to say and think you stand a better than average chance of making a profit (remember you only need one single day to do so) then you can find more detailed information in the UniroyalChemical review first published on MNO here.

1. Hi Wagner, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own involvement in UniroyalChemical. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Welcome Paul and the readers of your resource. My name is Wagner Meier, I’m not the admin of the project but I am the head of the Public Relations department of UniroyalChemical. My responsibilities include monitoring and control of the work of my department. Day to day we communicate with the members of our project and we do everything possible to make their participation easy and enjoyable. We receive a lot of questions both from experienced and active investors, and from potential participants. This interview is an opportunity to clarify some points about our work.

2. Can you give us some background information on UniroyalChemical? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

This is a very interesting question for existing investors and for future participants. I would be very pleased to tell you an exciting story and reinforce it with the incredible facts, but it is actually quite simple. Project creator Frank Hoffman, having Financial education and an eco-friendly approach to the environment, realized his desire to protect the planet with the project UniroyalChemical, which is successfully developing now and will continue to develop in the future. The main idea is based on the recycling of waste and trash used in industry, construction, metallurgy and other industries. Our UniroyalChemical team is constantly updated with new specialists in finance, professionals in the field of investment, so we grow steadily and stably. We recruit consultants in technical support, open new channels of communication, which fortunately nowadays has become very easy. So you can find us in social networks.

In the near future we’ll be able to provide Support 24/7 in 5 languages.

As for our time online, the project started in September 2013, so at the moment we have been working for 285 days.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer.
What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

Expected and very important question, thank you. Our team of financiers, based on wide experience in the field of investment, through the structure of our project very carefully, this model has been constantly under analyzing and rework. By trial and adjustments we have created our own structure of investment plans, at the time of starting the project no analogues existed, but it is very simple, understandable and attractive to our investors and partners, and this is a huge part of success, isn’t it?

So, a bit about the investment plans. Our investors get from 1% to 5% day, and by using compounding this can be even bigger.

We offer an excellent affiliate program. Attracting new participants, investors are also increasing their income through new investment turnover.

For example, if you invite your friends and acquaintances you can get 10% of their profits, and when your friends will invite new members, you will even get 3% from their profits. But that’s not all.

If you are an active member you can earn more with affiliate program becoming our official partner. And receiving revenue from the investors profits 15% from the first line, 5% from the second, 2% from the third, 1% from the fourth, fifth and sixth lines. To do that you have to maintain an active deposit of $500 or more and provide us your contact details such as country, city of residence and language which you would use to consult new members. So as you see, becoming an official partner is much more interesting and pleasant.

Deposit amounts can range from $10 up to $100,000 – we always provide our investors greater freedom of choice when they work with us. One more thing – is that we try to handle the withdrawal of funds to the accounts of our members and partners as fast as possible. You can withdraw from your account any time you wish. So you manage your money yourself. Thanks to such loyalty to the participants, the project has earned the maximum trust. By the way, we accept such systems such as PM (Perfect Money), EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin. I’d like add that all this information is available on the website in open access.

4. How secure is the website of UniroyalChemical? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

The security of our website is a top priority for administrators. The operations in protection against fraud are conducted both in manual and automatic mode – dedicated server from DDoS Guard high-bandwidth, reliable and informative script, hosting. The cooperation of the administrators, moderators and partners is made in such a way so that all operations concern deposits whether it’s a contribution, the accrual of bonuses or withdrawal, are carefully checked. of each operation is by several independent administrators. Unfortunately, I can not reveal all the secrets and techniques for security purposes. In order to protect our members, we reliably secure the system from DDOS-attacks, and take measures once a week to ensure the safety and preservation of our project.

5. What kind of script is UniroyalChemical running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

The script, or simply speaking the program that is responsible for the project, is unique and is constantly improved. Our programmers test and add new features. We are actively working with the system, and as a result receive positive feedback from our investors in response.

