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11/07/2014. AuGoldPartners Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Beware! AuGoldPartners has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Before the day’s news stories coming as usual in the second half of this update, I want to start with a closer look at another of the latest programs to join the MNO monitor’s Premium List. It’s a longer term project called AuGoldPartners which opened just earlier this week, and despite a very limited advertising campaign (so far, anyway) word-of-mouth on forums seems to have gotten them this far. The admin looks as if he’s stepping things up a bit now, but in terms of HYIP industry monitors so far MNO was the only (or at least the first) widely used site to cover AuGoldPartners. So let’s see what it’s all about and whether or not you think the program has any serious potential.

The investment plan (there’s only one) is pretty simple, and things work the very same way for the smallest investor as they do for the biggest. You’ll need a $10 minimum to join AuGoldPartners in the first place, and the investment term runs for 100 business days which is twenty weeks. Interest payments are made on a daily basis from Monday to Friday only, and the exact rate will vary. It’s based on the performance of the program from day-to-day, and can be anything up to a maximum of 4%. Your principal is counted as part of the payments and so will not be returned on expiry of the term. Please remember though, and this is very important, when I say the interest could be as high as 4% per day it could also be a lot lower. There’s a maximum of 4% but there’s no actual minimum.

It’s fairly difficult therefore (maybe pointless would be a more accurate word) to make any practical examples of how an investment might work out. It’s simply way too unpredictable and over the course of 100 payments the final difference between the potential minimum return and the maximum return is too big. However if it helps, AuGoldPartners have a trading results section where you can keep an eye on their ongoing performance. This doesn’t guarantee the future results of the program, experienced players will of course know this, but up until now an average payout might be something around 3% per business day. So if that was to be maintained you could in theory break even after 34 payments and complete the term with a 300% return on your investment. That would be your own money back plus 200% net profit. That’s unlikely to be the exact figure as you know, but it’s as good a guess as I can make for now.

So if the investment plan is all clear then you may wish to know about the payment options. The list is reasonable I suppose, not quite extensive but enough of the popular options are in there, including PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin. Payments will be handled manually by the admin and so need to be requested from inside your members account area. Keeping in mind that interest is only generated from Monday to Friday (which doesn’t prevent you from asking for a withdrawal during Saturday and Sunday) the AuGoldPartners admin asks for a 48 hour maximum to ensure all transactions are completed. There is in fact conflicting information on the AuGoldPartners website about the processing time, so I suggest you take the most conservative approach of allowing “48 business hours” and look on anything faster as a bonus.

Most curiously here though is that SolidTrustPay are already fully integrated into the AuGoldPartners website, but are not currently accepted as a payment partner. Not officially anyway, though the admin has promised to do so as soon as he receives STP’s approval. How long this can take is anyone’s guess these days, but when/if it happens keep an eye on my blog and I’ll make sure this is the first place you hear about it.

Moving on finally to the technical feature of the program such as design and security, AuGoldPartners is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection by a UK based provider called SharkTech. I have to say this is a new name to me, at least in relation to the hosting of HYIP related websites, though exactly how good they are with dealing with the almost relentless nature of DDoS attacks that affect this business is something I have no doubt we’ll be finding out before log. For an extra layer of protection the website is SSL secured by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and the AuGoldPartners website is powered off a script under license from H-Script.

If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then they can be reached by filling out your details in the online support form and submitting it via the contacts page. AuGoldPartners also have a Live Chat feature built-in to their website, so it might be worth your while checking that out first before composing any lengthy mails. It’s possible the admin might be able to fix your problem in real time.

