Jul 26th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! SafeProfitsLtd has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Baden-Baden, so good they named it twice! That’s where I’ll be for the next week as I’m taking a short holiday here in the Black Forest in the far south of Germany. Five days actually, before going to Switzerland for a short stay before home. There’s nothing like the forest and mountain hikes in the morning to give you an appetite and a thirst, and no place quite like this for the bratwurst and German beer to quench them. It really is a breathtaking place I must say and I’m really looking forward to exploring it more during the week. I’ll still be taking care of business on MNO of course, that much won’t change, and even if I don’t have a news update for you on every day I’ll still be updating my monitor at least every 24 hours so you can always be sure the information there is as up-to-date as possible.

Back to today’s news now though, and I want to start with a closer look at a recent addition to the MNO Premium List called SafeProfitsLtd. It’s not exactly a brand new program having been online for close to two months now (long enough to put a lot of the first members well into profit by the way) but I think the admin is looking at the longer view here, preferring a slower and more gradual promotion campaign. So there’s still plenty left in the tank as they say and, I suspect, an admin determined to keep the program online and in good shape for as long as possible.

And so to the investment plans. SafeProfitsLtd have four on offer, and I have to say manage to cover a hell of a lot of ground between them, ranging from short to long term in duration. The first of these can be joined for a $10 minimum, and runs for a 10 business day term, or two weeks. During that time members are offered a daily interest rate of 11.2%, made Monday to Friday, and your principal counted by SafeProfitsLtd as part of the payouts. That gives you a total return of 112%, which is your own money back plus an extra 12% net profit for yourself. A simple example then would be to deposit say $100 in this plan. SafeProfitsLtd will then pay you back $11.20 per day, Monday to Friday, until you’ve gotten $112 back in total. Maximum deposit is capped at $100,000, effectively meaning you can spend what you like.

Also for a $10 minimum spend you can join SafeProfitsLtd‘s second plan, a somewhat longer term option running for 35 business days (seven weeks). In return for an investment here, members can claim a 4% daily interest payment, Monday to Friday only. That comes to 140% in total, and with SafeProfitsLtd counting your principal among the payouts that’s your own money back plus an extra 40% net profit on top for yourself.

If that’s more of a medium term option then SafeProfitsLtd‘s third plan has a decidedly more long term plan. You can join for the same $10 minimum, and the term runs for 75 business days, or 15 weeks. Your deposit here earns you 3% interest per business day, paid on Monday to Friday only. The payments should ultimately add up to 225%, and with SafeProfitsLtd including your original investment as part of that then your net profit is 125%.

SafeProfitsLtd change direction completely for their final plan, opting for a more “perpetual” style that allows members to decide their own investment term. You can still join for a $10 minimum, and you earn a daily interest rate of 1.4% from Monday to Friday for as long as you decide to remain a member. This plan also differs from SafeProfitsLtd‘s other options insofar as they will return your principal on request, the only condition being that you must remain a member for at least three days before you are allowed to leave. You can do your own calculations about the potential earnings you could take from this plan, considering every investor has a different strategy. It’s just hard to see where this plan fits in with the others, but there’s no denying SafeProfitsLtd do at least make a very wide range available to you.

Nothing too complicated about the investment plans then and I guess most of you will know what you do or don’t like about them yourselves. So if you’ve decided to join any of them let’s see what your payment options are. There’s been a fair bit of drama in SafeProfitsLtd regarding this, and it’s fair to say the program had a bumpy ride, though not really through much fault of its own. Problems seem to have sorted themselves out now however, and all the confusion has been cleared up. The the thing is that SafeProfitsLtd were initially accepting SolidTrustPay, even though they probably shouldn’t have. Or at least the had a SolidTrustPay account which they were using while waiting for account verification and approval of an automatic payments button. For reasons best known to themselves (they’re not talking about it publicly anyway) SolidTrustPay no longer seem to be interested in serving the HYIP industry, certainly not any new programs anyway. So once it emerged that the payments button was not going to be approved, the SafeProfitsLtd admin who had continued with STP payments to the existing members who had joined using it as far as he could eventually just issued refunds which I think was quite reasonable and fair minded of him.

