Apr 10th, 2015 Archives

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Beware! StartupExchange has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope your all looking forward to the weekend. I don’t know about the rest of you but springtime is definitely in full bloom for me as the roses and magnolia trees in my garden will testify. So I won’t be spending much time indoors by my computer for the next couple of days, but don’t worry, my monitor will still be updated every 12 to 24 hours. I still have a lot to catch up on today however, hopefully there’s going to be of some interest to you, but first of all today I want to start with a new addition to the MNO Premium List that I’m really pleased to be monitoring. It’s called StartupExchange, it’s very original and unique though if I absolutely have to put it in a category I suppose you’d call it a short term program, and I really hope that it proves to be a popular choice. There’s definitely a shortage of high quality short term options around at the moment despite their being a demand for them, so hopefully StartupExchange find themselves in the right place at the right time to really take the HYIP industry by storm this spring. The program has been online for a couple of weeks now, quietly moving along until the testing period is now over and ready for some bigger and better things. So let’s see what StartupExchange is all about and whether you think you might be able to make some room for it or not in your portfolios.
There’s only one investment plan with StartupExchange, which on one hand is fairly unique in the HYIP industry and on the other hand still fairly simple to understand. What the admin has created here is a sort of “carrot and a stick” approach, allowing investors a high degree of flexibility. You can decide how long you want to stay a member for, but if you stay a bit longer the admin will make it worth your while with ever increasing payments.

Here’s how it works. You can join for a very affordable $10 minimum, or anything you can afford up to a $10,000 upper limit. But it’s in the investment term that StartupExchange really becomes unique. Officially it runs for 11 calendar days, but the thing is, investors aren’t necessarily tied to it. You can leave anytime you want, but the longer you stay, the better the interest rate you get paid. Every day from the first day to the final day of the eleven day term the rate increases by an extra 0.5%, so for you it’s simply a matter of deciding when you want to get out. If you decide not to leave early then your deposit expires automatically after the full eleven days are completed anyway, and gets returned then.

So what about the numbers? Well, first of all everyone who joins StartupExchange receives the same rate every day regardless of how big or small their deposit it. On the first day of your membership this will be 4%. The only thing you need to remember is that you have to stay a member of StartupExchange for a minimum of 24 hours (that’s the lock-in period), and the rest is up to you. If you’re happy with 4% as a total net profit then fine, request your principal back then. If not, well, the admin will entice you to stay a bit longer. The following day should you choose to stay with the program your payment goes up to 4.5%. Get out now and you have 8.5% total profit. Still not enough? Then the next payment made on day three rises to 5%. Leaving at this point would allow you a net profit of 13.5% from the previous three days interest payments.

Once you understand the basic concept behind StartupExchange then it’s easy enough to work out the potential earnings. The rate goes up in increments of 0.5% every day, going from 4% up to a maximum of 9% if you stay for the full length term. To help you on your way and decide what you want to take from the program you’ll find a handy calculator to help you work out what you could earn. I can tell you however that the maximum possible return from staying the full eleven days could be as much as 71.5% net profit (4% + 4.5% + 5% + 5.5%, et cetera et cetera).

Payment options for this program are something I do admit I have mixed feelings over, but to be fair where they lack in one area StartupExchange make up for it in others. Currently you can only join using PerfectMoney or Payeer, though the admin has expressed his interest in expanding this to include BitCoin and OkPay. On the plus side however, StartupExchange is almost completely automated. In other words, there’s no need to request your payments, everything is already done for you. You will get an e-mail confirmation every day with the details of your interest payment, and that should be around the same time of the day that you joined in the first place, i.e. every 24 hours. Please note however that this only works for interest payments. If for example you have a downline then any referral commission payments will need to be requested by logging in and asking. This payment will be instant, taking from one to five minutes to complete, and the batch number will appear in your account once done. Alternatively you can always re-deposit either the full or a smaller amount if you’re feeling lucky and want to try another round.

So while interest payments are automatic and don’t need any request from you, I still think it’s worth a few lines to explain the withdrawal process. After all, you’ll definitely need to know about it anyway when it comes to withdrawing your principal. I’ll get to that in a moment when I tell you about the script, so please keep reading.

On the technical side of things then such as design and security, StartupExchange is up to quite a good standard. DDoSGuard has arguably taken over now as the best hosting provider serving the HYIP industry now, undisputedly it’s definitely one of the best anyway, and that’s where the StartupExchange website is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from DDoS attacks. For an added layer of protection you will find the superior Green Bar version of the SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Perhaps the real gem with StartupExchange however might be the script. It’s a completely original and unique product, designed exclusively for the program. The thing is that it’s totally bilingual, available in Russian and English, but the Russian version is clearly the original and stronger of the two.

