19/07/2014. UnoBanc Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! UnoBanc has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everybody! Hope the weekend has been going well for you so far. There’s not been a great deal going on in the industry recently as regular players will have no doubt noticed (summer vacations and all that) but I still have a few things to get through for you today. A slowdown doesn’t mean a complete closure of the entire HYIP industry after all, and in the news section today I’ll another new addition to my monitor to tell you about, hopefully to be reviewed in more depth by Monday. And if you were reading MNO yesterday you’d have noticed the introduction of another new program then called UnoBanc. This is another of the latest and dominating trend in the HYIP industry (at least among the more popular programs) that allows investors a degree of flexibility to determine their own investment terms, i.e. “perpetual” investment plans that pay members, in this case a fixed rate of interest, until such a time as they decide they want to leave and try something else. So let’s begin our update for today with a closer look at UnoBanc and whether you think you might have room for them in your own investment portfolios.
Starting as usual then with the program’s investment plans, actually there’s only one of them. If nothing else then I guess it makes for an easy and short review – you will either like what UnoBanc have to offer or you won’t – simple as that. However I do know that a lot of you do at least like the style of plan they offer, if not the program itself. You need at least a $20 minimum to be allowed join UnoBanc in the first place. Once you’re in you’ll find that the very same terms and conditions apply to the very smallest investors with the bare $20 minimum as do the largest investors spending anything up to the maximum limit of $100,000, because UnoBanc have one rate of interest and one investment term. The rate is 1.8% per calendar day and the term is indefinite. In other words you are free to reclaim your principal back anytime you feel you are ready to leave.
It’s difficult (more like pointless to be honest) to try and offer a practical example of how something like this might work. After all, there’s as many potential strategies as there are investors. Whether you decide to treat UnoBanc as a one day, short term, mid term, or longer term investment program is up to you. So we’ll just say you invested $100. UnoBanc offer to repay you $1.80 per calendar day. You may collect this everyday for as long as you decide to remain a member of the program, and then when you feel the time is right leave – perhaps you have reached your initial investment goal, maybe you think you’ve gotten the best out of the program and it’s time to leave, or maybe you have something better to do with your money – you need to ask for your money back.
If that’s the type of thing that appeals to you and you think you’d like to go ahead and join UnoBanc then the next item up for discussion will be what your payment options are. Not exactly an extensive and complete list, nevertheless UnoBanc still manage to fit in most of the popular options. Currently you can use any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, or Payeer to move money in and out of the program. Payments are made manually, so are not instant and will need to be requested from inside your private UnoBanc members account area. You are required to allow a maximum of 24 hours for all transactions to be completed, though the admin does try to get them done within just four hours. Personally I wouldn’t have thought that’s a feasible payments schedule for one admin to maintain for to long, so just as well it isn’t guaranteed anyway. Having said that however, I can confirm that my own first payment was done that fast.
Just a couple of other quick points you’ll need to know about the investment plans before we move on include first of all the use of compounding. I’m not a huge fan of the practice myself, however if you like it yourself then it’s there for you, and UnoBanc do allow members to adjust the compounding rate at any time. If you do decide to use it then UnoBanc have included a handy little calculator on the left hand side of the page where you can play around with the numbers yourself and see how much extra you can earn/risk depending on your viewpoint.
The other thing I wanted to explain is the process of withdrawing your principal. As I’ve already said, UnoBanc will allow you to take your principal back anytime you’re ready to leave. However you may also request just a partial return if you prefer, and leave the rest in your account to keep earning. It might be an OK option if you’re happy with what you’ve already withdrawn from the program and are happy to continue risking the rest. From inside your members area then you will see on the left hand side of the page a tab marked “investments”. Click on this to see the amount you currently hold in your UnoBanc account next to a button that allows you to change your compounding rate and another button marked “release”. It’s this release button that you need to click to withdraw your principal. It will take you to another page where you simply fill in the amount you are looking to take back (all or part like I said) and take it from there. The amount taken from your principal does not automatically go to your pending withdrawals as it would with say your regular daily interest. UnoBanc simply return it to your account balance, where you can then proceed with a regular withdrawal to actually get the money back to your favored payment processor account.
On the technical side of things then UnoBanc are hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoSGuard. The website is running off a script that’s under license from GoldCoders, and for an added layer of protection UnoBanc is using SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions for the admin or account related issues you need to have dealt with then you can get in touch with UnoBanc by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. UnoBanc also list a phone number, though to be blunt I myself have no idea if anyone will answer should you decide to try it.
