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04/08/2014. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everybody! I hope like me you’ve all been enjoying the summer so far. I know many of you are taking a break at the moment and I believe you might be just taking the right decision. You can wait and see how the situation develops over the next few weeks and at the same time save some money for the really premium projects that I’m sure will soon mark the beginning of the new HYIP season. The end of July and the beginning of August have as usual seen a slowdown in general activities and the recent wave of closures/scams hasn’t helped. Remember that it’s very dangerous to join programs with low advertising budgets and not presented on the MNO Premium List, as the vast majority of them will only be a burden on your finances. I believe it’s better to save your funds now in order to join more original and potentially big programs that will pop up on MNO within the next few weeks.

In today’s news issue then I would like to discuss the recent collapse of SolidSharePro and CashNonStop and share the latest updates from GepardAlliance and GenialStockExchange. I’ll also have the results of the opinion polls on MNO TalkBack and add a couple of new questions for you to ponder over.


Let’s get things started for tonight with the latest update from GepardAlliance. Over all the two and a half months listed on the MNO monitor the program remained something of an underdog with little interest shown from readers which nevertheless didn’t affect their ability to pay on all the investment plans timely and in superb manner. Perhaps the admin deliberately tried to make his project a slow burner and if so, then he’s achieved his goal. For nearly three months online GepardAlliance managed to continue without much fuss and almost with no news updates which is a clear indicator to me that the program was gradually growing and getting more and more attention from potential investors. All the investors of GepardAlliance who joined the program with at least $10 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Qiwi, and some direct bank transfers have been paid so far on all the three investment plans – 0.35% daily forever, 0.56% for 62 days, 0.75% for 93 days (two of the last plans also return your principal on expiry). For a better understanding of those plans (as they are described very badly on the website itself) please refer to my detailed review posted here. Apparently, being aware of the damage the HYIP industry recently suffered due to a wave of fast scams and closure of the industry giants the admin of GepardAlliance decided to take maybe an unpopular, but in my opinion absolutely vital decision to restrict early withdrawals on the first 0.35% daily forever plan before the lock-in period of 22 calendar days. At the same time he also made some changes to the affiliate reward order which you can read about when checking the latest news update posted on the website a couple of days ago:

Changes in the investment plan Accumulative
Dear Customers!
Please note that from August the 1st will be changes in the investment plan Accumulative.
1) The early deposit withdrawal without any commissions is possible not earlier than 22 days.
2) Affiliate payments will be credited to the account of your Curator immediately instead of 30 days as it was before.


You may remember I already reported about the challenges GenialStockExchange faced when some of its investors were unable to get into their accounts due to compromised security. In some cases members even found their payment accounts were changed by hackers who then took advantage of the instant withdrawals to continue intercepting (i.e. stealing) the payouts as they were made. Despite countless emails reminding everyone about the importance of keeping the accounts in GenialStockExchange secure some members were really not that keen to listen to what the admin had to say. Instant withdrawals were then put on hold over the weekend (of which everyone was informed in advance, by the way) and although the withdrawals were still processed within 12 to 24 hours some hot heads already called the program a “scam”. As it appears now, this was not the case and as of today the admin announced that withdrawals to EgoPay, Payeer, and EgoPay on the 6%-7.5% for 20 days plan were returning to instant, while payouts to PerfectMoney (temporarily) and to BitCoin (always manual anyway) are processed manually within 24 hours. I hope that soon all the security issues with GenialStockExchange are going to be resolved, but for now you might want to wait until the admin gives the all-clear before making any new investments in the program first reviewed on MNO here. I will just give you an idea how things were developing over the last two days by giving you the opportunity to read the two latest updates from the admin of GenialStockExchange Mike posted yesterday and earlier today:

Update info august 3
Dear all,
Thank you for your patience.
We really want to return to instant withdrawals as quickly as possible. This should be possible tomorrow or after tomorrow.
We have sent payments to ALL our investors who requested it. (August 3)
Exception for the following usernames:
eozcalik (we dont have ID account egopay and asked to withdraw more than our maximum daily limit)
happyday (3 accounts … not autorized)
I ask these usernames to contact us by email
Mike Anderson, Admin

