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09/04/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello, guys, and welcome back to the MNO blog covering exclusively elite programs from the most experienced HYIP admins. Today I want to talk about a new program that was added to the MNO Premium listing yesterday – StartupExchange, but I will also have to warn you against investing in Silveks and HashCoin that are most definitely scams. We’ll also see the latest daily results from people’s favorites Lionery and PokerAutomatics. So let’s get started.


StartupExchange is actually one of the better looking programs I came across in the HYIP industry recently, so I don’t mind telling you that I’m pleased the admin chose MNO as one of the biggest advertising platforms for his program of which he even proudly mentioned in the news section of his website:

StartupExchange posted on MNO
Popular blog MNO posted information about our service in the Premium listing

Anyway, what’s so special about StartupExchange you might ask? First off, it’s all about the original investment plan where investors get rewarded for their loyalty towards the program. You see, you can increase your daily earnings in the program by 0.5% every day you remain a member and don’t withdraw your principal. The initial accrual starts at 4% on the first day, rising to a maximum of 9% by day eleven after which the deposit expires. This is then payable on request or can be re-deposited if you wish. The initial investment, which starts at $10 and can be made only via PerfectMoney and Payeer at the moment (the admin indicated his intention to add BitCoin and OkPay at a later date). Your deposit is frozen and not available for withdrawal during the first 24 hours. After that if you wish to release it you can simply click the “My deposits” button, choose the deposit you want to close, and release it into the available balance. I’ll be able to talk about the whole process in more detail in tomorrow’s review, but for today I just want to give you the basics. So if you want to commit your investment for longer than one day you get rewarded by 0.5% extra profit every day which is paid automatically to your PerfectMoney or Payeer accounts (there is no need to request your daily payouts at all!) So, on day one you get paid 4% interest, then 4.5% on day two, 5% on day three, and so on, until you reach 9% on day eleven. The possible profit you will therefore be able to reach with StartupExchange if you wish to stay with the program for the full cycle will be 71.5% which is not bad at all for an 11-day term. As the program has been online for over two weeks it was able to complete two full investment cycles making profits for hundreds of investors, winning legions of fans among experienced investors with its flexibility. StartupExchange is using a totally custom-made script (we can clearly see a Russian influence as the Russian version is far superior to English one, possibly auto-translated at best). Just one example of that with more to be shown in the upcoming review on my blog is the option to apply for a loan for start-ups – a nicely crafted background story allegedly explaining the program’s income and ability to pay investors. Needless to say that for such type of instantly paying program like StartupExchange it’s of vital importance to keep members updated on any possible downtime of PerfectMoney and Payeer to prevent panic and withdrawing their principals all at the same time. I must admit they’ve been doing a great job so far with lots of updates in the news section regarding the downtime of either ccepted payment system with the last one happened yesterday with Payeer. My first overall impression from StartupExchange has been extremely positive so far and I’m glad that a program of such class came to be advertised on MNO. Apart from the original script StartupExchange can boast perhaps the best hosting service currently on the market DDoSGuard who have them on a dedicated server. A Green Bar SSL certificate provided by Comodo which should make transactions with StartupExchange safer. The testing period of the first few weeks online clearly indicates that the program is ready for its biggest so far advertising effort with MNO and I’m sure many investors appreciate that and will now treat the program more seriously even despite the general lack of payment options. More on StartupExchange will be in tomorrow’s review which should not be missed, so stay tuned for that, guys!