For the record, AuGoldPartners are claiming to be involved with the trading of gold. I guess you couldn’t possibly get a bigger clue from the name, even though there isn’t really any evidence to prove a word of this. So I still want to finish with the very same warning I give to every other online HYIP – this is a form of high risk gambling, and playing the HYIP industry is an activity for responsible adults who know what they are doing, what the risks are, and are not doing this out of any severe financial necessity. Never under any circumstances spend money you are not comfortable losing, and if you do opt to join AuGoldPartners then at least try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



GrandFX (reviewed here) has recently surpassed an unimaginable 70 days online. It seems where others fail the admin of GrandFX thrives, with his program paying on the following investment plans – 103%-120% after 1 day, 113%-200% after 4 days, 135%-500% after 10 days, 250%-1400% after 25 days, 400%-2400% after 40 days, 600% after 10 days, 1200% after 20 days. Most plans carry a $10 minimum, accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer, while payouts are processed within a 24 hour maximum. During the last few days the admin also added another hourly plan which pays 5.3% hourly for 20 hours (total of 106% in less than a day) which is available for the deposits starting from $1,000. That complemented an older plan paying 5.73% hourly for 18 hours (total of 103.14% return) for the deposits starting from a $300 minimum. The hourly plans in GrandFX have already proved to be quite popular among investors, and I believe that everyone is still getting paid fine. Just remember to invest only the amounts you can afford to lose, and if $300 or $1K is too much for you, just forget about them. The thing that made me believe that the admin is trying to continue his program for at least as long as he can, even despite of its already tremendously long run, is the fact that he paid for Sticky listing on MNO for a week yesterday. Remember that it’s the most expensive listing anywhere costing HYIP admins $500 a week or $1,500 a month and is renewable at any time. It looks like GrandFX is in good financial health as he renewed his Sticky listing on MNO monitor already for the third time which will surely help attract more investors as it’s placed on top of the monitor page and gets more attention faster. GrandFX is definitely the biggest and one of the most successful short-term programs of the year so far, so don’t miss a golden opportunity that doesn’t come along too often, but at the same time please be aware of all the risks involved!


OneAdClick (reviewed here) is a program to feature prominently on the MNO Premium List for eleven weeks now, bringing many members some good profits from their 180% within 80 days (2% for 70 days, then 4% for 10 days), and 200% within 70 days (2.5% for 60 days, then 5% for 10 days). OneAdClick is also one of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO (read the full article on that here) and is one of the few still accepting a wide range of payment processors including SolidTrustPay and PexPay which MNO ceased using as of today (read more on that later on). Apart from that you can also join OneAdClick using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer for a $10 minimum. The program is allegedly an advertising platform that allows even its free members to earn money for surfing, but the real investors are free from that burden and just need to sign into their account and withdraw their profits which many have been doing successfully for the last couple of months since OneAdClick first came online. The admin is also active in promoting his program via various contests and the results of the latest contest for the month of June are posted below along with the transaction number for the lucky winners:

OneAdClick– June Contest Winners And Payment Proofs
We are happy to announce that we have disbursed all the Payments to Winners of June Contest. Please post payment proofs in forums to support us as you are doing earlier.
The following members are declared as the winners of June Contest.
Members Transaction Id
clayman -71 30002364882
normandavidbueg1 – 51 30002364897
benjaminwyse – 29 30002364908
saibaworld – 12 30002364925
Treebartt – 10 30002364927
MIV1960 – 10 30002364932
bopeep – 10 30002364938
brentdenley – 10 30002364941


I must say I impressed by CashNonStop‘s ability to overcome the difficulties caused by a massive DDoS attack recently launched by some competitors. However I was also pleasantly surprised when everyone affected by yesterday’s disruption caused by the server upgrade received an extra 10% to 20% on top of the withdrawal requests made during the downtime. A second program also run by the same admin is promised to be added to MNO listing sometime next week, with a possible interview with the admin also scheduled after that. For now I’m sure he proved to everyone that he’s here to stay. CashNonStop is now back online and all payouts are processed as usual. I guess that the competitors didn’t expect the admin to upgrade his DDoS-protection to BlockDos who swiftly found a solution and made CashNonStop even stronger. I’m glad to see at least one person left in this industry who can keep his word and not to use a DDoS attack as an excuse for his program to exit. In the latest newsletter from CashNonStop posted on the website the admin actually shared the link to the review of his program on MNO which you can read here to find more about the investment plans. These offer 102%-104% after 1 day, 36%-38% for 3 days, 18%-20% for 7 days, 12%-14% for 15 days via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin for a $10 minimum. More plans on the further development of CashNonStop were revealed in the newsletter which include a TalkBox, Rate Us page, bonus program and the upcoming interview on MNO. Keep reading below for more info:

DDOS & Announcements
Dear Members,
I want to express my sincere apologies for the yesterday downtime due to the DDOS attack initiated by admin of one of the competitive HYIPs. The 13GBs massive server load froze our system, so we even weren’t able to access the database to migrate to another server. Now we are absolutely safe and have finished the process of completely moving to Blockdos, the industry leader in DDOS protection. Servers running smooth, much faster then before, so there’s always something good in bad.
All withdrawals were paid with 10% to 20% bonus included. Members waiting for withdrawal for more than 24 hours has been paid +20% on top of the withdrawal amount; others received +10% for inconvenience during this incident.
Some announcements:
RATE US. We will be gradually and sustainably promoting our program, so you all soon will see the new Rate Us sections in both programs with promo banners and monitor status banners.
BONUS PROGRAM. We will be introducing a bonus program next week and a referral contest program, so try to watch for our news updates regularly.
INTERVIEW. MoneyNonStop will be added to Money-News-Online soon and an interview will be arranged with the MNO Admin in about a week.
TALKBOX. A new minichat block will be added for our members to more effectively communicate with administration and each other.
We try to steadily improve our programs to become the top program this coming autumn. CashNonStop was reviewed and accepted for monitoring at MNO:
We welcome new investors to become members, just because.. IT’S WORTH INVESTING!
Alex, Cash Money Admin


This is mostly aimed at admins now, but as of today PexPay has been discontinued as a payment method for advertising on MNO. I’ve already updated my advertising page to reflect this and hopefully, the advertisers and HYIP admins take note of this unfortunate but necessary step. The thing is recently PexPay totally lost its appeal to HYIP admins and investors alike, and is currently accepted by only one program from the MNO listing. In addition to that PexPay are very possibly experiencing some cashflow issues, as even their regular exchangers do not want PexPay funds any longer and perhaps can’t get rid of their PexPay reserves. It’s truly unfortunate that it’s come to this as I really believed PexPay had the potential to rival SolidTrustPay as an affordable e-currency alternative for the US clients if only the administration knew what they were doing. However they totally blew their chance to become even moderately well-known among HYIP investors. In the interview posted on MNO last October PexPay boasted outstanding support for clients (no reply for my support ticket for the last 24 hours), promised to increase the amount of merchants accepting PexPay (so far the number only got smaller) and exchanger services available to everyone (again you almost couldn’t give PexPay funds away for free it’s gotten that bad). I therefore have no interest in dealing with PexPay anymore, and would even advise everyone to withdraw funds from that processor while they can. The deafening silence from the administration and the inability to solve even minor issues demonstrates an appalling attitude towards clients and possible financial issues. Under these circumstances and I have no wish to deal with or handle PexPay any longer and am leaving it permanently.


BTCTM appeared to be a truly horrendous program with the admin pulling the plug after being online for just six days. At least the admin had the decency to announce the closure, but I’m sure he doesn’t have enough of a conscience to realize how many people he stole from. It’s such awful programs like BTCTM that really damage the entire HYIP industry as a whole, but it looks like the admin had no problem with that either as the program was hyped by various referral touts spammers from day one. Unfortunately many investors are still buying this artificially created hype, inflated beyond all proportions by the admin and his team. The bigger the bubble the faster it bursts and we can clearly see that now. The program seemed to be built to last with all these interesting features but it looks now that the admin was not really interested and this is something I cannot do anything about. Scamming and lying by greedy admins is almost legendary now and hopefully, for his next “projects” the admin of BTCTM avoids MNO and will list it on some cheaper and less known websites. He didn’t get much from my readers, a lot less than he spent, but I’d rather he got nothing at all. I have more important things to do than to entertain someone’s ego, but I’m still annoyed and genuinely believe that without such scumbags the HYIP industry would have been much better. Please remember that BTCTM is on Problem status on MNO now, so do not invest there or listen to the admin as more tricks might follow.