So now that that’s out of the way, those of you wishing to continue with SafeProfitsLtd may join using PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, or PexPay. Generally speaking most of your withdrawal requests should be paid instantly, however you should also keep in mind that this is by no means guaranteed, despite a big red banner across the top of the website saying otherwise. If for any reason, account replenishment, script errors, or whatever, I would suggest allowing 24 hours for it to be done manually or contacting the admin. This might be a bit more true of Payeer and PexPay withdrawals, though up until now SafeProfitsLtd have processed all of my own withdrawals instantly.

Moving on to the more technical, design, and security aspects of the program, SafeProfitsLtd is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks by DDoSGuard. The SafeProfitsLtd website is running off a script under license from GoldCoders, and for an added layer of protection have an SSL certificate from Comodo for more secure transactions and safer browsing. If you have any further questions for the admin or account related issues you need to have dealt with then there’s a couple of different ways you can get in touch. To start with you can fill out your details on the online customer support form and submit it via the website’s contacts page. The admin has also asked for an account on the MNO ShoutBox where you can find him from time to time and ask any outstanding questions you might have there if you see him. SafeProfitsLtd list an e-mail address you can write to directly if you prefer, and have a phone number if you think you’ll get a response that way. I suggest you dismiss the postal address as from experience I know these tend to be no more than virtual hosted offices in the event that they even exist at all, used only for mail collection and not where you will find anyone connected with the program physically located.

And that’s about it I suppose. There’s not a great deal else I can tell you about the program except that the alleged business plan purportedly backing the whole thing up is a bit sketchy to say the least. In fact that part is left blank, with SafeProfitsLtd simply saying they are a HYIP and leaving it at that. That’s fine by me, I knew they were no more that an online HYIP anyway, however I strongly urge you to not take the admin’s side when he says the risk is the lowest online. Payouts will continue as long as more money comes in than needs to be paid out, and that’s the way it is with every HYIP, SafeProfitsLtd included. So if you like the program and think the chances of you coming out of it with more money than you joined with remember to stay sensible. Establish a spending limit based on what you can afford to lose as opposed to what you would like to earn, and if you do join SafeProfitsLtd then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Speaking of SafeProfitsLtd, the admin seemed to have gone through all the trials and tribulations SolidTrustPay could throw at him but alas, he was unable to get his STP account fully approved for accepting deposits from investors. I know I mentioned this in the review above, but I just wanted to add the official notice of this as posted by the admin. Just a couple of days ago the following message appeared on the SolidProfitsLtd website stating the program would no longer be accepting STP, but the withdrawals were still processed instantly, like for any other payment option:

STPay withdrawals
All STPay withdrawals now are processed instantly, but still not accepting new deposits.
Please do not send new deposits to our account until further notice, thanks.

Yesterday when it became clear that STP was not going to approve SafeProfitsLtd‘s payment button it only confirmed that it would not possible to use it properly. So the admin took the only possible course of action and made a complete refund to all who used SolidTrustPay to join. Not only did he complete the refunds, but he also issued the profits to the members which were calculated according to the formula provided below in the latest update from SafeProfitsLtd‘s website:

No More STP
Now all the active deposits using STP was released, all balances removed
If you deposited using STP please check your STP account and will find a transaction sent from us today.
The amount you have received in your STP account is : (Your Initial Deposit + the profits for the number of days the deposit was active in – your previous withdrawals). Thanks for understand.

It’s an undeniable fact that such an act from the admin will win SafeProfitsLtd many followers, who hopefully benefit from the program’s further development. Certainly this shouldn’t remain unrewarded or unnoticed. Meanwhile we’ll be waiting for more payment options, like Payza, that might replace STP in the near future. Please wait for further announcements about that on the MNO blog and possibly in the upcoming interview with the admin of SafeProfitsLtd which is going to be sent to him tomorrow. Hopefully he can answer it soon, maybe within the next few days. The addition of SafeProfitsLtd to Sticky Listing on MNO monitor for a whole month should also transmit the admin’s intention to get over this STP setback and work hard on the long term success of his program.