As Lionery has been on MNO since the first day online I’m pleased to report that the first investors are already getting into the profit zone. They will now start earning real money from the program’s investment plan paying a variable 1% to 5% daily rate for an unfixed duration until payments reach 150% of your investment. It’s no wonder that in less than a month online Lionery managed to get to the top spot of the Premium listing on MNO and now that the first profits have been reached I’m sure many more investors will be making positive reports soon. Over three thousand members is the number reported by the admin of Lionery in the latest newsletter issued just a few hours ago, and now that Neteller is officially added to the list of accepted payment processors, joining Payza, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer, the program has become much more accessible. Investment minimums start from only $10 by the way. Lionery was first reviewed on MNO here if you would like some further info. I’m very pleased that despite the unusual slowdown in the HYIP industry recently we’re still able to enjoy a profitable investment experience with such programs, and as long as they exist there is definitely a future for the industry and hope for the investors. I just wish there were more of them. The latest newsletter from the admin highlighting such subjects as the first investors in profit amongst other subjects is included below:

One month online!
Hello everyone,
I’m pleased to inform you all that we have been online for a full one month. Although a month is a short period of time, we have already established ourselves as a leading online investment provider.
Within the first month, we have grown in total members to 3 thousand plus, of which more than a half are active members that have made a deposit, our project has received total of 300k funds, our total deposited funds keeps growing every day and we have shared funds totalling $100k to our customers. That’s from the statistic side, but what’s more important than that is that we have founded a strong link with our customers, which will be the main key to our future success. It’s also important to mention that investors who join our project from the very first day are starting to receive pure profit from their investments, which means that they have received back their deposit, or in other words 100% from their investment. From this point on, they will now be enjoying pure profit, which will lead up to 150% total return, from which 50% will be pure profit.
Within our first month, we have listed our project on the most reliable market blogs and other media sources. With that, we have reached out to major part of investors and our project is well known after just one month online; however, we believe that online investment market is not the limit, it’s just the opposite. This is simply the beginning of a strong foundation, from which we will build up on to worldwide attention. We are receiving new Regional Representatives on a daily basis, whom will help our project to be advertised and supported in different places around the world. Our ebook has been translated into the Russian language for those who prefer to read in Russian and the main highlight of this first month would definitely be the fact that now we are working with customers that prefer Neteller as their primary payment option.
With all that said, this is just the begging; we are very excited about the fact that the first members will start to enjoy their first pure profit from their investments. We do plan to hold different bonus campaigns in the near future, where you will be able to earn some extra money, much the same as a few of you did from the video campaign that we held this past month. All you have to do is to stay with Lionery and we will keep you fully updated and supported to our best abilities.
In closing, I would like say thanks to our members for their support in our chat board, public forums, social media outlets and different online sources. We appreciate your support, as your positive feedback gives extra motivation to push ourselves even harder and further, to generate new ideas and to make ourselves better than we were yesterday.
That’s it for today; enjoy your sunny spring days, happy earning with Lionery!
Charles Castillo. Main Redactor


The latest results from PokerAutomatics were better than the average 1% for the last two days of their poker bot activities. That means investors should receive more profits on their 40% to 80% share of the company’s profits redistributed and subject to the program’s performance over the period of 30 to 180 calendar days. On expiry on your term the initial investment is returned to your balance and made available for redeposit or withdrawal. Here’s the two latest profit daily results taken from the PokerAutomatics website:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
08.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.14%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
09.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.06%

What I like most about PokerAutomatics is the fact the administration is tirelessly working on making an already almost perfect website even better. Those efforts include the educational campaign made for those who might find it hard to understand the whole investment process and which led to yet another improvement announced yesterday, so you can check the page in question and it might help you on your way to start investing with PokerAutomatics:

At the request of our clients we’ve updated our “How does it work” page!
3 simple steps to make a profit!

Of course, another way to get yourself educated and prepared for investing would be reading the MNO review of the program where I highlighted the most important features of PokerAutomatics along with some simple easy to understand examples. So make sure to check out the full review here.