A new program that joined the MNO Premium List yesterday was HyipTycoon. My first impression was that if you prefer a little stability then you should probably look elsewhere as HyipTycoon might give you all types of surprises along the way. The program has been running for over a month and during this time the admin already managed to change the investment plans twice, plus in today’s newsletter he also introduced a withdrawal fee which can be anything from 2% to 6% and will be charged at the admin’s sole discretion (which is something totally new even to me). Of course, the admin keeps saying that all the changes he has made to HyipTycoon for the last few weeks are for the betterment of the program and its investors and would keep the program running for longer. I’m not entirely pleased with that answer and strongly suspect the admin might be new in this industry. Making so many changes along the way is not something widely associated with professionalism, certainly not in such a short period. In any case, the current investment plans offered by HyipTycoon include 1% hourly for 120 hours (20% total profit for the deposits starting from a $10 minimum over the 5-day period) which is by far the best investment plan and the only one recommended if you do join. The next plan offers from 8% to 9% daily payouts for a duration of 15 business days for a higher minimum of $25 and the same 20% profit on smaller deposits makes this plan obsolete and totally unnecessary. Why would you want it if you could get the same interest within 5 days in the hourly plan? Then we have 2% for 120 days which was added most recently and the conditions of which the admin failed to explain not only on the website, but also to me personally when I directly asked him to do so. Twice! There was also a monthly paying plan which the program originally started with but which is now discontinued. I’ll describe the investment plans in more detail in the upcoming review of HyipTycoon on MNO, but for now you can see that the plans are pretty confusing to say at least. More funny answers can be found in the FAQ section where I staggeringly saw the UK described as an offshore zone country free of any taxation. HyipTycoon is apparently registered there, but I know this is a fast and anonymous process described in this article. Another glaring contradiction is the automated withdrawal process. This never in fact worked for me as I was always left waiting on my EgoPay withdrawals which take several hours, going against what it says in the FAQ. HyipTycoon is running off a licensed version of GoldCoders script, is SSL-secured, and uses some company called Arvixe as a hosting provider – so nothing wowed me about HyipTycoon on the technical side either. Note that the admin takes many payment options including SolidTrustPay, but this isn’t strictly true as the payment button there is unverified, so you will have to send him money manually which is something STP advise their members against doing. Apart from STP, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Neteller, Payeer, and OkPay are all accepted. More info will be in the upcoming review, but first the latest newsletter issued today is below:

HyipTycoon Sustainable
Dear Friends,
Greetings, We are glad to get overwhelming response of all of you to our new 1% hourly plan that gives a huge profit of 20% in just 5 days.
Thank you all for that. Another Important point I want to mention here that we want to grow this business very stably and we want to make you more and more profitable from this business. As we all know that the ground reality of any online business is that it is hard to keep you paying 4% daily profit in a long run if we do not get constant support from all of you.
We need the following support from you to maintain the stability of the program and long run of the same.
1. For the plan 1% hourly, this is our sincere request that kindly allow the plan to expire before you make an investment from the daily or hourly withdrawal you do because this hourly re-investment from back office results in no fresh capital from new investors and that may cause the sustainability of the business in trouble.
So with immediate effect, re-investment from account balance is not possible and need support of all of you that you please invest with us only after your deposit expired.
2. In order to keep the healthy cash flow, we have decided to charge a little admin fee on withdrawal that is variable between 2 to 6% with immediate effect.
This changes are needed for the good and longevity of the business.
Even if we charge you this little fee, trust us that still you will earn handsome profit from us compare to other ongoing programs who initially give you high profit but later on collect everything from you and close.
We are very honest in communication so we have informed you all changes. We believe in a long run here and do not want to close without information to our investors.
We know that change is always hard to accept but change is always good for the long future run too.
Thanks again for understanding us and keep investing, keep earning from us for long time from now.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky listGrandFX.
From MNO Premium list: CryptoryUniroyalChemical, RemiTrade, OneAdClick, GenialStockExchange, SolidSharePro, AssuredAssets, WazaTrade, GepardAllianceAuGoldPartners (the first payments received), HyipTycoon (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CashNonStop.
From MNO Basic list: SYMTLTD, ZeusInvest, SuccessRoadToWealth, CincorsCapitalLimited, OgdenOrganization, TrustForexTrade.

That is all I have to talk about tonight, guys. See you all on Sunday with the review of HyipTycoon and the regular news issue and keep safe while investing. Also, have a nice weekend ahead and enjoy the remaining two games of the World Cup!

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