Update August 4
Thank you for your patience.
Good news..
You can WITHDRAW INSTANT with Egopay, Payeer, OKPay
We begin with maximum withdraw Instant 50$ but we will raise next 6h to 120$.
For Perfect Money we wait 1 or 2 days to become withdraw instant. Withdraw will be pending but we will send money regularly.
For Bitcoin, it is always pending, it i normal with Bitcoin, we will send money regularly too.
Mike Anderson, Admin


It always struck me how the irresponsible monitors do not care about absolutely anything but their own profits in the HYIP industry, closing their eyes and turning a blind eye to the obvious issues that are undoubtedly going on in SolidSharePro now but still keeping the program on Paying status on their garbage sites. Although the small payments from SolidSharePro are still getting paid instantly, big amounts will be put on eternal hold and, most importantly, the deposits withdrawal function is not available anymore. First this happened over the weekend and I received an email from a concerned reader and referral who asked for my help with that and on contacting the admin. I was told that there was a bug in the script which they hoped to fix shortly. After that though I realized that not all the withdrawals in SolidSharePro were processed instantly and the issue with deposit withdrawals may have been deliberate. If you are still unaware of the issue in SolidSharePro until now (thanks to a bunch of collaborating monitors!) you can try to release your principal yourself and see an “operation disabled” message popping-up when you do. I must remind you that the condition of being able to release the principal at any time was the main attraction for many investors joining SolidSharePro in the first place, and while still being paid 2.4% to 6% daily seems to be ok for those now stuck in the program, for many newbies investing in a program which is apparently suffering from cashflow problems would be suicidal. That’s why after realizing that the admin of SolidSharePro was lying about the situation I had no hesitation in moving his program to Problem status on my monitor to warning new investors of the danger. Those who are already members and can’t get out are very much advised to make withdrawals in smaller amounts but as frequent as they can. You see, the more people realize now that SolidSharePro are having these issues and start to leave the program there will be a higher possibility of the remaining instant payouts being switched off completely for even the smaller withdrawals. That is why if you’re an active investor in SolidSharePro it’s of utmost importance to minimize your losses (or fix your profits) in the program by withdrawing everything on your balance for as long as you can. We are possibly talking about hours, not days for withdrawals to come to a complete stop, so don’t waste any time. You can also do yourself a favor by avoiding the monitors that are still displaying Paying status for this already problematic program. Overall though I will admit SolidSharePro has been a very successful project this summer and compared with lots of fast scams showed had a good result of 45 days of stable payouts. Many investors are in decent profit if they got in and out at the right time. Sadly the program has simply run its course and no further investments can be recommended at this point. You have been warned!

Another program moved to Problem status on MNO yesterday was CashNonStop. In this case I have absolutely no idea what was behind the admin’s intention to connect two programs and run yet another short-term program under the same umbrella. Obviously, the idea didn’t quite work well (it never does) as the last payouts were processed on Friday, after which nobody was paid, as far as I know. CashNonStop possibly suffered from the usual lack of activity in the HYIP world for the summer, but about eight weeks online four of which the program spent on MNO was a truly spectacular achievement anyway. I believe that the admin simply was not patient enough and couldn’t wait until the HYIP industry picks up again in a few weeks. It’s sad to see such a well-prepared program as CashNonStop closing, but it had a decent run and I’m sure more such long lasting short-term programs will be welcome by MNO readers in the new HYIP season. For now, please be aware of the Problem status for CashNonStop on the MNO monitor and do not invest there!