Some of the translations get a bit muddled then, so just in case neither English or Russian is your own first language I’ll just give a few words on the process of signing up and getting paid. With interest withdrawals requiring no effort on your part, the real issue here is going to be when it comes to asking StartupExchange for your principal back. This is payable to you on request, or, can be re-deposited if you wish. When you eventually do wish to release it you should first log in to your account area and click the “My deposits” button. Choose the deposit you want to close, which you will see listed under “active deposits” near the middle of the page. This is where things get a bit, shall we say, lost in translation. There’s a little clock next to your deposit, counting down from 24 hours (the minimum lock-in). The phrase used to describe this is “defrosting through”, which is clearly a misinterpretation of some kind, but all it means is the lock-in period. Once the first 24 hours has expired, the clock is replaced with a button marked “end up”. Again it could have been worded better, but basically all it means is to withdraw. Just click on it once, and StartupExchange will have the full amount returned to your chosen payment processor account in under five minutes. You will also need to be very careful to remember to enter your correct payment processor account number when signing up with StartupExchange for the first time.

Should you have any further questions or comments for the admin that you think might not have been explained here or any account related issues you need to get in touch about, then there’s a couple of different points of contact for you. There are several e-mail addresses you can write to directly, each one being dedicated to a different topic you might want to discuss. For Live Chat support (and I suppose phone support as well seen as you can speak one-on-one) StartupExchange have a Skype account, so it’s probably best if you see if someone is online there first before composing any lengthy e-mails.

For social media networks this is unfortunately bit of a missed opportunity. I mean it’s quite refreshing to see a program not just open profiles on all the main sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and VK, but to actually use them and actively communicate through them as well. So what’s the problem with that you might ask, isn’t it great to have a communicative admin out there promoting his business and listening to his investors for a change? Well, yes, of course it is. It’s just that almost all the activity on those sites is entirely in the Russian language which sort of dulls anyone else’s interest in using them. Especially because StartupExchange are already using VK which is intended for a Russian speaking audience. Still, at least the profiles are there, after that it’s up to you guys whether you try to connect with them or not. I just find it odd that if there’s an existing Russian language network that they don’t make more of an effort for English speakers on the other sites.

To the admins credit however it has to be said that communication with members has been treated as a priority, and rightly so. When a program depends on instant payments like StartupExchange does, it’s of critical importance to keep members updated on any possible issues, downtime, potential problems with payment systems (as he handled so deftly already when Payeer was offline recently) to prevent panic among members. There’s an exceptional news section there with absolutely you could possibly need to know being put on display for you to read and refer back to whenever you like.

As for any alleged business activities supposed to be backing all this up and supporting the payments to members, StartupExchange have a somewhat less commonly used background story. The claim here is that people/entrepreneurs looking to get new small businesses off the ground can apply to them for startup capital in the form of a loan. They even go so far as to add an application section where you can apply for this service yourself. Just don’t hold your breath on ever actually being given anything, and naturally should the question ever arise then under no circumstance should anyone submit passport scans, utility bills, bank account details, etc, if asked. The only result will be identity theft. Needless to say none of this is any more substantiated than any other claim made by any other HYIP website, be it ForEx trading, gambling, investment brokers, or whatever. So I would suggest not taking it too seriously, something experienced players already know and don’t need to be reminded.

As short term HYIPs go however, this one is pretty good. I’d like to say it measures up well against the competition, but the truth is there’s very little of that out there for them. A shortage of good programs means that when one finally does come along success can’t be far behind. The admin of StartupExchange has slowly and gradually been building up and up to this point and looks ready to start some serious promotional efforts now. How or if that benefits you is another matter, you still need to be cautious with everything you find in the HYIP industry no matter what. I guess once again that the more experienced players will know how to play programs like this to get as much out of it as they believe is realistic and possible within reason. You shouldn’t forget the most important rules of keeping your money safe when the hands of other people online who you will not be able to find once they are gone – try to stay well under a sensible and affordable spending limit that you can comfortable afford to lose and maybe even absorb from other investments, and if you do join StartupExchange then keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As StartupExchange is a pretty fragile and vulnerable investment program, when it comes to providing investors with much needed sense of security during some hiccups that can occasionally occur in PerfectMoney and Payeer systems the admin is doing absolutely the right thing by calming everyone down when these payment systems experience problems of their own. In the above review of StartupExchange you’ll have seen that withdrawals are mostly instant (when it comes to withdrawing initial investment and referral commissions) while automated payments are done directly to payment processor accounts for daily interest payments. Just to give you a simple example of how the admin does things like warning investors about ongoing situations with payouts – yesterday, just within just 11 (!) minutes of each other there were two messages posted on the news section of StartupExchange‘s website informing investors of issues with PerfectMoney withdrawals and their successful resolution. Here are both messages:

Temporary technical problems with PerfectMoney
There are problems with transactions through the payment system PerfectMoney. In the near future the problem will be solved

Problems with transactions eliminated
Service is operating normally, all the problems with transactions promptly corrected

Well, what can I add to that? Only that the admin of StartupExchange is definitely not a newbie and knows how to run this type of program. I would hope therefore that investors should fully expect some good results from his program in the future and I hope my review will really help spread the word and make it last longer.


If you’ve been a member of PokerAutomatics for some time, you might know that the program has substantially grown its membership since it first introduced SolidTrustPay as an additional payment processor a few weeks ago and also added MNO as a monitor. My first investment plan is going to expire next week and I’ll report on my blog as soon as it happens, however many investors in PokerAutomatics have already made a nice profits with the program which has been running successfully since August last year. That definitely makes it one of the longest running programs anywhere at the moment, and judging by its moderate returns and gradual development I can only see a bright future ahead. With PokerAutomatics investors can choose what investment term they join for as it varies from 30 to 180 calendar days. During this time you can get from a 40% to 80% share of the company’s profits allegedly from the extensive network of pokerbots which are always expanding. The daily profit usually floats around the 1% mark, so the average investor can expect approximately 0.4% to 0.8% profit on his investment with the initial principal then returned on expiry. Apart from SolidTrustPay, you can join PokerAutomatics with a $30 minimum via several other payment options including PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, OkPay, WebMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi, AdvCash, NixMoney, and some Russian-based banks. From the latest news from PokerAutomatics I can give you the daily profit results for today and some stats shared by the admin on the future expansion of the pokerbots network (for more information on PokerAutomatics you can always refer to my extensive review posted here):

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 829.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 900-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
10.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.91%


The site of popular payment processor SolidTrustPay simply disappeared yesterday making many investors sweat and play some guessing games trying to figure out what was actually happening. It wasn’t just a case of the website simply not loading, it was shown as being removed from the Internet completely, with one guy even speculating on my ShoutBox that STP had been seized by authorities as happened to LibertyReserve. Fortunately the mystery behind STP’s disappearance was rather more trivial, and though it was not officially acknowledged by its administration they seem to have simply forgotten to extend their domain registration which expired on April, 8. I myself noticed it only after I had discovered the STP site went offline and checked their whois to find out the domain registration expired, to my huge astonishment by the way. Anyway, it appears the problem has been immediately fixed by the administration once they noticed it, and their main domain with the .com extension has been extended for three more years. That should put an end to all the speculation surrounding this event, as SolidTrustPay has been working well again for me for the last 24 hours. However if for some reason you still can’t access the main website you can try to do so via the mirror site with the .net extension which was suggested by the STP administration in the article posted on their official blog yesterday:

Site Maintenance – Temporary Website Interruptions
Please be advised that due to site maintenance, the SolidTrust Pay website will be down in some areas for 1 – 5 hours.
Please log in to solidtrustpay.net where you will then be redirected to solidtrustpay.com.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Lastly for today’s news issue I would like to confirm that although UnitedMicroCredit paid promptly to all my referrals as usual, and thus secured Paying Status on the MNO monitor for the moment, I will still be watching the program closely as supposedly many people are getting paid at the moment. While I’m not really sure why the bigger withdrawal requests are getting paid like clockwork while some smaller ones simply get ignored by the admin. In any case, it’s better to exercise caution and possibly hold off from making any further investment in UnitedMicroCredit until this becomes clear. I believe we will have more info confirming or denying a pending scam due to suspicious selective payouts sometime next week, but please be very cautious at the moment and do not invest there even if you get paid on time. Further information on that will follow on the MNO blog next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listLioneryRollNRichUnitedMicroCreditAtrexTradePokerAutomatics, StartupExchange.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization.

For now I’d just like to say goodbye until after the weekend, as the HYIP industry is still moving along very slowly and unless something extraordinary happens I do not think you’ll need any further info here until next Monday. Meanwhile don’t forget to check out the status of your favorite program before investing on my monitor as it’s always updated at least once every 24 hours, and share your experience on the MNO ShoutBox to say what you think of them. Enjoy the weekend and try to get some fresh air on these sunny spring days to clear your head and relax before the start of the next business week. I’ll be doing so myself, so see you all on Monday everyone!

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