6. Can we see any statistics regarding UniroyalChemical? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

As many of you know, the project started in September 2013, after some time, it was decided to update the structure and design of the project, after all the improvements and innovations the project resumed its work in May 2014, what allowed to take a new high and to enter successfully the market of investments. Regarding to statistics of the project, all the necessary information is available to each participant in his personal cabinet. If we talk about the overall statistics of the project, then I can give you some figures. So today the number of registered participants is more than 12,400 people, more than half of them are active investors. It is not surprising, since the recent average number of registrations in the project is about 200 per day. So while we are talking a new member registers every 7 minutes. Moreover we have about 40 active partners who help us make our overall business more successful. We are pleased with the support from the participants, a lot of effort was made for this, and we will do everything possible for further growth. Especially because we always have new ideas, some of them are already in development.

7. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? I see that the UniroyalChemical website is multilingual, but is your customer support available in anything other than English?

In fact we have tried to involve the maximum number of ways to contact us, creating a wide network of possible contacts: physical address, telephone number (+ callback option), e-mail, Skype, contact form, ticketing system (in your personal account), Facebook, VK, Twitter. All addresses are on our website under “Contact Us.” For the convenience of our investors, the project is available in 10 languages including English, Russian, German, French, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Hindi. Arabic is in development. Regarding the support of the project, at the moment it is implemented in three languages (German, English, Russian)

8. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Each question from a participant or a partner is always important for us, it is a kind of feedback on our actions and ideas. And it is normal when problems arise, it means that it is enough to solve the question and the project will become better and more interesting. That is our philosophy. We deal a lot with the simplest questions, the answers to which have already been distributed throughout the network, but nevertheless communication with project participants plays a huge part for us. I would like to address participants once again, read carefully all sections of the site, stay tuned and you will always have sufficient information.

9. How have you been promoting UniroyalChemical so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

As you know, there are lots of ways for users to learn about the project. We use our methods of work that are well structured and have proven themselves over time. We use well-known and reliable services, advertising in social networks, monitoring, we are constantly searching new, creative and unique ways. Many bloggers are also interested in our project. The basic idea is that advertising should be balanced and precisely focused on the target audience, that’s when it works and causes positive emotions to potential participants. In addition, we have reliable partners who help us to attract new investors.

10. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

The main direction of our investment is based on a moderate financial pragmatism and analytical capabilities of our specialists. Simply speaking, the giant waste recycling industry requires considerable investments, sometimes the amount of investment in a particular structure starts at $100,000. Our company was established with the aim to give an opportunity to each investor, a nature lover or a philanthropist who does not have such huge funds, to participate in such an important matter as the cleansing of the planet from waste and residues of human life, and to get a good profit out of it. So we make an investment pool out of our clients’ contributions. When the pool is filled our financial analysts calculate what kind of structure (brand) is currently the most profitable to invest in the short run. Later we share dividends between investors in proportion to their contributions to the program. This is, of course, a simplified scheme, but basically it explains the essence of our investment activities.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

I’d like to thank you for an excellent opportunity to answer all the questions in the form of a dialogue, they are really interesting, and I think the answers will complement the information that the current and future participants already posses. As for the comments about the articles or reviews, I would like to add that we appreciate the frankness and honesty of authoritative bloggers and advertising platforms, without interfering with the general course of events, we gladly accept constructive criticism, in order to refine and improve the project. In conclusion, I’d like to wish high profits to all the participants in collaboration with the team of UniroyalChemical!

That’s it for today, guys, except to say a big thank you to Wagner for taking the time and effort to reply to my questions and say I hope you found it useful. By which I mean interesting if you’re already a UniroyalChemical member, or helpful in deciding whether or not you wish to become a member if you haven’t already joined. Either way, good luck to the admin in keeping up the excellent work he’s been doing up to now, but more importantly best of luck to the investors there. I hope it proves a profitable experience for as many of you as possible. Anyway, like I said at the beginning I’ll have a proper news round up for you tomorrow, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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