The UnoBanc website is also translated into the Russian language, something worth mentioning because it’s a proper translation and not done by an online robot which often comes out looking ridiculous. The admin does at least throw his program open to a much wider audience and I have to say indicates a better degree of preparation than I thought at first glance. Incidentally, UnoBanc also list a postal address although experienced HYIP players will know to dismiss this out-of-hand as most likely a virtual address for correspondence. It’s located in Costa Rica if you’re interested, the same place where UnoBanc also have a certificate of incorporation.
On the home page there’s an introductory video, though this talks at a bit more length about the alleged business interests of UnoBanc (which we are told repeatedly is ForEx trading) as opposed to any practical step-by-step guide to joining and withdrawing. Texts seem original enough, even if the actual claims being made aren’t exactly new, but as with just about every other online HYIP falls short of giving us any solid information you can research and verify. So despite the good layout, preparation, and design of UnoBanc, you still need always to remember that it’s no more than an online HYIP with all the potential risks that accompany potential rewards. So establish what your spending limit is, make sure it’s based on what you can afford to lose rather than what you dream of earning, and if you do decide that UnoBanc is right for you then also try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
After exactly three months online the admin of LaxoTrade has decided to add his program to MNO and purchased Premium Listing on my site yesterday. The program takes us on a stroll down memory lane because it’s not so often that we programs like this one anymore. But the ones we did see with similar investment plans to LaxoTrade often turned out to be massive hits in the past with thousands of members. Although I can’t claim it might be run by the same administration I truly hope that it is, as MNO readers are surely worthy of only the best programs. LaxoTrade is a long-term program offering two plans. The first pays you 2% per business day (Monday to Friday) over a period of one year, or 365 calendar days, while the second pays 11% weekly returns for a duration of 55 weeks. Note that although your profit should already be huge by the end of your investment period with LaxoTrade the admin still promises to return your original principal at the end of the investment term. The best thing about LaxoTrade is that literally everyone can try it as the accepted minimum in any of the plans is only $1 and you can invest via such e-currencies as PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and PexPay. LaxoTrade is running off a traditional licensed script provided by GoldCoders, so all the withdrawals have to be requested manually from members’ accounts in the program and are promised to be paid within 24 hours. Note that LaxoTrade is not crediting accounts with profits on Saturdays and Sundays of you invest in the daily paying plan, however, the investment plan itself counts in calendar days, so keep this in mind. The site itself is hosted on a dedicated server by Dancom and is SSL-secured by Rapid SSL. More on the LaxoTrade can be read in the upcoming review on MNO which will hopefully be published on Monday, so stay tuned for that.
The current #5 program on the MNO Top Five Most Popular List (read the full, or should I say latest version of, that article on that here) is GenialStockExchange, and there’s recently been a lengthy update from the admin. The basic concept behind GenialStockExchange in terms of its own investment plan is to offer members plans of 6%-7.5% for 20 days through EgoPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, and BitCoin. There have been a couple of other promotional/money-making schemes for members to take advantage of, and indeed to entice new investors into the program. Nothing serious in the sense that it would exactly make you rich or anything, but it’s an easy couple of dollars that you may as well take if you happen to be a GenialStockExchange member anyway. I’m talking mostly here about the paid surveys that were on offer, where you take a spare minute to answer a couple of questions online for which the GenialStockExchange admin would then reward you for your time and effort with a $2 payment. This scheme has now been expanded to allow for somewhat more generous rewards, but only if you have an active deposit of $50 or more.
In other news from the program, GenialStockExchange are also specifically targeting investors who have lost money in some of the recent wave of scams to hit the industry, and have created some new accounts to help them recoup some of their losses. I found it a bit unfortunate at first that the admin described it as “the recovery” of lost money, because in the HYIP industry that is quite impossible after you have lost it. It could have been better explained I think, but basically what he really means to say that if you have lost money in other programs you can join GenialStockExchange, take a quick survey on the circumstances surrounding the loss, and when you make an active deposit in his program he will add a 25% bonus to your account to help you earn back what you lost elsewhere a little faster.
One more rather unusual move from the GenialStockExchange admin sees him offer a sort of “exchange” service, though not as one might understand in the traditional sense. If you have a surplus of funds in one payment processor, specifically let’s say one not currently in use by the program such as SolidTrustPay, that need not be a barrier to joining. You make a manual transfer of the money, he deducts an 8% fee for himself, and returns a functioning GenialStockExchange account to you with 92% of the money you paid as an active deposit on which you can now start claiming interest. For example if you have $100 in STP and wish to join GenialStockExchange you can’t – they don’t use STP. However you can now just pay this to the admin, and he sets you up with a $92 account earning you interest to let’s say PerfectMoney (or whatever your choice happens to be). For further information on GenialStockExchange please read the more detailed review first published on MNO here, and meanwhile catch up with the latest developments with the program in the various news updates below:
“Benefits of Investing minimum $50
Dear Investors,
We are now touching to our 60 days online presence with the support of all of you.
