Aug 20th, 2014 Archives

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Hello everybody! I hope you’re enjoying the last days of summer and anticipating the the new big programs opening in September as much as I am. Another couple of weeks I would hope and we should really see things in full swing. For my part I’m trying my best to ensure MNO readers will be dealing with only exclusive and elite programs as the monitoring prices will be significantly increased starting on the first of September to ensure the overall quality of the program listed here will remain high and that only experienced admins who know what they’re doing will advertise here. Weak projects run by inexperienced admins or those deliberately trying to scam people fast will be priced out of the MNO monitor once and for all. The quality of the programs on MNO will be superb and the quantity greatly reduced. This has already happening over the last couple of months which is pretty satisfying for me to see. I always envisioned MNO as being a place for elite programs only and thus making the choice for my readers easier if they want the best from the HYIP industry. And I don’t have to waste my time dealing with the amateurs or the downright thieves who never allow anyone to profit. MNO has been celebrating seven long years online in the industry which has seen it grow into the most popular English language blog-monitor. My intention is to keep it that way, and further improve my services for my readers and HYIP admins prepared to play fair and run projects for the longest possible time. So stay with MNO in the autumn as well to see more improvements with more high quality programs!

Sorry about not posting since last Saturday by the way, but the simple fact of the matter is that there wasn’t a great deal to talk about. All the programs listed on MNO are still paying fine and there were no big new programs worthy of your attention anyway. So I decided to wait until today when I have enough news stories to tell you about. So let’s see what’s been happening then.


I’m glad to see that the current #1 program on the MNO Premium List BTCLegacy (click here to read the article on the latest Top Five Popular programs on MNO) is still doing OK and not even the recent hosting and DDoS issues dampened the admin’s enthusiasm for running this undoubtedly wonderful program. When any other program would fail to deliver and scam after the first sign of trouble, BTCLegacy seems only to have gotten stronger. Investors’ confidence in the admin’s abilities to ensure everything was under control and that the payouts were processed fast seems pretty strong. At the time of writing the site of BTCLegacy was still up and down for me, but that doesn’t bother many investors due to the fact that payouts are carried out regardless and still within a 48 hour maximum. If you haven’t read the full review of BTCLegacy posted here, you should know that the program accepts investments via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, and Payeer for a minimum $25 deposit and offers an no-expiry plan of 5% to 7% interest per day. You can request your principal back (partially or in full) at any time and get paid within a reasonable time frame. While the plan is a good thing for the investors, it became a source of concern for everyone who saw the website down on Monday with a suspended page showing instead of the regular site content. That happened when the admin was offline, so he couldn’t resolve the issue fast enough which in turn led to rumours and speculatio. After the admin came back online he immediately updated everyone on the MNO ShoutBox and later in an official newsletter you can read below:

BTCLegacy Site Back Online
We deeply apologize if you came to our website and saw a message that said “This account has been suspended”. A piece of software on our servers called “CPanel” had some updates to it and caused an error. You may access our website once again without issue.
Thank You, BTCLegacy

The stability was short lived however, as yesterday a major DDoS-attack was launched on the BTCLegacy website possibly by the program’s competitors. Indeed, over the first couple of weeks the program became a major hit and got so popular among my readers that it soared it straight to the #1 position on my Premium Listing in mere days of launching. I’m sure that many investors who put their trust into BTCLegacy and its admin weren’t disappointed as after the downtime the site came back today and all outstanding payouts were completed, including the principals requested by some panicked investors. That makes them one of the very few programs in recent memory and definitely the first one who offers the original investment back at any time to survive such an attack. That alone gives much hope for the admin’s ability and his overwhelming desire to continue BTCLegacy as long as possible. At the same time it clearly indicates that either the attack on the site was too high for BlockDos to handle, or that the hosting provider famous for its successful dealing with many DDoS attacks in the past (which earned it their reputation as the best solution for large HYIPs) wasn’t able to cope to mitigate the attack due to its size. Both options are very troubling and are show how many jealous and dangerous admins are always trying to take a good program down. I’m glad that the admin of BTCLegacy is still standing and is ready to face any challenges. However if it does turn out that BlockDos are unable to cope with the size of the attack he simply has no alternative to moving elsewhere for the sake of his investors and the program’s future. Regardless of my own experience with BlockDos that has always been very positive the admin should think about the program first and should take all precautionary measures. The last two newsletters from BTCLegacy were issued today straight after the site had come back online after the extensive attacks and after the pending withdrawals had been processed. You can read these below, however at the time of writing (I last checked the BTCLegacy website just a minute ago) it appears as if the admin is indeed in the process of transferring to a different server:

BTCLegacy Site DDOS Attack
We have been mitigating a large scale DDOS attack today. The site is back online. If you cannot access it, please reply to this email with your IP address.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank You, BTCLegacy