PokerAutomatics has been featured on MNO for 37 days while the total lifetime of the project exceeded even the boldest expectations with the first mention of it online going back to August 2014. The secret is not only moderate returns, but a semi-believable story about earning money with the help of poker bots – a story the admin holds in such regard that he even managed to persuade SolidTrustPay of its authenticity. Just a few weeks back PokerAutomatics became one of the very few programs in the HYIP industry that were granted permission to work with SolidTrustPay in automated mode. Apart from SolidTrustPay, you can also invest in PokerAutomatics starting from a $30 minimum via several other payment methods like PerfectMoney, BitCoin, OkPay, Payeer, AdvCash, WebMoney, NixMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi, and directly from some Russian banks. All in all, I’m very satisfied with PokerAutomatics‘ performance so far and sincerely hope it can break the perception of such programs not being able to last for years. Not to put too much faith in this particular one, but I do think if anyone can do it at the moment then it’s probably them.


Today two more programs have been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor and they are most definite scams not worth joining any longer – Silveks and HashCoin. The reasons why I moved them to Problem status are different as I shall explain below.

Let’s start with Silveks I think. This program has been nothing but a headache for me during all the time it was listed on MNO. I had to move it to Problem and back to Paying status on my monitor numerous times and every time I had to go to great lengths to try to resolve issues with my personal account and my referrals’. Every time when I almost gave up on Silveks they always managed to wait until the last possible minute to fix anything, but the communication issues still persisted anyway. Yesterday one of my referrals submitted a complaint regarding his original deposits not getting returned to PerfectMoney. As I always stand up for my downline I expected that this time the admin of Silveks would be able to take care of this and pay what was promised. But I was mistaken it seems, as despite my attempts to contact the admin he has no interest in either fixing the problem or replying to my email. This left me with no choice but to move Silveks to Problem status on the MNO monitor today with issue a warning to stay away from it until the situation improves. The status of Silveks will be changed to Scam later on if the admin refuses to pay what’s owed, as from my previous history of communication with him I can’t exclude the possibility that he would still be able to pay my referral by tomorrow. Depending on whether this happens or not the status of Silveks will be returned to Paying of further downgraded to Scam.

The situation with HashCoin is totally different, and though the program has been on Problem status on the MNO monitor already, that was just due to some glitches in the script and the inability of the admin to fix them. Well, I tried to understand his position, claiming not be able to contact the support of Shadow script to resolve the problem. Now it just proves to me that the admin is totally inexperienced and is not capable of running his program at all, so I had to keep HashCoin on Problem status on MNO earlier. The thing is the 120 calendar day term is over and that means that the first investors should have gotten their initial investments back or be able to have them reinvested for a second term if they wish. That doesn’t happen though as my own deposit simply disappeared into thin air and is now listed as inactive in my account without any possibility to withdraw it as promised or make another investment. The admin apparently has no idea (or desire!) to fix that and I can only imagine how many more investors of HashCoin have faced or will face such a huge disappointment in the future, when they suddenly realize that the 50%-60% of their deposit they expected to be their profits over the 120-day investment period would suddenly become their returns. That goes from bad to worse as the result will be losing 40% to 50% of your deposit and the wasting of so much of your precious time over the last four months. Four months of daily withdrawals and efforts to make profit on a program obviously run by the most hapless, dimwitted, HYIP admin I have ever encountered in my experience. Totally incapable of resolving any simple issues with the script HashCoin runs off, he simply trapped himself and is now running his own program on auto-pilot still paying daily returns but refusing to return initial investments on expiry. Thus, HashCoin can actually last longer that you think, but even if you receive your daily payments from that nonsensical program please abandon even the remotest hope that you’re going to profit from it. Because that is not going to happen until the admin changes his attitude and behaves like a professional. So beware of that and do not invest in HashCoin any longer if you don’t want to feel disappointed in the admin as I do right now!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listLioneryRollNRichUnitedMicroCreditAtrexTradePokerAutomatics, StartupExchange (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization.

That’s about it for today, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading, and if so – then I hope you’ll bookmark the MNO blog and perhaps even subscribe to the daily news from my blog delivered straight to your email address every day (you can submit a simple form on top right side of the blog). Please be more active and ask anything and submit your payment reports on the MNO ShoutBox and vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page on the subject of voting and supporting your favorite programs on various monitors. Check out my blog tomorrow for the full review of StartupExchange and the latest news from the HYIP industry!

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