I am glad and thankful for a wonderful support from you. Our growth is superb so far and cash flow is well maintained to pay all of you back on time and instantly.
I am now explaining you the benefits of becoming an active member with us with a minimum investment of $50.
1. When an investor invest with $50 he is eligible to do 2 – surveys of total worth $2+$5=$7 cash rewards as compare to the investor who is invest with $10 who is getting only $2 survey.
2. Active investor with 50$ deposit will be given 2 more services that $10 – active investor will not be given.
– If active-50$ investor lose his fund in some other hyips in last 30 days then we will recover his 50% fund, subject to our both party agreement with that investor.
– If active-50$ investor wish to take a loan from us then we can give him a loan and with that loan amount he will be able to earn 12% total net profit from Genial-stock, subject to our both party agreement.
Above 2 most important benefits will not be given to investor who has invested with us below $50.
3. Investor who invest with us $50 will get total ROI 134% and activ-10$ will get total ROI 140% but the HYIP recovery and Loan benefits will not be given to him.”
“We want to help Investor to recover their money from Closed HYIP programs
We give you the equivalent of 50% your lost
Dear Investors,
Greetings from GenialStockExchange. Your only popular program where you can rely upon.
HYIP Industry is moving in a very bad shape now a days and there are number of programs turning in to a sequence of SCAM.
UNIROYAL CHEMICAL, IMPERZIA GLOBAL UNITED FINANCE … are few countable name at present in this industry Those are programs they were doing good relatively but failed because of their wrong strategies.
We are absolutely sad and sorry for all of our beloved investors who have invested in those programs and lost their money.
GenialStockExchange has always stood for investors in past and continue to do so in the future because we have a very strong base and our reserve pool is absolutely strong and getting stronger and stronger day by day and that is the reason why we have been paying instantly without any miss since 21 may.
Having said that, I would like to be with my Investors who have lost in such recent programs named URC and IMPERZIA.
We have developed a new concept for this ;
1- We create new account for you in GenialStockExchange. This account will be used only to recover money lost from HYIP Scammer.
2- Completing this questionnaire
3- When you will have money, you will deposit in this account and for each $1 we will add 25%.
If you deposit $100 we will add another deposit $25 in your account.
4- Agreement between you and GenialStockExchange
Agreement between Investor and GenialStockExchange example click here.
This is our one more sincere initiative to help our genuine investors and recover their hard earned money.
For more information write us to admgenialstock@gmail.com or use FB https://www.facebook.com/brucealexander2014
*To take advantage of this offer you must have a deposit of at least $ 50. We reserve the right to accept or reject a candidate.
Happy earning friends
Mike Anderson, Admin
SolidTrustPay remains one of the most attractive options for online investors and although the recent strict requirements for getting an online investment company approved for automated deposits has become a long-winded process with a high percentage of rejections people are still looking for programs accepting them. Especially when it comes to Americans who in many cases do not have any other option apart from STP because during the last year PerfectMoney and EgoPay both introduced a blanket ban on US investors from using their services. In no small part I am sure because of an entirely justified fear of US-based anti money laundering law enforcement agencies doing the same thing they did to LibertyReserve last year. In any case, SolidTrustPay seems to be one of the few remaining options for the US investors and certainly a very convenient one for the rest, especially for holders of an STP international debit card. It’s no wonder though that many HYIP admins are now trying to accept SolidTrustPay manually from the members despite it not really being a good idea. Clearly they don’t want to wait their turn as the demand for STP-based programs is huge and the next big hit, in my opinion, that will launch within the next few weeks will definitely offer STP automated deposit and withdraw options, I’m absolutely sure of it. For more information explaining the benefits of using STP for HYIP investors – please read the article here.
Getting back to the latest updates posted yesterday on the official blog of SolidTrustPay. The first newsletter gave some relevant and timely advice on online security, emphasizing mostly the importance of choosing the right login for your online accounts and sharing some info on how to avoid a possible scam from phishing websites. Most MNO readers will be aware that I always said the security in payment processors is of paramount importance and SolidTrustPay is truly superb in that regard (I especially like their TrustCard option and reversible nature of payments allowing you to recover funds even if they were stolen by some hacker). In any case members should be responsible for their own security as well and so much of the advice given by SolidTrustPay in this newsletter is both useful but also common sense. As for the second newsletter re-posted below, it’s a fundraising plea to help the family of a young girl suffering from cerebral palsy get a wheelchair accessible vehicle after their last one was damaged. Well, STP have always been well known for their dedication to good causes, and your donations are more than welcome. Full details are included below:
“Keeping Your Information Safe on the Internet: Logins
While the internet has become a much more secure place in the last ten years, it’s still important to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest trends in personal security and information protection. SolidTrustPay works hard to keep our site secure for members. We have excellent programming and customer support staff standing by to cross-check transactions, suspicious activity, and online trends. These are all measures we take to better serve and project our members.