More than three investment cycles completed and hundreds of investors already in profit – such remarkable results have been achieved so far by GenialStockExchange – a program that was first reviewed on MNO here and is taking deposits starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and OkPay into the 6%-7.5% for 20 days investment plan. According to the latest email from the admin investments via Payeer will be available again in a few days, plus the long-anticipated return of Payza should help GenialStockExchange to expand their already wide payment options. SolidTrustPay didn’t approve their account (just like what happened SafeProfitsLtd), but this was made up for by deposits in GenialStockExchange being accepted via Skrill now. In the latest newsletters from the program the admin also urged investors join their Facebook group and made a promise that GenialStockExchange will remain a viable and trusted investment choice for weeks and months to come. Please read the latest on GenialStockExchange‘s latest developments below:

Recent and Next Development
Dear Happy Investors,
Greetings from your own program GenialStockExchange.
We have now created our ample presence in this HYIP INDUSTRY by paying all of you instantly and supporting any kind of E-currencies you have. I am extremely happy and thankful to all of you for your trust, support and love for this awesome business GenialStockExchange. We are now online since 64 days and I tell you this is just the beginning.
We are doing many things and we have proved a bit with our constant development and continuous touch with all the segments of our investors.
We want to make this place a stable earning place where everyone will be winner no matter they join now or 100 days later from today.
We want to keep yourself updated about all new developments that are on going and that are happening and for this reason we request you to join our Facebook group which is always updated with latest informations and you will get to know first about any development in this group:
Another thing I want to appreciate about my partner Bruce here. He has been working so hard and he did his best to grow this business to a greater hight.
A round of applause for him and you can get in touch with him on Facebook group whenever he is available online (he spends almost 15 hours on Facebook)
Below is his Facebook profile for an easy access of GenialStockExchange admin: https://www.facebook.com/brucealexander2014
We promise here to work hard and deliver the best level of service you have never even thought of from any online business so far.
Our Recent Development/achievements and investor’s delight :
1- We developed the concept of reimbursement of loss of money from our investors. This service is very popular. With this concept, it is now possible for you to recover 50% of your money due to HYIP scam losses in 20 days.
2 – We accept Skrill. You can send money to our Skrill account and we’ll put the same amount in your GenialStockExchange account. No charge. Our Account : servicegenialstock@gmail.com
3 – We have a specialist who can help you generating income through your referral link. Feel free to contact him so he can advise you: https://www.facebook.com/Dave.Henrick.79
Next development ongoing on which we are working hard :
1 – We are developing a concept of lending (LOAN) money to our members so they can take advantage even if they have no money currently available.
2 – We will add Payza within few days. We hope it will be more faster than STP.
3 – We will reactivate our Payeer processor in 2 or 3 days maximum.
4 – The Only support we need from you is that you as an investor could create a group for discussion for exchanging your awesome experiences with other investors. If you love this idea of sharing good experience then contact us for further details and framework for the same.
5 – Many more ideas and services are going to come soon but at this point of time it is secret … so stay tuned and earn best from this business.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky listSafeProfitsLtd.
From MNO Premium list: RemiTradeOneAdClickGenialStockExchangeSolidSharePro,
AssuredAssetsUnoBancAuGoldPartnersGepardAlliance, LaxoTrade.
From MNO Standard list: CashNonStop.
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTradeOgdenOrganization.

That’s all for today, guys. I just wanted to thank you all for your active participation in the current poll running on the MNO TalkBack page on the return of Payza as a payment processor to the HYIP scene and its possible replacement of SolidTrustPay who seem less and less interested in dealing with HYIPs at all anymore. Now that Payza is totally legally complacent with the US laws and welcoming back investors from the the US and many other countries also providing useful direct deposit and withdrawal methods, I can see that the interest in maintaining existing or creating new Payza accounts is huge. And now we are only waiting for the first HYIPs to start accepting Payza which will surely find many new followers. It’s not just a groundless assumption either, but a view shared by many readers from what I see in the latest preliminary results of the poll. In fact the vast majority of MNO readers are interested in having an account with Payza when investing in HYIPs. Anyway, I’ll be saying goodbye to you all and will be enjoying the hiking in the Black Forest around Baden-Baden where like I said at the start I’ll be staying for the next few days. MNO will continue of course and I expect the next post at the start of the next business week. See you all then!

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