Today I received an email from a HYIP admin not currently listed on MNO asking me if I wrote to him offering a discount for monitoring. The answer to that question is, of course, no. I immediately responded and said that I never contact HYIP admins myself and I never offer any discounts and that this was an attempt to steal money from the program. In fact I actually plan to increase the prices for the listings on MNO starting this September to concentrate on the truly elite and exclusive programs and not to advertise fast scams. I absolutely prefer quality over the quantity and am not interested in wasting my time on the badly managed or organized programs. I want to deal only with professionals who know exactly what they are doing and have big advertising budgets that show the seriousness of their intentions to stay on Paying status for longer. More information about the price increase will be available in due course closer to September, and I will also include a question on that in one of the polls I’ll be having on the MNO TalkBack page over the next few days.

Anyway, speaking of MNO impersonators I hope all the admins realize the simple fact that I NEVER contact admins to offer monitoring as I have more important things to do in my life than begging for listings. If the admin wants to be listed on the MNO monitor and be featured on the MNO blog he MUST contact me first and pay ONLY to the payment processor accounts specified on my advertising page. I am not responsible for your “deals” with some shady impersonators who are probably still contacting HYIP admins by the dozen begging for money. I’m totally above this approach and you know that the programs whose original intention is to somehow pay selectively or pulling some stunt with investment plans avoid coming to MNO simply they know their dishonesty will be exposed before they can profit themselves. Besides, if you wish to receive the best service from a talented (and modest!) writer who can explain your program in detail and in perfect English you should already be aware that the MNO monitor will be invaluable for your program. The MNO blog is read by thousands daily, and in the new season I expect even better results. So you will invest in the future as well, provided you intend to run your program for as long as possible. I hate writing reviews for fly-by-night scams and truly dislike such admins, so for me it’s much better to get rid of them by pricing them out of my monitor and clearing the space for the talented, capable, and experienced ones. By catering to elite clients only MNO is trying to deliver the best if you stay with the best. More on that to come soon – for now just beware of MNO impersonators trying to sell you non-existent advertising deals.


The final item I want to talk about for today, not exactly a news story as such, is the result of the most recent opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page. I must say I now have some mixed feelings about the subject matter of the polls, and am wondering whether the questions were really as valid as I first thought they might have been. You may remember in an earlier news article on my blog, it was announced that Payza, the payment processor that withdrew from the HYIP market not long after acquiring the former investors favorite AlertPay, was re-entering the arena. At least that’s what they themselves have strongly suggested in their own press release, saying that Payza are now accepting “income earning programs”. Now if that doesn’t mean online HYIPs I don’t know what does, and initially I thought this would be a very exciting development. The thing about this was that the American HYIP market is sorely under served at the moment, and has been for a while now. Following the closure of LibertyReserve over a year ago, two of the other really big payment processors – PerfectMoney and EgoPay – withdrew their services from US based clients completely. With SolidTrustPay displaying a growing disinterest in allowing any new HYIPs (whether this is a permanent shift in their policy or just temporary I really couldn’t say) there is clearly a gap in the market that Payza would be capable of filling.

So I decided to ask readers about their own feelings towards Payza in general and their announcement that they would once again start accepting HYIPs. The problem is that despite a very positive attitude from readers (and Payza account holders) next to no progress has been made on this. I know for sure that some admins have applied to get their accounts verified which will then allow them to start taking investments, however to date I am unaware of any program actually successfully adding Payza as a payment option. So for the time being it looks as if American investors will need to continue with BitCoin if they want to play with HYIPs. But let’s see what the results are anyway.

The first question asked
Do you own a Payza account?
The single biggest answer here and a clear majority of readers, 56% of voters in fact, answered “Yes, and I will use it for HYIPs” demonstrating there is clearly a demand for what Payza could, if they want to, offer HYIP investors.
In second spot with 22% of the vote were the readers who have past experience with Payza, but were less enthusiastic about using them again should they return to the HYIP market. They answered “Yes, but I’m not interested in them anymore.
6% of readers don’t own an account with Payza but had their curiousity sufficiently tweaked by the story to reply “No, but I might open one.
And the remaining 16% of readers expressed the opinion “No, and I’m not interested/not allowed to get one.