But what can members do to protect themselves?
Here are some helpful tips on keeping your information secure in all aspects of online use:
Protect Your Personal Information
Be aware of what information you are sharing online through Facebook, Twitter, and other Social Media sites
Never include Banking information in email correspondence or direct messages
Resist typing usernames and email addresses on message-boards or online forums
Update your anti-virus and malware programs regularly
Password Security
Update your passwords often
Use at least 10 characters
Use both upper and lower case letters
Use numbers and symbols (if allowed)
Family Safety
Be aware of what websites your children visit
Make sure you have open communication concerning online activity
Check your browser for Parental Controls to ensure safe access
Talk to your children regularly about the risks they could face while browsing
Phishing and Scams
A common tactic used by scammers on the net is “Phishing“. Phishing is a type of scam where the scammers disguise themselves as a trustworthy source in attempt to obtain private information such as passwords, and credit card information through the internet. Phishing often occurs through emails and instant messaging and may contain links to websites that direct the user to enter their private information. These fake websites are often designed to look identical to their legitimate counterparts to avoid suspicion from the user.
Most companies will not ask you for your login info. If you are contacted by email by a company asking for your personal information, quickly checking the email address for it’s validity will save you a lot of grief. When in doubt, contact the company that an email is claiming to be from over the phone, in most cases they will be able to verify that they did not in fact send you an email asking for sensitive information.
On the internet, personal information is big business, so it’s important that you are aware of the risks and apply caution to what you share and where you share it. Most importantly, having this knowledge in your corner allows you to use the internet with confidence and eliminates that risk to a large extent.
Here at SolidTrust pay, we too see personal information as big business. It’s OUR business to protect your information and keep you informed.”
“In Our Community: Support Kaydance!
SolidTrust Pay would like to give a little mention to a wonderful fundraising effort currently happening in our own community. Kaydance’s family is currently fundraising to get a wheel chair accessible vehicle so that Kaydance can have her independence back after an unfortunate accident wrecked their last one.
On June 3rd, 2014 Joey Lane was on his way to work and lost control on the wet roads. He is truly lucky to be alive! This is the vehicle Joey and his wife April used to get their 6 year old daughter Kaydance power wheel chair around. Kaydance was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at 18 months.
For more information on how you can donate this this cause, please see the official fundraising site HERE”.
You might remember that WazaTrade was already temporarily moved to Waiting status on MNO monitor a couple of days ago. Then the admin explained to me that he paid within 48 hours and the withdrawal (which was actually the return of my principal) was processed which took more than 24 but less than 48 hours. It looks like now we have absolutely the same situation when the withdrawals not getting processed for about two days already. The admin sent an explanation of the current situation and promised to pay any outstanding payouts on Monday when his e-currency accounts would be allegedly replenished by some exchanger:
“Withdraw delayed
Dear client.
Deposit from bank account to our main currency delayed, should be finish on monday. Withdraw will process when our deposit to currency finish. Sorry for inconvenience.
The mass email was sent to everyone just an hour ago, and I am not really sure whether we should believe it or not since the admin already experienced some delays. But nevertheless he managed to pay the first deposits back to everyone so I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt this time as well. That doesn’t mean though that it’s safe to invest in WazaTrade as the program was moved to Waiting status on MNO monitor for now with the status to hopefully be updated on Monday when the admin promises to pay. We’ll wait and see what happens next and I will update the status of WazaTrade either to Problem or back to Paying then. For now please stay safe until further information is available.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Cryptory, RemiTrade, OneAdClick, GenialStockExchange, SolidSharePro, AssuredAssets, AuGoldPartners, GepardAlliance, UnoBanc (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CashNonStop.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare,TrustForexTrade, SuccessRoadToWealth, OgdenOrganization.
That’s about it for tonight, guys. I’m taking a lazy day tomorrow, being Sunday anyway, and heat wave hitting London now really calls for the day to be spent out in the woods somewhere. Don’t forget to check MNO again on Monday though, as I have something really interesting to report on my blog that could possibly affect the whole industry in a good way. Meanwhile, why not check the new header for the MNO home page created by my programmer Andrew earlier today? Do you like it or not? Please share your opinion on the MNO ShoutBox or write to me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com Monday will also see the full review of LaxoTrade and any other news from the HYIP industry worth hearing about. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jul 19th, 2014.