BTCLegacy Fund E-Wallet and Request Cashout
The large scale DDOS attack has been mitigated and BlockDOS promises it will not happen again the future as they have increased the capacity on our server for mitigation.
The “Fund E-Wallet” page and the “Request Cashout” Page that have been timing out should also be operational once again.
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank You, BTCLegacy


A program often overlooked by MNO readers SafeProfitsLtd (reviewed here) is the only entry on the Sticky listing on my monitor and still pays instantly to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer. Deposits and withdrawals to PexPay have been discontinued recently though reflecting on the payment processor’s issues with withdrawals. I remind you that PexPay has been already removed from the payment processors accepted by MNO for monitoring due to in no longer being possible to exchange it to any other currencies. There were further reasons outlined by the admin of SafeProfitsLtd in the latest newsletter below:

Sorry, No More Pexpay
We are really apologize for this, but we have removed pexpay from our accepted payment processors list for many reasons:
1. They are not affliated with any broker that we are trading with.
2. Their limits on wire withdrawal or exchange is too low for the deposits we receive
so we can’t transfer the funds easily to our bank account or another payment processor to deposit it into our trading account
3. They haven’t at least one trusted exchanger that we can deal with (so bad for payment processor) and for other reasons also we are now offering withdrawals using (Perfectmoney, Egopay and Payeer) for members who has deposited using pexpay and, as some of them are US members, and can’t use this processors we can provide wire transfer but once for account it means when your plan ended and have not active deposits, we can transfer all the balance inside your account to your bank account you will provide for us.

Apart for the latest issues that forced SafeProfitsLtd to remove SolidTrustPay and then PexPay, the payments to all other payment processors are processed instantly from all the investment plans they offer – 11.2% for 10 business days, 4% for 35 business days, 3% for 75 business days, 1.4% per business day forever (principal back any time after 3 days). Although having a relatively long and dependable record of instant payouts and running since May this year SafeProfitsLtd remains very much under the radar, but I still believe the program has a good chance to take off once the new investment season begins in September provided the admin keeps up the good work he’s doing now.


The recently reviewed GlobalBuildingGroup was nothing but perfect for me so far with quickly processed payouts from the 5% for 25 days plan I made my original deposit in. Yesterday though their website experienced some loading issues with a message displaying the following:

Technical work
Conducting technical work. Within 1 hour are possible failures and mistakes.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

To my great pleasure I’m able to report that this event didn’t do any obvious harm to GlobalBuildingGroup and was just a small bump on an otherwise smooth road. I remind you that GlobalBuildingGroup has been paying successfully since March of this year and the recent addition to the Premium listing on MNO and subsequent review of the program (published here) just proved that the admin had intended to bring his program to the widest audience online. If you’re interested in joining I’ll just remind you that GlobalBuildingGroup accepts investments starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and Qiwi and offers the following investment plans – 5% for 25 days, 1.2% for 21 days (principal back), 1.5% for 35 days (principal back), 1.7% for 45 days (principal back), 1% daily forever (principal back anytime).


Although not asking for anything, I was seemingly rewarded with a Gold status in GepardAlliance of which I was notified by the newsletter received yesterday:

Hello. We have given you gold status representative
Representative of a class
To become the representative of JSC GepardAlliance, you need to have the active deposit not less than 1000$
The partner program for representatives provides:
• The guaranteed payments of 8% of the deposit sum according to the FIRST investment plan.
• The guaranteed payments of 10% of the deposit sum according to the SECOND and THIRD investment plan.
Do you have a corresponding icon in My Account section
“Affiliate Program”.
Personal approach to every client is our choice! «GepardAlliance LTD»

I must admit that despite its long run since May of this year and stable payouts GepardAlliance failed to become that popular among MNO readers, and perhaps the way the admin is awarding Gold status to some monitors is his way to try and improve results. Perhaps also the low returns GepardAlliance is paying on it 0.56% for 62 days and 0.75% for 93 days (both with principal back on expiry) plus relatively high investment deposits does a bit more to scare off potential investors. Although the 0.35% daily forever investment plan with the option to request the initial investment just after a 22 day lock-in period will see more investors as the minimum required to invest there is only $10. This is accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Qiwi and via some Russian banks directly. For more information on GepardAlliance please refer to the detailed review posted here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky listSafeProfitsLtd.
From MNO Premium list: BTCLegacy,RemiTrade, AssuredAssets, GepardAllianceLaxoTradeCryptoFarm, GlobalBuildingGroup.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareTrustForexTrade, ZeusInvestSuccessRoadToWealthOgdenOrganization,VioletStockBaikalsTours, TradingAllianceLimited (the first payments received).

That’s all for today, guys. See you again later in the week and hopefully with some good news from the HYIP industry. Thanks for reading and bye for now!

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