On the wider question of the impact you would expect Payza to have on the HYIP market, specifically “Will the use of Payza benefit the entire HYIP industry as a whole?” there was a very clear majority here too feeling positive. 56% of voters said “Yes, I welcome more options.
Of the remaining options the voters opinion was split evenly, with 22% saying “I can’t see this making much difference, good or bad” an opinion I must say looks remarkably like being the truest statement ever made about the HYIP industry unless we see some programs (new or old, it doesn’t matter) allowed to use them. The remaining 22%, possibly with memories of HYIP accounts getting blocked and frozen towards the end of AlertPay/Payza’s last stint in the industry saying “No, they will have a negative impact on good programs.

The first subject of the next poll then, I was wondering what readers plans are for the next month in the industry. It’s the first week of the month now, traditionally one of the quietest months in the industry, that much is obvious and not really worth arguing, but August also sees the last few weeks of the summer and a return to normal levels of activity. The next crop of high quality industry giants will be starting up soon, and may even already be online as we speak, just keeping a deliberate low profile until summer starts turning to autumn and there’s a higher level of confidence out there. There’s no annual day marking this of course, it’s not “an event” or anything, but rather a gradual process that we’ll start to see unfolding later in the month. But what are you yourself going to do while all this is happening? Specifically I want to ask readers”
What are you doing in the HYIP industry for the month of August?

Possible answers will include:
a) Nothing. I’m waiting for September.
b) Mostly watching and assessing new programs, though investing less.
c) I’m doing the same as always, no serious changes and can still make money.

As for the second question, I want to return to something I mentioned in the news update above – high advertising and monitoring fees charged on MNO to make sure there are a lot less programs monitored, but the ones that are listed are a lot more likely to be good. “Less is more” as they say, and personally I have to say I firmly believe this policy is paying dividends. Looking at some of the other HYIP resources in recent weeks, the number of fast scams being promoted/reviewed/advertised and monitors was nothing short of shocking. I’m tempted to say it was comical rather, but then I remember there’s nothing funny for the victims. But I’m also pleased to say none of these cheap scams came to MNO, because it’s obvious the admins won’t pay the fees when they won’t be online long enough to get anything back.

Well, that’s my own opinion and as the one who actually does all the work on MNO I’m inclined to stick with it. But from a practical point of view, how do you as a reader and user of the MNO monitor feel about this? Do you really think it has benefited either you, other investors in general, or my website overall? Perhaps you would prefer to see more programs added to MNO with less stringent listing rules and for you to decide whether they are high quality or not?

My question for you therefore is this:
Are you satisfied with the efforts made by MNO to avoid listing fast/cheap scams?
Possible answers are:
a) Yes. Higher quality programs listed here have helped. Let the scams go somewhere else.
b) No. I prefer to see more programs listed and I will decide what’s good or not.

Thanks in advance to everyone who votes, and remember it only takes a couple of seconds second and is completely anonymous. The polls will stay open as usual for at least a week, maybe ten days or so, which I think is more than enough time for everyone who wants to vote to do so. I always look forward to hearing your opinions guys, and if you do vote remember you are free to discuss it if you like in the MNO ShoutBox afterwards.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky listSafeProfitsLtd.
From MNO Premium list: RemiTrade, OneAdClickGenialStockExchange,
AssuredAssetsUnoBanc,GepardAllianceAuGoldPartners, LaxoTrade,CryptoFarmSparbs.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareZeusInvestTrustForexTrade, SuccessRoadToWealthOgdenOrganization.

That’s it for today, guys. I just want to finish with a quick note that at the time of writing the AuGoldPartners website is inaccessible, but the admin promised that the issue with their hosting provider would be fixed shortly. And as soon as it happens he promised to distribute today’s profits into members’ accounts. For now AuGoldPartners stays on Waiting status on the MNO monitor until it’s back online, so watch my monitor carefully as it’s the only one in the industry you can actually trust when it comes to a quick status change. The next update on my blog though will only be when I have something really important to report on, perhaps even when I have a new entry on my monitor. For now enjoy your summer just like I am and see you all soon!

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